HS2 Syllabus

Health Science II Syllabus Spring 2016
Ms. Tyler Gallagher RN, BSN
Email: tgallagher@lincoln.k12.nc.us
4th Period Planning Room 21
Welcome to Ms. Gallagher’s Health Science 2 class! This course is designed to help students expand
their understanding of financing and trends of health care agencies, fundamentals of wellness, legal and
ethical issues, concepts of teamwork, and effective communication.
Students will learn health care skills, including current CPR and first aid training.
Students are required to pay a fee of $27.00 (approximately) for the CPR certification.
Projects, teamwork, and demonstrations serve as instructional strategies that reinforce the curriculum
content. A mandatory post-assessment test is required which counts 20% of the final course grade.
Classroom Rules:
Be Prompt
Be Prepared
Be Productive
Be Polite
Be Positive
In addition to these, all rules and policies set by East Lincoln High School will be followed.
Classroom Procedures:
Be in your seat and working on the Bell Ringer activity when the bell rings.
Cell phones are to be turned off and put away unless otherwise specified.
All drinks must be capped.
If absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and schedule make up
………….tests or quizzes. You have 5 school days to turn in missed work. If you miss no new content, you
will be expected to take any missed tests/quizzes the day you return.
Late work will have at least 10 points deducted per day. Reviewed work will be a zero.
You will be allowed only one bathroom break a week with papers due for additional trips.
Stay in your seat until I dismiss you. Do not pack up early. Turn in your “exit ticket”
………….before you leave.
Seat moved/privilege taken away
Parent contact
Referral to office
Positive note/call home
3 ring binder, 2 inches thick
8 dividers
Loose leaf paper
#2 pencils with erasers
Pens and highlighters
300 Notecards/index cards
Classwork/Homework counts once
Quizzes count twice
Tests count six times
Mandatory Final Exam is 20% of final grade
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am looking forward to having your teen in my class this year. I will be teaching Health Team
Relations and Health Science I this semester. These classes are designed to teach and encourage
students interested in a career in health care. These classes place a strong focus on vocabulary and will
require studying and homework. You should see your student using flash cards and reviewing class
notes. If you work in the health care field and would like to share with the class, please contact me.
I graduated from UNCC with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. I worked several years in various
settings in healthcare, including a post-surgical hospital floor, cardiac doctors’ office and the cardiac
catheterization lab. I have a passion for teaching, preparing and encouraging children that I am excited
to share with your son or daughter.
I have sent home a copy of my class rules, grading scale, class supplies, contact information
sheet and a video permission slip. Please read and sign those as soon as possible. Please feel free to
contact me as needed by phone or e-mail.
Phone: (704) 736-1860
E-mail: tgallagher@lincoln.k12.nc.us
Tyler Gallagher, RN, BSN
Health Occupations Teacher ELHS
Video/TV Permission Form
Several videos are included in the Health Occupations curriculum. Videos/video clips will be chosen
from the following list as time permits. This list contains the possible videos used for ANY of my classes:
Gifted Hands – The Ben Carson Story
Disability and Culture Awareness
Anatomy and Physiology Series
The Miracle of Life
Cancer and Infectious Disease Series (PBS)
Discovery School’s Forensics Detectives
Lorenzo’s Oil
The New Medicine (PBS)
The Ultimate gift
CSI and House TV series
Patch Adams
The Truth About Cancer
The War on AIDS (Dateline)
My Sister’s Keeper
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
John Q
Miss Evers Boys
I am Legend
I also use several short clips from the internet.
 My child has my permission to watch the above videos.
Parent/Guardian signature ____________________________________________
 My child does not have my permission to watch _____________________
______________________________________________________ in class.
Parent/Guardian signature ____________________________________________
Parent Guardian Information Sheet
Student Name: _________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________
I have read the syllabus and understand that in order to do well in this class I must attend class regularly,
study and turn work in on time. Make-up assignments are my responsibility to obtain, and I must turn
them in within the five day period allowed. I will meet the classroom expectations and follow the
classroom procedures as well as all school, county and statewide rules and policies.
Student Signature ____________________________
Parent Signature____________________________