Consumer Behavior Quiz 6 1.) AIO’ refers to: A. Associations, Interests and Opinions B. Activities, Individuals and Opinions C. Activities, Interests and Opinions D. Age, Income and Occupation 2.) Which of the following is not one of the three self-orientation views that constitute the horizontal dimension? A. Ideals B. Achievement C. Self-Expression D. Innovation 3.) E-Commerce marketers serving up customized ads on Web Sites or cable TV stations based on a consumer’s prior activity is the definition of? A. Behavioral Tracking B. Behavioral Targeting C. Tracking Marketing D. The Newest NSA government tracking program 4.) A shock jock uses the term “Crapple” to refer to Snapple after it had been purchased by Quaker, leading some to believe that it would lose it’s offbeat, grassroots sensibility. This is an example of? A. Doppelganger Brand Image B. Satirical Brand Image C. Funny Brand Image D. Brand Personality 5.) What is a physiological or psychological dependency on products or services? A. Consumer Addiction B. Geodemography C. Behavioral Targeting D. Anti-consumption 6.) What is the top group on the VALS2 chart? A. Achievers B. Thinkers C. Innovators D. Experiencer’s 7.) What are universally recognized ideas and behavior patterns? A. Brand Personality B. Archetypes C. Motivational Research D. Personalized Targeting 8.) A psychographic study that identifies a target group and then profiles these consumers on product-relevant dimension is? A. A General Lifestyle Segmentation B. Target Market C. A Lifestyle Profile D. A Product-Specific Profile 9.) In a focus group Adidas asked kids to imagine that the brand came to life and to describe what they expect the brand to be doing there. This is an example of? A. Brand Personality B. Anthromorphy C. Animism D. Personality Traits 10.) The basic desire to maximize pleasure and avoid pain is? A. Reality Principle B. Pleasure Principle C. Gratification D. Freudian System Answers: 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B