Hallucinogens & Perception This tutorial provides an introduction to basic concepts of neuropharmacology and a more detailed discussion of the influence of hallucinogens on perception. Olivia Carter (2007) For more tutorials on visual perception visit viper2go on the Viper website www.viperlib.com H3CO NH2 H3CO H3CO Pharmacology of Perception Structure in the Brain Brain & spinal cord Neuron Dendritic spines ~ 100 billion neurons in the brain ~ 0.15 quadrillion synapses in the cortex Signalling in the Brain: Neuron At rest the neuron has a negative charge, an action potential is triggered when the charge becomes sufficiently positive - + + + + - - Axon terminal Signals received + + + + Signal goes from the cell body down the axon Neuron fires (action potential) – All or none…. - single units of activity Signalling in the Brain: Synapse Neurons influence each other through chemical signals (neurotransmitters) Cycle of Neurotransmitters 1 Synthesis 2 Release from synaptic vesicles 1 7 3 Binds to receptors 4 +/- influence on post synaptic cell 6 5 Broken down by enzymes 2 6 reuptake of transmitter 7 formation & storage in vesicles 3 5 4 (+ or -) Drug Action 1 2 1 7 3 4 5 Drugs can effect all stages 6 2 6 7 3 5 4 (+ or -) Action at the receptor 1) drugs generally act by mimicking (agonists) or blocking (antagonists) natural neurotransmitters 2) Specific to receptor subtypes Agonist Signal (+ or -) Natural Compound (+ or -) Antagonist Receptor specificity Each neurotransmitter can only act on specific receptors (lock and key) In reality receptors are not simple “open-shut” gates… They have complex structures and it is often a small change in their shape that will “open” a channel, or cause it to “do its thing”. Summary -Neurons communicate through neurotransmitter release at synapses -The action of neurotransmitters can be altered at many stages in many different ways. - Receptors either act as ion channels (gates) or the cause down stream effects within the neuron through a “second messenger” Basic facts about hallucinogens - Effects: rarely cause full hallucinations but commonly induce striking perceptual distortions, mystical experiences & altered sense of self - Recent history: Albert Hofmann discovered LSD in 1943 & isolated/synthesised psilocybin (“magic mushrooms”) in 1958. - Mechanism: The exact action of these drugs is not known. However that the majority of hallucinogens (LSD, Psilocybin, Mescaline etc) activate the Serotonin 5-HT2A receptor. Psilcybe mushrooms (“Magic” mushrooms) Lophophora willimasii (peyote cactus) Hallucinogens have striking effects on perception! These drawings, by an artist under the influence of LSD, illustrate the perceptual changes experienced over the time course of the drug effects. Prior to LSD 2h 45min 1h 25min 5h 45min 2h 30min 8h Hallucinogens also cause illusions of motions. Objects and patterns are often seen to move, without actually changing location – similar to the sense of motion that occurs when your eyes move over this pattern (Note that different mechanisms are likely to be responsible for this illusion and the action of hallucinogens). Psilocybin (psilocin) H3C N OH Psilcybe mushrooms (“Magic” mushrooms) N H Psilocin Psilocybin in magic mushrooms is broken down into psilocin when it is digested. Psilocin is believed to be the structure that makes you hallucinate. CH3 H Hallucinogens often have structure similar to serotonin… here are a selection of Indoleamine hallucinogens OH H N H3C N HO N N H Serotonin (5-HT) H They all share a 5 member ring containing Nitrogen joined to a benzene ring H3C N CH3 H5C2 Psilocin O NC H5C2 CH3 N N N H H DMT LSD CH3 Serotonin (5-HT) All 5-HT in the brain comes from the raphe nucleus in the brainstem, from there it is sent all over the brain H N THALAMUS CORTEX NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS H 5-hydroxytryptamene AMYGDALA HO HIPPOCAMPUS N H Many receptor subtypes: 5-HT1 (A, B, D, E & F) 5-HT2 (A, B, & C) 5-HT3 5-HT4 5-HT5 (A & B) 5-HT6? 5-HT7? RAPHE NUCLEUS (rostral & dorsal) CEREBELLAR CORTEX 5-HT is associated with Mood, Sleep, Appetite, Clinical Psychosis & Hallucinogens!! Location of 5-HT2A receptors 5-HT2A receptors are found in a number of specific brain regions (particularly along cortical-thalamic pathways). However, new research suggests 5-HT2A receptors in the prefrontal cortex are particularly relevant in hallucinogen effects. Location of 5-HT2A Receptors 5-HT2A receptors are found predominantly on the dendrites of layer V pyramidal cells. Cortex Corticothalamic loops Thalamus 5-HT2A activation disrupts corticothalamic loops, exactly how this happens is a matter of debate. It was thought that the effect was at the “input” to the cortex from the thalamus. Now it appears hallucinogens primarily effects “output” from layer V to thalamus. Corticothalamic loops & consciousness Corticothalamic loops are an integral part of many theories of consciousness… for example, -Tononi: BMC Neuroscience (2004) 5:42 “The fact that consciousness as we know it is generated by the thalamocortical system fits well with the information integration theory.” - Dehaene: PlosBiology (2005) 3: 0911-27 “we provided a framework of a formal architecture of thalamocortical areas… which plays a key role in .. “access to consciousness.” Not so simple! Note: most of the recent research was done using slices of mouse prefrontal cortex. 5-HT2A receptors are also found in other places including: - Claustrum (the function of this area is unknown but Crick & Koch believe it is likely to be relevant to consciousness – Crick & Koch (2005) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 360 1271-1279) - Ventral Striatum - Hippocampus - Amygdala Serotonin and Perception -- Hallucinogen experiments -- Hallucinogens as a research tool - Model psychosis: The majority of current research uses hallucinogens to induce transient psychosis-like episodes in normal people, to better understand pharmacology of clinical psychosis and to improve drug development. - Perceptual pharmacology: Hallucinogens effect sensory perception, emotions and can induce spiritual experiences. - Consciousness: To date, no research has been done in this area. Hallucinogens and anaesthetics seem to influence opposite ends of the consciousness spectrum and seem to act on systems in the brain often discussed in models of consciousness. 1 example of a Motion perception experiment using psilocybin. 1st task: Contrast Sensitivity for moving gratings Trial 1 Trial 30 or or • 2 alternative forced choice: leftward • Presentation time 300msec • 3 x 30 trials rightward motion 1 example of a Motion perception experiment using psilocybin. Trial 1 2nd Task: Coherent Motion or • 2 alternative forced choice: leftward • Presentation time 300msec • 3x 40 trials Trial 40 or rightward motion Why these motion tasks? 1) Subjective reports People report increased sensitivity to brightness, contrast and motion. Contrast sensitivity (local motion) 2) Anatomical/functional dissociation Parietal Lobe Frontal Lobe MT/V5 Cells in V1 are sensitive to Local motion Coherent motion (global motion) Temporal Lobe V1 Cerebellum MT seems to be necessary for coherent motion detection 3) Clinical Processing of global, but not local, motion direction is deficient in schizophrenia - Chen Y, Nakayama K, Levy D, Matthysse S and Holzman P. (2003) Schizophr Res 61:215-227. Results Coherent motion detection is impaired Local motion detection is unaffected 30 Coherence Sensitivity Contrast Sensitivity 30 20 10 2 20 * 10 2 Pre-test Pre-test Peak ~ 120min Placebo Psilocybin Peak ~ 120min Summary - High level but not low level motion processing was impaired. - In line with Schizophrenia findings. - Successful transfer of information from retina, LGN to V1 - These results suggest that hallucinogens do not effect sensitivity to individual motion signals, but instead disrupt the brains ability to integrate the individual motion signals in order to generate a percept of a single motion direction. Future Questions - If hallucinogens do not change sensitivity to the incoming sensory information, where does the feeling of increased sensitivity to contrast, motion & colour come from? Take Home Message 1) Pharmacology is relevant! Activity of neurons is crucial, but it is the pattern of activity that determines our moment to moment state depends on neurotransmitters. 2) There is remarkable specificity in the action of hallucinogens. Many drugs exist that activate many receptors but there is something special about those that activate the 5-HT2A receptor. 3) Pharmacology is great research tool. Drugs that alter perception provide a fantastic opportunity to manipulate network properties of the brain in a systematic way. References Huxley, A. (1954) The doors of perception (available to download from the web at http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/lsd/doors.htm) - * a fantastic description of the phenomenology Carter OL, Pettigrew JD, Burr DC, Alais D, Hasler F, Vollenweider FX (2004) Psilocybin impairs high-level but not low-level motion perception. Neuroreport 15: 1947-1951 - *A detailed report of the motion experiment described in the previous slides Nichols DE (2004) Hallucinogens. Pharmacol Ther 101: 131-81 -*A very detailed review ------------------- (more references) ---------------------Beique JC, Imad M, Mladenovic L, Gingrich JA, Andrade R (2007) Mechanism of the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A receptor-mediated facilitation of synaptic activity in prefrontal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104: 9870-5 Carter OL, Burr DC, Pettigrew JD, Wallis GM, Hasler F, Vollenweider FX (2005a) Using psilocybin to investigate the relationship between attention, working memory and the Serotonin1A&2A receptors. J Cog Neuroscience 17: 1497-1508 Carter OL, Pettigrew JD, Hasler F, et al (2005b) Modulating the rate and rhythmicity of perceptual rivalry alternations with the mixed 5-HT2A and 5-HT1A agonist psilocybin. Neuropsychopharmacology 30: 1154-62 Gonzalez-Maeso J, Weisstaub NV, et al (2007) Hallucinogens Recruit Specific Cortical 5-HT(2A) Receptor- Mediated Signaling Pathways to Affect Behavior. Neuron 53: 439-52 Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Hermle L, Thelen B, Sass H (1998) History, rationale and potential of human experimental hallucinogenic drug research in psychiatry. Pharmacopsychiatry 31 Suppl 2: 63-8 Lambe EK, Aghajanian GK (2007) Prefrontal cortical network activity: Opposite effects of psychedelic hallucinogens and D1/D5 dopamine receptor activation. Neuroscience 145: 900-10 DE Presti & DE Nichols. Biochemistry and neuropharmacology of psilocybin mushrooms. In Teonanacatl:Sacred Mushrooms of Visions (edited by R Metzner). Green Earth Foundation (2004). Vollenweider FX, Geyer MA (2001) A systems model of altered consciousness: integrating natural and drug-induced psychoses. Brain Res Bull 56: 495-507 Vollenweider FX, Vollenweider-Scherpenhuyzen MF, Babler A, Vogel H, Hell D (1998) Psilocybin induces schizophrenia-like psychosis in humans via a serotonin-2 agonist action. Neuroreport 9: 3897-902 Weisstaub NV, Zhou M, Lira A, et al (2006) Cortical 5-HT2A receptor signaling modulates anxiety-like behaviors in mice. Science 313: 536-40