Lecture 4 PowerCulturePeople

Organization Theory:
Strategy Implementation
Steven E. Phelan
July, 2006
Power, Culture, People
• Culture
Hrebiniak, Chapter 8
Morgan, Chapter 5
Charan, “Culture change at Home Depot”
Case: “Culture change at Seagram”
• Power
Hrebiniak, Chapter 9
Morgan, Chapter 6
Kramer “The great intimidators”
Case: “Donna Dubinsky”
• People
 Pfeffer “Competitive advantage through people”
Organizations as Cultures
• Culture: “the way we do things around here”
National cultures
Regional cultures
Organizational cultures
Departmental cultures
• Culture…
 Is not homogenous
 Affects performance
 Is affected by peformance
Cultural metaphors
• How is culture like:
 A language, an iceberg, an onion, an
umbrella, or sticky glue?
 What else could be a metaphor for culture?
Exercise: Corporate cultures
• Take some time to share the following answers to
these questions about your organization with a
 What kinds of beliefs and values dominate your organization
 What are the main norms (do’s and don’ts)
 What are the dominant stories and rituals?
 What are the favorite topics of informal conversations?
 Think of three influential people in the organization. How do
they symbolize the character of the organization?
 Are there subcultures? Are they in conflict or harmony?
• What struck you as abnormal or strange
about your partner’s answers? Why?
• What management challenges do you
think your partner’s organization might
present? How hard would it be to change
the culture?
• What are the implications for strategy
Some key questions
Where does culture come from?
How is it sustained?
How do we create or change a culture?
Where does culture come from?
• Leadership (setting mission/vision)
 Selznick (1957) says purpose-setting is essence of leadership
• Shared values
 Religious groups, etc.
• Stories, legends, myths, symbols
• Reward systems
• Professional values
 e.g. engineers, doctors, accountants
• Historical accidents
• Morgan makes a big deal about enactment – what is it
and why is it important?
• Hegemony and ideology
 Indoctrination of masses, coalition with powerful
 Hrebiniak mentions “cultural due diligence” on new recruits
Changing a culture
• According to Hrebiniak:
 Don’t try to change attitudes, change behavior (and
attitudes will follow)
 Behavior doesn’t change easily in the face of requests
to do so. Requests are “useless and ineffective”.
• Change people, incentives, controls, processes, and structure
• “Get the right people on the bus”
• Changing incentives might even affect the “wrong people”
 Beware of excessive speed
• People must build a belief in the new culture
• Performance builds belief
• One change agent advocates manufacturing ‘short-term’ wins
 Can cultures and cultural change be measured?
Changing culture: A
comprehensive list
• trigger shifts in the established mindset
• breakdown habitual behavior patterns including
routines, structures and rewards
• move outside established information channels
• use data and analysis to shock people
• introduce new people and outsiders
• co-opt or break adversarial political alliances
• revamp employee communication mechanisms
• training and development
• use symbolism , ritual, and enactment
• reward new behavior, celebrate success
• provide leadership
Culture change at Home Depot
• How did Nardelli change Home Depot’s
 Through the use of mechanisms to alter the
social interactions of people in the organization
• the ‘social architecture’
 By adding a “dose of discipline” to the
entrepreneurial culture
• With standardized metrics, disciplined talent reviews,
Monday morning conference calls, mapping the HR
process, learning forums, focus on accountability
 Was this a major achievement???
Strengths of the cultural metaphor
• Emphasizes the symbolic significance of what we do
• We learn that organization and shared meaning may be
one and the same
• We see how success hinges on the creation of shared
• Leaders and managers gain a new understanding of
their impacts and roles
• We see that organizations and their environments are
enacted domains
• Strategic management is understood as an enactment
• The metaphor offers a fresh perspective on
organizational change
Limitations of the cultural metaphor
• The metaphor can be used to support
ideological manipulation and control
• Culture is holistic and cannot readily be
managed by a simple checklist
• Important dimensions are invisible and
what is easily seen may be relatively
• Culture usually has a deep political
Seagram Case
• Questions:
 Why has Seagram initiated a values initiative?
• How well has the implementation been done to date?
• What tools and techniques are more potent than the use of
explicit corporate values?
 If you were one of Seagram’s executives, how would you
respond to each of the five challenges at the end of the
Actions on recommendations
Punishments for values violators
Rewards for value champions
Values for MCA/Universal
Sustaining and consolidating the change?
Organizations as political systems
• Power – the ability to get what you want, when
you want
• Politics – the process of acquiring and using
• As no-one can get everything they want when
they want it, politics inevitably involves
coalitions, compromises, and conflict
• According to Morgan, many organizations have
strong autocratic tendencies – does that mean
CEOs always get what they want?
Sources of power
• Toffler
 Power rests on delivering or withholding:
• Violence (feudalism) – coercive power
• Wealth (capitalism) – reward power
• Knowledge (third wave) – expert power
• Lukes
 Three faces of power
• Ability to make decisions (authority)
• Agenda-setting: ability to decide who/what/when/how
decisions will be made (influence)
• Ability to shape perceptions so that policies that favor the
powerful are seen as natural, normal, or rational and
therefore not questioned (ideology or enactment)
• Resource Dependency
Resource Dependency
 Control of:
scarce resources,
decision processes,
technology, uncertainty,
informal networks,
 Units that deal with the critical problems of the
organization will typically have power
• Dependency is the opposite of power
• How political is your organization?
 Which department has the most power?
• Does this follow the predictions of resource
dependency theory?
 How much conflict is there between
 Does politicking hurt performance or limit the
strategic choice?
Power and ethics
• Are these tactics from the 48 laws of power ethical?
#2 Never put too much trust in friends
#3 Conceal your intentions
#7 Get others to do the work but take the credit
#10 Avoid the unhappy and unlucky
#11 Learn to keep people dependent on you
#14 Pose as a friend, work as a spy
#15 Crush your enemy totally
#32 Play to people’s fantasies
#38 Think as you like but behave like others
#45 Preach the need for change but never reform too much
Great intimidators
• Angle
 Social intelligence vs political intelligence
 Empathy/soft power vs. intimidation/exploitation
 Leverage strengths vs. leverage fear/anxiety
• Behaviors
 Get up close and personal, be angry, keep them guessing
 Know it all, be aloof
• Counters
 Do your homework, work harder
 Laugh at their antics, earn their respect, call their bluff
 Keep your perspective, stick around
Implications for
Strategy Execution
• Dysfunctional organizations
 Often have misaligned power structures
 Can be very resistant to new initiatives
 Hrebiniak argues that boards will often
discipline CEOs that don’t make tough
decisions (really?)
 Successful execution may require co-opting
or destroying the dominant elite
• Ability to use hard power as well as soft power
 Strategic choices create new fiefdoms
Donna Dubinsky Case
• Questions:
 Why was Dubinsky initially so successful at Apple?
 How and why did things unravel for Dubinsky?
• What changed in the business and the Apple context?
 Why did she respond the way she did to the JIT
proposal? (Put yourself in her situation -both
intellectually and emotionally)
• Do you think she and others at Apple could have done things
• How should Campbell respond to Dubinsky?
• What are the key lessons from this case for
strategy execution?
Strengths of the political metaphor
• We see how all organizational activity is interestbased
• Conflict management becomes a key activity
• The myth of organizational rationality is
debunked – rational for whom?
• Organizational integration becomes problematic
• Politics is a natural feature of organization
• It raises fundamental questions about power and
control in society
Limitations of the political metaphor
• Politics can breed more politics
 Is there an optimal level of politics?
 Is zero the target?
• It underplays gross inequalities in power
and influence
 Can a marketer ever become CEO in an
engineering organization?
People advantage
• Pfeffer’s practices
Employment security
Selective recruitment
High wages
Incentive pay
Employee ownership
Information sharing
Participation &
 Self-managed teams
• Ctd.
 Training
 Rotation and crosstraining
 Symbolic egalitarianism
 Wage compression
 Promotion from within
 Long view
 Measurement
 Overarching philosophy