RAD Info Pack

Supported by RAD and FXU
Fundraising Application and RAD Finance Form
Please complete the first 2 pages of this pack and return them to the FXU Activities office at
the Penryn Campus, or the FXU Office at the Falmouth Campus, no less than 10 Days before
your event.
It is a legal requirement that all money raised for charity in association with the FXU, or in
the name of an FXU club, society or committee, is counted and banked by RAD (a student
fundraising arm of FXU). We can then pay the charity directly on your behalf, or write a
cheque for the sum raised for you to post to them yourself. You don’t even have to count
the money, we can do that for you, if you would like!
We won’t take credit for your hard work and fundraising, if we make a payment online/post
your cheque, you can submit a letter accompanying the payment detailing how you raised
the money.
For all fundraising events, you must submit a risk assessment (see blank form attached). FXU
have a number of generic risk assessments e.g. cake sale, so we can email this to you to add
your event details. If you need any help with completing a risk assessment then please feel
free to pop in and speak to us in the FXU Activities Office.
Contact name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Contact email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Contact telephone: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name of your group/club/course: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Name of charity/course you are collecting for: ………………………………………………………………….
Address of the Charity you are collecting for: …………………………………………………………………….
Registered charity number (if applicable): ………………………………………………………………………...
Date of event: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Location of event: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Times of event: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Type of event: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Brief description of your event: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Risk assessment completed and submitted to FXU (please circle): Yes / No
Please select one of the options below:
I would like the cheque returned to me for posting and understand I will be contacted
on the details above when it’s ready for collection.
I would like RAD to pay it for me and I attach a letter to accompany the donation.
FXU RAD will do their best to count and process your donation as soon as possible.
FXU office use only
Date application received and by whom: ………………………………………………………………………………
Event Booked and RA received:……………………………………………………………………………………
Amount received (plus date): …………………………………………………………………………………
Guidelines for fundraising activities
These guidelines are intended for small-scale activities (such as cake sales, craft sales, bric-abrac and jumble sales, raffles and prize draws) that students hold to raise money for a
charity, charitable appeal or towards an exhibition or similar event relating to their course.
(Activities where money is to be raised for personal financial gain will not be supported.)
If you wish to hold a different type of fundraising event (other than stated above), then
please fill out this RAD form (page 1 and 2) and submit it along with a risk assessment via
email to volunteeringandrag@fxu.org.uk or drop it into the FXU activities office. These will
then have to be assessed and authorised on an individual basis with support from the RAD
crew and FXU Staff.
When and Where
Lunchtime periods (between 12pm and 2pm) are the busiest times and therefore most likely
to attract maximum customers. Activities and stalls can be held any week day though some
days may be busier than others.
Stannary/Refectory – Stalls will be located in the Lower Stannary/Refectory. You will be
allocated one of the round white tables for your sale.
The Compass – The Compass, in the Exchange, is now open to all sorts of activities, so let us
know your plans and we will do what we can to make it happen.
Falmouth Campus – All stalls will be held in the Fox HUB Foyer area outside the shop. A
table will be left there for you on the day.
Anywhere else on campus? – If you have a new idea, or location, that you would like to use,
let us know! We love new ideas and will do whatever we can to facilitate your event.
Out and About – Fundraising in the local community can be a great way of spreading the
word, from community stalls to charity Street Raids. A council application will need to be
made for this. RAD can give support, all we need is good notice!
Your Event/Activity
To book the venue for your event or activity, you will need to check availability through the
FXU Community Action. Either pop into the FXU Activities Office at Penryn or email on
volunteeringandrag@fxu.org.uk. You will then be required to complete page 1 and 2 of this
pack. Once we have received your request, we will contact Hospitality or Estates at
Falmouth Exeter Plus to get the event authorised (this sometimes takes a few days). FXU
have generic risk assessments (e.g. cake sale) that we use, so we can email this to you to
add your event details.
This application form is essential because money raised for any charity by an individual,
club, society or group of students associated with the FXU must be sent through RAD’s
accounts. This is a legal requirement. For this reason all fundraising activities must first be
approved by FXU RAD. We, therefore, recommend that you hand your application in at
least two weeks before your event so that we can process them.
Promoting your Activity
To make the most of your fundraiser you need to promote your event. There are several
ways to go about this:
Social media is a great way getting you event out there. Create and event and let our RAD
team know about it so they can help share it around for you.
Twitter – Start a hash tag trend and make sure you tag @FXUtweet #FXURAD
Instagram – FXU has an Instagram account….yes we are that cool! Tag @FXUinsta to let
students know what you’re up to, in the run up to, and at your event. Make sure you follow
@FXUinsta to make this easier.
Let FXU know about it so we can add it the website.
Not everyone uses social media so don’t forget that Posters are always a good idea, but
don’t forget to get them authorised by FXU. Email them to volunteeringandrag@fxu.org.uk
and we can add our official footer to them.
You may also wish to produce fliers or table talkers, but please remember to clear these
away immediately after your event and get them agreed by FXU beforehand.
And the most effective way…..talking to people. Good old word of mouth never fails!
On the Day
Be prepared and set up in good time. Have lots of promotion and signage leading to your
stand. If you need a money box or float for the event then FXU can supply these, with prior
Information you need to display clearly:
Who is running the event (the name of your group/society/course etc).
Where the money being raised will be donated (charity name and registered charity
number if applicable)
A note defining that all profits/proceeds will go to the charity (this basically means
that the total amount you give to the charity is minus your costs e.g. ingredients for
Important - If you are selling food, there must be clear labels on all food items, listing all
ingredients, particularly highlighting where items contain dairy, nuts, gluten etc.
After the event
When you are finished, please ensure that you leave the area clean and tidy and as you
found it, removing all rubbish and equipment from the area. Also, please remember to
collect up and take down posters, fliers and table talkers.
Important – If you have been raising money for a charity, you need to bring it to the FXU
Office (for the attention of Community Action) immediately after the event. We will then
count it, record the total, and raise a cheque for your charity. We will then try our best to
publicise your success!
Fundraising Guide
Planning and Running your event; a few ideas:
How many tickets do you need to sell to make a profit? Is the venue big enough to hold all
these people? Are there catering facilities and enough toilet facilities? Accessibility?
Consider disabled access and safety for children.
Consider your potential date(s) carefully. Does it conflict with another event in your area or
nationally recognised date (e.g. Valentines Day, School half-term)? If your event is outside,
plan for the worst weather and have a backup! Consider Term times and University
deadlines as well!
Increase your profit
Don’t be afraid to ask - use your contacts to get as much free stuff as possible. This doesn’t
just include raffle prizes, but can also be sponsorship for printing costs or donating the
refreshments etc. As a registered charity, FXU cannot give money to other charities, but we
can support you in any fundraising. Please notify FXU Community Action when you are
approaching businesses or charities, as we may already have a relationship with them.
Assess the price of your tickets carefully - You could raise your profits by adding extra
attractions such as refreshments, an auction, stalls etc. But please ensure these costs (if
applicable) can be covered by your estimated income.
Try to work out the costs of the event as early as possible - consider hiring resources at
least two months before. That way you will feel in control of any pre-event expenses, and be
more likely to make a profit. The last thing we want is for you to end up out of pocket!
Publicity - Email and Website - If you provide details, the FXU can include information in the
weekly FXU E-newsletter and on the FXU website. Email a short (no more than 75 words)
paragraph to volunteeringandrag@fxu.org.uk at least two days before publication. If we
receive something before the end of the day on Monday, we will then try our best to put it
in the newsletter that week.
Organising an event is not as daunting as it can seem if you break it down into manageable
chunks. Identify each action that needs to happen, and then allocate specific tasks to
people. This avoids confusion and makes the job easier!
Get all your friends to help - you’ll be amazed how quickly things get done, and you’ll have a
lot more fun working with others!
Safety on site...
It is important to work closely with the venue to make sure any risks are kept to a minimum.
Bookings for the Penryn and Falmouth campus can be done through FXU, but all events both
on and off campus require a risk assessment. FXU & RAD can assist with risk assessments
and any other concerns you may have; pop in and speak to us, we’ll try our best to help!
Collection Tins & Buckets
Some charities will provide you with their own collection tins and buckets, which will have
their own unique number and will already be sealed. Each tin or bucket is your responsibility
whilst signed out to your care.
Tins and buckets can be used much more effectively for collections during an event and can
really increase your overall total. FXU has blank collection tins that are free to use and can
be hired out from the FXU Activities Office.
• The tin or bucket must carry the charity’s name, logo and registered charity number and
must be sealed during collections
• All collectors must be 16 years old or over
• It is illegal to shake a tin or bucket when collecting
• Collections in public places require a permit from the council, which must be applied for at
least 6 weeks in advance. There are limited permits available per year, so please either
email communityaction@fxu.org.uk for advice or full details can be found on the
Cornwall Council website. You are more than welcome to apply for the permit yourself.
• If counting your tins/buckets, there must be two unrelated people present at all times. All
accounting must be transparent and open to inspection. You can count and bank money
at the FXU. We have coin counting scales, which makes it so much easier!!
• Don’t forget to consider security when collecting money. Does the bucket need to be
chained to the bar/table? Take extra care in transporting your takings and bank the
money with the FXU as soon as possible.
Sponsored Activities
Sponsored activities can be a great way to raise funds, whether it’s an event you are
organising yourself or one you are participating in.
Give yourself plenty of time in order to raise awareness and most importantly for gaining
sponsors and collecting money.
Collecting Money
When using sponsor forms, it is a good idea to collect the money as you go - the hardest
part is often chasing people afterwards.
Create a personal online fundraising page (JustGiving and virgin money giving are 2 popular
ones) and put links to this on social media sites. Some online sites now offer Text Giving to
make it even easier for people to sponsor you!
A-Z of Fundraising Ideas
A Abseiling, Aerobic-a-thon, Afternoon Tea Party, Antiques Fair, Arm Wrestling
Competition, Art Exhibition, Auction of Promises
B Baby photo competition, Backward walk, Bad hair day, Baked bean bath, Bake off, B.B.Q,
Barn dance, Beach party, Beard shave, Bed push, Bingo night, Blindfold challenge, Book sale,
Bowls competition, Bungee jump
C Come Dine With Me, Card tournament, Car boot sale, Caribbean night, Car wash, Charity
concert, Cheese & wine evening, Christmas hamper draw, Clay pigeon shoot, Coffee
morning, Craft fair, Cream tea, Curry night, Cycle race
D Dance-a-thon, Darts competition, Dinner dance, Disco, Dog show, Dragon boat race,
Dress down day, Dry cornflakes competition, Duck race
E Easter fair, Egg eating competition, Endurance race, Eurovision song contest party,
F Face painting, fancy dress, Fashion show, Fasting, Fifties night, Film evening, Fish & chip
event, Five-a-side tournament, Fun run, Furniture sale
G Garage sale, Garden party, Glamorous granny contest, Go-Karting, Golf competition,
Grand ball, Guess the weight
H Hitch, Halloween party, Harvest festival, Head shave, Homemade calendar sales,
Homemade cards, Honesty box, Horse show, House to house clearance
I Ice cream eating challenge, Ice skating party, Indoor games night, Inter pub quiz, Ironing
slave auction, Italian evening, It’s a knock out
J Jail Break, Japanese evening, Jazz evening, Jewellery making, Jive marathon, Jumble sale
K Karaoke competition, Kite flying contest, Knit-in evening, Knobbly knees competition
L Ladies lunch, Left-handed day, Line dancing, Look-a-like contest, Lottery, Lunch money
day, LOST.
M Mad hatters’ tea party, Medieval banquet, Mountain bike race, Marathon, Masked ball,
Murder mystery, Music concert, Mile of coins
N Nearly-new sale, Night walk, New Year’s resolution (sponsored), Nature trail
O Open garden day, Onion peeling contest, Odd jobs, Orienteering, Opera event
P Pasty party, Pie, Pudding ‘n punch club, Pram push, Parachute, Pantomime, Plant stall,
Pool competition, PJ Party, Pancake challenge
Q Quiz night, Quasar Laser party, Quit for a day, Question of sport
R Raft race, Raffle, Relay race, Rather posh evening, Race night, Recipe swap
S Safari supper, Scrabble tournament, Scavenger hunt, Swear box, Shocking socks day,
Shoe shine, Steam engine rally, Swim-a-thon
T Teddy bears picnic, Themed dinners, Talent contest, Treasure hunt, Theatre premiere,
Tombola, Tug-o-war, Three legged race
U Underwater eating competition, University challenge, Unwanted gifts auction, Ugly face
pulling contest
V Valentine’s day ball, Variety show, Vintage car rally
W Wine tasting evening, Winter fair, Windsurfing contest, Wheel barrow race, Welly
wanging competition, White elephant stall
X X files party, Xmas card sale, Xmas carol concert, X-ercise challenge
Y Yacht race, Yorkshire pudding challenge, Yo-Yo competition,
Z Zip your lip day, Zip wire challenge, Zombie party, Zodiac evening, Zoo fancy Dress.
Remember to keep the Fun in Fundraising!