INDIANA UNIVERSITY – PURDUE UNIVRSITY FORT WAYNE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION TEACHING EDUCATIONAL ACADEMIC METHODS COURSE SYLLABUS EDUCATION P251 FALL SEMESTER 2010 Section 1 Neff Hall Room 251 Wednesday 9:00 – 11:50 AM Section 2 Neff Hall Room 251 Friday 9:00 – 11:50 AM INSTRUCTOR Dr. Nancy J. Bangel, Assistant Professor E-mail: Office: Neff Hall 240H Office Phone: 260.481.5477 Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00 – 4:00 PM Wednesday 3:00 – 6:00 PM COURSE TITLE AND DESCRIPTION EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS The application of psychological concepts to school learning and teaching in the perspective of development from childhood through pre-adolescence. Public school participation is required. TEXTS Burden, P. (2006). Classroom Management: Creating a Successful K-12 Learning Community. Wiley and Sons, Hoboken: NJ. Thompson, J. G. (2007). The First-Year Teacher’s Survival Guide. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco: CA. Additional reading material will be provided by the instructor throughout the semester. These textbooks were chosen because of their value to this course. There will not be enough class time to discuss every topic presented in these texts. However, as responsible adult learners, you are expected to reflect on reading assignments and take a problem-solving approach to material that is unclear to you. Class assignments will require you to utilize information discussed in the textbooks but not necessarily during lecture. COURSE OVERVIEW This educational psychology course is designed to introduce you to concepts of learning and teaching and to provide you with methods of applying these concepts to instruction in the classroom. In addition to lecture, group discussions, and applicable activities in the college classroom, you will be involved in field work that is designed to augment your university experience. This provides you with the opportunity to observe individuals involved in the teaching profession, participate in appropriate activities and discover how academic concepts are applied in existing educational settings. ENDURING UNDERSTANDING The understanding of principles instrumental in the field of Educational Psychology directs and impacts all actions within the classroom. These actions are demonstrated through a variety of classroom management techniques. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How does your understanding of student learning… Direct your philosophy of discipline? Direct decisions concerning your classroom learning environment? Inform your curriculum design and delivery? Influence your teacher/parent/child interactions? P251 – Fall 2010 – Page 1 SEMESTER AGENDA Note: (B) = Burden Text Dates (T) = Thompson Text Assignments and Readings Aug 25/27 Intro to Ed Psych for Elementary Teachers Sept 1/3 Complete TEACH Website Survey Begin your PortaPortal (PP) Read (B) Ch 1 Read (T) Sec 1, 2 & 9 Sept 8/10 Read (B) Ch 2 Bring 3 quiz questions over Ch 2 Background Check Add Discipline Sites to PP Read (B) Ch 5 Read (T) Sec 4 & 14 Bring 3 quiz questions from B-Ch 5 and 3 questions total over T-Sec 4 & 14 Due: Philosophy of Discipline, Discipline Plan (including Procedures & Rules), Parent Communication Add Rules/Procedures Sites to PP Read (B) Ch 3 Read (T) Sec 5 Bring 3 quiz questions from B-Ch 3 and 3 questions from T-Sec 5 Sept 15/17 Sept 22/24 Sept 29/ Oct 1 Oct 8/10 Topic Due: Classroom Layout, 1st Day Lesson Plan, Weekly Schedule Group Presentation - Uniforms Add 1st Day Sites to PP Read (B) Ch 4 Read (T) Sec 3 Bring 3 quiz questions from B-Ch 4 and 3 questions from T-Sec 3 Due: Back-to-School Night (BTSN) Group Presentation – Gender Add Parent Sites to PP Read (B) Ch 8 & 9 Read (T) Sec 16 Bring 3 quiz questions total from B-Ch 8 & 9 and 3 questions from T-Sec 16 Assessment Models of Discipline / Philosophy of Discipline Choosing Rules & Procedures Creating Learning Environments Classroom Layout 1st Day of School Weekly Schedule Planning to Work with Parents Back–to-School Night/Open House Parent/Teacher Conferences Communications (email, newsletters, etc.) Parent Volunteers Learner Differences Multicultural Gender Issues Student Ability SES P251 – Fall 2010 – Page 2 Oct 13/15 Oct 20/22 Oct 27/29 Group Presentation – Standardized Curriculum Add Special Needs and Differentiation Sites to PP Read (B) Ch 7 Read (T) Sec 7 Read PTSM Handout Bring 3 quiz questions from B-Ch 7 and 3 questions from T-Sec 7 (none from PTSM) Planning and Conducting Instruction PTSM Bloom’s Taxonomy Due: Lesson Plans Critique Due: Completed PortaPortal Group Presentation - Homework Add General Lesson Plan and Specific Subject Matter Sites to PP Read (B) Ch 10 Read (T) Sec 8 Bring 3 quiz questions from B-Ch 10 and 3 questions from T-Sec 8 Planning and Conducting Instruction Cooperation & Collaboration Responding to Inappropriate Behavior Functional Behavior Assessment Read (B) Ch 11 & 12 Read (T) Sec 15 Internship Nov 2 – Dec 10 Dec 13-17 Paper 1 due 8:00 AM, Monday, November 15 Paper 2 due 8:00 AM, Monday, November 22 Paper 3 due 8:00 AM, Monday, December 6 Portfolio is to be submitted to Taskstream by Dec 6 Portfolio Checkpoints and Exit Interviews P251 ASSIGNMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS GRADING SYSTEM: 1. Background Check and TEACH survey 2. Assignments 3. Quizzes 4. Group Presentation 5. Contribution to Class/Professionalism 6. Internship Papers 7. Survey of Practices 2 @ 5 pts 5 @ 50 pts 8 @ 10 pts 1 @ 25 pts 10 @ 15 pts 3 @ 25 pts 1 @ 10 pts TOTAL 10 250 80 25 150 75 10 600 GRADING SCALE: A+ = 588 – 600 (98%) B+ = 528 – 539 (88%) C+ = 468 – 479 (78%) A = 552 – 587 (92%) B = 492 – 527 (82%) C = 432 – 467 (72%) A- = 540 – 551 (90%) B- = 480 – 491 (80%) C- = 420 – 431 (70%) (Below C- will result in your need to retake this course and not move forward to TEAM II.) P251 – Fall 2010 – Page 3 ASSIGNMENTS (50 points each - More details and rubrics will be given.) Note: Papers with an * are to include an INTASC Reflective Analysis (These include BTSN, Philosophy, 1st Day of School, and your Accommodations paper during internship). 1. *Philosophy of Discipline Philosophy of Discipline related to Teacher Behavior Continuum, textbook, PortaPortal sites, and classroom discussions Discipline Plan – Rules (what will they be, how and by whom will they be created, etc.), Consequence/ Reward system, 3 Prevention Strategies. 10 Detailed procedures you will use in your classroom Communication with Parents concerning discipline procedures in your classroom 2. *1st Day of School You will design your classroom layout for a 32’ x 32’ room. You should include Student desks or tables (# of seats: K/1 - 18, 2/3 - 22, 4/5 - 25) Teacher’s desk, if desired Reading area Computer area Work stations Equipment – e.g. trash, sink, storage, filing cabinet, pencil sharpener, etc. 2 page paper describing WHY you placed the items where you did COMPLETE 1st Day Lesson Plan including: Minute-by-minute schedule for the 1st day 3 Goals for the Teacher 3 Goals for the Students Weekly Schedule showing times for subjects, specials, lunch, recess, prep, duties, etc. 3. *Planning To Work with Parents – BTSN You may choose the format in which to present this information. Agenda for the Back-to-School Night event in your classroom Introductions you will make Information you will present 4. Critique Lesson Plans Choose the following types of lesson plans and critique them as to their effectiveness in meeting the needs of your students. What would you change if you were to present this lesson to your class? Select one lesson from a teacher’s manuals in the Curriculum Lab and critique its strengths and weaknesses. Select one general lesson from the internet and critique its strengths and weaknesses. Select one tiered lesson from the internet and critique its strengths and weaknesses. Select one lesson that includes the use of a Smartboard and critique its strengths and weaknesses. Select one lesson that includes a Virtual Fieldtrip and critique its strengths and weaknesses. 5. PortaPortal (Presented to your colleagues during weeks 3 – 10) You will go to and create your own PortaPortal. Your PortaPortal will include at least 3 sites for each category (these are the minimum requirements and will earn an 80% – i.e. 40 pts maximum): Discipline/Rules/Procedure Sites 1st Days of School (eg. Getting to Know You activities) Parent Sites General Lesson Plan Sites Differentiated Instruction Sites (One site must be the IDOE Tiered Lessons Site) P251 – Fall 2010 – Page 4 Specific Subject Matter Sites, e.g. Math, Language Arts (Spelling, Writing, Grammar, Handwriting), Science, Art, Music Special Needs Sites – Must include ADHD, Autism, ENL, Hoagies Gifted, and 2 additional areas of interest to you (e.g. Hearing impaired, Physical disabilities, Cerebral palsy, etc.). Note: This area requires a minimum of one link in each of these 6 categories One area of interest to you You will use your title and last name (e.g. Mr. __________, Ms. ____________, Mrs. __________) as your user name and guest access unless this access has already been taken. QUIZZES (10 points each) From your textbook readings you will develop three quiz questions (including answers) from each chapter assigned for that session. These items will be considered for use in the quiz which will be administered at the beginning of the next week’s class. You will bring your quiz contributions to class with you starting with week 3 (September 8/10). GROUP PRESENTATION (25 points) We will have 4 presentations related to areas concerning classroom management: Uniforms, Gender, Standardized Curriculum, and Homework. You will select one of these topics and work with 3 of your classmates to prepare a presentation of the issues within this topic. CONTRIBUTIONS TO CLASS / PROFESSIONALISM (15 points each class session) As adults, it is always your choice as to whether you attend each class session and participate in all discussions and group activities. However, as this course is designed as a discussion course with your input considered to be worthwhile and needed, you will be awarded points for your contributions to class. Additionally, arriving on time, staying for the entire class period, and using time wisely during break are considered to be professional behavior and will result in full points awarded. In addition, as you are embarking on your professional career, you will be expected to display professional behavior at all times and in all products and projects created for this class. This involves, but is not limited to, your adherence to appropriate dress code during field experiences, assignments which are error-free, professional conduct during discussions, etc. Although this is not a Language Arts class, due to the professional nature of your career, all assignments will be expected to be grammar and spelling error free. Those which are not will be subject to point reductions. Note: Satisfactory completion of your internship is a requirement of this course. If you do not satisfactorily complete your internship, you will fail this course. PAPERS DURING INTERNSHIP (25 points each) You will write a 2-3 page critical analysis concerning your observations of the following three areas: Rules / Procedures – Due by 8:00 AM, Monday, November 15 Classroom Layout - Due by 8:00 AM, Monday, November 22 *Individual Accommodations - Due by 8:00 AM, Monday, December 6 These analyses should reflect upon what you are observing as practice in your internship classroom and how these practices relate to the information and materials presented in class. You should include your interpretation of the practices and how/why you would/would not use these practices in your own classroom. These are not to be a criticism of your cooperating teacher but rather a reflection on your part of what you feel will work best for you. These papers are to be sent to me via email during your internship. SURVEY OF PRACTICES WITH STUDENTS OF VARYING NEEDS (10 points) You will be given a survey which examines your confidence in meeting the needs of students with varying needs in your classroom. You are to complete and return this survey. P251 – Fall 2010 – Page 5 COURSE POLICIES The instructor will adhere to the Educational Psychology Teaching Methods Handbook concerning cheating / plagiarism as well as withdrawals and incompletes. Late assignments will have points deducted for each day late (10% of the possible points for the assignment per day late). Assignments are due at the beginning of each class session – any time after that will be considered late. WRITING CENTER You may improve your writing for any class through free individual conferences with experienced writing consultants in Kettler 234, the IPFW WRITING CENTER. To insure an appointment, sign up on the bulletin board outside the Center. Hours: M 10-5, TWR 10-7, F 10-2, Sun 1-5. Online Consulting: SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES If you have or develop a handicap which may impair your ability to perform any assignment or activity in this course, please notify the instructor. For further assistance you may want to direct questions to the Director of Services for Students with Disabilities at 481.6657 (voice/TTY). The office is located in Walb Room 113. SPECIAL NOTES The instructor reserves the right to change the content of this syllabus as circumstances dictate to enhance, extend and deepen your learning. In the case of a cancellation of class, the instructor will modify the course syllabus to cover relevant topics P251 – Fall 2010 – Page 6