Your Physiology Will Regain Balance: Functional

Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips


20 Tips For:

Better Energy & Sleep

Better Focus & Memory

Better Skin & Hair


Better Metabolism

Dr. Todd Stone


Patients Speak…

Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

“Prior to seeing Dr. Stone 6 months ago; I had no energy, I was in the bed by 6:00 p.m. every evening and I took naps during the day when I could. I felt bad all the time almost like I had the flu. I had severe stomach cramps, constant constipation and bloating. These symptoms I coped with for years thinking this must be my norm.

I had seen multiple doctors for my symptoms; internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology and gastroenterologist. I was told I was sickly, that my body was going through changes. There were times I felt like I was going crazy. I wasn’t getting the help I needed.

A friend mentioned seeing an alternative medicine physician.

After 6 months of treatment with Dr. Stone; I can’t stay still I have so much energy in fact my husband says he is going to have to see Dr. Stone so he can keep up with me, the stomach cramps have stopped and I rarely have constipation and bloating. I actually feel human. It was nice to be reassured that I wasn’t crazy and I received proper diagnoses and treatment.”



“I’ve been on thyroid medication for probably 25 years. And I got to the point where I put on an excessive amount of weight. I had gained 60 pounds in the last 3-4 months before coming here. ii

Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

No matter what I did I couldn’t get it off. A couple years ago my blood pressure kept going up and up and up, it was close to

200/110! So, they put my one 1 blood pressure medicine, it didn’t bring it down. Then, I was put on a 2 nd which didn’t bring it down, added a 3 rd and that didn’t bring it down!! The day before I came to Dr. Stone’s office, I ended up in the ER because of a massive heart attack. Since coming here, I’m off every medication I was taking, and I was on a lot of them. I’m off the thyroid medication,

I’m off the blood pressure medication, and my blood pressure is fine. I’ve also lost 30 something pounds! I feel wonderful, and it’s completely changed my life”.



I’ve been to a general practitioner and they diagnosed me with Graves Disease. I teach, so I couldn’t function really. I couldn’t go 15 min without sitting down. I had very little energy. I just remember, of course I’m trying to forget, but I was very shaky. I couldn’t write my name without having to hold my hand.

So, walking was difficult due to the shakiness and weakness. I was hot all the time, my temperature stayed at like 99. When I [first] came in, my heart rate was 150 or 160 [while] resting. Now, it’s consistently at 80! My energy level is fine; I can run with my 8 year old. I walk daily, I’m able to keep up with the 5 th graders, and there’s no more shakiness! Everything is pretty much back the way it was before the Graves Disease. “


 iii

Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

“I didn’t know I had Hashimotos until Dr. Stone diagnosed it.

Doctors kept giving me synthroid and all these medications. My thyroid test kept coming back just very abnormal. Nothing could help. The synthroid made me feel awful. The test [results] were coming back all over the place, so the doctors didn’t know what to do with me. They were doing what they were supposed to do, but they didn’t know what to do.[Dr. stone] started treating my immune system; now my energy is up almost all the time, just beyond anything I could ever imagine! I could never do what I’m doing now. And my attitude, I was always real dreary and negative and now I feel happy almost all the time! I’m back and actually dating as a single, senior woman. I’m having lots of fun!”



When I came in I was really having issues with my thyroid. I was in an awful lot of pain. Since coming here I have a lot more energy and as long as I don’t eat anything to cause inflammation, my chronic pain is 100% better. I have days that I can’t believe it’s me. Before [seeing Dr. Stone] I went to another chiropractor 27 times and I saw a Neurologist who gave me an Epidural. Before the epidural wore off I was sent to physical therapy and as soon as the epidural wore off I felt 100 times worse. Now that I’m here, I feel like I’ve come a long way in a little time.”

-Raven iv

Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Copyright © 2012 Dr. Todd Stone. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying, without written permission of the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission from the publisher.

Todd Stone

1119 Hendersonville Road, Suite 330

Asheville, NC 28803

(828) 277-1414

Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty

The author and publisher shall not be liable for your misuse of this material. This book is strictly for informational and educational purposes.

Warning – Disclaimer

The purpose of this book is to educate and entertain. The author and/or publisher do not guarantee that anyone following these techniques, suggestions, tips, ideas, or strategies will become successful. The author and/or publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. v

Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips


First and foremost, I am grateful for my beautiful and wonderful wife Sonya, for accepting who I am completely, loving me perfectly, and assisting me to develop as an individual. Our children have also helped me grow in ways I never imagined.

Savannah, Sacred, Amory, Gates, and West challenge me, forgive me, and deepen my life experience.

I also want to acknowledge my patients who have made me a

“Thyroid Specialist,” and advanced my skills in helping others find relief from a life of thyroid symptoms. vi

Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips


INTRODUCTION .................................................................................1

TIP 1: LISTENING ................................................................................3

THE CURIOUS , INTERESTED , SCIENTIST ................................................... 3

TIPS 2 - 5: DIETARY .............................................................................6

PROTEIN .......................................................................................... 6

G REENS ........................................................................................... 8

I NDULGENCE " PAY OFF " ................................................................... 11

BRAZIL NUTS ................................................................................... 12

TIPS 6 - 8: THYROID STIMULANTS ..................................................... 14

N OURISH THE THYROID .................................................................... 14

THYROID MEDICINE ( THE BEST ) .......................................................... 14

HIDDEN THYROID CASES ( THE BEST MEDICINE ) ...................................... 15

TIPS 9 - 11: UPRIVER MEDICINE (STRESS PHYSIOLOGY) ...................... 18

STRESS RESISTANCE .......................................................................... 18

ADRENAL FATIGUE ........................................................................... 19

ADRENAL EXHAUSTION ..................................................................... 21


ANEMIA AND DIGESTION / ABSORPTION ................................................ 22

ESTROGEN EXCESS ........................................................................... 24

TIPS 14 - 18: UPRIVER MEDICINE (INFLAMMATION) .......................... 26

DIETARY INFLAMMATION .................................................................. 26 vi

Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

B ARRIER COMPROMISE .................................................................... 29



A UTOIMMUNE ............................................................................... 34

D ETOXIFICATION ............................................................................. 36

TIPS 19 - 20: ENERGIZE YOUR LIFE ..................................................... 38



NOURISH YOUR LIFE ENERGY ............................................................. 42

CONCLUSION ................................................................................... 44

THYROID RELIEF CHECKLIST .............................................................. 46

RESOURCES...................................................................................... 48

LAB TESTING ................................................................................... 48

RECIPES ......................................................................................... 51

" INDULGENCE ANTIDOTE " ................................................................. 53

SUPPLEMENT RESOURCE ................................................................... 56

ABOUT THE AUTHOR ........................................................................ 67 vii

Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips


Our clinic has naturally and unintentionally become a Thyroid

Clinic. The truth is that we are a wholistic clinic that treats people to increase health, but our success with thyroid patients has brought more thyroid patients.

The observations and experience I have accumulated with these patients has perhaps made me a specialist in thyroid conditions. As you will see, though, being a thyroid specialist means being a specialist in immune disorders, stress hormones, and other hormones. It means being a specialist in diet and lifestyle approaches that work for the unique presentation of the patient with thyroid symptoms.

This book is a compilation of the best and most effective, results producing, symptom relieving “prescriptions” I give to my thyroid patients based on thorough diagnostic testing, careful examination, and, most importantly (see tip 1) listening to and noticing what works. This specialized knowledge is now yours to apply in your own life.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

My intent was to write very practically, without bogging you down with medical terminology or extensive lessons in physiology. In other words, here is what works well for my patients, in patient language.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 1: Listen!

First and foremost, a solid practice of listening to the messages your body is sending is absolutely essential to achieving any health goal, and really, any life goal. So many people I see are completely unaware whether what they are doing or taking is helping, hurting, or doing nothing.

Sure, there are messages that nobody can miss, like eating a strawberry and noticing your eyes swell shut. Most messages are more subtle and require a practice of paying attention.

For instance, when I was in college, the “knowledge” I had gathered said that diet sodas were a positive part of a healthy diet. I used them for energy and to avoid sugar calories. Here’s the listening lesson: I DIDN’T notice that I was the one person in our class that routinely fell asleep in class.

Of course I did realize that I was falling asleep, but I wasn’t making the connection that I was completely failing in my attempt to increase energy. I didn’t observe that my routine was not achieving my goals, and in fact, I was going the wrong direction. It might not have occurred to me that it was the diet soda even if I


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips had the insight to notice my result and develop a new plan, but without noticing, I wasn’t even looking for a better plan.

That’s a perfectly horrible example of listening…what would it look like to be a great listener? Just like anything that is new, we all begin at zero, meaning our skills are not developed. We are bad at listening because we have never practiced or never even taught that it is of value. As a novice or beginner, I suggest you use a grading system to monitor your symptoms.

Pick one prominent, or several symptoms that you can clearly tune in to and notice. Energy is a great symptom since it accompanies almost every health challenge, and is a frequent symptom of thyroid problems. Others might include digestion or constipation, bloating or gas, body pain or headaches, quality of sleep (ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake refreshed), mood (irritability, depression or anxiety), and really anything that has caught your attention.

We call these symptoms, but I also like to refer to them as

“messages.” Grade each message on a scale of 0-10, where 0 is no symptom at all, and 10 is the most severe and debilitating.

You can take a moment in the evening for a brief reflection on the day and grade each symptom based on an average, or grade the


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips symptom when it is occurring, such as the energy you have when you first get out of bed.

Always compare apples to apples…if you are grading your worst headache of the week, compare it to the worst headache of last week. If you are grading a day that was high stress or physical activity, compare the symptom grade to a similar day.

Don’t worry about what to do about it yet. I will give you 19 more ideas to implement. Your biggest job is to carefully note whether the plan is creating a positive trend in symptoms…meaning, they are getting less. If you have severe symptoms, and multiple symptoms, you might not notice an improvement in one symptom unless you are taking this inventory carefully.

Natural medicine works gradually, so we never expect a complete resolution of a symptom or group of symptoms overnight…but, if you discover the plan that improves your symptoms 5% each week, and stick to it, one day you will wake up and say, “Dang, I feel good!”


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 2: Eat for Adrenal Health

I am going to assume you have virtually eliminated non-food foods, such as food chemicals, preservative, flavorings, artificial sweeteners, trans fats (Crisco, hydrogenated oils, margarine).

Many of these chemicals and manufactured foods have exhausting consequences, and will stand in the way of your best efforts to feel well again.

Most snack foods are now available in “pure” forms, so there is no need to mourn the loss of your favorite food, but to choose chips, candy, and other indulgences from “health food stores.” All ingredients should be recognizable, such as corn, chocolate, cane sugar, etc. If you aren’t sure, look it up on the internet.

Once you are eating clean, the greatest challenge with diet is blood sugar control. Our method of helping your body gain control is to implement a protein based snack every 2 hours, including first thing in the morning, and last thing before bed (go ahead and brush those teeth of course), and every 2 hours…every two hours throughout the day. Did I get that point emphasized enough!?


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Your protein sources can include eggs, nuts and nut butters, meat, beans, and cheese. You can steal my idea if you’d like…I have almonds or walnuts and a bag of dark chocolate gogi berries.

I take a handful of nuts, pour a few of the chocolate gogi berries on top, and pop the whole thing in my mouth. Done.

Meal times are included and all meals need to include a protein source. During meals, shoot for 20-25 grams of protein, which is the amount in a single serving size chicken breast. The internet has a million protein gram counting sites, so look it up if you aren’t sure.

Why!? If you haven’t heard of the adrenal glands, you may want to do some research and learn the basics. They are known as the “stress glands,” and it is true, if you are stressed out, they are turned up. The main stress they combat is low blood sugar.

Most people know about the pancreas, insulin, and diabetes…that’s about high blood sugar. Protection from low blood sugar is the work of the adrenals.

And, if your condition wasn’t CAUSED by stress overload, having a thyroid problem IS stressful, so the adrenals are tired out either way. By eating the protein every two hours, you are giving your adrenals a significant vacation all day long. That way, when


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips you go to sleep, the 8 hours of fasting are met by rested adrenal glands, and you have a better chance of sleeping through the night. Two signs that your adrenal glands are fatiguing are low blood sugar (shaky, irritable, nausea, lightheaded between meals) and “waking up” type insomnia. Nope, it’s not a tiny bladder that keeps waking you up, it’s your adrenals struggling to maintain your blood sugar during this necessary fast. (Even if you have to urinate, it’s still the adrenals). This method is the simplest and most effective way to begin to restore fatigued or exhausted adrenals.

Tip 3: Go Green

Eat something green with every meal. Salad greens, spinach, avocado, broccoli, kale, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, collard greens (or beet, turnip greens), snow peas, bok choy, swiss chard, celery, and anything else you can think of that’s green. (Go light on the green beans and peas, as they are more starchy veggies, which means that you swap out nutrients for carbs).

In order to be successful with this plan, you will have to discover your preferences. If I had to eat Brussels sprouts every day in order to be healthy, I don’t know if I would make it. It’s simply not my preference.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

What I do prefer is broccoli, kale, salads, and spinach. I “wet sauté” broccoli in a hurry (quick and convenient is an important attribute). I take a frying pan, just enough water to cover the bottom of the pan, and of course, broccoli…bring the water to a boil (takes like a minute), lower the heat to simmer…6-8 minutes.

The last minute or two I put in olive oil, spices (your choice), and leave the cover off to boil off the water. I get pre-cut broccoli or frozen broccoli florets, and you have a green side in minutes. I’ll add some other veggies for variety, especially cauliflower.

A side salad is quick too…I just do greens (your choice), broccoli slaw, slivered almonds, and cheese for my quickest variety. Search the internet for a hundred other varieties of salads which are all pretty quick to make.

My morning greens is almost always a spinach smoothie, with blueberries and a protein mix. I also add Green First, my favorite greens powder…a scoop of powdered grasses and veggies that actually tastes good, and I’ve tried many. (Check the resources section in the back for specific supplements). Greens first is my

“Multivitamin” so I’m not spending 20 to 50 bucks a month on a multivitamin, and it makes sense to me to get my nutrients from whole foods (dried and powdered in this case, but from an actual veggie).


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Why!? I include “why” because if there isn’t a motive

(motivation), a plan will never stick.

The why is that green veggies are loaded with nutrients, and importantly, alkalizing minerals that “calm” your autonomic nervous system. This is our “automatic regulation system.” The autonomic nervous system regulates circulation, digestion, breathing…all those things that we never have to think about, but are critical to health and living. It is divided into two branches, the sympathetic (fight or flee) and parasympathetic (rest, digest, and repair).

The parasympathetic side is nourished with these green veggies, whereas the sympathetic side is nourished with acidifying minerals, such as phosphorus. Meats, grains, dairy, and beans are higher in the acidifying minerals, and it is these green veggies that have these alkalizing and soothing minerals.

With a thyroid problem, or any energy problem, it is critically helpful to take in therapeutic doses of these minerals

(and all the bonus nutrients). So critical, in fact, that I do this preventively.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

One more note…soda, pop, coke, pepsi…whatever you call it…is loaded with phosphorus. So beyond the chemicals and sugar, this drink is a no-no if you want to shift your body toward healing and health. There is an alternative that we use, called

Virgil’s Zero that is stevia sweetened and oh so yummy if you need a sweet treat. If you need caffeine, stick with coffee or tea.

(I have a great and healthy recipe for mocha or vanilla lattes in the resources section.)

Tip 4: Payoff

Do you believe that you could feel well “if only I could eat better?” I certainly encourage eating better, but this thinking will only lead you into extended states of thyroid suppression. If you are waiting to feel better until you can eat “good enough,” when will that be? In my experience, never.

Personally, I couldn’t wait to “fix” all my bad habits…I wanted to feel good now! And currently I am enjoying my best ever energy, body health, and stress resilience…all while I continue to indulge in “guilty pleasures.”

How? I pay off every indulgence.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

If you look at dietary indulgences, they are all carbs… cookies and candy… beer and wine… bread… cakes… chocolate…vanilla lattes… Can you think of a way you eat “bad” that is not a carbohydrate indulgence. So, whatever your “poison,” the payoff is the same.

I will put the whole “indulgence antidote” in the resources section. It has been prepared through trial and error over time, to a point where I can over-indulge and pay a very low price or no price at all (no physical symptoms of imbalance).

The basic dietary payoff is simple. Indulgences create an insulin spike, so to blunt the spike, couple your indulgences with protein and fat. Simple enough…if you have a cookie or three, follow your indulgence directly (or eat them together) with a protein source.

The regular habits of protein and greens also play into the payoff, so the more you incorporate those tips, the more room you have for imperfection.

Tip 5: Brazil nuts

The thyroid is dependent on a trace mineral called selenium

(and iodine, which we’ll cover next), and brazil nuts have


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips therapeutic doses of selenium. And I mean a lot. Selenium supplements usually have 100-200 micrograms per capsule…a handful of brazil nuts have over 500! This nutrient is critical for

“activating” thyroxine, the thyroid hormone, so it can do its thing…make more energy. Since we are eating nuts anyway, why not take advantage of this at least part of the time.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 6: Nourish the thyroid

Iodine is the trace mineral that the thyroid uses to make thyroid hormone. I think that iodized salt is a horrible way to get iodine (I recommend getting rid of table salt altogether and use a quality Celtic sea salt for spicing foods). Iodized table salt is a manufactured spice, and anything changed from its natural state is a bad idea.

A better way to get iodine is kelp or other sea veggies. I don’t like to eat seaweed, so I take a product called Organically Bound

Minerals. This supplement is a blend of alfalfa and kelp…whole foods, dried, powdered and squished into a tablet. It is a lower dose of iodine, so it won’t “over stimulate” a tired thyroid, yet gently nourish the thyroid. Plus it is an alkalizing green food, so you get additional assistance with becoming more parasympathetic (rest, digest, and repair).

Tip 7: The Best Thyroid Medicine

Where the organic minerals provide “food” for the thyroid, an herb called Ashwagandha is the best “medicine” for the thyroid. It has published research showing an ability to increase thyroid hormone production from the thyroid. If such a thing


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips exists (it does), wouldn’t that be much healthier than taking a synthetic form of thyroid hormone. Yes it would, but since you can’t patent and “prescribe” Ashwagandha, the thyroid hormone replacement remains a much more lucrative business venture, so those studies were filed in the archives, waiting for you to discover them yourself (perhaps with a little help from me).

Tip 8: The Best Medicine For

Hidden Thyroid Problems

Here’s one for those who don’t “qualify” for the hypothyroid label, yet you have all the characteristic symptoms of low thyroid.

This is far from my discovery…in fact a doctor attempted to name this observation after himself in the early 1990’s…Wilson’s


While it would not occur to me to name anyone’s suffering after myself, his attempts were met with resistance within the medical society. The discovery was never acknowledged, and I believe he was brought before the board of medical examiners and “punished” for thinking outside the box.

While the name didn’t survive, there are still many people surviving with what he accurately described. In this type of low


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips thyroid function, the lab testing (TSH, T4) is normal, but with deeper inquiry, specifically testing a hormone called Total T3, which is the name of the activated thyroid hormone, will reveal that the conversion to “active” thyroid hormone is low.

The best medicine for this problem is an herb called Guggulu.

This plant also has published research documenting it’s capability of increasing the T3 concentrations by increasing the conversion process. The product we use is called Thyro-CNV, where the CNV stands for conversion. It has Guggulu, plus a bit of selenium (I would still eat the brazil nuts) and other nutrients that help this conversion.

There is a prescription medication that addresses this need now, (Armour Thyroid) that has T3 in it, but it is not used commonly, as medicine sticks to the “play book” pretty closely.

Again, if nature has an option (and it does), I would use the natural product every time.

As we move down the list of tips, you can see that I am getting more specific to the individual. This tip is for a specific type of thyroid…but if your doctor has given you the “normal”


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips label, despite having thyroid symptoms, this tip might be right up your alley.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 9: Stress Physiology

This next tip involves what I call going upstream. You know the analogy…if you see people being washed down a river, there is probably a bridge out upstream. One upstream cause of both thyroid suppression (High TSH, low T4 = Ashwagandha) and thyroid activation suppression (Normal Labs but low T3 conversion = Guggulu) is one of the adrenal hormones called cortisol.

High cortisol will disrupt both the production of thyroid hormone and the conversion or activation. So, do you think nature has an “option” for treating high cortisol? I’m glad you asked, because there is an excellent resource, which is especially helpful because there is NOT a medication that lowers high cortisol…so…there is no “Medical” alternative to this natural approach.

The answer to high cortisol is a particular phospholipid (just let it go, it’s a big word that refers to a fatty structure of cells) called phosphatidyl serine (P-S for short). Medicine named this structure, which is why it is so long and complicated. All you need to know is that it comes in a bottle and works incredibly well for reducing high cortisol.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

We use two forms in our office, a chewable tablet called

ProCortisol Balance, and a transdermal cream called AdrenaCalm.

The reason for the cream is that it allows for higher dosing, and bypassing the digestive process…for the REALLY stressed out people! This resource will not increase the thyroid, but it will take the upstream cause away, so it is a great addition to one of the thyroid medicines that we just mentioned.

Tip 10: Stress Overload

This tip is also about treating stress factors. Stress overload that is sustained begins to increase two other stress chemicals called adrenaline and nor-adrenaline.

Most people know about adrenaline from “adrenaline sports” or from getting the crap scared out of you. Adrenaline is very protective and even exhilarating in short bursts; but as the adrenal glands fatigue, your body produces more adrenaline to make up for the lower production of cortisol. It has similar effects…keeps the blood sugar from dropping too low…but you

CANNOT sleep on adrenaline.

You can sleep like a baby as the cortisol is released during your nighttime fast, but if adrenaline kicks in, it wakes you up.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

And if you can’t get back to sleep, your adrenals are toast, and you need some major adrenal rest, repair, and healing! It’s simple math…if your adrenals are a little tired, the cortisol production is a little low, and a little adrenaline is needed to keep the blood sugar from dropping. If your adrenals are exhausted, your cortisol production is a lot low, and a lot of adrenaline is needed…and all you can do is stare at the ceiling and wonder why you can’t fall asleep while you are sooooo tired! (The next tip is for adrenal exhaustion if this sounds like you).

Medicine has a tool for high adrenaline, but it doesn’t improve your energy or health…it just blocks the effect on arteries so your blood pressure goes down (Beta Blockers for High Blood

Pressure). You still have high adrenaline though, affecting every other cell in your body.

Nature apparently knew we would do this to ourselves, because she provides several resources for lowering adrenaline.

My favorite 3 are Passion Flower, Skullcap, and Lemon Balm. As I mentioned in tip one, you must be the scientist and notice the results no matter what you choose as a plan…but to help you choose more effectively, use Passion Flower if you have mucus effects (heartburn, dry eyes, dry mouth), Lemon Balm if you are in overwhelm, and Skullcap if a prominent symptom is brain fog.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

There are also blends for calming that include hops, catnip, poppy, kava, and valerian. I am usually able to manage this stress effect with the first three, but if you find a blend that you want to try…try it…and notice the results.

Tip 11: Adrenal Exhaustion.

You are wiped out but can’t sleep, or can’t stay asleep. If this is you, on top of applying this tip, go to my blog and read the article on stress tips. Make some life changes as described, AND start taking Drenamin or Phytodren PLUS Adrenal Dessicated or

Licorice Plus. The latter two are vegetarian friendly and the specifics on the supplements are in the resources section.

If you remember tip two (protein every two hours), I mentioned the “vacation” that eating protein provides for the adrenals. If you are adrenally exhausted, this tip is critical to include. Often, life won’t willingly change, so we have to optimize the conditions we have control over. This protocol will make noticeable changes in your symptoms over time, but you have to realize that your adrenals didn’t collapse over night. It is even more essential to listen carefully, noting the subtle changes in symptoms toward a healed you.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 12: Subclinical Anemia.

Most people are aware of anemia…it is when your red blood cells lack the nutrients needed to carry oxygen to the cells of your body. It is exhausting, and thyroid suppressing (and important to rule in or out in treating adrenal exhaustion because you will not be able to build up your adrenals if you are anemic).

This is possibly the only condition that medicine treats naturally. Of course anemia needs iron…or is it B12. (They like to do the B12 shots/injections to keep up “clinical” appearances).

First…defining “subclinical”…in medicine, you don’t have the

“disease” called anemia until your hemoglobin reaches 11.6 (It doesn’t matter if you know the ranges, just stick with me). People with awesome energy have a hemoglobin over 13.6. Subclinical means that you are not diseased, but you fall somewhere between 11.6 and 13.6…sub-optimal. It still matters.

Now, how do you know if you need Iron or B12? You will see a measurement just under the hemoglobin that is listed as MCV.

It stands for mean corpuscle volume…AKA the size of the red blood cell. If this number is over 90, it is a B12 need, and if it is under 90, you need iron.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

The tips get more complex as we go on. We aren’t done yet.

There is a lab measure called serum globulin…if that number is not between 2.4 and 2.8…then you won’t digest and/or absorb your supplements (fully) so it won’t matter anyway. If your MCV is high, you will benefit from the B12 injections, or there are sublingual (under your tongue) B12 supplements that will give you a boost. I am not aware of either option for iron though, so you have to fix the digestion first (and you want to fix your digestion anyway, but use the B12 to feel better in the meantime).

We use a vegetarian version of digestion support called

VitalZymes, but if you are ok with non-veggie, my favorite is


I will provide a resource for getting your labs tested if you don’t know these numbers and your doctor won’t order them…for applying this tip you need to know your hemoglobin (which if fine

>13.6 you don’t need this tip), MCV and Protein and Globulin numbers. If the globulin is low or high, zypan plus the corresponding iron or B12 need (less than 90 = iron…greater than

90 = B12). If the globulin is low, you will also need to apply the

“Barrier” tip below.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 13: Estrogen Excess

This tip is more for the ladies, but it is useful for men also. It is the estrogen effect…specifically excess estrogen. Excess estrogen appears as longer and heavier cycles, often with pain and irritability (a much nicer way of describing your mood than your partner uses).

Excess estrogen affects your thyroid hormone by “binding it up,” making it unusable by your cells. The only lab finding of this low thyroid pattern is elevated T3Uptake and low Free T4 and

T3…tests that are not standard medical evaluation.

This is not exclusive to women however. Years ago, under high stress, I ran some hormone labs on myself and found high cortisol and HIGH ESTROGEN. Nope, it was not the most energetic time of my life.

A fella would only know by testing the labs I previously mentioned (you don’t have to test all the hormones, but you could…in either sex). The ladies have the cycle symptoms to suggest the need. So what the heck does a woman, anyone, do about high estrogen?


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

We all know that endocrinologists have one tool, and that is to give hormones when they are low. Fortunately, nature again comes through. This time in the form of a specific amino acid that binds up that estrogen (before it binds up your energy and metabolism) called N-Acetyl Cysteine or NAC. Plus a good fiber supplement (I use GastroFiber).

This combination will help remove the estrogen, freeing the thyroid to do its thing. For the guys, the reason for the high estrogen is the high cortisol, so attend more to the high cortisol tip.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 14: Inflammation

Next we move to inflammation sources…the first being dietary. All hormones are dependent on something called the

“receptor.” The receptor is the site on the cell that the hormone connects with to fulfill its purpose in life…for thyroid hormones that purpose is to increase cellular energy production.

If you make tons of energy…you have energy and a metabolism, but energy also activates repair…so your skin and hair look awesome. So, these receptors (I like the lock and key analogy) are critical to allowing hormones of all types to do their thing. The leverage we have on the efficiency of the receptor is that they are made of fat…so the types of fats you eat determine the receptivity of the receptor.

Another analogy…if we think of the receptor as a baseball glove…catching those hormones…the best baseball glove is a well

“broken in” glove. A broken in glove has one characteristic different from a glove off the rack…it is flexible. If we look at the fats in our kitchen, we can observe their flexibility. Butter is stiff…olive oil is fluid, but hardens in the refrigerator…flax oil is fluid in the refrigerator, but hardens in the freezer. Only fish oils


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips stay liquid in the freezer (and the cold water salmon thank them for that).

The point here is not to make butter the enemy…I love butter, and it has essential nutrients for our health. This is about balance. We also need these fluid oils…flax and fish. I supplement fish oils consistently to aid this energy production consideration…but not only for that reason. I’ll give you a double reason to add this tip.

There is a rising awareness of the omega 3 oils, the category of fats that flax and fish belong to. Here’s the significance in a nutshell. There are fats categorized as omega 6, and others as 3.

It’s a chemistry term that I won’t get into here (look it up on the internet if you wish), but let’s just say that there is a clear structural difference.

The key observation is that health is optimized when we consume equal balance of omega 6 and omega 3 oils. A one to one ratio. The observation continues that as a human shifts toward omega 6 structured oils, at a 4 to 1 ratio…disease is a certainty. Mostly because the shift in balance creates inflammation. This is the inflammation that causes you to take an advil or aspirin.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

We need these omega 3 oils (fish and flax oil) for receptor flexibility (more efficiency of your hormones) and inflammation control, but here’s the confounder.

We also have to decrease omega 6 consumption (in most cases). Corn oil has a 60 to 1 ratio…wheat has a 20 to 1 ratio

(remember 4 to 1 is the cut off for health). How many convenience food products are either wheat or corn? Corn oil is also a cheap cooking oil…if you have it in your pantry, use it for squeaky hinges and/or your fire pit. Neutral oils for cooking are olive oil, coconut oil, and butter. Stick to those with cooking…AND take your omega 3 flax or fish oils. Problem solved.

I have to share a study I read about 10 years ago. A research lab housing monkeys made a curious and alarming observation when the monkeys were fed corn oil as their only fat intake. For several weeks, they exclusively fed the monkeys a corn based diet. The monkeys became more and more violent, culminating in self mutilation behaviors. In the end, the monkeys were observed chewing off their own fingers. As disturbing as this is, it stresses the significance of a proper ratio of fats for neurological function.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 15: Barriers

Do you realize that your skin is an immune barrier? Just like the skin, you would clearly notice, if we were turned inside out, that the intestinal lining is also an immune barrier. There is also a brain immune barrier…and a lung immune barrier. Have you ever had a nice wound on your skin? Do you remember what happened? Redness, swelling, infection…INFLAMMATION!

If you put gasoline on your skin…day after day…what do you think would happen to that barrier? Of course we would never do that…but the internal barriers are torn apart by the last couple items we discussed…fat imbalance and stress overload (high cortisol and adrenaline).

If you have made it to adrenal exhaustion, and have endured that for some time…there’s a good chance that you have a barrier problem now as well. How do you know? Just like everything else, there are messages. One message that could indicate barrier compromise is brain fog. Here’s how you test how far it has gone:

There is a supplement called GABA…we have single serving packets to test this problem. If you take the GABA supplement and notice a brain calming or intoxication effect (or a brain stimulation effect)…you have a brain barrier compromise.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Also, if you think you have multiple food allergies, you probably have an intestinal barrier compromise. If you suck in air as hard as you can, to fill your lungs rapidly, and you cough like crazy, you have a lung barrier compromise.

The significance: Every time you eat…anything…you “leak” undigested food and waste into your circulation, which ignites a furious immune response. If you have an immune response every time you eat (or breathe), a downpour of inflammation follows that is suppressing to your thyroid. (destructive to virtually every cell in your body for that matter).

If you have made it this far, and can relate to these symptoms or signs, you still have to do everything above this tip…AND…add

Immunoglobulins. We use a product called Immuno-G-PRP.

Doesn’t matter what it means or stands for…it initiates the rebuilding of these barrier systems…and you will never feel well without repairing these barriers if they are compromised! (The product is described in the resources section)


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 16: Blocks to Normal Healing

For this tip, it is helpful to have a CBC (complete blood count) that counts the numbers of the different types of white blood cells. It includes….total white cell count, Neutrophils (bacterial responders), Lymphocytes (Viral responders), Monocytes

(respond to chemical stressors), Eosinophils (Allergy and hypersensitivity reactions, including yeast/candida and molds), and Basophils (Parasites).

Here’s my explanation for how the immune system can

“block” thyroid function and repair… Do you remember the last time you had the flu? How was your energy? Pretty high??

Nooo….immune challenges require rest, so your autonomic nervous system (regulation) “down-regulates” or blocks energy systems. It is to your benefit to be tired and sleep as long as you are sick.

The flu is a vicious form of infection. Called “virulent” in medical terms. Many infections and other immune challenges are waaaaay more subtle. If the flu feels like a piano on your back, these more subtle infections are more like carrying a 50 pound back pack everywhere you go (even to bed).


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Other subtle energy blocking immune challenges are heavy metals, food sensitivities, and environmental chemicals. The lab helps us choose what immune challenge we should be working on. You will see these readings on your labs:

Segs or Neutrophils: If elevated (see resources for lab ranges) it indicates a bacteria

Lymphocytes: If elevated-virus

Monocytes: If elevated-Chemicals, Heavy metals or lymph congestion

Eosinophils: Allergy, yeast, molds

Basophils: Parasites

This isn’t a perfect diagnostic tool, but it gives you a starting point. I will describe a test in the resources section for

GastroIntestinal Infections. This test would actually identify the infection for you.

Symptoms again help to guide you.

Intestinal bloating is commonly one of these more subtle infections. Brain fog is often connected to heavy metals. Food sensitivities or allergies often cause IBS symptoms (sluggish, then

“Gotta Go!”). Environmental chemicals are often accompanied by headaches.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

You will have to make a decision based on the labs and symptoms, apply the remedy, and notice the results (carefully as mentioned in tip 1).

In our clinic, I use muscle testing to determine the best remedy. If the supplement strengthens a weak muscle, it increases the probability that the choice will be helpful. The next best option is the multiple herbal formulas. They contain multiple herbs that have hundreds of years of evidence of eliminating infection (or helping the body’s immune system to eliminate the infection).

For Stomach and upper GI symptoms: Gastro-ULC + H-PLR

For Lower bowel symptoms: GI Microb-X

For Heavy Metals: HM Chelate

For Food Sensitivities or allergies: Eliminate offenders and take

Vital-Zyme or Zymex (most common offenders are gluten, dairy, soy, yeast, corn)

For Yeast / Molds: Yeastonil

For environmental chemicals: Tip 18


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 17: AutoImmune

If you have been able to test thyroid antibodies, you know whether this tip is for you or not. But, if you struggle, like most patients, to get your doctor to look more deeply at your symptoms and cause, you can assume you are autoimmune if your symptoms wax and wane.

If you have good days and bad days (and the more severe the swings, the greater the probability), if you test for hypothyroid and then don’t, or if you feel worse when you are on thyroid replacement; these are strong indicators of your thyroid suppression being autoimmune. (or you can order the test listed in resources)

Don’t fret…it’s not the end of the world. There is a ton of misconception about autoimmune diseases. The reality is that we always have cell recycling and immune antibodies to the thyroid and all cells in our body. It is part of the normal healing process.

Our white blood cells gobble up unhealthy, old, or damaged cells to make way for normal cellular reproduction, AKA healing.

If this “normal recycling” process is stepped up, is it the normal recycling process that is the cause of the symptoms, or is


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips the cause of the cellular damage or toxicity that the immune system is attempting to clean up? I vote for the latter, because it makes logical sense, and I believe that your internal regulation is

ALWAYS doing the “right” thing with the given circumstances.

So what we need to be doing if your thyroid symptoms are considered autoimmune, is caring for the health of the cells, which includes treating “blocks” to normal healing such as invasion (see tip 16), and detoxing the cells (see tip 18).

Working with regulation in autoimmune disorders, there are two important additional considerations. There are two critical nutrients that work with regulatory T cells, which could be thought of as the “brain” of the immune system. Both are classically depleted with chronic immune challenges such as infection, chemical or heavy metal toxicity, and allergy type responses. They are Vitamin D and Glutathione.

Vitamin D (we use a liquid vitamin D called EmulsiD3) and

Glutathione (we use a transdermal cream called Oxicell) can be supplemented to support the intelligence of the immune system

(see the resource section for details).


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 18: Liver Detoxification

The liver is the major conversion site of thyroid hormones

(activates them so you feel good, and energized) If the liver is congested, inflamed, or blocked up, this normal conversion cannot happen, and no matter what your labs say, you will feel hypothyroid.

The key signs of liver involvement are ALT, AST, GGT, cholesterol and triglycerides. I will list the optimal ranges in the resources section, so check to see if your ranges are high OR low.

If you are not optimal in either direction, the liver needs help doing its job.

Detoxification is a normal process in the liver. The liver binds the chemical or hormone to create a neutral substance, using binders such as sulfur and amino acids, and the “neutralized substance” is released into the waste elimination systems for dumping (that’s pooping and peeing).

Since it is a normal process, I believe the best method for detoxing is simply providing the liver the materials it needs for detoxing. You don’t need to go on a “detox”…it is already happening every moment.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

The best resource I have discovered for supporting this natural process is the Apex Energetics Detox support. It includes

Clearvite, the best tasting meal replacement (or meal supplement) I have ever tried. (I need my resources to be painfree, preferably enjoyable, and easy/convenient!) The supportive supplements include Methyl-SP, Metacrine-DX, and Bilemin.

These products provide all the minerals, vitamins, binding proteins, and herbs that are known to support and protect the liver cells as they do what nature intended…clean up your internal environment.

Also, if your elimination route is blocked (constipation), you will need to add some fiber (Gastrofiber), and if you still don’t go…add 3 capsules of Disodium phosphate per day until you start going on your own.

And always…always…take a careful inventory of your symptoms to know whether you are getting better, getting worse, or nothing is happening. VERY IMPORTANT!!


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 19: Protect your energy

I refer to disease or condition experiences as bad patterns. A typical low thyroid pattern, purely on a chemical level, is an elevated TSH and Low T4. That is the classic thyroid pattern that is diagnosed with current medical protocols. There is also the high estrogen pattern and the stress (ie. Cortisol) chemical patterns I mentioned.

So, how do we end up in any or all of these chemical or body chemistry patterns? The answer is your lifestyle.

Most of my patients are aware of the sugar and junk food lifestyle. They have noticed an increase in symptoms when they eat certain foods, and have noticed a decrease in symptoms when they eat other foods. Almost always, the negative effects are after carbohydrate foods, with some exceptions. Almost always, the positive effects are after protein and vegetable foods, with some exceptions.

As I communicate with these patients, I often point out other lifestyle patterns. These patterns are more behavioral patterns, and can offer very useful resources to treating an energy robbing pattern.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

The two most common patterns, which are exhausting, are the caretaker pattern and the fixer pattern. Taking care of people and helping people with problems CAN be very nourishing. But any positive behavior can be taken too far, and lead to fatigue or exhaustion.

If you provide care or help in an energizing behavior pattern, you will receive an energy currency called appreciation. You will be emotionally nourished through providing care and help.

Now here’s the importance of listening taken to a behavioral pattern level. If your return for your efforts is lack of appreciation, being taken for granted, and/or resentment or anger…you are over caring or over fixing.

Take a moment to notice what energy you receive in the different relationships where you provide care and help. Do you feel appreciated? Do you feel like anyone takes your efforts for granted? Do others get mad at you, even push you away, despite your best efforts to help them?

If you discover you are over caring and/or over fixing, there is a simple solution called teaching.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Let’s look at the attributes of teachers that produce excellent and resourceful students.

If your math teacher calculated all the problems for you, your homework would be completed, but when test time came around, you would lack the resources to stand on your own.

Good teachers gift their students with the resources to stand on their own.

Good teachers allow their students to make mistakes. The best lessons in life, the most valuable resources…come from falling on your face. There are times when the best thing for you and your student is to stand back and watch. See how they can stand on their own with their current resources. If they succeed, they build confidence and self assuredness. If they fail, you might be able to teach…

Good teachers do not teach a student who has no perceived problem. The key word is perceived! If a person does not notice a problem they are having, they are not open for teaching.

Instead of teaching (which would result in a negative transaction, either greater helplessness or greater anger), a good teacher would inquire.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

“That looks painful. Is it painful?” If no, they are not ready.

Go back to watching. If yes… “What are you going to do about that pain?” If they have a plan, they are not ready. Go back to watching. If they aren’t sure… “Would you like my help or advice?” If no, they are not ready. Go back to watching.

If you have THREE green lights, you have permission to teach…and you will be rewarded with appreciation. Just be a

“good” teacher. Don’t give them a fish…teach them to fish…gift them a resource.

If you are receiving lack of appreciation or resentment, give everyone involved a gift and step back. Watch for a little while.

Inquire a bit. And pour that unused energy into Tip 20…


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Tip 20: Nourish your energy

Our culture holds a negative association, at least in part, toward nourishing self. We have terms like “self-centered” and

“selfish” that trigger those negative associations and create behaviors that prevent us from being called selfish or selfcentered.

Again, it is a virtue to be selfless…but which person can be more giving…a well nourished person or a weak, exhausted undernourished person. (And I’m not only talking about food.)

The fact is that we have to gather energy in order to give it away, and if we give to those who appreciate, we can multiply our energy. You must be your first recipient of giving.

If you are tired or sick, it is definitely as sign that you need more attention and nurturing. And if you are your current caregiver, then it is up to you to make sure it happens.

I call this tip “self responsibility,” and it is performed like this.

Turn directly around 180 degrees in your attitude toward what might be called selfishness. Sprint with all your might in that direction. Chances are, you will end up right about in the middle.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Have fun with this process. Ask everyone for everything you ever wanted. Make a list of what you want, if you were to totally indulge yourself in your desires. Do more than you should of those things on your list.

When anyone tries to get you involved in their needs, simply say, “What are you going to do about that.”

Then, as always…notice the results. Check in with your symptoms, energy, happiness, relationships, and whatever you call success in life. (There will always be withdrawal symptoms of taking away caretaking, but that shows growth in the relationship)


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips


My recommendation is to gently work your way through this list, adding one, two, or three tips at a time and giving yourself a couple weeks to listen. Listen by grading your loudest several symptoms. If energy is low, this is a great general symptoms that requires all systems to be moving in the right direction, so you can be sure you are “doing the right thing(s)” if your energy is improving. Natural medicine is gradual. Rarely will you notice a huge difference within a day or even week. But if you improve something, even 5% each week, and you keep doing what is working, and keep working through this list, one day you will wake up and say, “Dang, I feel pretty good.”

Some of the tips are specific to a particular type of thyroid suppression. If the tip doesn’t apply to you diagnostically, the probability of it helping will be low. I hope I have been clear enough that you can easily decide if a tip applies to you or not.

You may choose incorrectly for you. You might not feel better. Notice that…it doesn’t mean that nature doesn’t have your solution, it just means you have not found your solution. I have seen and experienced personally how “hitting the right button” will quickly shift your symptoms in a positive direction


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

(which you will only notice if you are listening carefully). When that happens, keep going! Don’t mess around with a program that is improving your health week after week.

A “good” program for you might stall out. Again, it doesn’t mean that nature has failed you…it means it’s time to support another system or shift. Pay attention, maybe a different symptom is loudest “now”…pick another program that makes sense to you, and keep listening.

If you decide to use lab testing to guide your choices, retest the labs to see what happened. That’s how I became a

“specialist,” I retested over and over, and noticed what helped, what didn’t, and what had a negative effect. These tips are the ones that helped the most!

If you have any questions or confusions, don’t hesitate to email me at



Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Thyroid Checklist

□ Taking Inventory: Pick 3-6 “loud” symptoms and grade them daily to notice trends

□ Protein Every Two Hours

□ Including Brazil Nuts as a Protein Source

□ Greens with Every Meal

□ Organically Bound Minerals or Natural Iodine Source (not iodized salt)

□ Ashwagandha if TSH is High and/or T4 is low

□ Thyro-CNV (or Guggulu source) if You Don’t Qualify for a

Thyroid Diagnosis (but have thyroid symptoms)

□ AdrenalCalm especially if you have trouble falling asleep

□ Adrenaline and Noradrenalin herbs

□ Overwhelm: Lemon Balm

□ Mucus Problems: Passion Flower

□ Brain Fog: Skullcap

□ Adrenal Fatigue / Exhaustion Remedy: Trouble falling asleep and/or hypoglycemia

□ Vegetarian: Phytodren + Licorice Root

□ Glandular: Adrenal Dessicated + Drenamin

□ Positive for Anemia (Low Hemoglobin/Hematocrit)

□ MCV < 90: Hemevite

□ MCV > 90: B12 Max

□ Globulin Low or High (2.4-2.8): Vitalzymes or Zypan

□ T3Uptake is high or Cycle Symptoms

□ NAC + Gastrofiber

□ Include fish or flax oils + reduce grains, corn


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

□ Fail any Barrier Test (GABA Challenge, Breath Test, Food


□ ImmunoG-PRP

□ Elimination Diet: Corn, Soy, Dairy, Gluten, Yeast,

Peanuts, Eggs, Sugar)

□ Immune Blocks to Healing

□ Upper GI Symptoms (Bloating, Heartburn, Reflux):

GastroULC + H-PLR

□ Lower GI Symptoms (Bloating, Gas, Constipation):

GI Microb-X

□ High Monocytes/Brain Fog: HM Chelate

□ High Eosinophils

□ Plus Food Sensitivity: Elimination Diet +


□ Plus Headaches: Detox (Tip 18)

□ Diagnosed with Autoimmune Thyroiditis, or have the symptoms characteristic of Autoimmune conditions?

(Symptoms Wax and Wane, Labs Wax and Wane, Poor

Response to Thyroid Hormone)

□ Vitamin D

□ Glutathione

□ Liver Detox Support

□ Clearvite + MethylSP + MetacrineDX + Bilemin


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips


Lab Testing

Direct Labs: This is a direct to consumer lab resource that allows you to order your own lab tests. Sign up at and look up the following tests I mention in this book.

CBC w/ Diff + platelets: This provides a reading for anemia, and the white blood cell counts for immune analysis.

Optimal Ranges: White Blood Cells (WBC)= 5-8;

Neutrophils=50-68; Lymphocytes=24-40; Monocytes=1-6;

Eosinophils=0-2.5; Basophils=0-1; Red Blood Cells (RBC)=4-5.2;

Hemoglobin=13.7-15; Hematocrit=39-44.

Thyroid Panel with TSH: Provides Total T4, TSH, T3Uptake, and T7. This is the basic panel that diagnoses thyroid dysfunction or suppression.

Optimal Ranges: TSH=1.8-3; Total T4 (Thyroxine)=7.5-10;


Total T3: This is the add on for “Wilsons syndrome” or low conversion into T3, the “active” thyroid hormone.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Optimal Range: Total T3=100-180

Thyroid Antibodies: This is the add on for identifying autoimmune thyroid problems.

Optimal Ranges: Use lab ranges

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel: This panel provides the total Protein and Globulin measures that we use to identify digestive challenges, and ALT, AST to detect Detox issues (along with a lipid panel)

Optimal Ranges: Protein=6.8-7.4; Globulin=2.4-2.8;


Lipid Panel: This test measures cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides, useful for evaluating liver function.

Optimal Ranges: Cholesterol=160-220; HDL=50-80,

Triglycerides=70-100; LDLs= 70-120

Specialized Lab Testing: All these tests can be ordered directly through our office. Results will be provided with a report explaining the problems and recommendations for treatment.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Adrenal Stress Index: This test assesses the stress physiology effects, and identifies the stage of adrenal fatigue: Resistance

(high cortisol), fatigue, exhaustion, or failure (very low, an indication for hormone replacement)

GI Microbiology: A very comprehensive assessment of intestinal infections and normal bacterial counts. (yeast, fungus, molds, bacteria, parasites)

Female Hormone: A very comprehensive assessment of female hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, LH, FSH, and DHEA.

Male Hormone: A very comprehensive assessment of male hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, LH,

FSH, and DHEA.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips


Vanilla or Mocha Latte: One Scoop Vanilla or Chocolate

Dream Protein, 1/3 to 1/2 Cup Silk Vanilla Soy Creamer (or I use half & half and honey). Add 4 ounces of coffee and shake well. I have a 16 ounce cup that I pour it in and fill to the top with coffee.

Green Shake: One handful spinach, ½ Cup Blueberries, 1

Scoop Greens First, One Scoop Clearvite (If I am taking any herbal tinctures, I will put them in as well). Blend and enjoy. (Not like a cookie, but pretty good by green veggie standards).

Greens and veggies ideas (my favorites, quick and easy)

Kale Chips: Tear up kale and remove stems, spread on a baking sheet, drizzle with oil and spices/salt, bake until crispy

Veggie Sauté or Stir Fry: I start with enough water to cover the bottom of the pan and add oils later, any veggies, about 8 minutes cooking time (I get the precut veggies), add protein

Veggie Soups: Add veggies to chicken broth plus protein

Salad Variations: Choose the Greens of your choice (or blends), and whatever supportive veggies, seeds, nuts (I really like to add broccoli slaw)


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

Baked chicken salad: Top with baked chicken breast and bleu cheese dressing

Taco Salad: Top with ground beef, sour cream, Mexican cheese, and taco sauce

Bacon and spinach: Replace lettuce with spinach, top with bacon and honey mustard dressing

Side salad: Top with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Chef salad: top with sliced turkey, hardboiled eggs, shredded cheddar cheese, and ranch dressing

Cranberry Nut Salad: Add cranberries, walnuts/pecans, and crumbled feta cheese

Chicken or Tuna salad: Mix shredded chicken or tuna as above and scoop onto mixed greens

Look for dressings that do NOT contain: high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, preservatives, and flavorings, NO hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

“Indulgence Antidote” Protocol

As I mentioned, all indulgences are carbohydrates. When you take in a large amount of carbohydrate food or drink, there is a corresponding rise in blood sugar, followed by insulin. This surging of chemicals inside your body is taxing to the liver, pancreas, adrenals, and eventually, the intestines.

This protocol has saved my health from my lack of discipline.

I am more disciplined now than when I was 22 (I’m 42 now), but I don’t see perfection in my near future. When I’m more strict on my diet, I save money and pill taking, but when I feel like indulging, and do, I don’t pay the price of feeling lousy afterward.

(Yes, it works amazingly well for guys/ladies night and alcohol over indulgence…virtually no hangover, as long as you remember to take your supplements with some protein and water before you go to bed)

As you will notice, the greater your indulgence, the more payoff is required. If you are massively over indulging, for example 10 donuts or glasses of wine, it will “cost” you 40 pills and herbal doses to adequately pay off the indulgence. But if you use moderation, say 3 glasses of wine or servings of cake, well then your payoff is less than 10 pills.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

In order to apply this scientific protocol, you have to know what a serving of your indulgence is equal to. Some are straightforward, such as a bottle of beer, glass of wine, or piece of bread (yes, include all carbs in your indulgence serving count).

They all are around 15 grams of carbs. (I don’t worry about counting exact, just round off). But a nice slice of cake is equal to

2 servings (around 30 grams of carbs). A little internet research to find the carb level of your indulgences is pretty simple. Or, it may be listed right on the package.

One serving = approximately 15 grams of carbs.

Supplement Dosing

MetacrineDX 1 capsule per serving (1:1 Ratio)



1 capsule per 2 servings (1:2 Ratio)


B Vitamin 1:2 (you choose your B vitamin based on your genetic profile, see below)

If you have four –six servings, add:

Liver 1:3

Phytodren 1:3

Fish oil 1:3 (Based on a 500 mg capsule)

If you exceed six servings, add:

Oxicell 1:6






Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

The B Vitamin will be chosen based on your familial disease pattern:

Dementia: Vitamin B6 (Our version is activated B6: Pyridoxal-5-


Cardiovascular or Diabetes: Folic Acid (Folapro)

Cancer: Vitamin B12 (The activated form: Methly-Cobalamin)

Not Sure: Methyl-SP (A blend of all three)


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips


All of the products mentioned are “physician lines,” meaning that they are sold only through physicians. The advantage of using physician lines is that these products are tested in thousands of doctor’s offices and clinics, most using lab testing to confirm the desired result is achieved. That is the best “research” that you are ever going to get verifying and validating a quality product…clinical results. The supplement company is accountable to the doctors (we won’t use them if they don’t get patients better), and the doctors are accountable to the patients (you won’t use us if we fail to get you better). I don’t see that kind of accountability anywhere else in the natural product market.

With that said, there is no way to patent natural products, so if you have a quality resource for supplements, you can try to find the best

“copy” of these supplements from your resource(s).

If you are going to take the time to follow these tips, my best recommendation is to use the exact products and brands, at least initially. We have all the products mentioned here listed on our website, or you can call our office directly. Or, if you prefer, you could most likely find all these exact products on Amazon.

These supplements flat out get the job done, and when they don’t get the desired result, it is a matter of digging further diagnostically…further down the list. For example, if the thyroid


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips support herb doesn’t work, there may be too much cortisol or adrenaline (stress factors), or an immune challenge that must be addressed first.

I encourage you to price them out compared to other brands also.

My experience is that when I have to pick up something at a store or retailer, the cost for a comparable product is either higher or the same.

The ingredients have a certain cost for the manufacturer, so I am suspicious of “discount” versions that are priced much lower.

I have listed all the supplements (by brand/manufacturer) I have mentioned, with a short description.


GREENS FIRST- is a whole food dietary supplement of dehydrated and powdered shake mix consisting of “super” greens (chlorella, spirulina, young barley greens, spinach, kale, parsley), vegetables

(carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts), fruit (Blueberry, cranberry, tart cherry, raspberry, plum), healing herbs and plants (aloe, milk thistle, turmeric, kelp, beet root, licorice root), plus digestive enzymes, probiotics, and fiber. It is alkalizing, antioxidation, and pure nutrition in a tasty mint leaf and stevia leaf blend.

Even my kids like it.

DREAM PROTEIN- is a great tasting vanilla or chocolate flavored whey protein shake mix. I follow my greens drink in the morning with a


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips vanilla latte coffee drink using one scoop of Dream protein, a couple ounces of silk vanilla creamer, and coffee. Make it a mocha with a bit of organic cocoa powder or with the chocolate dream protein.


ASHWAGHANDA SUPREME-is an adaptogen working on the endocrine system on Stress Physiology. It is most well known to decrease fatigue, allow you to handle stress more effectively, increase strength and stamina, increase libido, improve memory and clarity, and produce restful sleep when needed. The various conditions it has been used for include arthritis (it is anti-inflammatory), chronic lung conditions and immune deficiency, hypertension, auto-immune problems, hypo-thyroidism, and many others.


ADRENAL DESICCATED- supports endocrine health and contains nutritional components of the bovine adrenal glands, which handle stress. It also provides powerful short-term adrenal support for immediate energy needs. It also supports immune system function, which can be compromised when adrenal fatigue sets in.

DISODIUM PHOSPHATE- is used for short-term support of the bowel. It supports healthy elimination and promotes intestinal motility .


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

DRENAMIN- supports adrenal function and helps maintain emotional balance. It promotes healthy adrenal gland function and encourages a healthy response to environmental stresses. It also maintains energy production while supporting a balanced mood.

GASTRO-FIBER- provides soluble and insoluble fiber to support the digestive system. It encourages a healthy intestinal environment to help maintain proper intestinal flora and cleanses the lower gastrointestinal tract. It encourages a healthy gastrointestinal tract pH and also supports healthy elimination. It contains fennel, which helps relieve gas, abdominal cramps, and indigestion. It also maintains healthy lipid and blood glucose levels already in normal ranges.

LINUM B6- contains flaxseed oil, a natural source of alpha-linolenic acid (Alpha-linolenic acid is a precursor of EPA and DHA) and vitamin B



This product is designed to support hormone production and nerve tissue, as well as systems such as the cardiovascular and immune systems. It supports the formation of eicosanoids, healthy skin, and cognitive function .

ORGANICALLY BOUND MINERALS- encourages healthy enzyme functioning. It also promotes healthy connective tissue. Organically

Bound Minerals helps to maintain proper cellular energy production and provides antioxidants. It also contains trace amounts of naturally occurring potassium, from kelp and alfalfa. It provides naturally occurring minerals that help maintain a healthy water balance and


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips supports nervous system health. Its iodine assists with proper thyroid function

ZYMEX- promotes a healthy pH range in the intestinal tract. It encourages a healthy intestinal environment to maintain proper gastrointestinal flora

ZYPAN- supports gastrointestinal pH and the environment of the gastrointestinal tract. It provides enzymatic support for protein digestion. The fatty acids are included to coat the pancreatin, helping it to be digested in the correct area of the digestive tract .


ADRENACALM- is a broad-spectrum cream containing phosphatidylserine and key B vitamins, complemented by calming ingredients, such as Valerian Root, Polygala tenuifolia, and rejuvenating fresh bud extracts. New aromatherapy ingredients, such as Lavender essential oil, have been added that have demonstrated support of a healthy stress response in human and animal studies.

B12 MAX- This product is a highly absorbable oral solution of

Vitamin B12, which allows it to avoid the GI tract and the liver, decreasing the possibility of conversion to other metabolites. Vitamin

B12 is essential for a multitude of internal functions, including red blood cell health and genetic risk factors for cancer.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

BILEMIN- provides lipotropic (fat digestion) nutrients and herbal compounds that support healthy bile synthesis, formation, secretion, stasis, and elimination. This product can be very useful as a part of any detoxification program. In addition, BileMin™ can provide specific nutritional support for the normal process of excreting hormones. This product can also help to support the digestive processes in people who have had their gallbladders removed.

CLEARVITE- is a scientifically designed formula offering hypoallergenic nutrients, necessary enzymatic cofactors, metabolic precursors, and herbal compounds to support normal liver detoxification reactions and bile flow.

H-PLR- provides a research-guided selection of herbal extracts to support a healthy immune response, especially in the pathways that respond to intestinal infections. In addition, certain ingredients have shown support for the healthy activity of immune cells, such as macrophages, natural killer cells, and neutrophils.‡ The product also provides special, naturally occurring compounds shown to support a healthy bacterial environment and to support a healthy gastrointestinal terrain.

HEMEVITE- provides a rich source of iron and other key nutrients necessary for heme synthesis, such as ferrous fumarate. It also includes a high-quality hydrolyzed liver extract (a rich source of iron that does


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips not cause abdominal discomfort) and ascorbic acid and hydrochloric acid to further support iron absorption.

GASTRO-ULC- provides key antioxidants and phytonutrients that support the health of the gastric mucosal lining, and includes special compounds that support a healthy bacterial environment and a healthy gastrointestinal terrain. The ingredients in Gastro-ULC™ support intestinal villi, normal mucus formation, and a healthy gastric lining.

METHYL SP- provides key nutrients and cofactors in effective amounts necessary to support healthy methylation reactions

(detoxification). It also contains compounds that have been shown to support healthy bile synthesis and homocysteine (inflammation) metabolism.

METACRINE DX- provides a rich mix of key vitamin substrates and amino acids required for Phase I and Phase II detoxification, as well as herbs that further support healthy detoxification reactions, hepatic cell growth and repair.

OXICELL- a glutathione and superoxide dismutase antioxidant cream with a complex of other nutrients and cofactors. Glutathione and superoxide dismutase are considered powerful and vital antioxidants.

Key ingredients are known to support a healthy total antioxidant capacity, which may be helpful when high levels of free radicals are


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips present. Important for a healthy immune system response to all immune challenges.

THYRO CNV- is an excellent broad-spectrum nutritional formula, which brings together several key ingredients and cofactors, to support healthy thyroid hormone conversion.

YEASTONIL- helps to support a healthy intestinal environment with antifungal and anti-mold properties. It provides natural compounds that support a healthy microbial environment and a healthy candida/yeast balance.


LEMON BALM- Used since ancient times to give the body support as a sedative for intense heat and nervous irritation. It can also be used for hyperactivity, hyperacidic stomach with nervousness, insomnia, and overwhelm.

PASSION FLOWER- Thought to be one of the best mental sedatives.

Can be used to support the body's nervousness, insomnia, mental restlessness, especially with shaking in the hands, and mucosal dryness.

PHYTODREN- helps the body deal with all kinds of stress and fatigue. The most common indicators for the use of PhytoDren™ are when the body experiences: Functional hypoadrenia (a low functioning


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips or deficiency in the functioning of the adrenal glands), stress syndrome, functional endocrine imbalances due to fatigue, and asthma.

SKULLCAP- helps promote general relaxation without sedation. It is useful for excessive muscular tension, mental stress and fog, frustration and anger accompanied by pain and/or inflammation. Useful for headaches, insomnia, PMS, and hypertension when related to emotional stress.


HM CHELATE- promotes the body's natural, healthy detoxification reaction to common, mild environmental heavy metal exposure while supporting antioxidant and immune defenses.

EPA/DHA- EPA and DHA from fish oil promote cardiovascular health by supporting healthy triglyceride and lipid metabolism, maintaining healthy blood flow, and supporting healthy platelet function. Fish oil is also important for optimal joint function. It maintains healthy inflammation balance, which is important for maintaining connective tissue health and comfort. Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids are important components of neuronal cell membranes and are essential to cognitive function. By supporting vascular health, fish oils promote oxygen and nutrient delivery to the brain. Studies suggest that healthy red blood cell membrane omega-3 fatty acid concentration is associated


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips with emotional well-being. Both epidemiological and double blind placebo- controlled trials indicate that fish oil supports positive mood.


IMMUNOGPRP- Contains colostrum (bovine) which has high levels of Immunoglobulins. It helps support the immune system, accelerate healing of all body tissue, repair immune barriers, increase bone and lean muscle mass, and helps support healthy cognitive function.


FOLAPRO- provides an activated form of folic acid that is ready to use for the multitude of metabolic functions that folic acid supports.

We use this most often to support genetic risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

LICORICE PLUS- is designed for individuals who have been exposed to prolonged stress and have difficulty achieving an adaptive response, which may be due to physically exhausted reserves.


VITAL-ZYMES- may benefit gas and bloating after meals, constipation, and the feeling of fullness after eating only a small quantity of food (vegetarian digestive enzymes)


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

EMULSI-D3- A natural, self-emulsifying technology allows us to produce a 2,000 IU per drop formula that quickly and completely disperses in liquid. This cutting edge technology provides enhanced bioavailability utilizing only naturally derived ingredients that are free of preservatives and synthetic surfactants.

GI MICROB-X- is a blend of botanical extracts with a long history of use as natural antimicrobials. The ingredients provide a broad spectrum of activity against the most common pathogens present in the human GI tract in conditions of dysbiosis, while being relatively sparing of normal flora.

NAC- N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that is a precursor to glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant. It is also used for rapid recovery after workouts. NAC can be used in any cases where there is a need to rebuild the liver and promotes optimal detoxification.

It is also researched for protection from heavy metal damage.

P5P- stands for Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate, which is the active (body ready) form of Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is essential for a multitude of internal functions, including the metabolism of histamine and GABA

(nerve calming), and for the genetic risk factors for dementia.


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips

About the Author

Dr. Todd Stone was born and raised in Northern Minnesota, in a small town of less than 2000 people. During his first year of life, he suffered from recurrent upper respiratory infections. His condition was treated with a slew of antibiotic prescriptions.

Research has now proven that antibiotics taken before age two can have long term consequences on immune system regulation function. At age one, his immune system was compromised to such a degree he began bruising. A mere touch would cause a single large bruise, which ultimately left his whole body bruised.

After numerous examinations and blood tests Dr. Stone’s doctors found no explanation for his condition. His fragile blood vessels were causing serious problems, including anemia.

Eventually, he was diagnosed with an autoimmune blood disorder.

To treat this condition, his spleen was removed at 16 months old, which saved his life.

Dr. Stone, spent the next several years enduring more blood tests so doctors could check for any return of his autoimmune disease. Although the splenectomy was vital, this operation contributed to a weakened immune system, leading to severe environmental allergies. Dr. Stone was allergic to cats, pollen, dust


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips and more, which when treated with medication did not subside but instead left him tired and drowsy. Moreover, he suffered from frequent bouts of strep throat.

Dr. Stone began exploring the world of heath at an early age.

As young as 13, he read fitness magazines and began experimenting with nutrition and bodybuilding. He gained a level of heath that supported his body to overcome his severe allergies, aside from seasonal allergies. And he held off any return of the autoimmune disease.

At age 15, Dr. Stone’s mother severely sprained her neck, which resulted in severe pain, headaches, numbness, and weakness in her arm. After standard medical care, she continued to suffer from her original symptoms. In chiropractic care, Dr. Stone’s mother finally recovered. After witnessing the healing his mother experienced while in the care of her chiropractor, Dr. Stone decided he would one day become a Chiropractor. At age 16, Dr.

Stone had already decided where he would pursue his graduate studies.

Even before undergraduate school, Dr. Stone pre-applied to

Chiropractic College for graduate school. Later in grad school, Dr.

Stone began to understand the unseen yet powerful innate intelligence each human being relies on to maintain health. It is


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips this organizational and balancing phenomenon that keeps us healthy and alive. This intelligence is also an inner wisdom that regulates our heartbeat and blood pressure, our immune system, endocrine system, and all other functions of the body.

During Dr. Stone’s first years of clinical practice he was dedicated to discovering why his patients were sick. This quest led

Dr. Stone on a long journey of further education, studying under some of the greatest innovators in medicine and neurology

(including Functional Diagnostics and Integrated Natural

Medicine, Functional Neurology and Brain Based Medicine, and

Energetic Medicine including Applied Kinesiology and Neuro-

Emotional Therapies).

Dr Stone uses a unique system of evaluation and treatment that allows him to offer solutions to many chronic conditions that are otherwise swept under the rug or thought to be incurable. As a functional medicine doctor of chiropractic, Dr. Stone is dedicated to finding the missing puzzle pieces his patients need to formulate complete picture of their health. Dr. Stone asserts that traditional doctors do not explore their patients’ conditions and causes deeply enough. Looking further and further down the rabbit hole, Dr.

Stone asks questions about his patients’ health to uncover the physiological process that causes his patients’ conditions. Then he


Thyroid Relief: 20 Tips supports his patients’ internal systems to reverse the processed that originally caused the conditions.

If you struggle with health challenges of any type, Dr. Stone offers a common sense, big picture system of evaluation and treatment that will lead you to greater levels of health.