Brotherton Eng 180 TR+ - Western Illinois University


Western Illinois University

ENG 180, Section 38


This schedule is subject to change. You are responsible for any changes made in class, sent

Tues., Sept. 2: Lab

Class: 315; Lab: 319 (Note which room we are in next to the date)

Readings from


Joining the Conversation will be labeled JC; readings from

will be labeled PSM; readings from


Tues., Aug. 26: Lab

Thurs., Aug. 28: Class

(Fri., Aug. 29 is the last day of open registration) over email, or posted on Western Online (WO).

will be labeled Guide. Bring

JC, Guide, and PSM to all class meetings.

Unit 1: Concepts of Reading and Writing


Guide to ENG 180

Introduction to Course

A Pocket Style

What are Discourse Communities and Who Belongs to Them?

Read: JC Chapters 1 and 2; Guide Chapters 2 and 3; “The Concept of

Discourse Community” (on WO); “Writing for Their Lives” (on

WO); Paper 1 Assignment Sheet (on WO)

Due: Student Survey (submit to Western Online by 11:59 PM)

What Discourse Communities Do I Belong To?

Read: “Learning to Read” (on WO); “Creating a Writing Inventory”

(on WO); Guide Chapter 4 (“Reflective Essay”)

Due: Notes for Writing Inventory

Thurs., Sept. 4: Class

(Mon., Sept. 8 is last day of restricted reg. & drop w/t a “W”)

Tues., Sept. 9: Lab

Who Is a Writer? and How Do I Write About My Own Writing?

Read: JC Chapter 5; Guide Chapter 4 (“Literacy Narrative”);

“Coming Into Language” (on WO); “Sponsors of Literacy” (on WO);

“Portfolio” (on WO: pages 5-8 and 26-33)

Due: Writing Inventory (typed, in class)

Why Should I Share My Writing?

Read: JC Chapter 4

In-Class: Mock Peer Review and Paper 1 Introduction (ePortfolio)

Thurs., Sept. 11: Class Peer Review

Due: Complete, typed draft of Paper 1

Due: Final Draft of Paper 1 (on WO by 11:59 pm) Sun., Sept. 14


Unit 2: Understanding Conversations


Western Illinois University

Tues., Sept. 16: Lab What is the Rhetorical Situation? and How Do I Read and

Summarize Difficult Texts?

Read: JC Chapter 3 and 623-624; PSM 109-110; Guide Chapter 4

(“Summary”); “What Is Rhetoric?” (on WO); “The Rhetorical

Situation” (WO link); Summary Assignment Sheet (on WO);

Summary Articles “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and “ (on WO)

Due: Paper 1 Writing Reflection (on WO by 11:59 pm)

Thurs., Sept. 18: Class What is a Rhetorical Analysis?

Read: JC Chapter 3; Guide Chapter 4 (“Visual Analysis”);

“Analyzing a Text” (on WO); Paper 2 Assignment Sheet (on WO);

Due: Complete, typed draft of Summary in class; Final Draft of

Tues., Sept. 23: Lab

Summary (on WO by 11:59 pm)

What are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos?

and What Kinds of Choices Can

Writers Make?

Read: JC Chapter 10 (380-397 and 400-412); “Rhetorical Appeals”

(on WO); Review “Analyzing a Text” (on WO) and Summary


Thurs., Sept. 25 Class Canceled for Conferences (Due: Article Selection and Drafting


Tues., Sept. 30

Thurs., Oct. 2: Class

Class Canceled for Conferences (Due: Article Selection and Drafting


Peer Review

Due: Complete, typed draft of Paper 2

Due: Final Draft of Paper 2 (on WO by 11:59 pm) Sun., Oct. 5


Tues., Oct. 7: Lab

Unit 3: Shaping Conversations

Thurs., Oct. 9: Class


What Are Genres?

and What are the connections among Discourse

Community, Rhetoric, and Genre?

Read: “Speech Acts, Genres, and Activity Systems” (on WO);

Selected Writing from a Specific Discourse Community

Due: List of genres you have used; Paper 2 Writing Reflection (on

WO by 11:59 pm)

How Do I Analyze a Genre? and How Do I Study the Genres in a

Discourse Community?

Read: JC Chapter 18 (pages 584-602); “College Admissions Essays”;

“The Genres of Chi Omega” (on WO); Group Presentation

Tues., Oct. 14: Lab

Assignment Sheet (on WO)

Due: List of discourse communities you belong to

Group Work on Genre Analysis

Due: Select Genres

Thurs., Oct. 16: Class Group Work on Genre Analysis and Documentation

Western Illinois University

Tues., Oct. 21: Lab

Thurs., Oct. 23: Class Group Presentations

Unit 4: Entering Conversations


Tues., Oct. 28: Lab

Thurs., Oct. 30: Library

(Sun., Nov. 2 is last day to drop a class; last day for total university withdrawal)


How Do I Form a Research Plan? and How Do I Conduct Field


Read: JC Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 (pages 478-482); PSM 87-89

Due: Group Presentation Writing Reflection (on WO by 11:59 pm)

Library Day – 2 nd Floor Classroom

Read: JC Chapter 12 (pages 454-478); Review Guide Chapter 2

(“WIU Libraries”); Research Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

Assignment Sheet (on WO)

Due: two possible problems to solve

Tues., Nov. 4: Lab

Read: JC Chapter 13

Group Presentations

Due: PowerPoint Presentation (on WO by 11:59 pm on Monday,

October 20)

How Do I Write to Inform? and How Do I Write a Research


Read: JC Chapter 6, Chapter 9 (pages 328-356), and Chapter 23;

Guide Chapter 4 (“Problem Proposal”); PSM 94-99; Paper 3

Assignment Sheet (on WO)

Due: Field Research Plan; 1 print source and 1 electronic source

Thurs.: Nov. 6: Class

Tues., Nov. 11: Lab

How Do I Use My Sources? and How Do I Document My Sources?

Read: JC Chapters 19 and 21; Guide Chapter 4 (“Annotated

Bibliography”); PSM 100-103

Due: Draft of 1 Annotation

Peer Review and How Do I Find a Solution?

Read: JC Chapter 9 (pages 356-373)

Due: Complete, typed draft of Research Proposal/Annotated


Thurs., Nov. 13: Class How Do I Write to Persuade?

and How Do I Choose My Evidence?

Read: JC Chapters 10 and 14; Guide 98-103; Three-Four Persuasive

Texts on One Topic [Your choice] (on WO)

Due: Final Draft of Research Proposal/Annotated Bibliography

(on WO by 11:59 pm)

Tues., Nov. 18: Lab How Do I Organize My Evidence and Decide What Choices to Make as a Writer?

Read: JC Chapters 15, 16, and 17

Due: Two new sources; Draft of Introduction; Research

Proposal/Annotated Bibliography Writing Reflection (on WO by

11:59 pm)

Western Illinois University

Thurs., Nov. 20

Wed., Dec. 17

Class Canceled for Conferences (Read on WO “Portfolio” pages 55-

61; Due: Draft of Paper 3)

Nov. 24-Nov. 28

Tues., Dec. 2: Lab

Thurs., Dec. 4: Class

No Class: Thanksgiving Break

Class Canceled for Conferences (Read on WO “Portfolio” pages 55-

61; Due: Draft of Paper 3)

Peer Review and Reviewing Citation

Read: PSM 121-154

Due: Complete, typed draft of Paper 3

Due: Final Draft of Paper 3 (on WO by 11:59 pm) Sun., Dec. 7


Tues., Dec. 9: Lab

Final Portfolio


How Do I Write the Reflective Essay for My Portfolio?

Read: JC 602-608 and “Portfolio” (on WO: pages 63-69)

Due: Bring all writing from this semester; Paper 3 Writing Reflection

(on WO by 11:59 pm)

Thurs.: Dec. 11: Class What are the differences among Revising, Editing, and


and Wrapping up the Semester

Read: JC Chapter 20 and “Portfolio” (on WO: pages 70-76)

Due: Bring Draft of Reflective Essay

Final Portfolio Due (in ePortfolio on WO by 11:59 pm)
