Renaissance to Enlightenment Tiered Assignment Description You will be completing some of these assignments as a class, some paired work, and others as individuals. Your ASSESSMENT (TEST) Grade on this Unit will depend on your efforts put forth to work on and complete the Tiers by MAY 16/17th. You will receive the grade as shown in the chart at the end. YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE YOU SHOW ME EACH COMPLETED ASSIGNMENT BEFORE YOU GO ONTO THE NEXT TIER. I. Do these at the same time! What was the Renaissance?- Day 1 A. B. C. D. II. What were some artistic and cultural contributions of the Renaissance? Day 2 A. B. C. D. E. III. Tier One- SS Techbook- Renaissance-18.1 i. Explore- Read pages 4-7 (Paired) Tier Two- Analysis of Reading- (Paired) i. Complete Story Frames for page 4 ii. Complete Graphic Organizer page 5 iii. Summary Frames for pages 6-7 Tier Three- Review and Assess (independent) i. Techbook-Evaluate ii. Review flashcards and Why it Matters? iii. Complete the Self-Assessment-Show teacher your score at the end to get checked off Tier Four- Compare Middle Ages to Renaissance i. ask for activity sheet ii. Create a collage, with captions, or Write a journal article (at least one paragraph) explaining the difference between Middle Ages philosophies and Renaissance thinkers. iii. can be taken home for HW Tier One- SS Techbook- Renaissance- 18.2 i. Explore- Read pages 1-4 ii. Fill out Graphic organizer shown on page 1 Tier Two- Printing Press i. Explore- Read page 5 ii. Answer in paragraph format: How did the invention of the printing press impact culture in the Renaissance? Tier Three- Review and Assess (independent) i. Techbook-Evaluate ii. Review flashcards and Why it Matters? iii. Complete the Self-Assessment-Show teacher your score at the end to get checked off Tier Four-The Renaissance Man-Leonardo DaVinci Source analysis (independent) I. Techbook-Elaborate II. Launch the Source Analysis Activity and complete the Student Guide III. can be done for hw-Will ONLY work on a computer-MAYBE NOT AN INTERNET DEVICE (cell-phone, iPad, etc.) Tier Five- Create a new “Renaissance Invention” (independent) BONUS ACTIVITY i. Use techbook Chapter 18.2-Explain Activity #1 ii. Fill out graphic organizer to plan your speech. iii. You can give your speech next class! iv. can be done for HW assignment How did new ideas and challenges lead to REFORM in the Roman Catholic Church? Day 3 A. B. C. Tier One-Problems in the Catholic Church– Ch. 20.1 (Paired) i. Explore p. 1 ii. Fill out main idea web about problems facing the Catholic Church Tier Two- Cause and Effects of the Reformation (paired) i. Explore p. 2-5 ii. Fill out Cause and Effect Chart as you read Tier Three-Reformation Interview or Drawing (independent) i. Techbook- Explain- Be a Journalist OR Visuals of Cause and Effect Chart ii. Can complete for HW D. E. Tier Four- Review and Assess (independent) i. Techbook-Evaluate ii. Review flashcards and Why it Matters? iii. Complete the Self-Assessment-Show teacher your score at the end to get checked off Tier Five- Historical Perspectives- BONUS ACTIVITY i. Elaborate- Simulation ii. Launch Student Guide and complete as you work through the simulation IV. How did Science develop and impact Renaissance society? Day 4 A. Tier One- (paired or full class) i. Login with “agbrainpop” pw:bulldogs. Search for “Galileo” and watch. Fill in viewing guide B. Tier Two: Who’s Who in Science- (paired) i. Read green book p. 286-289. Answer Sentence Completion and Matching Exercise (p. 290) in Notes C. Tier Three: Critical Thinking-Judgement (independent)-> i. p. 290 in Green Book. Argue the influence of The Scientific Revolution D. Tier Four: People of the Renaissancei. Student choice for writing assignment about various aspects and people in Renaissance life. Ask for a copy of the assignment. Create a Facebook page for one “Renaissance Man”! ii. Can be taken home for HW V. How did the quest for knowledge lead to the exploration and impact on a New World? Day 5 a. b. c. d. VI. Tier One- Christopher Columbus (class or pairs) i. Login with “agbrainpop” pw:bulldogs. Search “Christopher Columbus” ii. Fill in viewing guide and complete online quiz from snippet Tier Two- Explorer Intro (independent) i. Reading with guiding questions Tier Three-Cross Cultural Trade Mapping (paired) i. Grab a map and directions. ii. Follow directions and label the paths that the Explorers and other tradesmen took on the map Tier Four-Graphic Organizer on Columbian Exchange (independent) i. Go back to and watch the video on the Columbian Exchange. Using the information about the Columbian Exchange, create/draw a diagram that shows the movement of items from one continent to the other. ii. Answer the following question in at least 5 sentences- Was the Columbian Exchange overall, positive or negative for the development of civilization? iii. Can be done for HW CATCH UP Pick from the Following Assignments for another Extra Tier a. In Groups of no more than 4- Write a script that reviews an aspect of the Renaissance that you found interesting. Skit should be no longer than 5 minutes. b. Create a powerpoint with visuals showing the 3 most important contributions of the Renaissance Age c. Use Bloom’s Question stems and develop a quiz using every level of Bloom’s at least twice. (7 levels=14 questions) Grading All Bonus tiers (23)-100 20 Tiers -98 17- 92 14-86 11-80 8-74 19 Tiers -96 16- 90 13-84 10-78 7-72 18 – 94 15- 88 12-82 9-76 6-70