docx - Dakota State University, Madison, SD

Dakota State University
College of Education
Name: Britney Timm
Grade Level: 8th Grade
School: Madison Middle School
Date: March 12 & 13, 2012
Time: 8:15 – 9:45
Reflection from prior lesson
 Students had issues with selecting a range of cells. Students also had some issues with using formulas other
than AutoSum. Students will also use the fill handle and auto fit more in this assignment to establish the
ease of the tools.
Lesson Goal(s)
 Students will create a worksheet in Excel using information from the internet and formatting techniques
learned in the last chapter.
 SD 8.CP.2.1 – Integrate effective information technology to manage personal and education information.
o In the future, students may need an easy way to convert US dollars to another foreign currency.
Lesson Objectives:
 Students will import information from a website with 90% accuracy.
 Students will format the information with 80% accuracy.
Materials Needed:
 Computer
 Projector
 Internet access
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:
 This class meets every other day as it is a block class. There are two sections for this class. Gold day class
consists of 25 students, 13 males and 12 females. There is one student with an IEP in this section. Maroon
day class consists of 23 students, 12 males and 11 females. There are eight students in this section on IEPs.
Some of the students with IEPs are excused from some of the assignments. Assignments stay open for the
whole six weeks to help students get assignments done that they may have gotten behind on. Assignments
are expected to be done prior to the test. Students are required to take the test at the same time as everyone
else regardless of the assignments they have done unless an absence has occurred.
A. The Lesson
 Students will take the information presented in Excel Chapter 2 and create a unique worksheet.
 Currency rates change daily and MSN Money is one of the best places to check the rates.
Content Delivery (50 minutes)
Open a blank Excel workbook.
Click on Data tab on the Ribbon
i. Click on “From Web” in the External Data section
ii. In Excel browser type in hit enter
iii. In Search textbox type in “Microsoft exchange rates”
iv. Click on the first link. “Currency Rates – MSN Money”
v. Click on the first arrow
vi. Click Import and yes to any scripts that want to run
Import data into the “Existing Worksheet “ into cell $A$1
Highlight Rows 1- 105; right click and delete
Highlight Rows 18-40; right click and delete
Highlight Row 1; right click and insert
Select cells A1:E1, merge and center
i. Type “Current Currency Rates”
Click Page Layout, then Themes
i. Choose the theme “Flow”
Change the style of cell A1 to Title
Select A2:E2 and change the style to Heading 2
Select B2:E2 click “Wrap Text”
Change the width of columns B, C, D, & E to 90 pixels.
Type “100” into D3, then use your fill handle to fill down to D18
Type =D3*C3 into E3, then using your fill handle fill down.
High light A2:E18; Click on “Sort and Filter” then click on “Custom Sort”
i. Change “Sort by” to “In US dollars”
ii. “Sort on” should be “Values”
iii. “Order” should be “Smallest to Largest”
B3:E3 needs to be formatted to Accounting
B4:E18 needs to be formatted to Comma
Increase the decimal spaces in cells B3:B18 to 5, double check B3 and make sure the dollar sign is still
there, if it is not add it back by using the Format cells dialog box.
 Save the workbook as Last name First Name Currency.
 Drop the assignment into the drop folder under the Y drive.
B. Assessments Used
 Currency Rates Worksheet (25 points)
o Title Style (2 points)
o Heading 2 Style (2 points)
o Accounting cells with $ symbol B3:E3 (4 points)
o Accounting or Currency with no symbol B4:E18 (4 points)
o Column B sorted from smallest to largest (5 points)
o Column B has 5 decimal places (4 points)
o Workbook Theme – Flow (4 points)
C. Differentiated Instruction
 I will go through important or difficult steps on the projector for all types of learners.
 Students are able to work at their own pace.
D. Resources
 Microsoft. (n.d.). Currency Rates. Retrieved March 12, 2012, from Currency Rates - MSN Money:
 Shelly, G. B., Cashman, T. J., & Vermaat, M. E. (2008). Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and
Techniques. Boston: Thomson Course Technology.