
Final Test
Multiple Choice
Character Matching: On your scantron, mark the correct answer for each question.
_____ 1. Tiamat
A. Fertility god; gets angry and withdraws into the forest;
is awakened and purified by bee.
_____ 2. Marduk
B. First Epic Hero; learns humility; kills Humbaba;
search for immortality.
_____ 3. Gilgamesh
C. Personified the salt waters; creates army of monsters
led by Kingu; body creates universe.
_____ 4. Enkidu
D. Double god with 4 eyes, 4 ears, 10 halos; breathes fire;
defeats Kingu and creates man.
_____ 5. Telepinu
E. Tabula Rasa; teaches Gilgamesh humility; insults
Ishtar and is cursed to death.
_____ 6. Matriarchy
A. A male-oriented, aggressive society; worships the father
god; interested in acquiring land and power.
_____ 7. Patriarchy
B. A female-oriented society; worships the mother
goddess; agricultural but not necessarily peaceful.
_____ 8. Fertility Cycle
C. A myth where the main character embodies the
cultural values of the society; has cool monsters.
_____ 9. Hero Myth
D. Had many tools, including scraping and puncturing
devices; hunted with heavy spears in France and Spain.
_____ 10. Neanderthal
E. Follows the pattern of life, death, rebirth; many
examples exist in mythologies around the world.
Final Test
_____ 11. Apsu
A. Foretells the destiny of all beings, Marduk takes it from
_____ 12. Mummu
B. Father god, personified the sweet waters, wanted to kill
the younger gods.
_____ 13. Dynasty
C. A succession of kings, such as the line of Apsu, Anshar,
Anu, Ea, and Marduk.
_____14. Tablet of
_____15. Kingu
D. Accomplice of Apsu, is led about with a chain through
his nose.
E. Marduk uses his blood to create mankind, it sinks to
the secret places of the earth.
_____16. Wild Bull
A. Stomps and creates devastating holes in the earth;
defeated by Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
_____ 17. Priestess
B. Woman who travels to the wild, teaches Enkidu to be
_____ 18. Shamash
C. Gilgamesh cannot stay awake through this test, where
Utnapishtim’s wife puts a loaf of bread by him daily.
_____ 19. Bull of Heaven
D. In order to defeat the giant Humbaba, Gilgamesh calls
upon this deity to hold him with winds.
_____ 20. Bread Test
E. Phrase used to define the rule of the young prince
Final Test
_____ 21. Snake
A. Although we don’t know why he is upset to begin with,
Telepinu gets even angrier when he puts these on.
_____ 22. Shoes
B. Takes Gilgamesh’s prize, the Flower of Youth, when he
leaves it by the lakeside to bathe.
_____ 23. Birth
C. Occurs when Telepinu awakens, and his anger spreads
across the land.
_____ 24. Eagle
D. One of the aspects of the Fertility Cycle that Telepinu
takes away when he leaves.
_____ 25. Flooding
E. Even this sharp-eyed creature cannot find Telepinu;
this is left to the bee.
_____ 26. Thor
A. Frost giant, an evil mischief maker, chained in cave
until Ragnarok.
_____ 27. Sigurd
B. Norse hero, marries Brunhild, then Gudrun; stabbed in
back by brother.
_____ 28. Loki
Oldest and greatest of Norse gods, gave an eye to see
the future.
_____ 29. Odin
D. Norse god of Thunder, magical hammer is Mjolnir.
_____ 30. Hermod
E. Blind god, unwittingly kills his brother with mistletoe.
Final Test
_____ 31. Ginnungagap
A. In the beginning, nothing existed this area, an open
_____ 32. Muspelheim
B. This giant building is the hall of the slain, where
warriors await Ragnarok.
_____ 33. Niflheim
C. This is the land of the gods, reached by Bifrost, the
rainbow bridge.
_____ 34. Asgard
D. This land was formed from fire, and is guarded by the
giant Surt.
_____ 35. Valhalla
E. This land was formed from Hvergelmir, the bubbling
cauldron, and ice.
_____ 36. Balder
A. The name of Sigurd’s sword, re-forged by Regin from
the shards of Odin’s sword-in-the-tree.
_____ 37. Thursday
B. Sigurd betrays this fallen Valkyrie when he rescues her
for Gunnar.
_____ 38. Odin
C. His death is the first sign of Ragnarok, he is killed by a
_____ 39. Gram
D. This is Thor’s Day, an aspect we keep in our culture
from the ancient Norse.
_____ 40. Brunhild
E. Arrives in a blue cloak and floppy hat, and leaves a
sword in the tree.
Final Test
_____ 41. Gudrun
A. Daughter of King Giuki, second wife of the hero
Sigurd, who betrays his secret with a jacket.
_____ 42. Sigurd
B. Youngest son of King Giuki. Kills Sigurd with a sword
through the back.
_____ 43. Fafnir
C. Son of Sigmund the Volsung, greatest in the north
_____ 44. Regin
D. Great dragon which guards the golden treasure, kills
his father to attain it.
_____ 45. Gunnar
E. Tutor to Sigurd, exceptional blacksmith, attempts to
betray his ward and is killed.
_____46. Guttorm
A. Son of King Giuki, “wins” Brunhild, but through false
_____ 47. Odin
B. The All-Father, wears a broad brimmed hat and has
one eye.
_____ 48. Grimhild
C. Related to Odin’s horse, tamed and ridden by Sigurd.
_____ 49. Brunhild
D. Fierce-hearted wife of King Giuki, plots to have Sigurd
marry her daughter.
_____ 50. Grani
E. First wife of Sigurd, former Valkyrie for Odin, original
Sleeping Beauty.
Final Test
_____ 51. In and Yo
A. Gets sick and goes to the Underworld; has 8 furies upon
_____ 52. Izanagi
B. Sun goddess, worships herself for purity, hides herself
away in a cave.
_____ 53. Izanami
C. Correspond with the Chinese Yang and Yang and Yin.
_____ 54. Ama-terasu
D. .”Impetuous Male”, sometimes a bad boy, destroys the
_____ 55. Susa-no-o
E. “Male-Who-Invites”; gets angry because he wanted to
speak first
_____ 56. Yuki-Onna
A. Old man who is killed by Yuki-Onna; his apprentice is
_____ 57. Mosaku
B. The Lady of the Snow, marries Minokichi then leaves
_____ 58. Minokichi
C. Is threatened by Yuki-Onna to never reveal her secret,
but he does!
_____ 59. Kyuzaemon
D. Farmer who encounters a white woman, finds out she
was a ghost.
_____ 60. Oyasu
E. Spirit/Woman, who wants her husband to take care of
her parents.
Final Test
_____ 61. Yorimasa
A. Sent to destroy the Goblin King; given a paralyzing
potion by 3 old men.
_____ 62. Yoshitsune
B. Brought up to avenge his father’s death at the hands of
the Taira clan.
_____ 63 Benkei
C. Always does the dirty work; giant who is ridden by
_____ 64. Raiko
D. Sent to hunt the demon creature that plagued the
_____ 65. Shutendoji
E. A giant, red-skinned creature; throws a party for
Raiko, but is killed by him.
_____ 66. Cosmic Egg
A. Izanagi drops these to escape from the Eight Ugly
_____ 67. Grapes
B. This was the original, first part of the Japanese
_____ 68. Stomping
C. The Lady of Winter, who kills men with frost and
leaves them with death threats.
_____ 69. Sword
D. One way that Ama-terasu prepares for war with her
_____ 70. Yuki-Onna
E. Susa-no-o finds this in the serpents tail after he defeats
Final Test
_____ 71. Kane
A. One of the first gods who came from far-off lands; ridiculed
the mass of dirt
_____ 72. Kanaloa
B. Captures the sun with a magic lasso; catches/raises the land
with a fish hook
_____ 73. Wela-ahi-lani-nui
C. Creator god, scratches man from the red dirt; infuses man’s
_____ 74. Maui
D. Maui’s mother, helps him to capture her own mother and
the sun
_____ 75. Hina
E. The first man, chief with the divine right to rule
_____ 76. Ku
A. God of the underworld
_____ 77. Hina
B. King-god; goes to the underworld to save his bride
_____ 78. Hiku
C. Mother of Hiku and Kewalu
_____ 79. Kewalu
D. Father of Hiku and Kewalu
_____80. Milu
E. Princess-goddess; is cheered for being most beautiful
_____ 81. Malaue
A. The rock of Kauai; thrown by Hau-pu; divides the
_____ 82.Kaa-lii
B. Malaue’s son; eats the gods fruit and is punished.
_____ 83 Kane and Kanloa
C. Farmer who works in the Manoa Valley; cultivated
banans, taro and sweet potatoes.
_____ 84. Pohaku-o-Kauai
D. Great warrior that fought with a spear, or even a tree
_____ 85. Hau-pu
E. Gods who punished Kaa-lii
Final Test
_____ 86. Ai-laau
A. Fire goddess who came from afar; takes over for Ailaau
_____ 87.Kilauea
B. The forest eater; built up the Hawaiian islands
_____ 88. Pele
C. Larger of the volcanoes on the big island
_____ 89. Kamohoalii
D. Pele’s magical spade; wherever it strikes, volcanic
craters arise.
_____ 90. Paoa
E. God of the sharks; helps Pele on her journey