Introduction to Lake Surveys Basic Water Quality Assessment Unit 3 Module 8 Part B Field Profiles Objectives Students will be able to: identify, utilize, calibrate and troubleshoot probes used for measuring temperature. identify, utilize, calibrate and troubleshoot probes used for measuring dissolved oxygen. interpret information gathered by temperature and dissolved oxygen probes. identify examples of error from data gathered from field probes. identify, utilize, calibrate and troubleshoot probes used for measuring electrical conductivity (EC25). estimate total dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations in lakes identify, utilize, calibrate and troubleshoot probes used for measuring pH. explain how to effectively use a secchi disk to determine water clarity. interpret secchi disk data to evaluate water clarity trends in a lake. explain how to effectively use a transparency tube to determine water clarity. identify, utilize, calibrate and troubleshoot probes used for measuring turbidity. relate the importance of light to lake profiles and chlorophyll production. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s2 Basic water quality assessment These slides focus on learning basic field techniques used by limnologists: Morphometry - estimating critical lake basin measurements Field profiles - physical and chemical parameters measured from top to bottom of the water column Sampling – collecting water, sediments, and aquatic organisms Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s3 Physical and chemical profiles Goal: Insert how a wonderful image that captures the joy Learn to collect of measuring physical and chemical profiles basic water quality data using common field instrumentation Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s4 Physical and chemical field profiles Field profiles Sensors Temperature Dissolved oxygen pH Specific conductivity Transparency Secchi, turbidity Chlorophyll probes Light profiles Profiling guidelines/examples/helpful hints Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s5 Physical and chemical field profiles Topics covered: Definition - why it’s important (quick review) Units of measure - data reporting Probe types - calibration, storage, cleaning Where and how often should profiles be measured? Troubleshooting and QA (what can go wrong and how to avoid or correct it) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s6 Field profiles-temperature Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s7 Temperature – importance and reporting Temperature regulates the rate of many biological and chemical processes within the lake. Units are degrees Celsius (oC) or Fahrenheit (oF) Reported to nearest 0.5 oC Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s8 Temperature probes Types of probes Liquid-in-glass: not very practical for lake temperature profiles unless the lake is really shallow or your arms are really long. Absolutely NO mercury (Hg) thermometers, existing Hg thermometers should be turned in at your state water quality agency. Thermistor: based on measuring changes in electrical resistance of a semi-conductor with increasing temperature. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s9 Temperature probes Some probe examples: Temp probe Temp probe Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s10 Temperature probes Temperature is always measured concurrently with oxygen, pH, and conductivity because all of these parameters are temperature dependent. Most sensors have built-in temperature compensation. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s11 Temperature - calibration Calibration Compare against a NIST-certified (National Institute of Standards and Technology) thermometer at 3 temperatures; 0, 25 and 40 oC The thermometer should read within ± 0.2 oC of the NIST thermometer Typically you cannot adjust to calibrate but check the instrument manual. It is a good idea to check it at 0oC in a slurry of ice-water and at room temperature if a calibrated (NIST) thermometer is not available. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s12 Temperature - calibration Common errors Temperature is pretty fool-proof and thermistors generally last for > 10 yrs Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s13 Temperature - troubleshooting Symptom Possible cause and corrective action Liquid-in-glass thermometer doesn’t read accurately liquid separated Thermistor doesn’t read accurately dirty sensor weak batteries Erratic thermistor readings Bad or dirty connection at meter or sensor Break in the cables Weak batteries Thermistor slow to stabilize Dirty sensor Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s14 Temperature- field example Example: Grindstone Lake- Summer DO Temp gradient sharpest T from 5-6 meters Conclusion: sample every meter to ~ 10m to characterize the thermocline; then sample at 2 or even 5 m intervals to save time without losing much information Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s15 Dissolved oxygen (DO) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s16 DO – importance and reporting Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis and consumed during respiration and decomposition. Generally < 3 mg/L is stressful to aquatic life. Units of measurement are: Concentration: mg/L = ppm; concentrations range 0.0 to 20 mg/L % saturation – used to determine if water is fully saturated with oxygen at a particular temperature Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s17 DO – techniques Probe types and measurement techniques: Winkler titration Amperometric (polarographic) method, most commonly used Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s18 DO – techniques Winkler titration Water is collected with Van Dorn or Kemmerer samplers then placed in special glass bottles with pointed stoppers to exclude air bubbles (syringes may be used also). Winkler “wet chem” titration is very accurate if done correctly. Still done by researchers; kits are available to simplify titrations (e.g., Hach Co., LaMotte Co., and others). Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s19 DO – techniques How do you do a Winkler titration? On the web at: ( EB-SITE/ENV/HOMEENV.HTM) And appendix 1 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s20 DO – probes Most common sensor is the temperature compensated polarographic membrane-type (amperometric) Temperature sensitive (but virtually all are compensated). The probes actually consume O2 as they work so measurements require moving water using either a built-in stirrer (typical in multiparameter sondes and BOD probes) or “hand jiggling” during the measurement. in situ sensors are prone to fouling by algal/bacterial slimes and by silt in streams. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s21 DO – probes Gold cathode KCl – electrolyte bridge Silver anode Silver anode Gold cathode Hydrolab Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler YSI Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s22 DO Probes - “older” polarographic sensors O-ring seals the membrane over the gold cathode ring Chamber surrounding silver filled with saturated KCl Protective guard Rubber diaphragm for pressure compensation Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s23 DO probes and meters The WOW RUSS’s use either Hydrolab or YSI multiprobe datasounds, but there are many others Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s24 DO probes – The WOW RUSS multiprobes The Russ Unit multiprobe sondes pH reference DO pH pH EC DO EC turbidity Turbidity (with wiper) Ion specific electrodes YSI 6800 series Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Hydrolab Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s25 DO - calibration Most common calibration for field or lab is saturated air method: 1. Equilibrate sensor in sealed cup with wet 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. toweling Blot membrane if water droplets are present Assume 100% O2 saturation Correct for barometric pressure (usually just the elevation effect) Correct for salinity in estuaries Make sure you are using a temperature compensated probe Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s26 DO - calibration If low DOs are expected, a zero DO solution can be made by: 1. Sparging (bubble) water with an airstone fed by a tank of N2, Ar or He; or 2. An excess of sodium sulfite and a trace of cobalt chloride to a sample Be aware that if a water sample makes you wretch from H2S smell (rotten egg gas), it must have zero DO. A good way to check your meter. You can use the measured “offset” value to correct your higher DO values. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s27 DO zero offset calibration SHAGAWA LAKE RUSS SITE. Manual profile taken 9/06/01 09:20 hrs ( Field Notes Observers:emr, jrh, cat, jmr Instrument - YSI 85 air calibration Weatherair temp: 21 oC (70 F) hazy overcast wind S 10 mph secchi - 1.2 m bottom water -10 and 12 m samples had H2S odor bottom - 12.5 m Z (m) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler T (oC) 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 20.6 20.4 19.5 17.0 137 13.1 DO (mg/L) 9.1 9.0 9.0 9.0 8.8 8.8 8.8 7.4 6.9 1.9 0.2 0.3 0.3 DO (% sat) 102% 101% 101% 101% 99% 99% 99% 83% 77% 21% 2% 2% 3% Updated: Dec 2, 2003 EC25 (uS/cm) 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 92 134 166 196 U3-m8b-s28 DO field measurements – precautions • Winkler method: • When sampling, avoid contact with air and agitation, and keep out of direct sunlight. • Exposure to sunlight, and temperature and pressure changes will affect O2 content hptr09.html Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s29 DO field measurements – precautions • Teflon membrane sensors • bubbles, wrinkles and pinholes –replace (diagnostic: slow response or gradual increase with depth when not expected) • bottom muck from lowering into bottom sediments – shake in lake • siltation & bioslime growth in continuous in situ monitors – clean/replace • The rubber pressure diaphragm can become brittle and crack – replace (diagnostic: DO may seem to increase with depth when not expected) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s30 DO field measurements – precautions Teflon membrane sensors (cont): Anode tarnished – silver turns black from sulfide poisoning; see instrument manual Cathode tarnished – buff gold ring w/ blotter paper or if necessary 600 grit emery paper Change membrane monthly DO % saturation exceeds 100% = Supersaturation: see next slide USGS DO meter troubleshooting table (appendix 2) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s31 DO field measurements – supersaturation Supersaturation - possible causes: temperature DO % saturation Photosynthesis High pressure >100% sat ? injection below dams Air/Water equilibration (potential error) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s32 DO Field profiles – supersaturation Here’s the raw profile data from Medicine Lake Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s33 DO field sensors – cleaning & calibrating A nice clean Hydrolab sonde-before… YSI calibration a month of periphyton growth Hydrolab calibration Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s34 DO field sensors – membrane installation 1. Fill reservoir with saturated KCl solution then stretch a new membrane on to the probe 2. Stretch the O-ring on avoiding touching the top of the membrane with your fingers 3. Trim off the excess membrane. Invert the probe and check for air bubbles. 4. If bubbles or wrinkles are present, guess what? You get to do it all over again ! Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s35 DO field sensors – membrane installation Note – if you get really good you can use this two-handed, no knees technique Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s36 DO field measurements – helpful tips Replace the membrane at least monthly. Change the membrane the day before you need it and let it sit “on” in a bucket of water overnight to stabilize (called “polarization”). Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s37 DO field measurements – helpful tips Avoid prolonged periods in anoxic, high H2S water – most manuals state that this can poison the sensor although some of us have never experienced this. This is very important for continuously deployed data logging sensors. Don’t “park” it in anoxic zones for extended periods. If in doubt, check the sensor in surface water – it should rise within a few minutes from zero to >80% saturation. If your multi-sensor probe is equipped with a stirrer or circulator make sure it is turned on. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s38 DO field measurements – helpful tips Equilibration time is critical - it takes longer, the steeper the O2 gradient. It may take >5 minutes at the oxycline (where it drops abruptly to near zero). Make sure the line is taut and vertical !! The data is worthless if you report the wrong depth because of trigonometry. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s39 DO field measurements – helpful tips Never leave your DO meter sitting outside, uncovered for 3 years. It voids the warranty. Lower the cable + probe into the water, not the meter box, even if the cable is too short to reach bottom. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s40 DO field measurements – error example Shagawa lake, May 2002 : DO profiles “seemed” funky during this period. Here’s the table of data for May 11, see how the DO values are up and down with depth but temp and EC are uniform? Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s41 DO field measurements – error example To the right is an example of the color mapper and line plot set for DO data from Shagawa Lake. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s42 DO field measurements – error example Here’s the QA/QC manual profile that we trust from May 7, 2002. EC @ 25 C Lake Date depth (m) temp C Shagawa 5/7/02 9:44 0.0 6.2 1.0 5.7 2.0 5.5 3.0 5.4 4.0 5.4 5.0 5.4 6.0 5.4 7.0 5.4 8.0 5.3 9.0 5.3 10.0 5.3 11.0 5.3 11.5 5.3 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler uS/cm Updated: Dec 2, 2003 DO (mg/L) DO (% Sat) 82 11.3 90.8 82 11.3 90.4 83 11.4 89.9 83 11.3 89.6 83 11.2 88.6 84 11.1 88.2 84 11.1 88.1 84 11.1 87.5 84 11.1 87.5 84 11.0 87.0 84 11.0 86.7 84 11.0 86.8 84 10.9 86.1 U3-m8b-s43 DO field measurements – error example The WOW DxT tool doesn’t really help much unless you look carefully at those low DO vertical bars on 5/10 and 5/11 from 9-14 m depth. Are they real? Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s44 Specific electrical conductivity = EC25 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s45 EC25 - importance Cheap, easy way to characterize the total dissolved salt concentration of a water sample. For tracing water masses and defining mixing zones. Groundwater plumes Stream flowing into another stream or into a lake or reservoir For characterizing density stratified layers in a lake. Lots of data examples from WOW lakes Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s46 EC25 – units and reporting Principle of measurement A small voltage is applied between 2 parallel metal rod shaped electrodes, usually 1 cm apart. Measured current flow is proportional to the dissolved ion content of the water. If the sensor is temperature compensated to 25oC, EC is called “specific” EC (EC25) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s47 EC25 – units What in the world are MicroSiemens per centimeter (µS/cm)? Units for EC and EC25 are mS/cm or μS/cm @25oC. The WOW site reports it as EC @25oC (in μS/cm). Usually report to 2 or 3 significant figures (to + ~ 1-5 μS/cm). Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s48 EC 25 – probe visuals YSI 33-field conductivity meter (with metered, weighted cable). 1 cm thermistor Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s49 EC 25 – probes Temperature probe Conductivity bridge Conductivity and temperature probe Hydrolab (Surveyor II) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler YSI 6820 Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s50 EC 25 – calibration KCl is the typical standard Standard concentrations should approximate field values Dry solid KCl at 105oC for 1 hr, cool, then weigh Dilute volumetrically to 1L with lab grade deionized water (<0.1 uS/cm) Note- table values are in mS/cm = milliSiemens/cm. (1000 uS/cm = 1 mS/cm) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler KCl Molar Concentratio n KCl g/L EC25 (mS/cm) 0.5 37.28 58.64 0.2 14.92 24.82 0.1 7.46 12.90 0.05 3.728 6.668 0.02 1.492 2.76 0.01 0.746 1.413 0.005 0.3728 0.718 0.002 0.1492 0.292 0.001 0.0746 0.147 0.0005 0.0373 0.074 Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s51 EC 25 – field example When a reasonably productive lake such as Shagawa stratifies in the summer there will typically be an increase in EC25 with depth. This is mostly due to the buildup of carbonic acid (H2CO3) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) from bacterial decomposition of organic matter. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Hypolimnetic EC25 increase Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s52 EC 25 – field example Electrical conductivity is a good parameter for showing how the mixed epilimnion differs from the hypolimnion. Example - Ice Lake, MN Its profile in midsummer in stratified Ice Lake shows the buildup of salts below the thermocline. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s53 EC25 – troubleshooting Some common errors include: Not immersing the entire probe in the sample Forgetting to report as specific conductivity: i.e. reporting values without temperature correction. To re-calculating non-temperature corrected reading use: Cm C25 1 0.0191(t m 25) Where, C25 = corrected conductivity value adjusted to 25 oC Cm = actual conductivity measured before correction; and tm = water temperature at time of Cm measurement. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s54 EC25 - troubleshooting Symptom Possible cause and corrective action Will not calibrate to standards use fresh standards Electrodes dirty Air trapped in conductivity sensor Weak batteries Temperature compensation incorrect Sensor constant incorrect Erratic instrument readings Loose or defective connections Broken cables Air trapped in conductivity sensor Rapid changes in water temperature Broken sensor Instrument requires frequent calibration Temperature compensator not working-measure conductivity of a solution. Place solution in a water bath and raise solution temperature to about 20oC. Measure conductivity again Allowing sufficient time for temperature of conductivity sensor to equilibrate to temperature of solution. If the two values differ by 5% or more, replace the conductivity sensor Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s55 EC25 and total dissolved solids (TDS) TDS concentration of a water sample can be estimated by multiplying its normalized EC (EC25) by a factor of between 0.5 and 1.0 for natural waters, depending upon the type of dissolved solids. A widely accepted value to use for a ballpark “guestimate” is 0.67. TDS (ppm) EC @ 25oC (S/cm) x 0.67 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s56 Examples of EC25 and TDS concentrations Divide Lake Lake Superior Lake Tahoe Grindstone Lake Ice Lake Lake Independence Lake Mead Atlantic Ocean Great Salt Lake Dead Sea EC25 (µS/cm) TDS (mg/L) 10 4.6 97 63 92 64 95 65 110 79 316 213 850 640 43,000 35,000 158,000 230,000 ? ~330,000 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s57 EC25 and total dissolved solids (TDS) How much salt is there in a body of water? Below is a representation of what is dissolved in a liter of water from the previous examples. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s58 pH Image courtesy of USGS at Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s59 pH – importance in aquatic systems The pH of a sample of water is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions. pH determines the solubility and biological availability of chemical constituents such as nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon) and heavy metals (lead, copper, cadmium, etc.). Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s60 pH - reporting pH can be measured electrometrically or colorimetrically (pH paper) BUT ONLY the former technique is approved by the EPA and USGS for natural waters. The electrometric method uses a hydrogen ion electrode. pH meters require extensive care in handling and operation. Report to the nearest 0.1 standard pH unit Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s61 pH – probes Field probe types: Combination probes (e.g.YSI) Less expensive; more rugged design Less precise Shorter life because reference solution cannot be replenished Separate reading and reference electrodes (e.g., Hydrolab) Costs more More precise; faster response time Allows user maintenance; Teflon junction and electrolyte can be replaced Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s62 pH – probes Or, alternatively, a bench or hand-held meter and probe can be used in a fresh subsample if you don’t have a field meter with a pH probe. Image courtesy of USGS at Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s63 pH – submersible probes YSI 556 pH electrode pH electrode pH electrode pH reference and Teflon junction Hydrolab MiniSonde YSI 6820 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s64 pH - calibration Calibration Two point calibration Use pH 7.0 and either pH 4 or 10 for the second point depending on the anticipated sample pH. pH is temperature dependent; most meters compensate for the temperature effect (not as strong an effect as for EC) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s65 pH - calibration Buffers/standards pH measurements are only as accurate as the buffers used for calibration. Discard buffers after their expiration dates. Be careful not to contaminate stock solutions with used buffer, rinse water or with a different buffer. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s66 pH – probe maintenance Gel-filled electrodes: do not require filling but cannot be left in dilute water for extended periods (KCl solution leaches out over time). Store in tap or lake water for short periods of time and KCl solution or old pH 4 buffer for longer periods of time. DO NOT STORE PROBE DRY. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s67 pH – probe maintenance Liquid-filled electrodes: replace junction and electrolyte per manufacturers instructions. Tap water is OK for longer term storage but electrolyte must be replaced before use. DO NOT STORE PROBE DRY. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s68 pH – field example Lake Independence, MN pH in a stratified eutrophic lake will often: decrease in the hypolimnion due to build-up of CO2 from organic matter decomposition. increase near the surface due to the removal of CO2 from the water by algal photosynthesis. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s69 pH – field example data table Lake Independence, MN July 7, 1999 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s70 pH – troubleshooting Common error Probes will often calibrate fine in strong ionic strength buffers but will not read accurately in lower ionic strength surface waters. If you suspect this is the case, use low ionic strength buffers. Electrode cleaning Rinse with deionized water after each use Rejuvenation procedures vary with probe type. You must refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s71 Symptom Possible cause and corrective action Instrument will not calibrate full-scale Buffers may be contaminated or old Faulty electrode Weak batteries- Slow response time For liquid-filled electrodes Weak filling solution-change filling solution No filling solution-add fresh solution Dirty tip-clean with soap solution. Do not scratch electrode tip. Chemical deposits-place electrode in a 0.1 M HCL solution for about 30 minutes Clogged or partially clogged junction-unclog by placing electrode in 0.1 M KCl solution for about 90 minutes. Water is cold or of low ionic strength-longer equilibration time is needed Weak batteries-replace For gel-filled electrodes Dirty bulb-rinse with deionized water Clogged junction-liquefy gel by placing electrode into warm (~60oC) water for one minute or less. Erratic readings Loose or defective connections Broken or defective cable Static charge Loose battery connection Air bubbles in the electrode bulb Weak batteries Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s72 Water clarity (transparency) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s73 Water clarity (transparency) Water clarity (transparency) is used routinely as an indicator of the condition and productivity of lakes. Three common methods of measuring clarity are discussed: Secchi depth: lakes, deep rivers, estuaries Turbidity and transparency tube: - streams, ponds/wetlands, coastal zones Light meters (radiometers): lakes, deep rivers, estuaries Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s74 Water clarity - Secchi disk A powerful tool in detecting long-term trends in lakes because it is cheap, easy to use and usually linked to algal growth, nutrient levels or sediment inflows. Where are their PFD’s ? Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s75 Secchi disk – Angelo Secchi The Secchi disk originated with Fr. Pietro Angelo Secchi (pye'trO än'jAlO sek'kE), a renown Italian astrophysicist and scientific advisor to the Pope. At the request of the Papal Navy, Secchi measured the clarity of water in the Mediterranean Sea in April of l865 using white disks. Angelo Secchi (1818-1878) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s76 Other noteworthy Secchi’s … 4.Fettuccine com funghi secchi 1. Walmir Secchi Latin Dance Center 2. Olive oil 3. What configuration of the corona leads to a Coronal Mass Ejection ? Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s77 Secchi depth Equipment A secchi disk and metered rope or chain Black and white or all white? What size? Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s78 Secchi depth Method Measurements should be made as near to midday as possible (10AM - 3 PM when sunny and calm is optimal) Try to lower it in the shade of the boat Slowly lower the disk into the water until it disappears and note the depth Lower the disk a little further, then slowly raise until the disk reappears and note the depth again. Average the two readings and record Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s79 Secchi trend analysis example U. of Arizona GLOBE Project - Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s80 Mean annual Secchi data Is there a true trend over time ? Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s81 Monthly Secchi trends Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s82 Monthly Secci Significant Secchi trends trends How many secchi depth measurements are needed to detect a significant trend ? Depends on the lake Minnesota study (MPCA): > 4 readings (i.e. at least monthly from Jun-Sep) for 8 -10 yrs for statistically significant trend (20% change) at the 10% level of confidence. Means there is a 10 % chance of identifying a trend that doesn't exist. Yoyo secchi Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s83 Secchi long-term trends- Lake Tahoe Visibility has decreased by over 35 feet in the last 40 years. Secchi depth is directly related to the amount of suspended matter, both organic (largely algal growth) and inorganic. • Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s84 Lake Tahoe – eutrophication story Data courtesy of C.R. Goldman and J.E. Reuter, Tahoe Research Group, U. of California-Davis, Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s85 Tahoe Secchi – - models models The thousand $$ version The million $$ version Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s86 Field replication secchi flow secchi/pages/015.html dissolved O2 / temperature Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler in situ Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s87 Water clarity – transparency tubes Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s88 Water clarity – transparency tubes Used in streams, ponds, wetlands, and some coastal zones Analogous to Secchi depth in lakes: a measure of the dissolved and particulate material in the water Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s89 Water clarity – transparency tubes Useful for shallow water or fast moving streams bodies where a Secchi would still be visible on the bottom Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s90 Water clarity – transparency tubes Best for clearwater bodies of water (not stained with dissolved organic compounds from bogs) but not too clear water It is a good measure of turbidity and suspended sediment (TSS) Used in many volunteer stream monitoring programs Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s91 Water clarity – transparency tubes How does Turbidity relate to TSS ? A general rule of thumb: 1 mgTSS/L ~ 1.0 - 1.5 NTU’s of turbidity BUT – Turbidity scattering depends on particle size so this is only a rough approximation Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s92 Water clarity – turbidity Turbidity measures the scattering effect suspended particles have on light inorganics like clay and silt organic material, both fine and colored plankton and other microscopic organisms Even small amounts of wave action can erode exposed lakeshore sediments, in this case a minepit lake from northeastern Minnesota. Guess the mineral mined here. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s93 Turbidity Field turbidity measurements are made with turbidimeters (bench meter for discrete samples) Submersible turbidity sensors (Note - USGS currently considers this a qualitative method) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s94 Turbidity Turbidimeters - Nephelometric optics nephelometric turbidity estimated by the scattering effect suspended particles have on light detector is at 90o from the light source Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s95 Turbidity – units and reporting Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) standards are formazin or other certified material JTU’s are from an “older” technology in which a candle flame was viewed through a tube of water 1 NTU = 1 JTU (Jackson Turbidity Unit) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s96 Turbidity – formazin units Formazin is most commonly the standard for turbidity Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s97 Turbidity – clay example Here’s a sample containing clay particles with corresponding NTUs Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s98 Turbidity – meters and probes Bench and portable instruments and kits vs Submersible Turbidimeters YSI 6820 with unwiped turbidity YSI wiping turbidity Hydrolab Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s99 Turbidity - methods Comparability of different methods: With the proliferation of automated in situ turbidity sensors there is concern about the comparability of measurements taken using very different optical geometries, light sources and light sensors. The US Geological Survey and US Environmental Protection Agency are currently (August 2002) developing testing procedures for a field comparison of a number of instruments produced by different manufacturers. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s100 Turbidity - calibration Turbidity free water = zero (0 NTU) standard USGS recommends filtering either sample water or deionized water through a 0.2 um or smaller filter to remove particles WOW uses deionized water that is degassed by sparging (bubbling) with helium to minimize air bubbles that give false turbidity readings Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s101 Turbidity – standards Standards range depends on anticipated sample values: Lakes - typically 0-20 NTU Streams and wetlands - 0-20, 0-50 or 0-100 NTU 2 non-zero standards typically adequate (response is linear) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s102 Turbidity - standards Types of standards Formazin particles (either from a “recipe” or purchase a certified, concentrated stock solution (usually 4000 NTU) other materials - polystyrene need to worry about storage limits - primary stock of 400 NTU’s lasts < 1 month when refrigerated. Dilute working standards from intermediate stock solution daily. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s103 Turbidity – standards Source Concentrations Hach Company Suggested holding times 2 to 20 NTU Prepare daily 20 to 40 NTU Prepare monthly Standard Methods All dilutions Prepare daily EPA All dilutions Prepare weekly Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s104 Light Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s105 Light – importance in aquatic systems Primary production (PPr; photosynthesis) Euphotic (photic) zone = layer where there is a positive net daily PPr from surface to depth where irradiance ~0.51% of surface light stratum of net O2 production & CO2 -fixation during the day Aphotic zone = bottom of photic zone to lake bottom too little light for photosynthesis Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s106 Light – importance in aquatic systems Plant germination (macrophytes) Navigation, predation, breeding behavior, prey refugia Heat (see Module 3 and WOW Lake Ecology Primer) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s107 Light profiles – radiometry Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s108 Light profiles – attenuation I(z) = I(0) * [ e-kz ] Ln I(z) = -nz + Ln I(0) The semi-log plot of Light vs depth will linearize exponential attenuation light vs depth plot Light (% surface) 0 40 20 60 80 Ln light Intensity 100 0.00 0 10 4.00 6.00 8.00 0 A A 5 B 15 Depth (m) Depth (m) 5 2.00 B 10 15 20 20 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s109 Light – definitions Io = the irradiance at the water surface Iz = the irradiance at any depth z Z sd = Secchi depth Euphotic zone = layer where there is a positive net daily primary productivity Aphotic zone = bottom of photic zone to lake bottom I(z) = I(0) * [ e-kz ] or Ln I(z) = -nz + Ln I(0) Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s110 Light reference charts Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s111 Light – relationship to Secchi depth light at Zsd is about 10% I0 n (in m-1) ~ 1.7/ Zsd euphotic zone = maximum depth at which algae and macrophytes can grow. Usually where light is 0.5%–1% of surface light euphotic zone = 2 - 3 times the Secchi depth s/waterquality.htm Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s112 Light energy distribution Scattered ~5-20% WATER Reflected ~5-6% (also called albedo) Absorbed ~75% Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s113 Chlorophyll Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s114 Chlorophyll - importance Measuring chlorophyll-a is a long-accepted method for estimating the amount of algae in lakes. Chlorophyll-a is the green pigment that is responsible for a plant's ability to convert sunlight into the chemical energy needed to fix CO2 into carbohydrates. Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s115 Chlorophyll – probes In-situ (in-lake) chlorophyll probes are relatively new and are becoming increasingly popular for lake monitoring. But are they Quantitative, Semi-quantitative or Qualitative? FLUORESCENCE CHLOROPHYLL a Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s116 Chlorophyll – probes Probes currently cannot replace the traditional filtered and extracted chlorophyll a techniques for a number of reasons: Physiological effects: fluorescence per unit chlorophyll a concentration can change based on algal physiology. Ambient light and temperature also affect in situ fluorescence readings. The light history of the algal cells will affect their fluorescence Temperature correction is also necessary Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s117 Chlorophyll – probes SCUFA chlorophyll sensor Fluorescence probe with wiper Hydrolab Minisonde with Turner-Designs SCUFA YSI 6820 Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s118 Appendices Unit 3 Module 8 Part B Field Profiles Appendix 1 Image from Wasington State DEP BACK Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s120 Appendix 2 DO meter Troubleshooting chart BACK Developed by: E. Ruzycki and R. Axler Updated: Dec 2, 2003 U3-m8b-s121