2012 Leadership Development Training for Presidents and Chapter Officers CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve been elected a Chapter Officer You’ve Accepted the Job Time for you to… Plan, Prepare, and Lead Leadership Does carrying the torch of leadership make you feel uneasy? Honest Competent Forward-looking Inspiring Fair-minded Intelligent Courageous Broad-minded Straightforward Imaginative What type of leader are you? Psychologist Kurt Lewin identified in 1939 three major leadership types Authoritarian (Autocratic) Participative Leadership (Democratic) Delegative (Laissez-Faire) What Should I Know as a Chapter Officer? 1. Structure of the international organization (or where to find this information) 2. Mission, Vision, and Purposes of the Society 3. Framework of DKG 4. State Executive Board and State Committees The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Three Levels of Governance and Support: Chapters, State Organization, International International Society Boards and Committees Provide: Management of Society Headquarters Strategic planning and oversight Financial management of funds Projects and services Scholarship and World Fellowships Offer vehicles for: Communications Public relations Leadership development opportunities Professional development opportunities Regional Conferences Disseminate information about Society activities Provide educational workshops Provide leadership training Facilitate fellowship Provide inspiration 78 State Organizations State Organization Presidents serve on International Executive Board. State Organizations offer: Leadership training Projects Scholarships and grants Public relations Communications Chapter support 106,000 MEMBERS meeting in 2,800 CHAPTERS organized in 17 COUNTRIES voting at CONVENTIONS International Headquarters The building located at 416 West 12th Street, Austin, Texas houses the International Society staff who offer support for all members, officers and international personnel. International Convention Executive Board and Convention Actions Provide: overall governance for the organization and revisions of governing documents. While each member belongs to three levels of the Society, Chapter, State Organization and International, she has but one mission, to promote professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. Mission The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. Vision Leading women educators impacting education worldwide. Purposes 1. To unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship 2. To honor women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any field of education 3. To advance the professional interest and position of women in education 4. To initiate, endorse and support desirable legislation or other suitable endeavors in the interests of education and of women educators 5. To endow scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to non-member women educators 6. To stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action 7. To inform the members of current economic, social, political and educational issues so that they may participate effectively in a world Society Organization of the International Level International Headquarters International Convention Highest Authority Delegates some authority by way of the Constitution; maintains authority in all other matters. International Executive Board Reports to the Convention Has constitutional authority to: 1. adopt the budget 2. elect trustees of Educational Foundation 3. recommend policy/procedures 4. select dates/sites for international meetings 5. define regions; assign state organizations to regions 6. approve establishment of state organizations; procedures for possible dissolution 7. select International Achievement Award recipient 8. select international honorary members Administrative Board Reports to Executive Board Carries out the plans and policies adopted by the international convention. Forums Canadian European Latin American United States The participants determine the plan and activities. Educational Foundation Non-profit Corporation Exempt from federal income taxation 501(c) 3 Mission: … supports and encourages intercultural understanding and educational excellence. International Committees Report to International President Responsibilities delineated by the Constitution. “It is the function of Headquarters to synthesize information, to note the thinking expressed by chapters and state organizations, to help familiarize current officers with the long-range decisions of past Boards and Conventions, and to service the Society through correspondence and by participation at conventions and conferences.” Our Heritage 1, pg. 234 Executive Coordinator Responsibility: Headquarters Functions; Liaison to Boards, President, Educational Foundation Archival Records, Convention/Conference Programs Long Range Planning Reports to International President/Administrative Board Business Services Administrator Responsibility: Finance, Accounting, Human Resources payroll/benefits, Building Management, Information Systems, Convention/Conference Business Reports to Executive Coordinator, International President, Administrative Board Program/Membership Services Administrator Responsibility: Program and Membership Services Reports to Executive Coordinator, International President, Administrative Board Communications Services Administrator International President Reports to Administrative Board and International Executive Board Responsibility: Public Relations; Publications (print, non-print); Society Inventories Reports to Executive Coordinator, International President, Administrative Board Organization of the STATE ORGANIZATION and CHAPTER Levels State Organization Chapter Organized by International Expansion Committee. Consist of all chapters within the state organization and members holding membership within the state organization. Establishes Bylaws to govern itself and its chapters. Bylaws must be consistent with the Constitution. The BASIC unit of the Society. Organized in accordance with state organization Bylaws. Chapter rules consistent with Constitution and its state organization Bylaws. State Convention Highest Authority Business Meeting (Quorum Present) The medium for transacting the business of the state organization. Held odd-numbered years (optional even year). Any attending member may make motions, enter discussions and vote. Highest Authority The medium for transacting the business of the chapter. A minimum of four per year is required. Chapter president presides at chapter meetings. Executive Board Duties relate to … Convention policies and procedures; budget; personnel; dates/sites; emergency matters. Executive Board Duties relate to selection of treasurer; emergency matters; policies and procedures; chapter finances. Executive Committee Optional committee. Consist of elected officers who act for the Executive Board between meetings. . State Organization President Responsibility for the guidance of chapter work throughout the state. . Standing Committees Constituted to perform continuing functions. Generally remain in existence permanently. Ad Hoc Committees Constituted for a specific function. Ceases to exist when its assignment is accomplished. Chapter President Responsibility for the guidance of the work of the chapter. OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Olive Horning FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: Elizabeth VanWestenburg SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT: Dr. Dorothy Sample RECORDING SECRETARY: Bernice Haglund CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Kathy Taylor PARLIAMENTARIAN: Dr. Helen Popovich TREASURER: Loretta Miles EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Sarah “Sally” Garrison WOLVERINE EDITOR: J. Jay Pechta IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Jackie Smart COMMITTEES APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Diane Dray BY LAWS/STANDING RULES: Ann Elmer CHAPTER/COUNCIL VISITATIONS: Kathy Muench EXPANSION/MEMBERSHIP: Nancy Everett NECROLOGY CO-CHAIRS: Lynne Elsesser Nancy Higgins FINANCE: Shaila Jehle HISTORY: Pat Charlton LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Jackie Smart NOMINATIONS: Joanne Gardner PERSONNEL: Kaye Calley-Martin STRATEGIC PLANNING: Dr. Paula A. Dent PROGRAM: Liz VanWestenburg LEGISLATION/U.S. FORUM: Judy Foster MUSIC C0-CHAIRS: Nancy Tetzlaff Marcia Thatcher PERSONAL GROWTH & SERVICES: Marilyn Hopkins PROFESSIONAL AFFAIRS: Kay Tebo RESEARCH: Nina Keener WOMEN IN THE ARTS COCHAIRS: Theresa Sedmak Dr. Ranae Beyerlein EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: Dr. Dorothy Sample COMMUNICATIONS: Laura Perkins COORDINATING COUNCILS C0-CHAIRS: Julie Usher Dr. Gedy Love DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD: Dr. Dorothy Sample FUNDING OUR PURPOSES: Judi Fisher HISTORICAL DOCUMENT STORAGE: Kay Ostrom SCHOLARSHIPS/GRANTS: Gloria Fisher TECHNOLOGY/WEBMASTER: Tamara Webster WILMA ADAMS FUND: Norrie Slater WORLD FELLOWSHIP: Gloria Richards CHAPTER PRESIDENTS AT LARGE: Joanne Saucier Linda Ichesco Sharon LaHaie Meetings Minimum Necessary Officers Every deliberative assembly must have: • a presiding officer • & a secretary Presiding Tips Maintain control over the progress of the meeting Keep members informed Presider Tips Continued: ALWAYS: NEVER: Maintain order Be unjust, even to troublesome members Provide strong leadership Be more technical than necessary Remain impartial Say “I” Be tactful Take advantage of a member’s lack of Be fair knowledge Exercise good judgment Official record of the proceedings of a deliberative assembly Legal public record of a meeting Should reflect what was done in the meeting, not what was said by the members Should never reflect the recorder’s opinion, favorable or otherwise, on anything said or done Refresh the memory of the members who were present at the meeting Inform those who were absent from the meeting Make possible a compiled history of the organization’s acts and accomplishments no longer used Alpha Iota State Website www.deltakappagamma.org/MI Alpha Iota State Website www.deltakappagamma.org/MI Our state website is full of information and is updated regularly by Webmaster Tamara Webster. Alpha Iota State Website has: Online Event Registration • Fall Conference • International Convention & NE Conference • State Convention Forms & Applications Alpha Iota History PAC & Chapter Presidents’ Rosters Buzz Tips and more President’s Mailings The Wolverine The Wolverines are archived on the state website. Send your articles and photos from your chapter meetings and special events to The Wolverine editor, J-Jay Pechta at: jpechta@dkg.comcast.net State Committees Support Early-career Educators Membership Always consider the possibility of recruiting new members. Remember an educator is an: • Instructor • Teacher • Trainer • Creator of materials for any number, any age, any audience, and in any location Where to look for new members ? • School or work place for regular and part-time teaching staff, specialists, substitutes, support personnel, and administrators • District, county, state, national, international schools; countrywide service centers; universities; professional career training institutes • Grade level, department, curriculum or professional development meetings, conferences, workshops, and conventions • Community colleges, adult and community education courses • Board of Education, local community, and public board meetings • Organized community park, recreation, sport, and leisure time programs • Pre-school, private, parochial, charter, and alternative schools • Nurse educators • Public libraries, museums, zoos, and service organizations • Private businesses and corporations for individuals responsible for providing training and in-service training or creating instructional or training materials • Health, wellness, personal growth, travel, enrichment, hobby, parenting, human growth and development speakers and events • Local tutors and private teachers (instruments, drama, painting, …) Where else? … Membership Documents Certain membership documents are more important than others. Let your executive board/committee help you decide which of the following, if any, to keep: 1. The name, date, and rationale given by persons declining membership, particularly those who indicated they may want to join later 2. A log of chapter honorary members and initiation dates, identifying those who are also state honorary members 3. A temporary record of invitations issued and responses to invitations 4. Copies of chapter minutes containing membership actions 5. An up-to-date biographical data sheet with a resume for each chapter member; use current member profiles to compile a chapter profile and inform members of “voids” in chapter membership 6. The chapter membership roster should always match current reports of International and State organizations regarding the number and classification of members 7. Copies of Form 6 document the number of deceased members within a specified time DKG website posts monthly membership resources Membership Memos Food For Thought: Building Pride in the Society And Building Sustainability Contemporary Initiation Ceremony Assisting Chapter Members with Dues How to Support and Attract Early Career Educators * New Membership Possibilities 2011 Regional Conferences and You Reinstatement Sustaining Pride in the Big Picture - Orientation Pride in the Big Picture - Orientation Membership Blog Money Matters Message for Chapter Treasurers Dues Breakdown Active dues are $63 + $1.00 scholarship fee International $40 + $.20 scholarship Alpha Iota State $23 + $.80 scholarship Chapter Determined by chapter Reserve dues are $31.00 + $1.00 scholarship State keeps $11.00 $20.00 goes to International BREAK into Role-a-Like Groups • Presidents Leadership Committee • Membership/Program Chairs/ Communications Nancy Everett, Lynne Elsesser, Liz VanWestenburg, & Laura Perkins • Treasurers, Secretaries, Parliamentarians Loretta Miles & Dr. Helen Popovich What Do I Need to Know as Chapter President President’s Responsibilities • Attend leadership development training • Attend executive board meetings and workshops of the state organization • Whenever possible attend the Northeast Regional Conference and International Convention • Distribute biennial report forms and ensure they are returned on time • Notify the state of changes of officers during the biennium Reports the State President Needs: Chapter Presidents need to complete: • ASAP Chapter Officers Form for 2012-2014 • ASAP Chapter President and Treasurer Form for 2012-2014 to International • Annual/Biennial Report by February 1st • Form 6 (Death of a Member) 110 FORM FOR REPORTING 2012-2014 CHAPTER OFFICERS State Organization Copy Please complete the form and mail or fax no later than May 15 to your state organization or another designated person, unless another form has been provided to you by your state organization president. The form may also be downloaded as an interactive form from the Society website and forwarded as an email attachment. Person Completing Form: Chapter Name: NAME MEMBER I.D.# MAILING ADDRESS PREFERRED TELEPHONE (include area code) President Treasurer First Vice-President Second Vice-President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Parliamentarian Thank You! 1/2012 I/W/P aw State Name: FAX E-MAIL 111 FORM FOR REPORTING 2012-2014 CHAPTER OFFICERS International Copy Please complete this form and mail or fax no later than May 15 to Society Headquarters Membership Department P.O. Box 1589 Austin, TX 78767-1589 Fax: 512-478-3961 Chapter Name: You may also download an interactive form from the Society website and forward as an email attachment to Linda Davenport at lindad@dkg.org State Name: Person Completing Form: CHAPTER PRESIDENT NAME MEMBER I.D. # MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box, Street, Route City, State, Zip/Postal Code Country PREFERRED TELEPHONE (include area code) FAX E-MAIL Thank You! 1/2012 I/W/P aw CHAPTER TREASURER Report Forms In November, reporting forms are mailed to Chapter Presidents. They are also available online at www.dkg.org Chapter Biennial Report Forms February 1 President Annual Report (Form 54) (even years) Communications (Form 38) Educational Excellence (Form 26) Finance Committee (Form 40) Membership Committee (Form 36) Necrology (Form 2) Scholarships Committee (Form 34) World Fellowships Committee (Form 42) Chapter Annual Report Chapter President – Annual Report Necrology – Chapter Annual Report February 1 (odd years) You Need to Know 1. Basic Agenda 2. Chapter Rules 3. Basics of Parliamentary Procedure 4. Use of documents (Constitution, International Standing Rules, Handbook) 5. Chapter President’s File - what to save and what to discard Call to Order Opening Ceremonies (Welcome; Invocation; Pledge) Minutes of Previous Meeting Reports of Officers (include report of Treasurer) Standing and Special Committees Reports Special Orders Unfinished Business and General Orders New Business Announcements, Program Adjournment MRS SUN The process of following parliamentary law along with any rules of order the organization or assembly may have adopted Expedite business efficiently To protect to rights of the individual To ensure justice and equality To preserve a sense of harmony and maintain order To accomplish the group’s purposes • The basic governing document of Delta Kappa Gamma is the Constitution. International is governed by the Constitution and International Standing Rules • Alpha Iota State follows these two documents in addition to our own State Bylaws and Standing Rules • Each chapter is governed by the Constitution and International Standing Rules and Alpha Iota State Bylaws and Standing Rules. In addition, a chapter adopts its own unit of chapter rules which are consistent with International and State Current DKG Constitution & International Standing Rules (now online) Current DKG Handbook (now online) Alpha Iota State Bylaws (now online) Alpha Iota Standing Rules (now online) Chapter Rules Chapter Charter Official Initiate Register Review & read your chapter’s files Helpful Tools & Resources 1. Guidelines Booklets: • Chapter Presidents • Membership Chairs • Communications Chairs • Treasurers 2. Delta Kappa Gamma Handbook This publication provides information regarding chapter responsibilities as designated by the Constitution. You can find the handbook at www.dkg.org Click Library, then click Publications. 3. Past Presidents and officers of your chapter 4. Alpha Iota State Officers and Chairmen 5. Websites: International and State www.dkg.org & www.deltakappagamma.org/MI What Am I Expected to Do as President? 1. Represent my chapter at state meetings 2. Preside at chapter meetings 3. Make all appointments for chapter committees 4. Direct the activities of the chapter 5. Ensure all reports required by international and the state are completed by the due dates 6. Serve as a voting member of the state Executive Board 7. Invite the state president to a chapter meeting 8. Attend state meetings and encourage other chapter members to do so (see next slide for dates) July 24 - 28, 2012 International Convention New York City, NY Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers Seventh Avenue *October 19-20, 2012 Alpha Iota State Fall Conference & Executive Board Holiday Inn, Muskegon, MI *May 3-5, 2013 Alpha Iota State Convention & Spring Executive Board Meeting Double Tree Hotel Bay City, MI *Required meetings Where Can I Find Help? Consult with your chapter Executive Board, especially the past president(s) Review the files and written communications from chapter chairmen, the state organization president, and state committee chairmen Network with other chapter presidents at meetings of the state Executive Board, or your chapter’s Coordinating Council Contact state officers or committee chairmen for information Guidelines Booklets Read it! It has the answers to many questions If you need help, call or e-mail one of the state officers or state chairmen Guidelines Booklets Duties of Chapter Officers or Chairmen Documents for Your Files Membership Supplies Forms Reports Month-by-Month “guide,” plus much more Tips for Effective Meetings • Confirm pre-meeting assignments & place follow-up topics on the agenda • Distribute the agenda at least one day ahead of the meeting & try to minimize interruptions during the meeting • Encourage open discussion, make decisions by consensus, summarize decisions made and actions taken • Schedule or announce the next meeting 5 Tips for Managing Your Time Organize Manage your time Delegate Communicate Plan shorter, more effective meetings Remember – It’s not how much time you have; it’s how well you manage it! In order to conquer paperwork Use the TRAF system Toss Refer Act File Remember, it’s easier to get through the maze when we work together. In Summary • Know your responsibilities • Keep on schedule (check e-mail frequently, return forms promptly, follow up on phone calls and requests) • Delegate responsibilities and check in, as needed • Enjoy being creative and interacting with your members - that’s the fun of it all! Best wishes for a successful biennium. Remember to have a FUN one! Jackie Smart, LD Chairman, Gamma Alpha jackie@mysmartfamily.com Nancy Berkompas, Alpha Tau nberkompas@sault.com Delores DiGiacomo, Mu dejack@yahoo.com Sally Garrison, State Executive Secretary, Gamma Delta wsarahsally@aol.com Gwen Graham, Gamma Beta godonnell@aol.com Susan Helser, Beta Rho shelser8191@charter.net Julie Kowlaski, Alpha Xi kowalskiteach@yahoo.com