Imaging and manipulation of single atoms and molecules: the science of the nanoscale world Miquel Salmeron Materials Science Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory University of California, Berkeley, CA. USA Content: How does STM work ? Principles of atomic manipulation STM as a writing tool Maps of atoms or maps of electronic states? Rotating molecules Making and breaking molecules Movies of molecular motion Principle of operation of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope f tip eVbias fsample Z = 5-10 Å -A I V. N(eV).ee f .z Z-resolution 0.1 pm XY-resolution 100 pm Using the STM tip as a tool for atomic scale manipulation Repulsion (push) Attraction (pull) We need to unravel the mechanisms of interaction between our probe tip and single atoms /molecules Vibrational excitation ((( ) ( ))) + Electric field +/+1 V -1 V Transfer by voltage pulses Repulsive interaction manipulation: Plowing: Hammering: AFM as a writing tool Writen by Markus Heyde Herman Hesse poem "Stages“ written in PMMA from The Glass Bead Game; image size: 1.6 µm x 1.6 µm, height scale: 26 nm). The storage capacity is much higher than for the CD shown in the background at the same magnification. Building structures atom-by-atom Building of a quantum “corral” with Fe atoms on Cu Xe atoms on Ni(110) STM images courtesy of Don Eigler, IBM, San Jose Imaging: acetylene on Pd(111) at 28 K Molecular Image Tip cruising altitude ~700 pm Δz = 20 pm H C C H Why don’t we see the Pd atoms? Because the tip needs to be very close to image the Pd atoms and would knock the molecule away Surface atomic profile Tip cruising altitude ~500 pm Δz = 2 pm TIP pz H + O p orbital Calculated image (Philippe Sautet) If the tip was made as big as an airplane, it would be flying at 1 cm from the surface and waving up an down by 1 micrometer The STM image is a map of the pi-orbital of distorted acetylene 1 cm (± 1 μm) Excitation of frustrated rotational modes in acetylene molecules on Pd(111) at T = 30 K Tip e- ((( ) ( ))) Measuring the excitation rate Pd 3 2 x 1 Pd Pd Pd ((( ) ( 2 Pd Center of molecule Tip fixed at position 1: V = 20 mV -37mV 24 16 8 0 100 100 2,3 1.72 seconds 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 current (pA) 253 pA 10 1 0.1 0 50 1 150 50 32 ))) 0 Log(Hops/s) Current (pA) 200 rotations per second Pd 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 Tip Bias (mV) -250 -300 Excitation of translations of C2H2 molecules: Rotation by electron excitation: ((( ) ( Tip R = 94 M R = 150 M z z ~ -0.2 Å R = 0.55 G z ~ +0.8 Å z ~ - 1 Å Translation by direct contact (orbital overlap): R = 10.5 M Trajectories of molecule pushed by the tip ))) Tip-induced dissociation of O2 No dissociation using low tunnel current and low energy electrons High dissociation rate at high current and energy tip 2 nm 2 nm molecule tip Molecular oxygen at 30K atom TIP Atomic oxygen Tip electrons 2.58 eV ((( ) ( 10-12 O2 2O Lifetime = s -10 1 nA 10 s ))) Equilibration of hot O atoms Images at 1 nA, 100 mV molecules pairs of atoms T = 43 K I = 11 nA Distribution of O-atoms after dissociation of several molecules O-pair separation hystogram 18 12 3 2 1 2 Lifetime of O atoms in the excited state: EOads ~ 4 eV; distance traveled ~ Pd lattices 1 fs de-excitation mechanism is by creation of e-h pairs in the Pd substrate Positions color-coded for distance Diffusion of water molecules on Pd(111) a) Atom-tracking Movies b) Trajectory of the tip following a water molecule water molecules 100 Hop rate(1/sec) Atom -tracking Hopping rate, Movies 1 Energy barrier, r = v·exp(-E/kT) E = 126 ± 7 meV (2.9 kcal/mol) 0.01 Attempt frequency, v = 1012.0 ± 0.6 s 0.0001 0.018 0.02 0.022 1/T(1/K) 0.024 0.026 -1 Clustering and diffusion at 40 K 2M a Dimer b diffusion coefficients at 40 K: c • monomer • dimer ~ 0.0023 Å2/s > 50 Å2/s • trimer, tetramer ~ 1.02 Å2/s 5-H2O Trimer f The most stable cluster: hexagonal 6-H2O e d Why dimers move faster than monomers: Collaborators: Jim Dunphy Claude Chapelier Stefan Behler Anne Borg Mark Rose Toshi Mitsui Evgueni Fomin Frank Ogletree Markus Heyde Funding by the US Department of Energy