Independent Rdg.Project

English I
Mrs. Flowers
Independent Reading Project
Each marking period you will be required to complete an independent reading project. This project will
be completed outside of class. The book you select must be approved by me first! It might be wise to
use your SSR book for the project. The media center has a wide variety of young adult literature books.
If you still are having trouble finding a book you may browse the American Library Association’s web site
The due dates for the projects are as follows:
Marking period 1-Due Friday November 21st.
Marking period 2-Due Friday March 6th.
Marking period 3-Friday June 5th.
Each marking period you must select new projects. You may not redo or repeat any of the activities.
Once you have completed a numbered or lettered project, it is no longer available for future use.
There are 3 parts to the project:
(1) The interactive reading log (2) Numbered activities(3) Lettered activities-
50% of the total project grade
30% of the total project grade (15% each)
20% of the total project grade
Interactive Reading LogAs you are reading your book, you must keep an interactive reading log. As you read each chapter, write
a brief summary (no more than a paragraph) of significant events. The summary is to be written on the
left side of the log. Be sure to record the date, chapter number and number of pages.
On the opposite side of the entry-record your interactions with the text (just like your reader response
logs). Each interactive response should be 1-2 paragraphs in length. You cannot have “wrong” answers
here, as the responses reflect your own personal reactions to the text. Use the sample prompts to help
you get started with expressing your likes/dislikes, confusion and observations. Use your personal
experiences to connect with the plot, characters, setting, etc.
Sample interactive Prompts:
I really don’t understand the part where…
I really like/dislike this idea because…
This character reminds me of somebody I know because…
This character reminds me of myself because…
I think this setting is important because…
This scene reminds me of another scene in (this book, another book, a tv show or movie)…
This part is very realistic/unrealistic because…
I think the relationship between_________ and_______is interesting because…
This section makes me think about…
I like/dislike the character_________ because…
This situation reminds me of a similar situation in my own life. What happened was…
If I were (character name) at this point, I would…
I began to think of..
I love the way…
I can’t believe…
I wonder why…
I noticed…
I think…
I’m not sure…
I felt sad/angry/upset/happy when…
I like the way the author…
I wish that…
I was surprised…
I predict…
I want to know more about…
It seems like…
Your interactive reading log will look similar to this one:
Pages read
Write approximately one
paragraph describing what
happened in the pages you
Write about one- two paragraphs telling what
you think or feel about what you read. OR
choose 4-5 phrases from the “sample
interactive prompts” list to complete.
Note: If your book does not have chapters, please see me to break up the text in to sections.
Numbered Choices- Select TWO from the list below:
1. Tell your thoughts and feelings about something that happened in the reading or something
about one of the characters in the reading. How does an event remind you of something in
your experience or life? How does it relate? Be sure to include specific events from the
book and your own life.
2. Write a letter to the author of the book. Tell him/her what you liked and disliked about the
story and the way the book was written. Give him/her specific reasons and examples from
the story to support what you say. Be sure that your letter is in the correct format.
3. Build a timeline for the major events in the story, focusing on at least 10-12 incidents. Be
sure to include the initial conflict, climax and resolution of the story.
4. Become a character and comprise a diary that includes at least 4 entries. Include events
from the novel and how you feel about them. Write in the voice of the character.
5. Write a “Dear Abby” column with questions from two of the characters in the novel asking
for advice. Their problems/questions should be in keeping with how they were presented in
the book. You must include your solutions/answers as “Dear Abby”. Each Q& A should be
about half a page.
6. Write a newspaper article based on one of the events in the novel. Be sure to include the
who, what, where, when, why and how.
7. Analyzing character: Characterize one of the characters in the story. How is this character
similar/different from other characters in the book? How is this character similar or
different from you? Does this character remind you of someone you know? Finally how does
the main character change from the beginning to the end of the story? Is this a change for
the good or for the bad? What were the main reasons for this change?
8. Select 3-5 quotes that best represent the main idea of the story. Paraphrase each quote,
then explain how they are important to the story. Pretend that you could only explain the
book by using these quotations.
9. Find the top 7 web-sites a character in your book would most frequently visit. List the title
and web address for each choice. Include 3-5 sentences for each on why your character
might like each of these sites.
10. Create a character i-pod-select 7 (appropriate) song titles that the character would have on
his/her i-pod. Be sure to include 3-5 sentence as to why that character would have that song
on his e-pod.
11. Marking Period 2 and 3 only-write a book review of your book. Evaluate the quality of the
literature. Would it be considered good literature? (See me for an outline on this)
Lettered Activities- Select only ONE.
A. Make a collage of the major theme of the book. Use clippings from magazines, newspapers etc.
A response must accompany the collage which outlines what you think the theme of the story is
and how your pictures/clippings represent that theme.
B. Create a comic strip or a children’s picture book based on your story. Be sure that the
illustrations explain the story clearly. Do not include every detail-only those that are necessary
to understand the actions.
C. Research information about a particular part of the story: a person, place, event, etc. Try to
discover interesting background or facts not presented in the story. Your resources must be
accurately cited.
D. Collect at least 2 current events that are related to your novel or closely parallel events in the
book. Be sure to include a detailed written explanation for your choices and attach a copy of
the current event.
E. View the film version of the book. Compare and contrast both. Then explain which was better
and why.
F. Make a character scrapbook. Pretend you are the character-what would you make a scrapbook
about? You may include diary entries, letters, pictures, clippings, drawings. The scrapbook must
be at least 5 pages and must also have a front and back cover. Be as creative as you wish.
G. Write a resume of one of your better-detailed characters. Imagine that the character is applying
for a job. Include objectives, prior experience, education, hobbies, references. Make the
document look official.
H. Create a personal advertisement (keep it appropriate please) for one of the characters in the
book. Include details such as physical description, hobbies, interests, education, job,
dislikes/likes, and why he or she is looking for a particular date. You should use information you
learned about this character from the story, but you can also use your imagination to fill out the
Draft a “mock interview” with one of your characters. Pretend you are the host of a talk show.
Create a list of at least 7 questions that that you would ask your “guest” Be sure to come up
with possible responses to each (based on your understanding of the character and past events).
The questions should pertain to events in the story but may also search to reveal unknown
secrets about the person.