Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Cobra Toolbox Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Learning Objectives Each student should be able to: • Explain the purpose of the Cobra Toolbox, • Demonstrate basic operation of the Cobra Toolbox, • Explain the capabilities of BIGG Database, • Explain the capabilities of Pathway Pioneer, • Explain the capabilities of Paint4Net. Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Cobra Toolbox • Cobra Toolbox Overview • Cobra Toolbox Fundamentals • Cobra Examples • BIGG Database & Maps • Pathway Pioneer • Paint4Net Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton COBRA TOOLBOX OVERVIEW Matlab Cobra Toolbox SBML, Excel Load Models Output Maps • Flux Optimization • Robustness Analysis Numerical Output • Phenotype Phase Plane Analysis • Flux Variability Analysis M-Files Matlab Code Graphical Output • Gene Additions & Knockouts • Production Envelopes Save Models • More Tools Schellenberger J, Que R, Fleming RMT, Thiele I, Orth JD, Feist AM, Zielinski DC, Bordbar A, Lewis NE, Rahmanian S, Kang J, Hyduke DR, Palsson BØ. 2011 Quantitative prediction of cellular metabolism with constraint-based models: the COBRA Toolbox v2.0. Nature Protocols 6:1290-1307. Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton COBRA TOOLBOX INSTALLATION Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Matlab GUI Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Cobra Toolbox • Cobra Toolbox Overview • Cobra Toolbox Fundamentals • Cobra Examples • BIGG Database & Maps • Pathway Pioneer • Paint4Net Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Cobra Toolbox Starting Matlab Start Matlab Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Initializing the Cobra Toolbox Run initCobraToolbox.m Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Command Reactions Metabolites Loading a Cobra-based Model Loaded Model S matrix Lower Bounds Cobra Model Structure Upper Bounds Objective Function Load Model: model=readCbModel('ecoli_textbook'); Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis Double click on Model to open window with the model variables Cobra Model Structure Utah State University © 2015 H. Scott Hinton BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton MODEL STRUCTURE USED BY THE COBRA TOOLBOX • rxns: A list of all of the reaction abbreviations in the same order they appear in the stoichiometric matrix • mets: A list of all of the metabolite abbreviations in the model in the same order they appear in the stoichiometric matrix • S: The stoichiometric matrix in sparse format • lb: The lower bound corresponding to each reaction, in order • ub: The upper bound corresponding to each reaction, in order • c: The relative weight of each reaction in the objective function—often a single one in the position corresponding to the biomass reaction and zeros elsewhere • subSystem: The metabolic subsystem for each reaction • rules: Boolean rules for each reaction describing the gene-reaction relationship. For example ‘gene1 and gene2’ indicate that the two gene products are part of a enzyme comples whereas ‘gene1 or gene2’ indicate that the two gene products are isozymes that catalyze the same reaction. • genes: The gene names of all the genes included in the model • rxnGeneMat: A matrix with as many rows as there are reactions in the model and as many columns as there are genes in the model. The ith row and jth column contains a one if the jth gene in genes is associated with the ith reaction in rxns and zero otherwise. Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton DRAWING MAPS • Maps for a variety of metabolic pathways are available for many of the models hosted in the BiGG knowledgebase ( • Read the map into Cobra map=readCbMap('ecoli_Textbook_ExportMap'); • Cobra saves a map into a file named “target.svg” that will be written into the current directory. drawCbMap(map); target.svg Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton MODEL SPREADSHEET ecoli_core_model.xls [writeCbModel(model, ‘xls’)] abbreviation ACALD ACALDt ACKr ACONTa ACONTb ACt2r ADK1 AKGDH AKGt2r ALCD2x ATPM ATPS4r CO2t CS officialName acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) acetaldehyde reversible transport acetate kinase aconitase (half-reaction A, Citrate hydro-lyase) aconitase (half-reaction B, Isocitrate hydro-lyase) acetate reversible transport via proton symport adenylate kinase 2-Oxogluterate dehydrogenase 2-oxoglutarate reversible transport via symport alcohol dehydrogenase (ethanol) ATP maintenance requirement ATP synthase (four protons for one ATP) CO2 transporter via diffusion citrate synthase equation [c] : acald + coa + nad <==> accoa + h + nadh acald[e] <==> acald[c] [c] : ac + atp <==> actp + adp [c] : cit <==> acon-C + h2o [c] : acon-C + h2o <==> icit ac[e] + h[e] <==> ac[c] + h[c] [c] : amp + atp <==> (2) adp [c] : akg + coa + nad --> co2 + nadh + succoa akg[e] + h[e] <==> akg[c] + h[c] [c] : etoh + nad <==> acald + h + nadh [c] : atp + h2o --> adp + h + pi adp[c] + (4) h[e] + pi[c] <==> atp[c] + (3) h[c] + h2o[c] co2[e] <==> co2[c] [c] : accoa + h2o + oaa --> cit + coa + h subSystem Pyruvate Metabolism Transport, Extracellular Pyruvate Metabolism Citric Acid Cycle Citric Acid Cycle Transport, Extracellular Oxidative Phosphorylation Citric Acid Cycle Transport, Extracellular Pyruvate Metabolism Oxidative Phosphorylation Oxidative Phosphorylation Transport, Extracellular Citric Acid Cycle CYTBD D_LACt2 ENO ETOHt2r EX_ac(e) EX_acald(e) EX_akg(e) abbreviation ACALD ACALDt ACKr ACONTa ACONTb cytochrome oxidase bd (ubiquinol-8: 2 protons) D-lactate transport via proton symport enolase ethanol reversible transport via proton symport Acetate exchange Acetaldehyde exchange 2-Oxoglutarate exchange officialName acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) acetaldehyde reversible transport acetate kinase aconitase (half-reaction A, Citrate hydro-lyase) aconitase (half-reaction B, Isocitrate hydro-lyase) (2) h[c] + (0.5) o2[c] + q8h2[c] --> (2) h[e] + h2o[c] + q8[c] h[e] + lac-D[e] <==> h[c] + lac-D[c] [c] : 2pg <==> h2o + pep etoh[e] + h[e] <==> etoh[c] + h[c] [e] : ac <==> [e] : acald <==> [e] : akg <==> equation [c] : acald + coa + nad <==> accoa + h + nadh acald[e] <==> acald[c] [c] : ac + atp <==> actp + adp [c] : cit <==> acon-C + h2o [c] : acon-C + h2o <==> icit Oxidative Phosphorylation Transport, Extracellular Glycolysis/Gluconeogenesis Transport, Extracellular Exchange Exchange Exchange subSystem Pyruvate Metabolism Transport, Extracellular Pyruvate Metabolism Citric Acid Cycle Citric Acid Cycle Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton MODIFYING COBRA TOOLBOX MODELS • The cobra model can be modified to simulate different conditions by altering reaction flux rates. This includes, adding and/or removing reactions or changing the model objective function. • Altering reaction bounds (adding and/or removing reactions) • model = changeRxnBounds(model, rxnNameList, value, boundType); • rxnNameList is a cell array of reaction IDs corresponding to reaction IDs in model.rxns; value is a floating point number representing the bound of the flux rate through the reaction; boundType specifies which bounds to change for the reactions and can take values of ‘l’, ‘u’, or ‘b’ for lower, upper, or both, respectively. • Add reaction • [model] = addReaction(model, rxnName, metaboliteList, stoichCoeffList, [revFlag], [lowerBound], [upperBound], [objCoeff], [subsystem], [grRule], [geneNameList], [systNameList], [checkDuplicate]); • Remove reaction • [model] = removeRxns(model, rxnRemoveList) • Change the objective function (typically growth) • model = changeObjective(model, rxnNameList, [objectiveCoeff]); Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Structure used to store solution Solving for Fluxes Solve for Fluxes solution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max'); Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Flux Vector Objective Function Value Shadow Prices Structure of Optimization Solution Utah State University Reduced Costs Solver BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis Printing the Optimized Flux Solutions © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Flux Passing through the Reaction (mmols gDW-1h-1) Reaction Name Printing Flux Solutions printFluxVector(model, solution.x, true) Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Print Flux Values printFluxVector(model, solution.x, true) ACONTa 6.00725 ACONTb 6.00725 AKGDH 5.06438 ATPM 8.39 ATPS4r 45.514 Biomass_...0.873922 CO2t -22.8098 CS 6.00725 CYTBD 43.599 ENO 14.7161 EX_co2(e) 22.8098 EX_glc(e) -10 EX_h2o(e) 29.1758 EX_h(e) 17.5309 EX_nh4(e) -4.76532 EX_o2(e) -21.7995 EX_pi(e) -3.2149 Utah State University Growth Rate Inputs & Outputs (Exchange Reactions) FBA FUM G6PDH2r GAPD GLCpts GLNS GLUDy GND H2Ot ICDHyr MDH NADH16 NH4t O2t PDH PFK PGI 7.47738 5.06438 4.95998 16.0235 10 0.223462 -4.54186 4.95998 -29.1758 6.00725 5.06438 38.5346 4.76532 21.7995 9.28253 7.47738 4.86086 BIE 5500/6500 PGK -16.0235 PGL 4.95998 PGM -14.7161 PIt2r 3.2149 PPC 2.50431 PYK 1.75818 RPE 2.67848 RPI -2.2815 SUCDi 5.06438 SUCOAS -5.06438 TALA 1.49698 TKT1 1.49698 TKT2 1.1815 TPI 7.47738 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton printFluxVector printFluxVector(model, solution.x) ACALD ACALDt ACKr ACONTa ACONTb ACt2r ADK1 AKGDH AKGt2r ALCD2x ATPM ATPS4r Biomass... CO2t CS CYTBD D_LACt2 ENO ETOHt2r EX_ac(e) EX_acald(e) EX_akg(e) EX_co2(e) EX_etoh(e) EX_for(e) EX_fru(e) EX_fum(e) EX_glc(e) EX_gln_L(e) -14.6749 0 -15.1732 0.507693 0.507693 -15.1732 0 0 0 -14.6749 8.39 -11.1879 0.470565 0.840759 0.507693 0 0 35.0451 -14.6749 15.1732 -0 -0 -0.840759 14.6749 32.1194 -0 -0 -18.5 -0 Utah State University printFluxVector(model, solution.x, true) ACALD ACKr ACONTa ACONTb ACt2r ALCD2x ATPM ATPS4r Biomass... CO2t CS ENO ETOHt2r EX_ac(e) EX_co2(e) EX_etoh(e) EX_for(e) EX_glc(e) EX_h2o(e) EX_h(e) EX_nh4(e) EX_pi(e) -14.6749 -15.1732 0.507693 0.507693 -15.1732 -14.6749 8.39 -11.1879 0.470565 0.840759 0.507693 35.0451 -14.6749 15.1732 -0.840759 14.6749 32.1194 -18.5 -12.0879 56.7321 -2.5659 -1.73107 printFluxVector(model, solution.x, true,true) Biomass... EX_ac(e) EX_co2(e) EX_etoh(e) EX_for(e) EX_glc(e) EX_h2o(e) EX_h(e) EX_nh4(e) EX_pi(e) 0.470565 15.1732 -0.840759 14.6749 32.1194 -18.5 -12.0879 56.7321 -2.5659 -1.73107 Only prints Exchange Reactions that are nonzero Only prints Reactions that are nonzero BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton DRAWING FLUX VALUES ONTO A MAP drawFlux(map, model, solution.x) Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton MATLAB EDITOR Clear the Workspace Run m-file Supports multiple m-file windows • The Matlab editor allows m-files to be created • m-files can contain a list of Matlab commands to be executed sequentially. Comments Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Cobra Toolbox • Cobra Toolbox Overview • Cobra Toolbox Fundamentals • Cobra Examples • BIGG Database & Maps • Pathway Pioneer • Paint4Net Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Aerobic E.coli Growth on Glucose ("What is flux balance analysis? - Supplementary tutorial“) Set the maximum glucose uptake rate to 18.5 mmol gDW-1 hr-1 (millimoles per gram dry cell weight per hour, the default flux units used in the COBRA Toolbox), enter: model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',-18.5,'l'); This changes the lower bound ('l') of the glucose exchange reaction to -18.5, a biologically realistic uptake rate (note that the import of a metabolite is listed as a negative flux). To allow unlimited oxygen uptake, enter: model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_o2(e)',-1000,'l'); By setting the lower bound of the oxygen uptake reaction to such a large number, it is practically unbounded. Set the biomass reaction is set as the objective function, enter: model = changeObjective(model,'Biomass_Ecoli_core_N(w/GAM)_Nmet2'); To perform FBA with maximization of the biomass reaction as the objective, enter: FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max'); FBAsolution.f then gives the value of the objective function (Z) as 1.6531 (the model predicts a growth rate of 1.6531 hr -1). The flux distribution vector FBAsolution.x shows that there is high flux in the glycolysis, pentose phosphate, TCA cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation pathways, with no secreted organic by-products. See AerobicGlucoseBioMass.m Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton AerobicGlucoseBioMass.m clear; % Clear Workspace model=readCbModel('ecoli_textbook'); % Read textbook model model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',-18.5,'l'); % Set lower bound of glucose model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_o2(e)',-1000,'l'); % Set lower bound of oxygen model = changeObjective(model,'Biomass_Ecoli_core_N(w/GAM)_Nmet2'); % Set objective function (Biomass) FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max‘,0,0); % Find optimized flux values map=readCbMap('ecoli_Textbook_ExportMap'); % Input ecoli textbook map template options.zeroFluxWidth = 0.1; options.rxnDirMultiplier = 10; drawFlux(map, model, FBAsolution.x, options); % Draw Map printFluxVector(model, FBAsolution.x, true); % Print flux values Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton EX_glc(e) Aerobic Growth on Glucose Exchange Reactions Biomass 1.65 EX_co2(e) 40.6527 EX_glc(e) -18.5 EX_h2o(e) 52.6943 EX_h(e) 33.1606 EX_nh4(e) -9.01387 EX_o2(e) -38.7416 EX_pi(e) -6.08116 EX_o2(e) EX_h(e) AerobicGlucoseBioMass.m EX_pi(e) EX_h2o(e) EX_co2(e) EX_nh4(e) Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Anaerobic E.coli Growth on Glucose ("What is flux balance analysis? - Supplementary tutorial“) Set the maximum glucose uptake rate to 18.5 mmol gDW-1 hr-1 (millimoles per gram dry cell weight per hour, the default flux units used in the COBRA Toolbox), enter: model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',-18.5,'l'); This changes the lower bound ('l') of the glucose exchange reaction to -18.5, a biologically realistic uptake rate (note that the import of a metabolite is listed as a negative flux). To prevent oxygen uptake, enter: model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_o2(e)',0,'l'); Anaerobic operation is achieved by setting the lower bound of the oxygen uptake reaction to zero. Set the biomass reaction is set as the objective function, enter: model = changeObjective(model,'Biomass_Ecoli_core_N(w/GAM)_Nmet2‘,0,0); To perform FBA with maximization of the biomass reaction as the objective, enter: FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max'); FBAsolution.f then gives the value of the objective function (Z) as 0.4706 (the model predicts a growth rate of 0.4706 hr-1). The flux distribution vector FBAsolution.x shows that oxidative phosphorylation is not used in these conditions, and that acetate, formate, and ethanol are produced by fermentation pathways. See AnaerobicGlucoseBioMass.m Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Anaerobic Growth on Glucose Exchange Reactions Biomass 0.470565 EX_ac(e) 15.1732 EX_co2(e) -0.840759 AnaerobicGlucoseBioMass.m EX_etoh(e) 14.6749 EX_for(e) 32.1194 EX_glc(e) -18.5 EX_h2o(e) -12.0879 EX_h(e) 56.7321 EX_nh4(e) -2.5659 EX_pi(e) -1.73107 Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton AEROBIC vs. ANAEROBIC GROWTH Orth, J. D., I. Thiele, et al. (2010). "What is flux balance analysis?" Nature biotechnology 28(3): 245-248. a. b. Aerobic Growth Utah State University Anaerobic Growth BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Growth on Alternate Substrates ("What is flux balance analysis? - Supplementary tutorial“) The core E. coli model contains exchange reactions for 13 different organic compounds, each of which can be used as the sole carbon source under aerobic conditions. For example, to simulate growth on succinate instead of glucose model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',0,'l'); % Required if glucose uptake is zero model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_succ(e)',-20,'l'); FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max'); The growth rate, given by FBAsolution.f, will be 0.8401 hr-1 Growth can also be simulated under anaerobic conditions with any substrate by using changeRxnBounds to set the lower bound of the oxygen exchange reaction (EX_o2(e)) to 0 mmol gDW-1 hr-1, so no oxygen can enter the system. When this constraint is applied and succinate is the only organic substrate, optimizeCbModel returns a growth rate of 0 hr-1, and does not calculate a flux vector v (depending on which linear programming solver is used with the COBRA Toolbox, a growth rate may not be calculated at all). In this case, FBA predicts that growth is not possible on succinate under anaerobic conditions. Because the maximum amount of ATP that can be produced from this amount of succinate is less than the minimum bound of 8.39 mmol gDW-1 hr-1 of the ATP maintenance reaction, ATPM, there is no feasible by-products. See AerobicSuccinateBioMass.m and AnaerobicSuccinateBioMass.m Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Growth on Succinate AerobicSuccinateBioMass.m Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Substrate Maximum Growth Rate Substrate The core E. coli model contains exchange reactions for 13 different organic compounds, each of which can be used as the sole carbon source under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Aerobic (hr-1) Anaerobic (hr-1) acetate 0.3893 0 acetaldehyde 0.6073 0 2-oxoglutarate 1.0982 0 ethanol 0.6996 0 D-fructose 1.7906 0.5163 fumarate 0.7865 0 D-glucose 1.7906 0.5163 L-glutamine 1.1636 0 L-glutamate 1.2425 0 D-lactate 0.7403 0 L-malate 0.7865 0 pyruvate 0.6221 0.0655 succinate 0.8401 0 ("What is flux balance analysis? - Supplementary tutorial“) Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Cobra Toolbox • Cobra Toolbox Overview • Cobra Toolbox Fundamentals • Cobra Examples • BIGG Database & Maps • Pathway Pioneer • Paint4Net Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton ( ) Full E.coli model “ecoli_iaf1260.xml” Schellenberger, J., J. O. Park, et al. (2010). "BiGG: a Biochemical Genetic and Genomic knowledgebase of large scale metabolic reconstructions." BMC Bioinformatics 11: 213. Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Cobra Toolbox • Cobra Toolbox Overview • Cobra Toolbox Fundamentals • Cobra Examples • BIGG Database & Maps • Pathway Pioneer • Paint4Net Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Pathway Pioneer • Can be used with multiple models • Visually centered • Intuitive to use • Editing capability • Embedded search engine • Includes chemical information • One-click operations • Rapid explorations • Save and share designs/results Utah State University Requires Firefox or Chrome BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Cobra Toolbox • Cobra Toolbox Overview • Cobra Toolbox Fundamentals • Cobra Examples • BIGG Database & Maps • Pathway Pioneer • Paint4Net Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Visualization Tools BiliverdinOptimize_Visualize.m BIGG Database Paint4Net Tool Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Paint4Net • Developed by Andrejs Kostromins • Paint4Net is the COBRA Toolbox extension for visualization of constraints-based reconstruction and analysis (COBRA) models and reconstructions in the MATLAB environment. • Uses the Bioinformatics toolbox to visualize COBRA models and reconstructions as a hypergraph. • Paint4Net contains two main commands: • draw_by_rxn • For visualization of all or a part of a COBRA model by specified list of reactions. • draw_by_met • For visualization of the connectivity of a particular metabolite with other metabolites through reactions of a COBRA model Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton draw_by_rxn • Rectangles represent reactions; • Numbers in rectangles represent flux rate through reaction. • Red rectangles represent reactions with only one input or output flux (signaling a potential dead reaction); • Ellipses represent metabolites; • Red ellipses represent dead end metabolites; • Grey edges represent zero-rate fluxes; • Green edges represent positive-rate (forward) fluxes; • Blue edges represent negative-rate (backward) fluxes. • The thickness of the edges is calculated as percentage assuming the maximum rate of flux in the model corresponds to 100%. Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Plotting Textbook Model VisualizeFlux_Textbook.m clear; model=readCbModel('ecoli_textbook'); model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',-5,'l'); model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_o2(e)',-20,'l'); model = changeObjective(model,'Biomass_Ecoli_core_N(w/GAM)_Nmet2'); FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max‘,0,0); cofactors = {'cmp[c]','ctp[c]','acp[c]','ACP[c]','malACP[c]','amp[c]','atp[c]','adp[c]','pi[c]','ppi[c]','nad[c]','nadh[c]','nadph[c]','nadp[c ]','h[c]','h2o[c]','co2[c]'}; % Plot includes cofactors [involvedMets,deadEnds]= draw_by_rxn (model,model.rxns,true,'struc',{''},{''},FBAsolution.x); % Plot removes cofactors [involvedMets,deadEnds]= draw_by_rxn (model,model.rxns,true,'struc',{''},cofactors,FBAsolution.x); Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Textbook Model With Cofactors Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Textbook Model Without Cofactors Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Plotting Active Reactions in Core Model VisualizeFlux_core.m clear; model=readCbModel('ecoli_textbook'); model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',-5,'l'); model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_o2(e)',-20,'l'); model = changeObjective(model,'Biomass_Ecoli_core_N(w/GAM)_Nmet2'); FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max‘,0,0); rxnID = findRxnIDs(model,'Biomass_Ecoli_core_N(w/GAM)_Nmet2'); m = 0; [n,nLab] = size(model.rxns); for i=1:n if(i~=rxnID) if(FBAsolution.x(i) ~= 0) m = m+1; fluxReactions(m) = model.rxns(i); end end end cofactors = {'cmp[c]','ctp[c]','acp[c]','ACP[c]','malACP[c]','amp[c]','atp[c]','adp[c]','pi[c]', ppi[c]','nad[c]','nadh[c]','nadph[c]','nadp[c]','h[c]','h2o[c]','co2[c]'}; [involvedMets,deadEnds]= draw_by_rxn (model,fluxReactions,true,'struc',{''},cofactors,FBAsolution.x); Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Plot of the Active Reactions in Core Model VisualizeFlux_core.m Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Model Subsystems (Reactions) Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Plotting Model Subsystems Paint4Net_core_subSystem.m clear; model=readCbModel('ecoli_textbook'); model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',-5,'l'); model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_o2(e)',-20,'l'); model = changeObjective(model,'Biomass_Ecoli_core_N(w/GAM)_Nmet2'); FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max'); % Identify cofactors cofactors = {'atp[c]','adp[c]','pi[c]','nad[c]','nadh[c]','nadph[c]','nadp[c]','h[c]','h2o[c]'}; %Extract & plot single subsystem reactions (Citric Acid Cycle) fluxReactions = model.rxns(ismember(model.subSystems,'Citric Acid Cycle')); [involvedMets,deadEnds]= draw_by_rxn (model,fluxReactions,true,'struc',{''},{''},FBAsolution.x); % Extract multiple subsystem reactions includedSubSystems = {'Citric Acid Cycle','Pyruvate Metabolism','Oxidative Phosphorylation','Glycolysis/Gluconeogenesis','Pentose Phosphate Pathway','Glutamate Metabolism'}; fluxReactions = model.rxns(ismember(model.subSystems,includedSubSystems)); % Plot multiple subsystem [involvedMets,deadEnds]= draw_by_rxn (model,fluxReactions,true,'struc',{''},cofactors,FBAsolution.x); Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Paint4Net Plots Citric Acid Cycle Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Multiple Subsystems Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton draw_by_met • Rectangles represent reactions; • Numbers in rectangles represent flux rate through reaction. • Red rectangles represent reactions with only one input or output flux (signaling a potential dead reaction); • Ellipses represent metabolites; • Red ellipses represent dead end metabolites; • Grey edges represent zero-rate fluxes; • Green edges represent positive-rate (forward) fluxes; • Blue edges represent negative-rate (backward) fluxes. • The thickness of the edges is calculated as percentage assuming the maximum rate of flux in the model corresponds to 100%. Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Plotting ‘etoh[c]’ Connectivity VisualizeMets_Textbook.m clear; model=readCbModel('ecoli_textbook'); model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',-5,'l'); model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_o2(e)',-20,'l'); model = changeObjective(model,'Biomass_Ecoli_core_N(w/GAM)_Nmet2'); FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max'); cofactors = {'cmp[c]','ctp[c]','acp[c]','ACP[c]','malACP[c]','amp[c]','atp[c]','adp[c]','pi[c]','ppi[c]','nad[c]','nadh[c ]','nadph[c]','nadp[c]','h[c]','h2o[c]','co2[c]'}; % Plot connectivity to 'etoh[c]', include cofactors. Radius = 1 [invovledRxns,involvedMets,deadEnds]= draw_by_met (model,{'etoh[c]'},true,1,'struc',{''},FBAsolution.x); % Plot connectivity to 'etoh[c]', remove cofactors. Radius = 1 [invovledRxns,involvedMets,deadEnds]= draw_by_met (model,{'etoh[c]'},true,1,'struc',cofactors,FBAsolution.x); Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton ‘etoh[c]’ Connectivity (Radius = 1) VisualizeMets_Textbook.m With Cofactors Utah State University Without Cofactors BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton ‘etoh[c]’ Connectivity (Radius = 2) VisualizeMets_Textbook.m Without Cofactors Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox Constraint-based Metabolic Reconstructions & Analysis © 2015 H. Scott Hinton Cobra Toolbox • Cobra Toolbox Overview • Cobra Toolbox Fundamentals • Cobra Examples • BIGG Database & Maps • Pathway Pioneer • Paint4Net Utah State University BIE 5500/6500 Lesson: Cobra Toolbox