THE NATURAL SYSTEMS INSTITUTE Edwin L. Young, PhD INTERACTION of HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, and SOCIAL SYSTEMS and THEIR COMBINED EFFECTS on PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS THE EFFECTS of the SOCIAL SYSTEM’S LEVELS of PREJUDICE and COMMUNICATION PATTERNS on AGGRESSION and LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE a PROGRESSIVE VICIOUS CYCLE THE OVER-ARCHING INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURE THE STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION IS THE PRIMARY DETERMINATE OF ALL OTHER FACTORS AND SYSTEMS Vertical-Hierarchical and Horizontal structure of an organization separates functions that, while involving different tasks, are actually interdependent. They may also be related sequentially. Goals are contained. Information concerning projects is disseminated top down and compartmentalized and restricted in temporal range. The result is that workers and departments suffer from myopia and language and perspective barriers that make each department a ghetto viewing all others as outsiders. Hierarchical Table of Organization and 2 Departmental Horizontal Layout 1 HEAD A 3 1 2 3 3 I 3 4 2 3 4 1 II 3 1 2 II A B C D A B C D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 C 3 2 B 4 HEAD I C 4 2 D 3 1 1 2 B 4 2 A 4 1 D 1 4 4 Counterproductive Structures and Their Dynamics and Effects • Structures with vertical and horizontal systems that are fragmented, contained, and compartmentalized, even though they are interdependent, tend to promote resentment, distrust, and paranoid projections that lead to limited, inauthentic communication, rumors, reporting secretly on one another. • Such groups tend toward exclusive social clustering with prejudice and mutual sabotage. • Even within a contained group, rivalry, invidious comparisons, animosity, and prejudice can develop over the slightest differences, resulting poor cooperation and poor performance. INTERACTION OF VERTICAL, SOCIAL, AND PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS STAFFS’ & STUDENTS’ VERTICAL & SOCIAL GROUPING BY RACE, RELIGION, POLITICS, GENDER, AGE & SIZE STAFF’S TENDENCIES TO BE EXCLUSIVE OR INCLUSIVE E X C L U S I V E Admin Mid Manage LINE STUDENT’S TENDENCIES TO BE EXCLUSIVE OR INCLUSIVE. DO THEY MIRROR STAFF TENDENCIES TO BE EXCLUSIVE OR INCLUSIVE? WHEN GROUPS OF STAFF AND STUDENTS BECOME EXCLUSIVE, A NEGATIVE SOCIAL SYSTEM DEVELOPS, THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM BECOMES ALIENATED, AND THE PERFORMANCE SYSTEM DEGENERATES The Social Groups below are distributed both Vertically and Horizontally. Counterproductive Organizational Structures can generative prejudice and animosity. AGE, SIZE, GENDER GROUPING ETHNIC/RACIAL GROUPING RELIGIOUS GROUPING EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE The Interaction Between Horizontal Systems , Social Systems With Prejudice, Poor Communication, Overt and Covert Aggression and Their Effects on Performance Systems As people come into the institution with ALL KINDS of prior prejudices and are separated by departments, locations, rank, social grouping and external references groups, communication breaks down, overt and/or covert aggression increases, and performance decreases. As performance decreases, prejudice, overt and/or covert aggression, and poor communication all increase. This is a vicious cycle. Distribution by type of prejudice The circle shapes represent vertical levels of employees. The squares represent the various kinds of prejudice against one another distributed randomly throughout the institution. L Vertical Systems Prejudice L L A M L L L L L L L L Gender, Age, Size Prejudice L Ethnic, Racial Prejudice L M M M M M L L A L L M L L Religious Prejudice A=Administration M=Mid Management L=Line Staff Staff are depicted by colors where one is most likely to find them. Horizontal, Vertical, and Social Separateness aggravates prejudices, increases conflict, and decreases communication and performance. Inevitable Negative Effects of Counterproductive Organizational Structures •In organizations with minimal or counterproductive structures, the negative traits of the individual tend to surface and exacerbate negative organizational trends. •Typically, the organization's difficulties are blamed on negative personalities rather than faulty structures. •The following four slides present examples of these negative effects brought about by counterproductive structures such as the Vertical structure and the social structures such as Racial and Ethnic; Gender, Age, and Body type; and Religious stereotypes. I have this great plan that I’m sure you will all want to follow. I want you to tell me what you think. I just want us all to be one big happy family. Silently to self: ‘No matter what I do I never feel that they are being completely open with me. It seems like the only way I can be sure they will do it is if I threaten them in some way.’ Yes sir! Whatever you say, sir! You’re the Boss. Silently to self: ‘God! What an idiot! You can’t tell him anything. His plans are so unrealistic. Its like when you get to the top you are all the sudden in a different world. We can’t relate to them any more. Its like all of the sudden we are subhuman and they are super human. I always feel tense and uncomfortable around the boss. I don’t like being around him and to be honest, even though I know he is not really such a bad guy, I just don’t like him.’ I have this great plan that I’m sure you will all want to follow. I want you to tell me what you think. I just want us all to be one big happy family. Line Staff Hey, lay off. I’ll do my job. I don’t have to be threatened. What! Do you think I’m stupid? Silently to self: The system always sucks. We are always the ones that get screwed. They treat us like we are idiots and make us do these ridiculous things that never work and if you say anything, they accuse you of being oppositional and unmotivated. Don’t worry, though, they’ll get theirs! Top Management Silently to self: ‘No matter what I do I never feel that they are being completely open with me. It seems like the only way I can be sure they will do it is if I threaten them in some way.’ RELATIONS ACROSS THE VERTICAL SYSTEM: STEREOTYPES, PREJUDICES AND INCLUSIVE-EXCLUSIVE BEHAVIOR I don’t want to be your friend. I just want your kind to leave me alone.__ Silently to self: How embarrassing. They are so stupid. I don’t understand them at all. It drives me nuts when they come around. I hope no one saw them talking to me. They always act so silly and think they are such hot stuff. If they only knew!! Hey! I don’t like strangers and people who are different from me. You’re different from me. I hate your kind. So just don’t get in my way or I’ll have to bust you one! Understood ! Hi ! I want to be your friend. I like everybody! Mr. Distrust Mr. Get Out of My Face! Mr. Friendly THE SOCIAL STRUCTURES OF GENDER, AGE, AND PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTE STEREOTYPES CAN RESULT IN PREJUDICES AND INCLUSIVE-EXCLUSIVE BEHAVIOR Who the hell do you think you are? You sure are pushy! I don’t have to put up with your kind always trying to horn in. I’ve got boundaries and they sure do not include you and your kind!!! Hey there! You look like a nice person. Let’s sit together at lunch today and get to know one another. OK! Mr. Get Out of My Face Oh, yes. Well thank you, but I’m afraid I’ll be busy. Maybe some other time. Mr. Friendly Mr. Distrust RACIAL & ETHNIC STEREOTYPES, PREJUDICES AND INCLUSIVE-EXCLUSIVE BEHAVIOR Silently to self: Doesn’t that idiot know we don’t associate with them. Particularly in public. My God! What kind of people are they? I hate it when they approach me like that. I just want to be left alone. If you don’t mind! Please leave me alone & do not bother me with your crazy religious ideas._ Silently to self: I hate pushy religious fanatics!!! And I certainly do not want to join any silly groups! Hi! I want to be your friend. I have a wonderful religion and we love everybody. If you feel like it, I would really like to tell you about my religion and religious group because you may want to join us if you knew more about it. Listen Bud! I’m just looking for someone to bust up. If you insult me with your friendly come on just to suck me in, you’ve got a surprise coming! If you think you can just to trick me into agreeing with you that your religion and beliefs are better than mine, then that is all the excuse I need to use you as my punching bag for today!!! Mr. Distrust Mr. Friendly Mr. Get Out of My Face RELIGIOUS STEREOTYPES, PREJUDICES AND INCLUSIVE-EXCLUSIVE BEHAVIOR A Model of the Interaction of Critical Dimensions in a Counterproductive Structure and the Gradual Transition to an Ideal Structure Increase in PREJUDICE COMMUNICATION INTERACTION BETWEEN COMMUNICATION, PERFORMANCE, and SOCIAL SYSTEMS THE EFFECTS of LEVELS of PREJUDICE and COMMUNICATION PATTERNS ON AGGRESSION and LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE PREJUDICE Increase COMMUNICATION THE INTERACTION BETWEEN SOCIAL SYSTEMS and PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS CAN BE ALTERED TO BRING ABOUT THE EFFECTS SUGGESTED IN THIS CUBE THE ALTERING THE EFFECTS of LEVELS of PREJUDICE and COMMUNICATION PATTERNS ON AGGRESSION and LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE THE FOLLOWING FOUR SLIDES ILLUSTRATE DIFFERENT CONFIGURATIONS OF INTERACTIONS BETWEEN COMMUNICATION AND PERFORMANCE IN RELATION TO PREJUDICE AND AGGRESSION. THEY ILLUSTRATE THE NECESSITY FOR MATURITY TRAINING AND HOW THAT NECESSITY CHANGES OVER THE LIFE SPAN OF INDIVIDUALS. THIS ADDS AN AGE OR TEMPORAL SYSTEM TO THE VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, SOCIAL, COMMUNICATION, AND PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS. THE FINAL TWO SLIDES, 22, AND 23 ILLUSTRATE THESE NEEDS FOR MATURITY TRAINING AGGREGATE PREJUDICE AGGREGATE COMMUNICATION EFFECTIVENESS HIGH AGGREGATE OVERT CONFLICT AGGREGATE PERFORMANCE EFFECTIVENESS HIGH LOW LOW Maximally Negative Working Conditions AGGREGATE PREJUDICE AGGREGATE COMMUNICATION EFFECTIVENESS AGGREGATE OVERT CONFLICT HIGH AGGREGATE COVERT CONFLICT AGGREGATE PERFORMANCE EFFECTIVENESS HIGH LOW LOW Passive-Aggressive Environment MEDIUM AGGREGATE PREJUDICE HIGH AGGREGATE COMMUNICATION EFFECTIVENESS AGGREGATE OVERT CONFLICT AGGREGATE PERFORMANCE EFFECTIVENESS HIGH Initially effective communication releases talking out of conflicts MEDIUM Prejudice Gradually Declines Initial resolved conflicts leads to moderate cooperation & moderate increased performance MEDIUM Effective Communication eventually leads to a reduction in prejudice followed by reduction in conflict & increase in performance AGGREGATE COMMUNICATION EFFECTIVENESS AGGREGATE COVERT CONFLICT AGGREGATE PREJUDICE AGGREGATE OVERT CONFLICT AGGREGATE PERFORMANCE EFFECTIVENESS HIGH IF INCREASING THEN & DECREASING & DECREASING IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS & DECREASING AS MATURITY INCREASES, PREJUDICE DECREASES Investing in maturity training employees so as to overcome prejudice in the workplace is helpful. Investing in workshops that promote personal growth and maturity is essential in reducing prejudice but also increases responsibility, productivity, creativity, as well as promoting good human relations and reducing prejudice. The next slide illustrates factors involves in progression toward greater personal maturity. It also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the changing needs for supervision, guidance, and especially maturity training as the individual progresses from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. OVER THE PERSON’S LIFE SPAN, THE VULNERABILITY OF THEIR BASIC NEEDS FOR SURVIVAL DECREASE AND THEIR DEPENDENCE ON OTHER’S DECREASES AS A FUNCTION OF THEIR INCREASE IN COMPETENCY OF WILL AND SKILL. TRAINING OR EDUCATION FOR GROWTH IN MATURITY FROM THE EARLIEST GRADES ON IS THE MOST ESSENTIAL NEED FOR ALL OF OUR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS NEED FOR GUIDANCE COMPETENCY OF WILL AND SKILL N E E D S DEPENDENT ON WILL AND SKILL OF OTHERS NEED FOR SUPERVISION AND GUIDANCE N E E D S MATURE ADULT COMPETENCY OF WILL AND SKILL TEEN DEPENDENT ON WILL AND SKILL OF OTHERS NEED FOR SUPERVISION COMPETENCY OF WILL AND SKILL N E E D S DEPENDENT ON WILL AND SKILL OF OTHERS INFANT