Name _______________________________________________ Period _______ Chapter 19 Video Review (1854 – 1861): Drifting Towards Disunion Northern Resistance “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by ___________________________________________ (1852) o Inspired many ____________________________ to resist the Fugitive Slave Act o Brought __________________________ argument to slavery debate o Exposed the horrors of slavery to a Northern & ____________________ audiences Lincoln: “So you’re the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war.” Result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act It was assumed that Kansas would become a slave state and Nebraska would be a ____________ state Pro Slavery and Anti Slavery flood into Kansas o New England Emigrant Aid Company: sent __________________________ settlers to the area o From Missouri pro slavery “_______________________________” come into Kansas Two rival governments set-up o ____________________________ - free soil o ____________________________ - slave government _______________________________ Party is formed as a response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act Bleeding Kansas Sack of Lawrence 1856 – Free Soil town attacked by ___________________________ forces Pottawatomie Creek - ___________________________ and his homies attack pro slavery forces By 1856 _________________________ in Kansas between pro slavery and anti slavery forces THE BEAT DOWN! o Charles Sumner (Senator from Mass.) gives a speech condemning events in “Bleeding Kansas” o Insults Senator from ____________________________ Andrew Butler Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina enters Congress and beats Sumner with a __________________. o Violence over slavery in Kansas had spread to _______________________ Election of 1856 1st time Republican party runs a candidate for the Presidency o Democrats pick James Buchanan o _________________________________________ Picked because he had _________________________________ Kansas-Nebraska Act _____________________________ picked Millard Fillmore o Anti-Immigrant and Anti ___________________________ Lecompton Constitution 1st challenge for President Buchanan Lecompton Constitution o _______________________________ o Free Soilers boycott the election Supported by President Buchanan o Rejected by ________________________ Dred Scott Case Dred Scott was a slave who sued for his __________________________ Dred Scott case goes to ________________________________ in 1857 Roger Taney was the Chief Justice (a Southern Democrat) o African Americans are not ______________________ of the United States Could not _____________ o Since slaves are ________________________, they could not be taken away (Constitution) o Congress could not make laws regarding slavery in the territories Missouri Compromise UNCONSTITUTIONAL Lincoln-Douglas Debates Abe Lincoln (Republican) debates Stephen Douglas (Democrat) for the ________________ Senate in 1858 ___________ debates held Lincoln challenges Douglas on _________________________ decision: Could slavery be prevented in the territories o Dred Scott decision said ________ o Douglas takes the position (__________________________) that territories could limit slaver Southerners are pissed RESULTS o Douglas keeps _____________________ seat o _____________________ becomes national figure o Southerners are angry – Democrats will be _____________ in 1860 John Brown at Harper’s Ferry John Brown hopes to spark a _________________________________ in 1859 Attempts to seize the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry It does not go well o Charged with ____________________ and ______________ IMPACT o South is outraged o Brown becomes a _________________________ to abolitionist o Immediate cause of ___________________________ Election of 1860 Democrats Split o The issue of slavery had divided Democrats Northern Democrats favored ____________________________________ Popular Sovereignty & enforce Fugitive Slave Act Southern Democrats favored John C. Breckinridge Allowed slavery in the __________________________ Annex ____________________ Republican Party o Lincoln and the Republican party platform For the free-soilers: no _________________________ of slavery in territories o For the northern manufactures: a ______________________________ tariff For the Northwest: a Pacific ___________________________ For the farmers: free homesteads (_____________________) Southern secessionist threatened to leave Union if _______________________ wins Election of 1860 Results o Republican party wins the Presidency for the ___________ time o But Lincoln is a “______________________________” President Southerners see him as a sectional President Not even on the ballot in _________ southern states Secession o ________________________________ votes to secede in December 1860 o Eventually __________ southern states leave the union ___________________ Lincoln even takes office. o ___________________________ States of America is formed o See him as a sectional President hostile to slavery ___________________________________________ chosen as President Lame Duck President Buchanan does nothing to stop secession From November 1860 to March 1861 Does not believe secession is ________________________ One Last Compromise? Crittenden Compromise o Last ditch attempt to avoid major crisis o Hope to calm southern fears: The return of the _______________________________ Compromise idea Slavery prohibited in territories north of ____________________ Slavery _______________________ in territories south of _____________ Lincoln ___________________ this o Position of Republican party was not extension of slavery in the territories Before Lincoln even takes office _________ southern states have left the Union!