World History

World History
Unit 1: Beginning of Civilization
Ch 1 & 2
Taking notes from my presentations…
This will be waaaay too much work for you
I never ask questions on assessments requiring an
exact quote from the notes
Jot down SUMMARIZED info and keywords
Put things in YOUR OWN words
This requires you to understand the material before
you can write it down. Simply copying is NOT learning
KISS = Keep It Short and Sweet, use abbreviations
Make a list and expand your vocabulary
What is history?
History is defined as a narrative of past
events of a particular people, country,
period, person, etc., usually written as a
chronological account
Historical Scientists
Many scientists work as a team to make
new discoveries about how prehistoric
people lived
Archaeologists- excavate and study traces of
early settlements.
Anthropologists- study past cultures for
behavior and social patterns.
Paleontologists- use techniques to date ancient
“Ice Man” Otzi – pg 15
“Lucy” – pg 7
Human Species
Homo Erectus: First migrating humans
(from Africa)
Homo Sapiens: Modern day humans
Neanderthals: religious beginnings, cavemen,
hunters with tools
Cro-Magnon: superior hunter lead to bigger
population, spoken language, created art
Open your textbooks 
Pg 8-9: timeline
Pg 9: Empire State Building
Pg 10: migration map
Pg 12-13: cave paintings
Cave Paintings
Interesting facts:
Most focused on hunters and animals.
stick figures for people, but the animals were well drawn
with more shape and substance.
In order to reach the places where cave paintings have
been found, Cro-Magnon man had to crawl on his belly,
through mazes of narrow, dark tunnels, by the light of a
flicking torch or a spoon-like oil lamp, and carrying the
paints he had carefully prepared
Were discovered accidentally. The caves in Lascaux,
France were found around 1940, during World War II, by
some kids. They stumbled across the entrance to a cave
that had been hidden by the roots of a tree.
TPEQEA – Choose one prompt
How is the work of anthropologists valuable
for people living today?
In order for civilizations to develop, why
was it essential for man to first have tools?
What does the artistic style of cave
paintings tell us about the lives of CroMagnon?
For homework…
Choose a favorite quote that you will depict
in cave painting style
Bring this written down with you tomorrow
You may not use the quotes I have around
my classroom
Cave Painting Quotes
Please share with the class…
What is your quote?
Why did you pick this quote?
Poster Requirements
Must be in the historical artistic style of real
cave paintings
Must explain your quote through pictures
with NO words
Cities Develop
 Development
of better tools
improves farming and hunting
 Leads
to food surplus
Leads to larger populations
 Leads to different jobs
 Leads to social classes and leisure
What is a Civilization?
What do you think?
Civilizations (according to historians) must
have at least 5 elements… (pg 19-21)
1. Advanced Cities
Center of trade for a larger area
Goods are brought to markets to exchange
Ancient city
of Jericho
2. Specialized Workers
Large population meant too many farmers
Other jobs emerged: traders, gov’t officials,
priests, artisans
Artisans made things like jewelry, metal tools and
weapons, pottery, clothing, etc.
3. Complex Institutions
Governments were created to rule over
Religion develops
Most cities had temples
Economy is established
4. Record Keeping
Need to keep track of taxes, laws, calendar dates,
rituals, etc.
Scribes wrote about wars, natural disasters, the
reign of kings, etc.
Ancient Sumerians wrote in cuneiform: writing with a
stylus (sharpened reed) onto wet clay in symbols, then
bake the clay in the sun. (pg 21)
5. Improved Technology
Developed to solve problems in society
Animal powered plows
Potter’s wheel for bowls and jugs
Metal workers mixed copper and tin together to form
Used for weapons and tools (Bronze age)
#6 Cultural Identity
(Mrs. Cox’s extra element)
Shared ethnicity
Can include language, traditions, rites of
passage, cultural celebrations, clothing style, set
of moral values, social mores, family structure,
sports and recreation, etc.
Necessary for unification and sustainability
TPEQEA – Choose one prompt
What is a modern example of specialized
workers in the US today?
 How has record keeping allowed
civilization in the US to flourish?
 Which element of civilization is the most
Create Your Own Civilization Project
Your group will write a novella about a
civilization that you invent.
You will receive an individual exam grade for
your part of the project
You will also receive a group project grade for
the presentation and explanation of your novella
to the class
Chapter #1 – To be completed by
entire group together
What is the name of your civilization?
What time period do they live in?
This can be a past, present, or even futuristic
Where is your civilization located?
This can be below, on, or above earth or even on
a different planet or galaxy
Chapter #2
What makes up the cultural
identity of your civilization?
Include clothing style, social mores, family
structure, recreation activities, and entertainment
Make sure that all religious traditions, holidays,
and rites of passage are all consistent with your
Create visuals and/or diagrams (separate
from your writing of the story) to enhance
your chapter.
Chapter #3
Create a timeline of significant events from the
history of your civilization
Describe how your civilization came to be.
What has happened to bring your people to where they
are today?
Create a visual that is a map for the main city of
your civilization
Include places of worship,
business, government centers,
recreation, etc.
Chapter #4
Invent a religion for your civilization and explain
their religious beliefs and practices
Make sure to communicate these beliefs with your other
group members so that they may be present in the other
task presentations
What rites of passage, holidays, and
traditions will be celebrated?
Create visuals and/or diagrams
(separate from your writing of the
story) to enhance your chapter.
Chapter #5
Decide what type of governing body would best
represent your civilization and explain the
workings of this governing body
Create a list of at least 10 laws
Make sure other group members are aware of these laws so
that they may be present in the other task presentations
Create visuals and/or
diagrams (separate from
your writing of the story) to
enhance your chapter.
Chapter #6
Describe what jobs and economic activities are
needed in your civilization.
Include the hierarchy of social classes
Work with others to decide what technology and tools are
What kind of currency system will they use?
What makes one class different
than the others?
Create visuals (separate from
your writing of the story) to
enhance your chapter
Individual Rubric – Exam Grade
Group Presentation Rubric – Project Grade
Calendar of Due Dates
Good Presentation Behaviors