Page |1 # Topic Speaker 1 2 Welcome Common Core Workshops Powers Powers 3 Crucial Role of Media Specialists in CCGPS Powers 4 CCGPS Literacy Standards for Social Studies/ History, Science and Technical Subjects (Grades 6 – 12) Powers Overcoming Barriers that Face Our Boys Powers 5 Specifics PLAC Agenda January 24, 2013 Information to Spoke with the representative from Scholastic. Jeffery Wilhelm is available on June 7 and June 21. Will either date work? Susan Jacobs will be here to do this workshop. The date has been changed to Thursday, March 7. Registration is up on the website. Due to overwhelming response () we have added a second day for this training. Daniel Rock will be in Douglas on Feb. 19 for Atkinson and Coffee county teachers. He will be in Waycross on Feb. 20 for Bacon, Brantley, Charlton, Clinch, Pierce, and Ware. Registration is up on the website. Workshop is scheduled for March 6. Registration will be up soon. There is no cost for this training and we have a grant that will pay for subs (up to 50). Each system may send 6 teachers to the Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, SpEd Directors, Principals Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Media Specialists Deadlines Material Motion/2nd /Yes /No Rhonda will go back and ask for other dates besides June. Possibly hold off on this training until the Fall. Registration deadline: 2/28/13 Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, SpEd Directors, Middle and High School Principals, Teachers Registration deadline: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, SpEd Directors, Principals, Counselors, Nurses, Teachers Registration deadline: 2/20/13 (to reserve your 6 teacher slots) We currently have 29 registered for this training. Please remind your media specialists of this training and have them register online if they plan to attend. Coffee: 2/12/13 Waycross: 2/13/13 Final Currently 24 people are registered from Coffee Co. and none from Atkinson for the training on 2/12/2013. For the Waycross training we have 49 registered. A majority from Pierce Co. and none from Ware Co. There is no cost for the training. The grant will reimburse for substitutes for your first 6 teachers that are registered by 2/20/13. Class will be posted 1/24/2013 This is a great training that is FREE for your county so be sure to get participants signed up by the deadline. Page |2 6 Pre-AP Workshops – College Board Powers training and have the grant pay for the subs. If you do not use your slots by Feb. 20th at noon, it will be first come, first-served for the remaining slots (up to 50). The training is designed for Elementary/ Middle/High School counselors, teachers, administrators, and nurses. Speakers will be: Dr. Phillip Luck (How Boys Learn: Strategies for Reaching and Teaching Boys); Marco Silva, Gwinnett Co Gang Task Force (The Lure of Gangs); Mike Tenoschok (HIV/AIDS). Thank you for your responses to my email about the trainings. We have compiled them and have requested (from College Board) the 2 that were the most popular: Pre-AP Strategies in English – Beyond Acronyms: Inquiry Based Closed Reading and Pre-AP Strategies in History and Social Sciences. We are waiting to hear back from College Board regarding the dates. I will get the dates to you as soon as I know. There will be no cost for this training – we received a grant to registration deadline: 2/27/13 Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Middle School and High School Principals Workshop Descriptions Tentative Dates: March 20-21, 2013 Please mark these dates on your calendars. We want to have this training scheduled before the systems begin testing. This is a Grant from DOE ($10,000) that allows for no cost for the training, this does not cover the cost of subs. We are able to provide 2 classes with this grant. Each class is $4500. Our March PLAC is scheduled for Mar. 21. If you want to attend the training we will reschedule our meeting. We will decide at our Feb. meeting. Page |3 cover to cost of 2 trainings. Subs will not be paid for. 7 Gifted Endorsement Powers Please begin thinking about if you will have teachers that you want to go through the Gifted Endorsement next year. I will be asking for numbers next month. Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Gifted Coordinators, Principals 8 GaTAPP Powers 1.) Congratulations to Kimberly Thompson – GaTAPP graduate (last year) from WCHS. She was awarded one of 4 scholarships (nationally) from the National Association of Alternative Certification. She will be recognized at their conference this year. 2.) I am in the process of updating our forms for the FY 14 cohort (beginning June 1). I hope to have the website back up and running by the end of the week. If you have any questions or concerns about hiring teachers to go through GaTAPP please come talk to me. Our graduates are excellent teachers – we have had Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, HR Directors, Principals Number of individuals expected to start endorsement next year – needed at next meeting None Page |4 9 Support for CCGPS Implementation for Principals & Assistant Principals Powers teachers of the year, GaTAPP Ambassadors (state-wide recognition) and now national recognition. 3.) Last month we were told that having a Master’s degree no longer exempted candidates from the GACE Basic Skills. We were informed last week to “pretend we never heard that”. So, if a candidate has a Master’s degree – they will exempt the GACE Basic Skills. We have Mark Wilson scheduled to come on Feb. 7. We are waiting for him to confirm that date. Since the DOE is not contracting with him anymore the cost per participant will be $25. The schedule will be the same as before – Middle and High School in the morning (8:30 – 11:30) and Elementary in the afternoon (1:00 – 4:00). We will not have the session for Curriculum Directors the day before the training – you may come with the principals on the 7th. The DOE is hoping to be able to contract with Mark again later this Spring (for the May date). If they do not, Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals Page |5 there would be a $25 per person charge to bring him back. 10 Parapro Training Powers May 2, 2013 & May 9, 2013: (1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.) Superintendents, Curriculum directors, Principals April 15, 2013 11 ELA Precision Review P Stovall The ELA Precision Reviews went very well for all grades. Several grades requested one or two additional days to revise units or to work across grade levels. What is the pleasure of the group? Curriculum Directors, Superintendents ASAP Registration is up. There is a possibility that we may have to change the May 9th date. Cassie received an email about a May GACIS meeting for LDC. We will let you know a.s.a.p. if the date has to be changed. Please remind Parapros the time of the class was decided by the Curriculum Directors & Principals and not Rhonda. Day 2 went very well. 10th & 12th grades are finished. K-8th has requested an additional day in Feb. The thought is to split the training by grade levels (K-2, 3-5, 6-9) for different days to allow more space between groups. Leaders from previous sessions will be utilized again. We need to finalize dates; this can be pushed to March if needed. Peggy will look at the calendar and send you some dates. 12 GAPSS P Stovall 13 New Education Committee Chair in Senate P Stovall An OK RESA team will be traveling to Atkinson County for the middle school GAPSS on January 29th, 30th. Then, to Atkinson High School on February 6th and 7th. Mr. Lindsey Tippins from Cobb County will be the new chairperson. He served 12 years on the Cobb Board of Education. Curriculum Directors, Superintendents, Principals at Atkinson County Curriculum Directors, Superintendents Page |6 14 15 New Personnel PARCC P Stovall Elizabeth Oliver Welcome to RESA High School Math Assessments, Retest Policy, Tech Specs Curriculum Directors, Superintendents, Principals, Anita Finn-Registrar/Secretary Cindy Hitt-ELA Specialist, 1st day Feb. 1 Jan James-GLRS Director, 1st day Feb. 1, will be sharing with Ware Co. until they find a replacement. Curriculum Directors, Principals Handout Review the handouts given; there is a lot of great information on here. GaPSC Leadership Guidance: February 22, 2013 (10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.) -Coming to RESA for meeting to discuss the ICP and GSS Math Assesment-3rd-8th grades are finished, K-2nd have requested Feb. 8th for an additional day and March 22nd if they do not complete everything on Feb. 8th. 16 17 PARCC CCRPI Elizabeth Oliver Special Ed and ELL Accommodations Special Ed Directors and teachers Elizabeth Oliver Final Version Curriculum Directors, Principals Dr. Joy will ask Mark when he is here to clarify the scoring. 18 Writing Scores Elizabeth Oliver Handout Currently in process of determining what the accommodations will be. Handout -If % is in green then those numbers will be benchmarked. -They added #10 Grades 5 & 8; GHSWT Principals and Teachers Handout -Tracking the writing skills and scores: BLUE results =at or above the state standards. -Because of when the test is given to age groups the 7th grade needs to be prepared for the 8th grade test and the 10th grade needs to be prepared for the 11th grade test. -Spelling and convention grammar will be graded. -5 out of 8 were here on 1/23/2013 for math training development; Liz will look at dates and make a final decision by next PLAC meeting of other training dates. Page |7 19 MDC 20 Math K-2 “K-2 The Seeds of Mathematics: Number & Operations” Dana Robbins Math 3-5 “Math 3-5 For Teaching Struggling Students Using Manipulatives ” Dana Robbins Mindset Instructor Certification: Crisis Prevention and Physical Restraint Training Dana Robbins 21 22 Elizabeth Oliver All training has been completed; final round of two observations per participant beginning this week. Principals and their administrative will be invited to observe also This training is for co-teaching teams and will focus on using manipulatives and error analysis to address struggling learners in math. 2 days – February 12, 2013 and March 13, 2013 (at Pierce BOE) 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. both days. This training is for co-teaching teams and will focus on using manipulatives and error analysis to address struggling learners in math. 3 days – February 13, 2013, February 28, 2013, and March 28, 2013 (8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at RESA) This is an Instructor Certification Course that will allow participants to re-deliver the MindSet Training to staff members for a period of one year. It’s to prevent and manage aggressive behavior as well as meet and exceed the standards set forth in the rule and law governing Seclusion and Restraint. Principals and Administrative Staff -Monitoring needs to take place next year. -Anyone who completed the 4 day MDC training can monitor. -If the systems would like Dr. Oliver to do the monitoring they need to let her know. Curriculum Feb 5, 2013 Directors, Special Education 1 PLU will be given for this Directors, training. There will be no Principals, K-2 charge this time but will be Math Co-Teaching charged in the future. teams Class proposal PASSED 1/24/2013 Curriculum Feb 6, 2013 Directors, Special Education, Special Ed. Directors were sent a supply list of Principals, items needed for teaching these manipulatives. Directors, 3-5 They will need to take inventory of stock and Math Co-Teaching order items they do not have on hand. teams Coffee Co. will be offered a different day for the third date since March 28 is during their Spring Break. Curriculum Directors, Special Education Directors, Discipline Personnel March 1, 2013 -Crisis Prevention & Restraint Training -Need 8-16 people to make a class -Very physical training; Peggy will find an individual to take the training and be a contracted trainer for our systems. -This is for General and Special Education -You must have someone in your system trained. This is a train-the-trainer session so the person(s) who take this course can then train other individuals in your system. Page |8 **Registration done directly through ***OkRESA will reward PLUs CPI Training would be $2125 per person with re-certification cost of $1200. Mindset training is $975 for the first person and then $850 for all others. 23 24 Substitute Teacher Training LDC Todd Todd 4 days – March 11-14, 2013 Completed the third training for the year on January 17, 2013. A fourth training has been requested on February 21,2013 Days 3 and 4 of LDC Training with Dr. Huie will be February 11-12, 2013. Only the participants from the Fall will be coming to this training Curriculum Directors -It has been requested by several systems to offer another Substitute Teacher Training before the Fall. -We will need at least 20 people to make a class. -Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013 Curriculum Directors, Teachers and Principals Participants were asked to invite teachers to look at their modules so they can get a fill for the module creator. Teaching and Evaluating Reading and Writing in the Middle School have been scheduled to begin on February 18, 2013. This is an online course that is required by all GaTAPP participants. Anyone can take this course but they must have a LiveText account to participate. LiveText subscription is $110 and is for 5 years. Basic Co-Teaching Strategies is scheduled for February 25th and March 4th, 2013. This class is free for all GaTAPP participants but anyone can sign up to take this class. The class fee for non-GaTAPP is $20. 25 LDC Todd CTAE for 2013-2014/ We have put in a request to Becky Chambers to have Dr. Huie come to Okefenokee RESA to conduct initial training. 2012-2013 CTAE Training Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, CTAE Teachers -Per Becky Chambers we have requested additional funding for this. We included the MDC in this request. Page |9 Trudy Greenway (Bacon) Delda Hagin (Ware) 26 ELA Units 27 Contact Information 28 Next Meeting Todd A. Finn 2011-2012 CTAE Training Melissa Thomas (Ware) Melissa`s module is posted on GaDOE website. Units will only be found on the GaDOE Wikki. They are no longer posted on the Georgia Department of Education website. Compiling an updated list of contacts and we have several that need confirmation and or correction. February 28, 2013 Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Teachers This list is a suggested list only, these are not required materials. Feedback from teachers on Extended Text Superintendents, Curriculum Directors Please make a note the Bacon Co. Superintendent (Phil Murray) has retired. Eve Thomas is filling in as the InterimSuperintendent. 29 Math Plans E. Oliver Each system director will be given a copy of the math plans. An electronic copy can be sent to each person at their request. Superintendents, Curriculum Directors Each system has requested an electronic copy. Please send one to the HLC too. P a g e | 10 30 31 A. Rossignol C. Todd Mid-Year Progress Report Review of the achievements. GACIS Training GACIS is offering a special LDC/MDC training May 9-10, 2013 in Savannah at the Marriott Riverfront. Handout Refer to the handout for full descriptions. If you did not receive the handout please notify Anita. Handout Refer to the email handout for full descriptions. If you did not receive the handout please notify Anita. If participants attended the Winter GACIS then they need to attend these dates. Please email Anita ( a list of all Media Specialists for your system so she can email them a reminder of the upcoming Media Specialist training.