LWW PPT Slide Template Master

Chapter 3: Myology
Copyright © 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Learning Objectives
• Compare and contrast the three types of muscle tissue in the
human body.
• Discuss the five functions of skeletal muscle.
• Compare and contrast parallel and pennate fiber arrangements
and give an example of each.
• Identify the six factors that make up muscle names. Give
examples using each factor.
• Explain the contribution of each of the five properties of
skeletal muscle tissue to human movement.
• Identify the major macroscopic and microscopic structures of
muscle tissue and describe the function of each.
Copyright © 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Learning Objectives (cont’d)
• List the events that lead to a skeletal muscle contraction and
identify all chemicals necessary in the process.
• Discuss the factors that influence the amount of force produced
by a muscle.
• Compare and contrast slow twitch, fast twitch, and
intermediate muscles fibers.
• Compare and contrast isometric and isotonic muscle
• Compare and contrast concentric and eccentric muscles
• Discuss the functional interrelationships between agonist,
synergist, and antagonist muscles.
Copyright © 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Learning Objectives (cont’d)
• Identify the major skeletal muscles of the human body.
• Identify the components of a lever and give an example of
each type of lever in the human body.
• Identify and describe the anatomical structures of
proprioception in the human body.
• Define and demonstrate active, passive, and resisted range of
• Explain the purpose of performing active, passive, and resisted
range of motion.
Copyright © 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Types of Muscle Tissue
• Smooth Muscle (involuntary)
In walls of hollow organs, vessels, & respiratory passageways;
functions in digestion, reproduction, circulation, & breathing
Has no striations (visible alternating dark & light fibers)
• Cardiac Muscle (involuntary)
Makes up wall of heart; creates pulsing action to circulate blood
Unique in that electrical impulse travels from cell to cell
• Skeletal Muscle (voluntary)
Connected to bones; produces movement at joints
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Types of Muscle Tissue (cont’d)
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Skeletal Muscle Functions
• Motion: Primary function is to exert pull on bones,
creating motion
• Posture: Maintain upright posture against gravity
• Protection: Protect underlying structures in areas where
bones do not
• Thermogenesis: Produce body heat
• Vascular Pump: Help propel circulation of lymph &
venous blood via contractions of skeletal muscles
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Fiber Direction and Naming Muscles
• Parallel Arrangements
Fibers equal in length that do not intersect
Enables entire muscle to shorten equally & in same direction;
maximizes range of motion
Fusiform: thick central belly with tapered ends (brachialis,
biceps brachii)
Circular: fiber arrangements surround an opening to form a
sphincter; designed to contract & close passages or relax & open
them (orbicularis oris, sphincter ani)
Triangular: broad at base, converging to single point; fanshaped arrangement allows diverse actions (pectoralis major,
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Fiber Direction and Naming Muscles
• Pennate Arrangements
Feather-shaped, with shorter fibers intersecting a central tendon
Maximize number of fibers in an area, cross-sectional area, &
force production
Unipennate: Fibers run obliquely from one side of central
tendon; look like half a feather (tibialis posterior, biceps femoris)
Bipennate: Fibers run obliquely along both sides of central
tendon; look like a full feather (rectus femoris)
Multipennate: Multiple tendons with oblique muscle fibers on
both sides; produce least amount of force (deltoid)
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Fiber Direction and Naming Muscles
• Naming Muscles
Fiber Direction
• Oblique (slanting): external oblique
• Rectus (straight): rectus abdominis
• Brachii (arm): biceps brachii
• Femoris (thigh): rectus femoris
• Pectoralis (chest): pectoralis major
• Abdominus (abdomen): rectus abdominus
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Fiber Direction and Naming Muscles
• Naming Muscles
• Flexor: flexor carpi radialis
• Extensor: extensor digitorum
• Pronator: pronator teres
• Major/minor: pectoralis major & minor
• Maximus/medius/minimus: gluteus maximus, etc.
• Longus/brevis/tertius: peroneus longus, etc.
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Fiber Direction and Naming Muscles
• Naming Muscles
• Trapezoid: trapezius
• Delta: deltoid
• Saw-shaped: serratus anterior
Number of Heads
• Biceps (2 heads): biceps brachii
• Triceps (3 heads): triceps brachii
• Quadriceps (4 heads): quadriceps (4 anterior thigh muscles)
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Skeletal Muscle Properties
• Extensibility
Ability to stretch without sustaining damage
Allows muscles to lengthen when relaxed
• Elasticity
Ability to return to original shape after lengthening or
Maintains a specific shape & geometry in muscles despite
malleable nature
• Excitability
Ability to respond to a stimulus by producing electrical signals
Allows muscle to contract & function
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Skeletal Muscle Properties (cont’d)
• Conductivity
Ability to propagate electrical signals, including action potentials
Allows action potential to be transmitted along muscle cell,
activating tissue & initiating muscle contraction
• Contractility
Ability to shorten & thicken, thus producing force, in response to
a specific stimulus
Allows force production & movement
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Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle Tissue
• Macroscopic Anatomy
Connective tissue wrappings support, protect, & separate
portions of muscle & whole muscles
Fibers: individual muscle cells
Endomysium: sheath of connective tissue enveloping fibers
Fascicles: bundles of grouped muscle fibers
Perimysium: layer of connective tissue enveloping fascicles
Epimysium: layer of deep fascia enveloping bundle of fascicles
Musculotendinous junction: point where epimysium
converges to form a tendon
Muscle belly: portion of muscle between tendons
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Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Copyright © 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle Tissue
• Microscopic Anatomy
Sarcolemma: cell membrane; regulates chemical transport into
& out of fiber
Sarcoplasm: a gelatinous substance surrounding structures
within fiber; cytoplasm of muscle cells
Nuclei: structures within a fiber that contain functional
information for cell & control its operations
Myofibrils: specialized contractile proteins that make skeletal
muscle tissue appear striated; two filaments: thin & thick
Sarcomere: functional unit of muscle fiber; their shortening
causes contraction
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Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle Tissue
• Microscopic Anatomy
Mitochondria: produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a
compound that stores energy needed for muscle contraction
Transverse tubules: network of tubules that run at right angles
to sarcomeres & transmit nerve impulses from sarcolemma to
cell interior
Sarcoplasmic reticulum: network of fluid-filled chambers that
covers each myofibril like a lacy sleeve; stores calcium ions
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Physiology of Muscle Contraction
• Steps Involved in Initiating Muscle Contraction
1. A neuron sends electrical signal (action potential) down axon
2. Signal reaches ends of axon branches, stimulates release of
neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh)
3. ACh molecules cross synaptic cleft & bind with receptors in
4. A muscle action potential travels along sarcolemma & down
transverse tubules
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Physiology of Muscle Contraction (cont’d)
• Neuromuscular junction
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Physiology of Muscle Contraction (cont’d)
• Sliding Filament Theory
1. Action potential travels to sarcoplasmic reticulum & releases
calcium ions into sarcoplasm
2. Calcium ions bind with troponin, moving aside tropomyosin
protein strands covering binding sites on actin filament
3. Myosin heads are charged with energy from breakdown of ATP
4. Energy binds myosin heads to active receptor sites on actin
filament, making connections called cross-bridges
5. Ratcheting action (power stroke) occurs as myosin heads pull
sarcomere together, shortening the strand
6. Myosin heads bind more ATP, providing energy needed to
release hold on actin strand; process creates contractions
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Physiology of Muscle Contraction (cont’d)
• Events of muscle contraction
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Physiology of Muscle Contraction (cont’d)
• Sliding filament mechanism
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Physiology of Muscle Contraction (cont’d)
• Factors Affecting Force Production
Motor unit recruitment
• Motor neuron: neuron responsible for initiating motion
• Motor unit: motor neuron & all fibers it controls
• Few fibers = fine movement, less power; many fibers = no
fine movement, greater power
• One muscle is typically composed of multiple motor units
• Body can control amount of force by varying number & size of
motor units recruited
• Summation: process of recruiting more & more motor units
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Physiology of Muscle Contraction (cont’d)
• Motor unit
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Physiology of Muscle Contraction (cont’d)
• Factors Affecting Force Production
Cross-Sectional Area
• As myofibrils become larger, muscles increase in crosssectional area & can generate more force
Fiber Arrangement
• Pennate fiber arrangements generate more total force than
parallel fiber arrangements
Muscle Length
• Shortened muscles have decreased ability to produce force
• Muscles at resting length can produce greatest force
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Physiology of Muscle Contraction (cont’d)
• Length-tension relationship
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Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types
• Slow Twitch Fibers
Contract slowly but are resistant to fatigue
Rely on aerobic energy production
Used for long-duration activities (walking, jogging)
• Fast Twitch Fibers
Contract rapidly & powerfully but fatigue quickly
Larger in diameter than slow twitch fibers due to having more
Rely on anaerobic energy production
Used for short-duration activities (sprinting, lifting)
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Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types (cont’d)
• Intermediate Fibers
Have characteristics of both slow twitch & fast twitch fibers
May adapt to body’s demands
“Reservists” waiting to be called up when & where need arises
• Distribution of Fiber Types
Intermingled & genetically determined
Those with higher concentration of slow twitch fibers have longer,
leaner muscles & predisposition to endurance activities
Those with higher concentration of fast twitch fibers have larger,
thicker muscles & predisposition for sprinting or body building
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Types of Muscle Contractions
• Isometric Contractions
Tension is generated in muscle, but muscle length & joint angle
don’t change (pushing against an immovable object)
Used to stabilize joints
• Isotonic Contractions
Change muscle length & create movement
Two types
• Concentric: muscle shortens (lifting a book off a table)
• Eccentric: muscle lengthens (slowly lowering book to table)
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Muscle Relationships
• Agonists
Create joint movement (prime movers)
• Synergists
Assist agonist in creating movement
Stabilize, steer, or contribute to a particular joint movement
Muscles that have same action or actions are considered
• Antagonists
Perform opposite actions of agonist (i.e., flexion/extension)
Critical for proper posture & controlling & finishing movements
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Muscles of the Human Body
• A. Anterior view.
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Muscles of the Human Body (cont’d)
• B. Posterior view.
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Levers in the Human Body
• A. First-class levers. B. Second-class levers. C. Thirdclass levers.
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• Proprioception: overall awareness of body position
• Types of Proprioceptors
Muscle Spindles: distributed throughout skeletal muscle &
monitor changes in tissue length
Golgi Tendon Organs: woven into connective tissue in tendons
& monitor changes in muscle tension
Vestibular Apparatus: located in inner ear & provides feedback
about head position
Mechanoreceptors: specialized nerve endings that deform in
response to pressure & indicate position & movement of
associated structures
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Range of Motion
• Range of motion: extent of movement possible at a
• Active Range of Motion
Client moves a given body part through its possible motions
• Passive Range of Motion
Client rests while therapist moves joint through its possible
• Resisted Range of Motion
Client meets resistance from practitioner in attempting to
produce movement at a joint
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