Lacrosse Unit Plan Jesika Schomberg and Jacki Zwiefelhofer Needs Assessment/ Context Unit: Lacrosse Special Considerations: Students have different skill levels. # of days: 10 Skills/ concepts to be taught: Passing, Catching, Cradling, Shooting, Scooping, Defense, Face-offs. Name: Jesika Schomberg and Jacki Zwiefelhofer Facilities needed: Outdoor Field Class size: 11 Equipment needed: 13 lacrosse sticks, 15 lacrosse balls, 13 pinnies, 12 cones, 4 buckets, 6 goals, 10 noodles, goggles, Grade level: 6-12 Media or other equipment: None. Skill level: Intermediate Pre-assessment: individual skill assessment Unit Objectives Psychomotor: TSWBAT catch a lacrosse ball with their lacrosse stick using the cues give, cradle, and bend knees during all activities. TSWBAT throw a lacrosse ball using the cues point to target, parallel to floor, and follow through during all activities. TSWBAT scoop a lacrosse ball using the cues bend knees, get low, and cradle during all activities. TSWBAT play defense against an offensive player using the cues guide with stick and personal bubble in defensive related activities. Cognitive: TSWBAT remember cues for all skills by reciting them to the instructor during multiple closures and by recalling them on a final written test. TSWBAT show understanding of rules of play by performing activities correctly throughout the unit. Affective: TSWBAT show respect for others by maintaining their personal bubbles during all activities. TSWBAT show respect towards the instructor by paying attention during instruction and following rules throughout the unit. Fitness: TSWBAT… keep their heart rate in their target zone for 80% of the time during class time. Unit Assessments Skill acquisition: Individual Skill Assessment, Teacher Observation Game play: Teacher Observation Knowledge: Checking for Understanding, Quizzes, Exam Physical fitness: Skill Testing, Heart Rate Monitors Personal/social behavior: Peer Written Assessment, Teacher Behavior Observation Block Plan Day One: Intro: Lacrosse Video on Lacrosse Throwing and Catching Pedometer log Culminating Event: End zone Lacrosse Skills: throwing for accuracy and distance Tactic: ways to throw a lacrosse ball around defenders Day Two: Culminating Event: Toss Across Lacrosse Skills: throwing for accuracy Tactic: Building team relationships Self Assessment Day Six: Review Defensive Strategy Guiding Culminating Event: Run Out Skills: Blocking passes/shots Tactic: guarding offensive players without invading their bubble Quiz 2 Review Throwing/Catching Team Roster and individual roles Day Three: Culminating Event: Six Goal Skills: Proper shooting techniques Tactic: Using a shoot vs normal pass in order to score a goal. Offensive Strategies Review throwing, catching, shooting Culminating Event: Extreme Lacrosse Skills: Positioning on the field Tactic: Reading where other players are on the field Day Four: Review Shooting Scooping/Cradling Culminating Event: Steal the Bacon Skills: Review Shooting learning cues Tactic: Maintain control when handling the ball Quiz 1 Day Eight: Review Offense with defense Culminating Event: Pass for points Skills: Putting together offensive/defensive strategies, and previously learned skills Tactics: Determine what works best to get your team to the other end of the field. Day Five: Review Previous Lessons Defense Strategy Culminating Event: Defense Hoopla Skills: Introduce Defensive strategies Tactic: work on successfully defending a shot maintaining personal space Adjusting force and release point for accurate throw. Day Seven: Shooting Day Nine: Faking and dodging Culminating Event: Sharks and Minnows Skills: Fake, cut and dodge Tactics: Use faking and dodging to get around defenders to move up the field and have successful passes Day Ten: Review Day Culminating Event: Full Lacrosse Skills: Previously Learned skills Tactics: Communication, offensive and defensive strategies. Unit Exam Day-by-Day Content DAY (WHEN) CONTENT (WHAT) LEARNING ACTIVITIES (HOW) ASSESSMENT 1 Pedometer Log -Pedometer Log -Pedometer sheet Video Throwing and Catching -Record Steps and explain grading -Video on Lacrosse -Shows main features of sport -Culminating Activity-End zone Lacrosse -A four-on-four lacrosse game where teams try to make a successful pass into their teammates in the end zone to score points. 2 Team Roster and Team identity sheet Description of roles and responsibilities Overview of pre-lesson activities Pre-Assessment -Team roster and team identity sheet -Explain how teams were divided. -Have teams fill out identity sheet. -Go over the sheet and show them how to take attendance and how to check daily responsibilities. -Description of roles and responsibilities -Hand out folders to each group that shows the roles and responsibilities. -Teacher will go over each role and explain the responsibilities that go along with it. (Coach, equipment manager, fitness trainer, score keeper) -Overview of pre-lesson activities -Discuss what students should be doing as they come in the gym. (Get into groups and check roles to begin activity right away. Team folder contents -Attendance sheets -Warm up -Responsibility sheet -Scoring sheet Score sheet and teacher evaluation -Culminating Activity Toss Across Lacrosse -evaluation based on how well team cheers each other on and positive attitudes. Students are split up into 4 teams. They will throw lacrosse balls across the field, trying to hit their target (a bucket). Each time they hit the bucket, one point is awarded. For each ball they make IN the bucket, three points are rewarded. -Pre-assessment and skills test -Students rotate around multiple stations and assess themselves. 3 Intro to Shooting Shooting cues - Keep stick parallel to the ground -Point to target -Teacher/coach observation (watch to make sure students understand cues, refine skills, feedback) -Teacher observation (watch to see if students are using the cues, refine skills, and provide feedback) -Follow through Mini Games -Three person weave (down gym and back) -Split into two teams within own team -In order to score you need 5 passes in a row. -Culminating Activity- Six Goal - Multiple nets are set up on the field, and players are divided into three teams. Each team has two goals to guard, meanwhile, trying to score in the other 4 goals. Quiz 1 4 Review shooting Review shooting -Star shooting drill Scooping/ Cradling Review learning cues -Parallel to the ground Teacher/coach observation -Point to target -Follow through -Culminating Activity- Steal the Bacon -The students will be split into two teams, and then stand on the outside of the field. Each team will be numbered off 1-how many players there are. I will call out a number, and the players who number I call must run out to the middle, and try to retrieve the lacrosse ball, and score. 5 Review Previous Lessons Defensive Strategies Catching/Passing Drill - 3 man weave - Star drill Culminating Activity -Defense Hoopla 6 Students are split into 3 equal teams. One team is offense, and the other 2 will be independent defensive teams. The offense will be bringing the ball to the center of the field to score, however their point don’t count. The defense are the only teams that can score by stealing the ball or blocking a shot. After 5 mins, teams will rotate roles. Teacher/coach observation (make sure students are watching out for each other’s personal bubbles) Review Defensive Strategies Guiding Defense 7 Working with a defense drill Culminating Activity -Run Out: Students will be split into two teams, and put into two lines facing the goal. I will roll a ball out towards the goal, and the two players at the front of the line will run out and try to get to ball. Whichever player gets the ball becomes the offense and tries to score, and the other player becomes the defender. Teacher observation (Personal Space) Quiz 2 Teacher evaluation (Role performance and Sportsmanship) Offensive Strategies Review Shooting, Passing, Catching, Throwing Teacher evaluation (Role performance and sportsmanship) Culminating Activity -Extreme Lacrosse: This is played with the regular lacrosse rules but with more goals. After the game starts, goals are gradually taken away forcing students to think more and more about offensive strategies that work best. Teacher/coach observation (safety: make sure students keep heads up and watch where they are going, using cues, quick movements) 8 Review offense and defense Culminating Activity -Pass for points: 4 on 4; Players must pass at least 4 times before they can shoot the ball, and defense must be working on guiding, and keeping personal space. Teacher observation (watch for proper offense and defense refinements and extensions.) 9 Faking and Dodging - Run through cones 3 person defense drill Teacher Observation (personal space, nicely tagging each other) Culminating Activity: Sharks and Minnows There will be 3 sharks in the ocean (field) That will be trying to tag the minnows. The minnows will have to try to get from one end of the field to the next without being tagged by the sharks. The sharks will have a noodle to tag with, and the minnows will have their crosses. If a minnow is tagged, they become a shark in the position on the field in which they were tagged at. They are allowed 2 steps to tag. Teacher Observation 10 Review Culminating Activity: Full speed game of lacrosse. The students will be split into two teams, and will play a regular game of lacrosse. They will incorporate all their skills that they have learned in the past ten days. Self-Assessment Final Unit Exam Grading Policies CATEGORY CATEGORY WEIGHT Skills and Game Play 30 Knowledge 25 ASSESSMENTS TEST WEIGHT (%) POSSIBLE POINTS Skills Test - Scooping/Cradling 15 10 Skills Test - Catching 15 10 Skills Test - Throwing 15 10 Skills Test - Defense 15 10 Teacher Observation 40 30 2 Quizzes 45 30 1 Unit Exam 55 40 Physical Fitness 25 Pedometer Log 100 30 Personal and Social Skills 20 Peer and Self Evaluation Sportsmanship 50 20 Teacher Observation 50 20 Final Grade 100% 100 210 Lacrosse Quiz #1 Name: __________________________________________________________ Period: _________________ Multiple Choice (2 pts each): Please circle the best answer for each question. There is only one correct answer for each question. 1.) When throwing the lacrosse ball, which hand should be at the bottom of the lacrosse? a) The dominant hand b) The non-dominant hand c) Neither hand should be at the bottom d) Both hands should be towards the bottom 2.) A hard throw is called what? a) Shooting b) Quick Stick c) Feed Pass d) Clamping 3.) What is the FIRST thing you should be doing immediately after catching the lacrosse ball? a) Running down the field to score b) Passing it to another player c) Cradling d) Standing in place 4.) How is a lacrosse game started? a) Throw in b) Goalie throw c) Face-off d) None of the above 5.) How many players are allowed at a time on the field during play? a) 8 b) 10 c) 11 d) 12 6.) When a) b) c) d) facing off, where is the ball? Dropped from the referees hand Tossed in the air On the ground There isn’t a face-off in lacrosse Short Answer (3 pts): List three cues for catching: List three cues for throwing: Lacrosse Quiz #2 Name:_______________________________________________________________ Period:___________ Circle the best answer for each question. For statements, indicate whether they are true or false. 1.) In soft lacrosse [as we play in class], how far should a defender be away from the offensive player? a) About one foot b) You can be as close as you want as long as you don’t touch them c) A stick length d) None of the above 2.) It is required to wear protective eye gear during the game of lacrosse? a) True b) False 3.) The defenders may run with the ball to any part of the field a) True b) False 4.) When a player shoots a goal, misses, and the ball goes out of bounds, who gets control of the ball? a) They face off b) The team that is closest to the ball when it goes out of bounds c) The defense d) The offense 5.) How do you win the game? a) First to eleven points b) First to twenty-one points c) Whoever is ahead after three periods. d) Whoever is ahead after four periods. 6.) What are the field dimensions? a) 100 feet by 80 feet b) 150 feet by 90 feet c) 200 feet by 85 feet d) 200 feet by 95 feet Short Answer: 7.) Explain fully how a defensive player would guide an offensive player (include cues). Use complete sentences. 8.) List 4 cues for scooping a lacrosse ball. Lacrosse Season Final Exam Name: ________________________________________________ Period: ________________ Multiple Choice: Carefully read each question. Circle the best answer for each question. There is only one correct answer per question. 2 points each. 1.) When throwing the lacrosse ball, which hand should be at the bottom of the lacrosse? a) The dominant hand b) The non-dominant hand c) Neither hand should be at the bottom d) Both hands should be towards the bottom 2.) What are the basic dimensions of a lacrosse field? a) 100 feet by 80 feet b) 150 feet by 90 feet c) 200 feet by 85 feet d) 200 feet by 95 feet 3.) How is a lacrosse game started? a) Throw in b) Goalie throw c) Face-off d) None of the above 4.) Standard lacrosse sticks are how long in length? a) 27-33 inches b) 34-40 inches c) 40-46 inches d) 47-53 inches 5.) Positions in lacrosse include all of the following except: a) Centers b) Forwards c) Attack d) Defensemen 6.) How long are the periods we play in class? a) 15 minutes b) 12 minutes c) 9 minutes d) 7 minutes 7.) When a player shoots a goal, misses, and the ball goes out of bounds, who gets control of the ball? a) They face off b) The team that is closest to the ball when it goes out of bounds c) The defense d) The offense 8.) After scooping or catching a lacrosse ball, you should IMMEDIATELY be doing what? e) Cradling f) Passing to another player g) Running down the field to score h) Standing still 9.) How many players are allowed on the field during play? a) 8 b) 10 c) 11 d) 6 10) When the game ends in a tie, what happens to determine a winner? a) Each team gets a free shot until someone scores. b) Another full quarter is played. c) A five minute quarter is played until the end d) There is a sudden death overtime True/False: If the answer is true write true on the line; if it is false write false. 11. _______ When throwing a lacrosse ball, your feet should be together. 12. _______ The game is won by the team who is ahead after four periods. 13. _______ When we use the term “bubble” we are referring to the offensive players personal space. 14. _______ Face-offs occur at the start of each quarter. 15. _______ The game is won when a team reaches eleven points. 16.) Under each action, list three to four cues: Throwing Catching Scooping Guiding Quiz #1 Answer Key: 1.) b 2.) a 3.) c 4.) c 5.) b 6.) c 7.) possible catching cues – feet apart, bend knees, look it in, give 8.) possible throwing cues – opposite foot, point to target, follow through, parallel to ground Quiz # 2 Answer Key: 1.) c 2.) a 3.) b 4.) c 5.) d 6.) c 7.) The defense would guide the offense by having their knees bent, but down, and using their stick. Their stick should be parallel to the ground, in front of the person they’re trying to guide. You want to guide with the lacrosse stick. 8.) Cues for scooping include bending knees, get low, scoop, and cradle Final Exam Answer Key: 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. c 5. d 6. d 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. d 11. F 12. T 13. T 14. T 15. F 16. Throwing: Opposite foot, parallel to ground, point to target, follow through Catching: Knees bent, watch it in, give, cradle Scooping: Bend knees, get low, scoop, cradle Guiding: Bend knees, butt down, guide with stick Pre-Season Individual Assessment Name: ____________________________________ The pre-season assessment will show the students current skill level heading into unit. This will help in dividing teams for the season plan to make them fair. Go around to each station and rate yourself at each activity. Assessment will be done again at the end of the unit to see how the students progressed. 1) Accuracy- Shoot the lacrosse ball five times at the goal. Each hoop within the goal has a different labeled point value. Add up your score at the end and list your points below. Total:_________________________________ 2) Handling- Run through the previously set up course with a lacrosse ball in the crosse. Be sure to cradle the ball as you maneuver around the cones. If you drop the ball, mark which numbered cone you made it to and try again. Trial #1:______ Trial#2:_________ 3) Distance- Throw 5 lacrosse balls as far as you can. There are 3 different zones for 3 different point totals, the farther the zone the higher the points. Add up total and write below. Total: __________________________________ 4) Catching- Catch 10 lacrosse balls thrown from a partner. Record how many are successfully caught. Total:_______ out of 10. 5) Scooping- Try to scoop 10 lacrosse balls up from the ground. You will be rolled out a lacrosse ball from a partner in which you will have to run and scoop it up successfully to a cradle. Record your total. Total: ______ out of 10. Pedometer Log Name: _______________________________________________ Every day before class, you will clip your pedometer on your waist band. When class is over, write down your total steps for the day under Actual Steps heading. Next make a goal for the next class that is higher than what you did that day. This will be turned in at the end of the unit and will be part of your participation grade. Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Actual Steps Goal Peer Evaluation of Sportsmanship Name: _____________________________ Team Name: _______________________ Rate each of the teams on how well you think they performed with sportsmanship. A 1 would mean they showed no sportsmanship, and a 5 would mean that they showed a great deal of sportsmanship and carried themselves with class and dignity. Team #1: Circle one: 1 2 3 4 5 Write 2 comments about this team to justify your rating. Team #2: Circle one: 1 2 3 4 5 Write 2 comments about this team to justify your rating. Team #3: Circle one: 1 2 3 4 5 Write 2 comments about this team to justify your rating. K. Selection of Teams 1) The teacher will ask for volunteers to be team captains. The students that are selected to be captains must be responsible, hard-working, and have basic knowledge of the rules and how to play Lacrosse. 2) The 3 captains will get together outside of class with the teacher and take turns picking teammates off of the class roster. After teams are selected, if the teacher thinks any changes need to be made to the rosters, he/she may change as needed so that each team has a mix of abilities, genders, and skill levels. Roles 1) Coach - responsible for running practice and making sure there is good team sportsmanship. 2) Equipment Manager - responsible for getting equipment for team and putting it away 3) Fitness Instructor - responsible for organizing/facilitating their team for warm-ups and drills 4) Statistician(s) - responsible for keeping player stats and scores for each game 5) Referee(s) - responsible for making different calls during the game Grading Students will fill out a peer assessment sheet each day for their team and reflect on how well each individual participated. The sheets will have each role listed with the numbers 0-5 following (0 being the worst and 5 being the best). These will be handed into the teacher to check and develop the students score for the day. Team Identity and Affiliation Team Name:_____________________________ Team Mascot:____________________________ Coach:__________________________________ Equipment Manager:_______________________ Statistician:______________________________ Statistician:______________________________ Referee:_________________________________ Referee:_________________________________ Team song/cheer:__________________________ Field Name:______________________________ Health Related Fitness Task Cards Cardiovascular Endurance: warm-up, it is important for students to warm-up so they avoid any injuries while they are playing Lacrosse. Before playing, students will jog around the field with their crosses to warm up their muscles. While they are jogging, they will also work on cradling. -The different warm-ups the students will perform are as follows: -shuffle -high knees -butt kicks -crab walk -grapevine shuffle Flexibility: they will then be working on their flexibility by performing lunges. It is important to emphasize that it is about how well the exercise is done, not how fast it is done. It is most effective when done in a slow and controlled manner. This will be helpful for when the students are scooping the ball. -They will also stretch out their muscles after this because they will have had ample time to warm them up -neck -hamstring -calf -arms -shoulder -quads Muscular Strength and Endurance: Students will perform 15 push-ups and 30 sit-ups. In their teams, they will also perform a medicine ball routine. The students will go from one baseline to the next line transferring a 5lbs. medicine ball. Student Coach Plan Skill Cradling: Catching: Critical Element to skill acquisition teaching/ verbal cues -keeps hand and wrist loose when holding stick -go back and -loose grip to allow stick movement forth across -arms are under control your body -look at the ball -uses wrist to snap head of stick behind ball -squares body towards the ball -feet shoulder width apart -stick just a little above the head -stick pocket facing the ball -guides the ball into them -cushions ball into pocket Passing/shooting: -turns non-throwing shoulder to target -has feet shoulder width apart -upper hand is even with shoulders -lower hand a little bit away from body -weight transfer, back to front -follow through facing target Scooping: -semi-crouched position -dominate foot forward -stick held at side of the body -head of stick hits ground 1-2in from ball -eyes are on the ball -both hands are on the stick -ease it in nicely -keep stick in front of your body -good follow through -nice wrist snap - just like shoveling snow -get low -shovel motion Tactics Description teaching/ verbal cues Give and go: Defensive: -Zone: -Players move to the open area to receive a pass and then wait for the passer to -move to the open move to the newly-opened space space -involves players covering a certain area on the field -be ready to move to -they can surround the crease or split up other spaces to help according to how many players a team your teammate wants in a certain position -Man to man: -each player guards one opposing player -stick on your person Safety Awareness -aware of others, boundries, and ball -follow the rules of soft lacrosse -limited/no contact -always wear protective eyewear cues -keep eyes up -goggles Activity Task Cards Skill Cradling Tactics Activity cradle ball around obstacles while weaving w/ ball in and out of cones remaining in control of the ball Passing pass the ball to a moving object pass w/ partner while moving up and down the field Shooting shooting on the run while remaining in control of the ball shoot the ball at the goal after weaving in and out of cones in front of the crease Catching catching the ball on the run pass w/ partner while moving up and down the field Scooping scooping the ball on the run pass ball back and forth w/ partner and put ball 5 ft. in front of you get a running start and scoop ball Lesson Plan -Lesson Information A. NAME JES SCHOMBERG AND JACKI ZWIEFELHOFER DATE 11-5-09 SCHOOL TIME CLASS SIZE GRADE UWEC 11:00-11:45 11 9-12 FACILITIES MCPHEE PRACTICE FIELDS B. UNIT/THEME LACROSSE # OUT OF 3 LESSONS 10 C. STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPOs) What will students be able to do as a result of this lesson? 1.Psychomotor: -TSWBAT catch a lacrosse ball with their lacrosse stick using the cues give, cradle, and bend knees during all activities. -TSWBAT throw a lacrosse ball using the cues point to target, parallel to floor, and follow through during all activities. -TSWBAT scoop the lacrosse ball using the cues bend knees, get low, and cradle. -TSWBAT play defense against an offensive player using the cues guide with stick and personal bubble in defensive related activities. 2.Cognitive: -TSWBAT remember cues for all skills by reciting them to the instructor during the closure. -TSWBAT show understanding of rules of play by playing the activities right throughout the lesson. 3.Affective: -TSWBAT show respect for others by maintaining their personal bubbles during all activities. -TSWBAT show respect towards the instructor by paying attention during instruction throughout the lesson. ASSESSMENT(S) Self, peer, and instructor assessments D. HIGHLIGHT the numbers from each set of standards below that apply to this lesson. NASPE CONTENT STANDARDS -- A PHYSICALLY EDUCATED PERSON ….. 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. 3. Participates regularly in physical activity. 4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction E. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS What are the safety concerns? Making sure we have enough space for all activities. Make sure the students respect others “bubbles.” EQUIPMENT NEEDED (be specific) 4 different colored cones, 15 poly domes, 13 lacrosse sticks and lacrosse balls, 6 nets, 13 pairs of goggles. TIME Min & hr. SEQUENCE OF LESSON ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT & OBSERVATION What/who are you watching? How will you respond? What are the refinement cues? How will you know if students meet the SPOs? Instant Activity: (what do students do when they enter the gym?) 11:00- Warm – up Explore 11:05 Each student will grab a lacrosse stick and line up on the sideline of the field. Partners: Students will be numbered off 1-7 and will be matched with the other person of their number. (The first group of 1-7 will be given a ball.) Students will be given time to explore different skills (throwing, catching, dodging, etc) with their partner and try to figure out the best way to control the ball. T T XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX We will make sure to give positive feedback to students. We will be making sure everyone is participating. We will make sure students are keeping their personal space. We will encourage students to try different techniques. 11:05- Introduction: (includes set induction) 11:08 Today we will be reviewing skills like passing, catching, cradling, and scooping. We are also going to be adding a few new drills today to continue to work on these skills and a new game toward the end. TT XXXXXXXXXXX We will be making sure each student is paying attention and not being distracting to other students. 11:08- Tasks: (include modifications) 11:15 Throwing, Catching, and Scoop Review: Star Drill: To review throwing, catching, and scooping, we will be doing a star drill. There will be cones to mark where students are lined up. Students are separated evenly at each cone. The first person at the blue cone will start with a ball. This will start by the first person at the red cone running to the cone to their right – the green cone. The person with the ball will be throwing to the cone to which the person is running to. After the thrower throws the ball, they will run to the cone to their right – the red cone. So, after each throw, the person who threw the ball will run to their right, and the throwers will always throw to where the person is running. When the ball is dropped, the student MAY NOT use their hands to pick it up and must use the scoop. Extensions: Move cones further away for farther passes to make it more difficult. Move cones closer for shorter, more controlled passes. T XXX XXX XX XXX T We will make sure we give positive feedback, both general and specific. We will make sure students are aware of one another and at a safe distance from each other at all times. We will make sure students are communicating with each other, letting them know where the ball is going by calling out “here!” or the person’s name. We will remind students of cues for throwing such as point to target and parallel to the floor. We will remind students of cues for catching including bend knees, give, and cradle. We will remind students of cues for scooping including bend knees, get low and cradle. Refinements: See “extensions.” Adding Defense: 11:15- Working with Defense: 11:21 Students will be back with their original partners set up at 6 different stations. Each station will have a cone and a net, working on defensive and offensive strategies. The offensive player will start out by rolling a ball towards the cone, chasing it, scooping it up, and immediately cradling the ball. As they meet the cone, the defense must be sure to keep out of the offensive players bubble. The defensive player will work on keeping the offensive player away from the goal by guiding them with their stick. The offensive player will try to attack the goal and get past their defender by juking and faking. T We will make sure students keep their “bubble.” D O T We will encourage students to use jukes and fakes. Extensions: Two offensive players to make it easier, one starting on the opposite side. Two defensive players to make it more difficult. 11:2111:31 Run Out: Students will be split into two teams, pinnies and non. Each team will be split up into two groups, at two different nets. At each net, each team will be in their own line facing the net. The instructor will roll a ball in front of the two players, making them run out and try to scoop it up. The player that picks up the ball becomes the offense and will try to score. The other player becomes the defensive player and tries to stop the offensive player. If the offensive person scores, they give them self a point. If the defensive player stops the offensive player from scoring, they give them self a point. After the play is done, they return to the We will make sure to give students feedback, both general and specific. Refinements: See “extensions.” XXX T XXX XXX T XXX We will be watching for students to keep their “bubble.” We will be watching for students to follow guidelines such as staying inside the boundaries. We will give feedback for things we see going well or things that can/should be corrected. end of their lines. At the end of the game, teams will add their points together from both nets to figure out who “wins”. Boundaries are marked by cones. Extensions: Extend or reduce boundaries. Having the first two pairs run out at the same time, the first pair goes for the ball, the second pair being there to pass to. Refinements: See “extensions.” Culminating Activity/Game: 11:3111:41 Steal the Bacon We will keep the same teams for this game as we had in the last. Each team will be numbered off one through six. The students will then line up across the field from their same number. In the center of the field will be the ball, and a net at each end zone. The students will then run to the middle of the field when their number is called. The students in the middle will try to scoop up the ball and score at their teams’ designated net. Once the ball is scooped, more numbers will be called out, allowing more players to get involved. The players in the field may pass to the remaining players on the sidelines for help. One point is awarded to whichever team scores the goal. After the point is made, play will be stopped and players return to the sideline for the beginning of the next round. Extensions: Field length. Only having one set of numbers going out at a time. T X X X X X X We will continue to make sure students are keeping their “bubble.” We will be listening for students calling out other students’ names. X X X X X X T We will make sure that students are paying attention for their number being called. Refinement: See “extensions.” 11:41- Closure: 11:45 What were the cues for throwing/catching/scooping/defense? What are some things that made activities easier? What are some things that your teams did to make you successful? You all did a very good job! Enjoy the rest of your day. Reflections/Self-Assessment of this lesson: What went well? What would you change? TT XXXXXXXXXXX We will be watching for students paying attention. We will make sure students have an understanding of the lesson.