Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Harrison Parlor, Lathrop Hall
Deans: Julie Underwood, Melissa Amos-Landgraf, Dawn Crim, Jim Escalante, Adam Gamoran,
Jeffrey Hamm, Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell, Jack Jorgensen, David Rosenthal, Dang Chonwerawong, Barb
Chairs: Kreg Gruben (for Dorothy Farrar-Edwards), David Kaplan, Michael Fultz, Li Chiao-Ping, Tom
Loeser, Julie Mead, John Rudolph, Alberta Gloria, Kimber Wilkerson
Directors: Lynn Edlefson, Steve Head, KT Horning, Nancy Mathews, Paula Panczenko, Mitch Nathan,
Noel Radomski, Norma Saldivar, Jim Wollack
Academic Staff Representative: Fran Breit
Student Representative: Tola Ewers
Classified Staff Representative: Tammi Pekkala-Matthews
Auxiliary: Nancy Gardner, Brad Zulick, Eric Greiling
Guests: Ann Halbach, Eric Camburn, Rich Halverson, Carolyn Kelley, Clif Conrad, Beth Giles
The Administrative Council Meeting was called to order at 9:01 am.
Announcements from Dean Underwood:
1) David Rosenthal has accepted the Academic Associate Dean 50% position in the Dean’s Office.
David will be contacting departments via email to set up meetings.
2) Dan Jacobsohn has been assigned a 25% position for Associate Vice Chancellor Academic IT
Relations. He will work on facilitating contact with individual units across campus.
3) Dawn Crim reported on the upcoming Presidential visit, for which SoE was ground central. Pointed
out that the building would be closed all day October 4, and she directed all to read memos from
Provost DeLuca regarding importance of communicating class changes with students and TA’s,
adjusting syllabus to cover class needs, among other things. Also shared that additional laptops
were available in Teacher Ed Building for anyone who needed space for the day. Supervisors need
to be clear with employees the individual plan of action, i.e., taking a vacation day, relocating
workspace, taking work home, make up the time, etc. Dean Underwood noted what an honor it is
to host a sitting president.
Motion to approve agenda moved by Julie Mead, seconded by Fran Breit and approved unanimously.
Motion to approve September APC minutes moved by Julie Mead, seconded by Fran Breit. Tola Ewers
referenced WCER Search and asked if ASM had provided names. Dean Underwood noted she expects
names but action is still pending. Minutes approved unanimously
Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) – Ann Halbach
Reported currently have two Initiatives. 1.) Academic Staff Professional Development Grants (PDG): Last
year in the Fall Round, awarded $3,500 to two grantees. One of the grantees was attending a
Communications Seminar that appealed to committee members. This prompted a request to the Dean to
offer seminar to all SOE Staff. This event was held in April, with registration of over 50 interested SOE staff.
Committee is hoping to provide another opportunity like this in the coming year. In the Spring PDG round,
there were 8 requests and six were funded for a total of $6,135. New round coming up this fall with
deadline of November 1, encouraging staff to apply. 2.) Second initiative last year was the Professional
Performance Review Process. Committee has been working on this for a couple of years and is near
completion of forms and implementation plan. This process was grounded in research and taken from
education literature to be a developmental process. Soon available through HR and recommending to be
completed once a year. Will be made available to all Academic staff to assist departments and units where
there currently is no formalized performance review structure. Hope to have workshop for academic staff
on this process early in the year. Ann made a request for academic instructional staff nominations to join
Scholarships & Fellowships – Jeff Hamm
Committee reviews policy and process for granting scholarships and fellowships and usually meets once a
year. Committee works closely with student affairs, OURR, ERO. Biggest development has been the
Common Scholarship Application (CSA), originally an initiative of Chancellor Martin that was then funded by
the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates and is being used with undergraduate scholarships across
campus. Allows students to see and apply in one place for all scholarships that apply to them. CSA is being
extended at this time to include graduate fellowships and awards. Dean Underwood noted that the SoE
honors banquet was scheduled for the evening and Dawn Crim reported that nearly 500,000 in scholarships
would be distributed.
Coordinating Council for Professionals In Education Steering Committee - Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell for Mary
Louise Gomez
CCPE is not a governance committee; serves as advisory committee to dean, other committees, and to each
department. Any teacher education related policy that is created school-wide is vetted by committee and
sent back to departments for edit/approval before being forwarded to next level. There were many
changes in the past year due to teacher education turmoil and program changes in special education,
elementary education, secondary education, and administrator education. CCPE also addressed new testing
requirements and began work on creating a common policy for admission. Focusing on two events this
year: Fall event focuses on children of veterans to discuss stresses on them when parents deployed, as well
as the stress to veterans themselves. In the Spring topics centers on dealing with children and adults under
stress, more broadly. The spring event will probably occur at night to be open to more people. Partnering
with MMSD and other external partners for these events.
Doctoral Research Program Advisory Committee - Rich Halverson
Committee works on ideas for giving graduate students an interdisciplinary range of activities in SoE. Three
main events: Coordinating speaker series for Tuesdays for new faculty members to talk with grad students;
a WCER poster fair, 13th floor Ed Sciences, will contact faculty to help with posters; seminar in spring by
Kimber Malmgren and Simone Schweber.
Equity & Diversity - Dang Chonwerawong (Handout)
Shared handout and directed them to contact her if any questions. October 16 is next meeting. Not
governance committee, advisory to dean. Regarding list of members, they are waiting for undergrad
appointment from ASM.
Education Graduate Research Scholars Advisory Board - Dang Chonwerawong
Noted this is also not a governance committee, but an advisory board that consists of faculty members
from graduate programs. Big news is funding for next year coming from Grad School will probably stay the
same ($874,000), however, tuition will go up about 5.5% so will mean funding fewer students unless
faculty can come up with ways to supplement packages.
Education Outreach & Partnerships Steering Committee – Beth Giles
Beth Giles, on behalf of Jack Jorgensen reported the new additions to their steering committee. She
highlighted these additions of external partners to highlight their work as responsive to both internal and
external educational needs. This committee will honor a variety of perspectives as they move forward with
innovative programs keeping their commitment to the mission of the School of Education. Beth encouraged
faculty to contact EOP office with ideas or questions.
Education Research Institutional Review Board - Eric Camburn
Move to new software: Arrow. Noted that as of October 1 new submissions need to go into new online
system . Protocols can still be viewed in the old system. There are outreach sessions provided to assist with
this rollout: Tuesdays at 10 am (October 9, 16, 23,) and Thursdays at 2 pm (October 11, 18, 25th) to teach
you how to use system. All sessions in 321 Lathrop. Information has been distributed to department chairs
and principal investigators.
Mitch Nathan shared that reporting demands are significantly greater, which caught people off guard. Eric
will bring that back to office and appreciated input. Eric also noted the volume was not larger, but different
requests of information. Adam Gamoran shared the main sources that led to this change was that AAHRPP
Accreditation requires one system, one set of questions, so there was need to standardize across campus.
Webkit did not work across campus, and staff worked for one year to scale down questions in Arrow that
were not appropriate to social sciences, so not same as med school. Cross campus standardization
required the changes. Any questions please call Eric or IRB Office.
Information Technology Policy Advisory Committee - Tammi Pekkala-Matthews
Reviewed goals which include building a strategic framework for the Information Environment in SoE,
upcoming MERIT program review to help prioritize IT action that have school-wide implications, will share
departments’ visions of what a proactive organization for the SoE’s Information Environment looks like, will
collaboratively build a formal response to the pilot, consider what other services ITPAC would
formally promote to the campus CIO to be adopted as a common good service, and continued policy review
and development including TelePresence usage policy.
Qualitative Methods Resources Committee - Clif Conrad (Handout)
Committee is group of cross-departmental faculty who design, teach, and manage the qualitative methods
minor in SoE. Would like to invite students to participate in qualitative methods. Please share information
with faculty. Committee is getting good group of students together.
Programs Committee - Carolyn Kelley
Noted two major changes: First, the course proposal process is now online. Chairs need to know how to use
the online system because they will need to interact with the system (which can be found by searching for
“course proposal” in the UW website search box) in two ways: 1) Instead of providing a letter of support
for department approval of course proposals, now there is a check off box in the online system that
indicates departmental approval; 2) Any faculty or staff member can start course proposal. Only the course
proposal creator can edit the proposals. If you want someone else in the department to be able to make
changes to the proposals, you need to contact Andrea Poehling in the divisional committee office to give
them status as “watcher.” Chairs can also create pdf’s of course proposal and syllabi to give to
departmental curriculum committee for the approval process. A second major change affecting the
Programs Committee this year is that the Divisional Committee has created an Ad Hoc Interdisciplinary
Curriculum Committee to review course proposals for the Divisional Committee. The Divisional Committee
was concerned that there wasn’t anyone looking at course and program proposals to provide consistency
across campus, so this year they will try having a single campus wide committee to review all proposals.
Within the Programs Committee, we have instituted a consent agenda, which requires an earlier
submission process to enable internal review of consent agenda items prior to the committee meetings.
This change but enables us to review proposals before they go to the Programs Committee to reduce the
intense workload on the committee. Please submit materials 3 weeks before Programs Committee meeting
(meeting schedule is on the SOE website).
Dean Underwood directed all to SoE website of school wide committees for additional information. Dean
Underwood indicated that campus provided pocket size budget cards that were available for pick up. She
also shared that there were three SoE representatives chosen to participate on the Chancellor’s Search &
Screen Committee (Aaron Bird Bear, Tashia Morgridge, and herself), and she shared that this would be
Nancy Gardner’s last official APC meeting , as she was going to FP&M with a new job assignment.
Motion to adjourn Administrative Council passed unanimously.
Named Option-Wisconsin Idea Executive Ph.D. in ELPA – Julie Mead (Handout)
ELPA has three strands: K12 leadership; higher, post-secondary and continuing education; and policy
analysis. Master's and PhDs in all strands. The Wisconsin Idea Executive Ph.D. program packages the
existing Ph.D. for people already working as leaders in schools who aspire to become district-level leaders .
The second cohort has been admitted to the program and will finish all course work at the end of Fall 2013.
Encouraged by Jocelyn Milner and Katy Durand to transfer into named option to shift from 104 to 131
funded accounts and create revenue generation.
Motion to approve moved by David Kaplan, seconded by Alberta Gloria.
Dr. Mead indicated to be eligible the program, students must have finished the initial administrative
licensure for which 702 is required, which is why it does not exist on the list of program courses but is
listed on the general Ph.D. program plan. The first cohort's enrollment started with 24 and finished with 20.
Currently have 18 enrolled.
Primary audience is aimed at serving and training people in Wisconsin, however there are participants from
out of state. This Cohort was created at Dean’s urging, due to supply and demand of district administrators
across state, and saw that our market share of practicing administrators had dropped over last 10 years.
This is a service to State and product of Wisconsin Idea. Goal is also to create two pathways to Master
licensure by the state, 1 through this program and the other through the MACC. Unanimously approved.
Named Option – Global Higher Education, MS in ELPA - Julie Mead (Handout)
Takes existing Master's degree program but scheduling marketing and recruiting for audience we don’t
typically have. Being proposed for eventual approval under 131 funds. Need to make sure these are net
new students. Will recruit broadly to anyone interested in global higher education. Hope to recruit more
students from other countries and build relationships with international universities we already have
connected with. Support for students includes a discussion session every two weeks and to assist in field
placements across campus to enhance experience. Expected participant goal is 15 with a cap at 20. Hope to
start new cohort each fall.
Motion to approve moved by Li Chiao-Ping, seconded by Alberta Gloria.
Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell requested they keep the Global Education Committee aware of the progress of
cohort. Dr. Mead indicated faculty member is on committee. Dr. Mead also noted making cohort flexible
enough to avoid needing reapproval, they are adding assessment course, and evaluation course might be
included. Unanimously approved.
Academic Planning Council adjourned at 11:00 am
Minutes respectfully submitted by Nancy Gardner
Approved Dean Julie Underwood