Name ENG 10R- Mrs. Curley The Tragedy of Macbeth

Name _________________________________
ENG 10R- Mrs. Curley
The Tragedy of Macbeth- Act I
For each of the quotations below, discuss the context, that is, the overall situation that is present. Your
thorough discussion of each quotation must be written in complete sentences and include the
following: Who is the speaker? Who is the listener? What do the words actually mean? Who or what is
being discussed? (After all, Shakespeare’s language is tricky). What does this quotation reveal about the
character? Why is this quotation significant and meaningful in terms of the plot of the play so far?
Finally, if any the quotations are drawn from a soliloquy, monologue, or an aside, make that clear in your
1. “What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won.” Scene # __________
2. “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none.” Scene # __________
3. “If chance will have me King, why,/ chance may crown me,/ Without my stir.” Scene # __________
4. “Stars, hide your fires;/ Let not light see my black and deep desires:” Scene # __________
5. “Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be/ What thou are promised. Yet I do fear thy nature;/ It is too
full of the milk of human kindness/ To catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great,/ Art not without
ambition, but without/ The illness should attend it.” Scene # __________