Module 1 ppt- all lessons

Modeling and Simulation
Module 1: Lesson 1
Introduction to Complex Adaptive Systems and
Computer Modeling and Simulation
Turn & Walk Activity
Simple Rules
• You are an agent
• Form a circle (or not)
• Turn to face the person on your left
• Close your eyes and take three steps in that
Turn & Walk Computer Model
Web-based StarLogo Nova Platform
• What is the relationship between the
computer model and the real world?
• What was included and what was missing
from the computer model of Turn & Walk?
• What are computer models good for?
Setup and Forever blocks
Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS)
video “Introduction to Complex Systems”
Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS)
Terms to Remember
Simple rules
Emergent patterns
Initial conditions
Modeling and Simulation
Module 1: Lesson 2
Introduction to StarLogo Nova and
Building Painting Turtles
StarLogo Nova
A web-based software program
Computer Science
• Instructions
• Computer Program
• Looping
• Iterations
• Public and Private
• Remixing
Guided Tour of StarLogo Nova
Follow Guided Introduction to StarLogo Nova to see
the different parts of site.
•User Interface
•Terrain & Spaceland area
•Blocks & Drawers (workspace to create your code)
•Account & log in
•My Profile, public & private galleries, creating new project
•Sharing your project
•Remixing your project
Flower Turtles Project
• Start a new blank project.
• Name it ‘Flower Turtles’ with your name(s) in
the title.
• Your challenge: Have turtles create a flower
o create 5 turtles that separate when ‘Setup’button
is pushed.
o have the turtles move and leave trails with their
pens down
• Save your project with both partners names
Flower Turtles Project
In the World Page- create 5 turtles that separate when the setup button is pushed.
In the Turtle Page- have the turtles move & turn to create a flower pattern.
Extensions: Painting Turtles Challenge
• REMIX your Flower Turtle project and call it
“Painting Turtles”
• Your challenge: Paint a masterpiece
o create many turtles
o have the turtles move around the space leaving
o have a slight wiggle to their walk
o Change the colors of the turtles.
• Save your project with both partners names
Terms to Remember
Modeling and Simulation
Module 1: Lesson 3
Conditional Branching
Trailblazer and Bumper Turtles
Review from Lesson 2
• What commands enabled turtles to change
their environment?
• What could an agent leaving trails represent in
a real world scenario?
How turtles can react to their environment
• Starting and ending in the same place.
• Using a pencil, draw the path in the CENTER of squares.
• Pick up ALL the gold while avoiding the hazards.
• Color the squares as necessary according to the following rules:
– Take a step forward.
– If you are standing on a RED square, then turn right by 90 degrees
– Else If you are standing on a BLUE square, then turn left by 90
– Else If you are standing on a BLACK square, then turn right by 180
Trade your map with your partner.
Discussion and New Concepts
Comparing solutions
Computer Science concept: conditionals
New commands: If/Then and If/Then/Else
Boolean statements– Evaluate to either True or False (Yes or No)
• Examples of conditionals in real life?
Setup and Forever blocks
New SLNova Blocks
Bumper Turtles Challenge
• Start with the program called “Bumper Turtles
starter” program
• Click on the “Paint Landmarks” push button and
see the program execute the code provided. Do
not change the code in Paint Landmarks!
• Remix the project, add your name(s) to the title
• Your challenge is to make the turtles react to the
landmarks created by the “Paint Landmarks”
– Use logic blocks that evaluate the color of the terrain
and tells the turtle how to turn.
Partial Solution
• What is the difference between if/then
statements in a row vs. nested if/then/else
• Does execution order matter?
• What could these trails and bumpers
represent in Bumper Turtles model?
• Terms to remember: conditional, Boolean,
Modeling and Simulation
Module 1: Lesson 1
Probability with Dice and Data,
Wiggle Walk, and Colliding Turtles
Review from Lesson 3
• What commands enabled agents to react to
their environments?
Review from Lesson 3
• What commands enabled agents to react to
their environments?
Review from Lesson 3
• An example of reacting to the environment:
IF/THEN with a Boolean expression
New in Lesson 4
• Today we are going to learn about probability
(or the likelihood of something happening).
• Then we are going to use probability to make
turtles do a “wiggle” walk.
Chances Are
• Today we are going to learn about probability
• Form small groups and each group gets a cup
and a die.
• Roll the die in the cup and record the result on
your activity sheet.
• Repeat until you have 50 trials.
Chances Are
• What were your results?
• If you used a bar graph to visualize your
results, what would it look like?
• Pool each groups data and see the results for
the class.
• What are the chances of rolling each number
between 1 and 6?
Chances Are
• We can mimic a roll of a die in StarLogo Nova
using the random command.
• Random 6 will return a number between 0
and 5.
Chances Are
• Random can be used within other commands.
For example, used within a left turn
command, what do you think this command
now does?
• If we used this command in an agent’s walk,
what would it’s trail look like?
Wiggle walk
• Next imagine that you were going to roll two
dice instead of one die. Do you think we will
still get a flat distribution?
• In other words, is rolling a pair of ones as
common as rolling a sum of 8?
Wiggle walk
• Fill in all the possible combinations of rolling
two dice.
Student 1
Student 2
Wiggle Walk
• What is the most common result of rolling two
• What is the next most common result?
• If we were to graph out the number of
occurrences of each result, what would it look
Wiggle Walk
• We use this “triangle” distribution when we
want to to make agents walk with some
randomness in their motion but mostly follow
a straight line. We call this a wiggle walk.
Wiggle Walk
• We use this distribution when we want to to
make agents walk with some randomness in
their motion but mostly follow a straight line.
We call this a wiggle walk.
Wiggle Walk
Wiggle Walk
• Try it yourself!
• Open your Bumper Turtle program and make
your agents wiggle when they walk.
• Next you can get rid of the red, black and blue
Wiggle Walk
• What’s the difference between a walk that
uses one command
• And two commands?
What’s really going on?
Self-test of understanding
Colliding Turtles
New Command: Collision
• Collisions occur when two agents bump into
one another. (They do not need to be
centered on the same patch.)
Colliding Turtles
New Command: Collision- allows for agent to
agent interactions
Colliding Turtles
New Command: Collision with a condition
New StarLogo Nova Blocks
Colliding Turtles
(coding agent to agent interaction)
• Start from a new blank project
• Create 50 blue turtles and 5 red turtles (use 2 ‘create
do’ blocks)
• Have the turtles move forward with a little wiggle in
their walk. (forever block on the turtle page)
• Upon colliding with a red turtle, have turtles react to
that agent (the collidee) by changing their color to red.
• Save your project, make sure your name(s) are in the
• Extension: add a ‘chance’ or probability of a turtle
turning red when it collides with a red turtle.
Review from Lesson 4
• What could collisions represent in the real
• Why do we use probability in models?
End of Lesson 4
Modeling and Simulation
Module 1: Lesson 5
Modeling the Spread of Disease
Designing and Running Experiments
Review from Lesson 4
• What could collisions represent in the real
• Why do we use probability in models?
Lesson 5
Introduction to Epidemiology.
Modeling the spread of a disease.
Creating a slider for transmission rate.
Using the slider value to determine whether
or not to pass a disease from agent to agent.
• Creating a slider for recovery rate.
• Using it to determine if a sick agent recovers.
Introduction to Epidemiology
• Epidemics are the spread of disease
• Epidemiologists study the spread of disease
• One way epidemiologists try to study the
spread of disease is through running
simulations of how a disease spreads. Then
they can test different measures to stop and
What is MRSA?
• MRSA is a bacteria called Methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus Aureus.
• Staphylococcus means grape-cluster in Greek.
• Viewed at 10,000 x magnification.
• 30% of a population has some form of
staphylococcus or staph on their skin or nose,
which is known as colonization.
• About 880,000 people are infected with MRSA
each year, out of those, 3% die.
How Does it Spread?
• Direct physical contact
How to treat an infection
• The infection is usually drained, cleaned, and
• Treated with an appropriate antibiotic.
• Keep it covered and don’t share personal items.
Picture of MRSA cycle
• MRSA transmission
Community-Associated MRSA Modeled
as a Complex Adaptive System
This is a screen shot from a simplified version of a Community-associated MRSA model
developed by the University of Chicago / Argonne National Laboratory. In this model,
students go from home to school and back again. The agents can be in one of three
states: healthy, infected, or colonized, and can infect others if they are colonized or
New in Lesson 5
• CS concepts: Variables and Procedures
• We are going to turn our colliding turtles
model to make it into an epidemic model.
• Let’s add a new widget called a slider. We will
use this slider to hold a value called the
transmission rate.
• This rate is the percentage of time a disease
gets passed from one person to another upon
• Variables are containers for holding values.
• Think of a variable as a box with a label.
• In StarLogo Nova, Sliders can be used to hold
values and set values as inputs to the model.
• Procedures are stacks of commands that
perform a particular function and can be given
a name.
Create a New StarLogo Nova widget
New StarLogo Nova widget
• Change the max value to 100 by typing in 100 next to
max and hitting the return key.
• Click on “Edit Widgets” again to get out into editing
mode and back into play mode.
Use the New Widget
• We now have a way to set the transmission rate
through the user interface with a slider.
• We can get the value of transmission rate in code.
• How do we “pass the disease to the healthy agent
40% of the time after a collision?”
[hint: remember the dice rolls]
Use the Transmission Rate Widget
• We are rolling a 100-sided die. If the result is less
than the transmission rate, pass the disease on.
• How often should we roll less than the transmission
• What kind of distribution does the roll of a single die
give us?
Save and Test your Model
• Try changing the transmission rate?
• What is missing if you wanted to use your model as
an experimental test bed?
Extension: Adding Recovery
• People sometimes recover from a disease
• How can we use probability to determine
when a sick person recovers?
Adding Recovery
• Recovery will be a new procedure.
• At each step a sick person has a chance of
Adding Recovery
• Create a new slider for recovery rate.
• Use that slider in the recover procedure to
determine whether the sick agent recovers
(becomes healthy again).
Adding Recovery
• Create a new slider for recovery rate.
Adding Recovery
• Use that slider in the recover procedure to
determine whether the sick agent recovers
(becomes healthy again or blue).
Save and Test your Model
• Try changing the recovery rate?
• Did you see any new outcomes or patterns?
Review from Lesson 5
• What does this model tell you?
• What is the impact of changing the
transmission rate? And recovery rate?
• What other things move through a population
like a disease?
End of Lesson 5
Modeling and Simulation
Module 1: Lesson 6
Adding Instrumentation
Designing and Running Experiments
Review from Lesson 5
• What are the different ways we have used
probability in this model?
• What is the impact of changing the
transmission rate?
• What was the impact of changing the recovery
Instrumenting your Model
• Qualitative means relating to, measuring, or
measured by the quality of something (its size,
appearance, value, etc.) rather than its quantity.
• Quantitative means relating to, measuring, or
measured by the quantity of something rather than
its quality.
Instrumenting your Model
• We need some way of tracking the spread of disease.
• What data should we collect?
Instrumenting your Model
• Let’s create a new “line graph” widget called
“Population Healthy and Sick.”
• We’ll use it to track #red (sick) and #blue (healthy)
over time.
Instrumenting your Model
• Drag the line graph off to the side of Spaceland.
• Double click on New Series and change its name to
“CountHealthy” then select blue as its line color.
• Add another Series and change its name to
“CountSick” then select red as its line color.
• Finally, click “Edit Widgets” to leave editing mode
and returning to play mode.
Instrumenting your Model
• We want The World will update the line graph each
time through the forever loop.
Test your Model
• Does the line graph work?
• What patterns can you see that were difficult to see
without the line graph?
• Researching diseases and adding in real
transmission rate values.
Designing and Running Experiments
• Use the Experimental Design form to describe
your experiment.
• Plan and run your experiment.
• Describe and share your findings.
Review from Lesson 6
• Why is it important to instrument models?
• How can computer models of epidemics be
used to better understand the spread of
End of Lesson 6