SAIGONTECH Course Syllabus International Marketing Management 1. Class: IBUS 1354 – International Marketing Management Semester: Summer 2015 2. Instructor: Lam Huynh Nhu, MBA Email: Office: R.604 Office telephone: (84-8) 3715 5033 (ext. 1256) Mobile phone: 0906-006-757 Office hours: by appointment 3. Campus and Room Location with Days and Times Venue: R202 SaigonTech Tower Time: Tuesday 9:45am - 11:45am, Thursday 7:30am – 9:30am 4. Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH): 3 5. Total Course Contact Hours: 48 hours 6. Textbook: Global Marketing, 8/e by Keegan, Warren J. and Mark C. Green, 2014. ISBN: 9781292017389 7. Course Description: Analysis of international marketing strategies using market trends, costs, forecasting, pricing, sourcing and distribution factors. Development of an international export/import marketing plan. 8. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Identify global issues and trends. 2. Identify current global legal issues and international trade management issues. 3. Analyze various sources of international business research. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of global and world geography. 9. Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): The primary goal of this course is to provide the student an overview of the basic elements of global marketing. The course covers the actions directly involved in global strategy, the global marketing mix and managing the global marketing effort. 10. Grading policy Items Attendance and participation Review quiz *10 Personal assignment *2 Group project Mid-term Exam Final Exam Total % 10% 10% 10% 20% 25% 25% 100% 1 11. Explanation of grade components and requirements Attendance and Participation (10%) Regular attendance is required. If you miss class, you will be responsible for any work missed during your absence and will have your class participation grade reduced. You are also highly encouraged to join in class discussion by giving questions, answers or comments. Your grade will be given based on your regular attendance and quality of contribution to class discussion. Review quiz (10%) There will be 10 review quizzes offered throughout the course. Studying for these quizzes will help you test your understanding of chapter material and prepare you for examinations. Type Open/close book No. of questions Close 10 – 15 Duration Points Multiple Choice Quiz True/ False 20 minutes 10 Short Answer Questions Personal Assignment (10%) You personally must write 02 reports for 02 pre-assigned topics or cases. All 02 reports must be sent to my email address before due date for grading. Only soft copies are needed. Group project (20%) Each team of 4 to 5 students will write a report and give a presentation about a pre-assigned project. Team presentation should last 30 – 45 minutes not including Q & A section and must contain PowerPoint slides. Presentation and report must be sent to my email address before due date for grading. Only soft copies are needed. At the end of the course, I will ask group members to evaluate the contribution of their peers, and I will consider remarks when giving you final grade. Mid-term and Final Exam (50%) Type Open/close book No. of questions MC Close 60 - 70 Short Answer Questions Close 5-8 MC Close 60 - 70 Short Answer Questions Close 5-8 Exam Midterm Final Duration 120 minutes 120 minutes Points 60 40 60 40 12. Grading Scale Percentage Grade 90 – 100 80 – 89 Letter Grade A B 2 70 – 79 60 – 69 0 – 59 C D F The passing grade is D. 13. Course calendar Week 1 Date 16/06/15 Topic Due tasks Syllabus clarification Project group allocation Chapter 1: Introduction to Global Marketing 2 3 18/06/15 Chapter 1: Introduction to Global Marketing 23/06/15 Chapter 16: Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage 25/06/15 Chapter 16: Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage (Cont.) 30/06/15 Chapter 2: The Global Economic Environment 02/07/15 Chapter 3: The Global Trade Environment Quiz 1 (chapter 1) Quiz 2 (chapter 16) Global economic environment and global trade environment news update 4 5 6 07/07/15 Chapter 4: Social and Cultural Environment 09/07/15 Chapter 5: The Political, Legal and Regulatory Environment 14/07/15 Chapter 6: Global Information Systems and Market Research 16/07/15 Chapter 7: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning 21/07/15 Chapter 7: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (Cont.) Quiz 3 (chapter 2&3) Quiz 4 (chapter 4&5) Quiz 5 (chapter 6&7) Mid-term exam review 23/07/15 7 8 9 Mid-term exam (chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16) 28/07/15 Chapter 8: Importing, Exporting and Sourcing 30/07/15 Chapter 9: Global Market Entry Strategies: Licensing, Investment and Strategic Alliances 04/08/15 Chapter 10: Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing 06/08/15 Chapter 10: Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing (Cont.) 11/08/15 Chapter 11: Pricing Decisions Quiz 6 (chapter 8&9) Quiz 7 (chapter 10) 3 10 11 13/08/15 Chapter 12: Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution Quiz 8 (chapter 11) 18/08/15 Chapter 13: Global Marketing Communications Quiz 9 (chapter 12) 20/08/15 Chapter 14: Global Marketing Communications 25/08/15 Final exam review 27/08/15 12 Quiz 10 (chapter 13&14) Final exam (chapter 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) 01/09/15 Group project presentation 03/09/15 Group project presentation All PowerPoints and written reports are due at 9AM Friday 04/09/15. 14. Classroom Policy Late work will NOT be accepted. I will deduct 10% from that late work’s score per every day after due date. Always come to class on time. The use of cell phone is not allowed during lectures. Emergency calls can be made out of class. Students are expected to take exam on the scheduled dates. Make-up exams are not guaranteed. I will ask for your permission if I need to use Vietnamese to explain difficult terms or concepts for you, and vice versa. 15. Cheating and Plagiarism Policy Please refer to my PowerPoint on “Cheating and Plagiarism” to get more details about these practices and advice on how to avoid them. Here are some acts of plagiarism that you should beware of: Submit other people’s works to get points. Copy words or ideas without citing source and author’s name. Do not use quotation marks for direct citation. Cite the wrong source. Change the wording but sentence structure without citing author’s name. Borrow words/ phrases from a source without using quotation marks or with making negligible change. Copy too many words or ideas that make up the most of personal work, regardless of whether source and author’s name are cited. Copy information from Internet such as company information, market information etc. Use Google Translation to write up papers, regardless of whether you use your own ideas or borrow ideas. Use Google Translation to write up papers by translating Vietnamese from existing Vietnamese study materials/ sources into English. * If you first get caught-handed, you will receive a zero for the work that you cheat or plagiarize. In case such violation continues, F grade for the whole course will be applied. 4