
Store Management Project
For this project you are the owner of a new retail store. You are required to design and create
several business documents to help you organize, manage, and promote your store. In this
project, you will gain real experience in starting a business while learning the skills you need to
plan, communicate, organize, promote, and manage your business. Using Excel, Word, and other
applications as needed, you will learn marketing, finance, and record keeping in order to run
your store successfully.
As the owner of a new small business, you need to create a company, promote your products, set
up prices, manage your employees, and track how much you are selling and profiting from
month to month. In order to do this, you will create the documents listed below.
1) Using Word, Publisher or Photoshop, create a company name and slogan (You CANNOT use
another company’s slogan and symbol. Slogan Examples: Nike - Just Do It, Subway - Eat Fresh,
Gatorade - Is it in you).
2) Design a logo. Remember that logo represents your company and should be used on all
documents created. You may use Photoshop, Paint, Word, etc.
3) Create a price list of at least 25 products and prices using Word. Create a table to organize
the list. Organize your products by categories. MAKE IT ATTRACTIVE TO GIVE TO
4) Write a company description summary using Word. Describe your company using the
following information:
Company name
Where it’s located
What type of items does your company sell - clothes, food, etc?
How many employees do you have?
Do you have a store manager and store assistant manager?
How do I contact your store? Web site, email, Facebook, Twitter (Create a fake account
for each)
5) Use Word or Publisher to create a flyer promoting the Grand Opening of your store. Make
it short and simple. The flyer should grab the consumer’s eye, be legible and balanced. Include
the company’s location, the company’s logo and slogan. Answer who, what, where & why! Who
you are, what you sell, where your located, why are you advertising? No White Space!
6) Create a Brochure using a Microsoft Word template (Publisher is also an option). This brochure
should help you sell your items. Give the location of your company, include few popular items
with prices, add pictures of some of your products, and include your logo and slogan.
7) The brochure must include a coupon for a product discount – i.e. 20% off on your first
8) PAYROLL SPREADSHEET. MUST HAVE FORMULAS and must be at least 4 different
week’s worth of data for one month using 4 tabs on the same workbook. List 15 employees, first
and last names, how many hours they worked for the week, how much they make an hour, and
Gross Pay. {Save file as Payroll}
Joe one
Joe two
Totals – Sum
Week 1
Gross Pay
( Formula)
( Formula)
Calculate the total taxes, and take home pay. See below:
Other Columns: (To calculate the taxes paid)
i. Federal Tax – Formula = 25% * Gross Pay
ii. Social Security Tax - formula = 4% * Gross Pay
iii. FICA Tax - formula = 3% * Gross Pay
iv. State Tax - formula = 6% * Gross Pay
v. Net Pay  Gross Pay – (Federal Tax + Social Security Tax + State
vi. Calculate the totals for the following columns – Gross Pay, Federal
Tax, FICA Tax, State Tax, and Net Pay.
vii. Calculate the Average Pay per Hour, Max Pay per Hour
 Show 2 different types of formula
i. Formula 1  Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing
ii. Formula 2  Use a Functions Sum, Average, Max, Min
 Create Graphs on separate worksheets for the following:
i. Hours Worked for one Week Per Employee
ii. Pay Before Taxes for one Week Per Employee
iii. Net Pay (after taxes) for one Week Per Employee
9) INVENTORY SPREADSHEET. Spreadsheet with the current inventory in stock in the store.
List the product names, the price of each product and the current quantity in the store. Use a
formula to calculate the total value of the products on inventory. Calculate the total value of all
items on inventory. {Save file as Inventory}
List 25 Products
Total quantity on hand for each product
Cost of the product (what you paid for it)
Selling Price of the product (what you are selling it for)
Total Cost of Product ($) for each item (formula)
Total Selling Price of Product ($) for each item (formula)
Grand Totals for Total Cost of Product and Total Selling Price
Use 2 different types of formulas
i. Formula  Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing
ii. Function  Sum, Average, Max, Min
 Create Graphs for the following:
i. Products and product inventory totals
ii. Products, individual prices and costs
10) SALES BY EMPLOYEE SPREADSHEET. For this spreadsheet list all your employees and
how much money they sold for each of the last 3 months. Add the 3 month numbers to get the
totals for each employee. After adding the total amount for each employee, you must calculate
the commission they have earned. Commission is 5% percentage based on the total amount sold
for the last 3 months. The Grand Total should match the Grand Total from the Sale by
Products spreadsheet. {Save file as Employee Sales}
List 15 employees
Sales ($) for each employee for each of the last 3 months
Total Sales column for each employee
A 5% commission column on total sales (formula)
Grand totals for each month, all months, and Commission
Using each employee sales numbers, calculate their Average, Max, Min for
the 3 months
 Show 2 different types of formula
i. Formula  Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing
ii. Function  Sum, Average, Max, Min
 Create Graphs for the following:
i. Employees and Total Sales
ii. Employees and Commission
11) SALES BY PRODUCTS SPREADSHEET. For this spreadsheet list all your products and
how much you sold for each item in the last 3 months. Calculate the total cost and total profit
made for each item sold. Add the 3 month numbers to get the totals for each product and each
month. The Grand Total should match the Grand Total from the Sale by Employee
spreadsheet. {Save file as Product Sales}
List all products
Number of Units sold for each product for 3 different months
Product Cost (what you paid for it)
Total Cost for each item sold
Product Sales Price (what you sold it for) *should be more than your
product cost!
Total Sales Price column for each product sold
Total Profit for each product (sales price minus cost)
Grand totals for each month
Using each product profit total calculate their Average, Max, Min for the 3
Using each month’s numbers calculate their Average, Max, Min for the 3
Show 2 different types of formula
i. Formula  Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing
ii. Function  Sum, Average, Max, Min
Create Graphs for the following:
i. Products and their sales $
ii. Products and their profit $