How to Write Effective Success Stories

How to Write Effective
Success Stories
By Wendi Williams
Updated Feb 2008
These slides are to be used as a guide to
writing success stories. The format that involves
using “situation/background, program activities,
results/impact, and evaluation/evidence,” is a
standard “success story” format that can be used
for multiple audiences and for numerous Extension
- Wendi Williams
Definition of success
The Merriam-Webster Online
Dictionary defines success as an
“outcome” or “result” – “a degree
or measure of succeeding” or a
“favorable or desired outcome.”
What is a success story?
A success story is the successful –
favorable or desired result or outcome
of a program. In other words, you want
to paint a picture as to how Extension
makes a difference in the lives of the
people it serves.
What is a success story?
So, consider these factors when
you write a success story:
* Pretend the reader knows nothing
whatsoever about your program.
Don’t assume anything!
* Remember… You are telling a short
story about what you want to achieve
in a program.
What is a success story?
* Tells the reader why and how your
program was implemented.
* Tells the results or the impact of the
* Tells the measurable results or how
program success was achieved
* Defines the public value of a program
Types of success stories
* A single event such as a program,
meeting, or conference – UrbanRural Interface Conference
* The series of activities with varying
participants – Family Conference
* A program with a predetermined
length of time – Points of Light
Youth Leadership Institute
Types of success stories
* A comprehensive program that
partners with outside organizations
to influence state or national policy.
* A comprehensive program that
includes a needs assessment, fund
raising or marketing strategies, or
applied research that last 6 months
or longer.
(Iowa State Extension, 2007)
Why write success stories?
* To show why Extension/Urban Affairs
uses public funds.
* To document that Extension/Urban
Affairs uses funds for intended
purposes, which is… to make positive
and lasting impacts in the lives of
Alabama citizens.
Why write success stories?
* To share program ideas and to learn
what works and what doesn’t work.
* To market Extension – Your Experts
for Life
(Purdue Extension, 2007)
When to write success stories?
* When you have something important to
report and you have impact data to
back up your work
* When you are proud of a program
*Ongoing -- Don’t wait until you are told
to write one by your supervisor or at the
end of the year.
(Purdue Extension, 2007)
How are success stories used?
Extension administrators and state
legislators use success stories for
planning and reporting, which translates
into $$$.
We want the public to know that we do
good work that positively impacts the
lives of people in the state of Alabama.
AND we want to keep doing what we do.
Structure of success stories
* Situation/Background
* Program Activities
* Results/Impact
* Evaluation/Evidence
This is a problem statement.
* Why does the program exist in
the first place?
* What are you trying to achieve?
* Why is this program important to
the people of Alabama?
Program Activities
How was the program implemented?
* What steps did you take to carry out the
program – fulfill the program objectives?
* Who is your target audience?
* What were they asked or required to do?
What was achieved as a result
of this program?
* What behavior changed?
* What actions are being put into place
to ensure your desired results?
How do you assess your success?
* How did you measure your success?
* Did you use pre- and post-assessments?
* Did you use surveys?
* Do you have testimonials from
Success Story
Example #1: HIV/AIDS
Prevention Education
Example #1
According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, from 2001 to
2005, HIV infections and AIDS-related
deaths have increased in the South.
Example #1
Forty percent of persons living with
AIDS in the United States reside in the
South in comparison to 30% in the
Northeast, 20% in the West, and 11%
in the Midwest.
Example #1
In Alabama, as in the nation, AfricanAmericans (AAs) have the highest
rates of new HIV infections – AAs
comprise 26% of the state population,
but account for 63% of new infections.
Example #1
Program Activities
Volunteers were trained by the Red
Cross to offer basic HIV/AIDS
prevention education courses to local
citizens. From January-June, a total of
ten, 2-hour prevention education
sessions were offered.
Example #1
Program Activities
In addition, on-site testing was done
by the Alabama Department of Public
Health (ADPH) and the local AIDS
service organization.
Example #1
Red Cross volunteers are partnering
with Extension/Urban Affairs, AIDS
service organizations, and ADPH to
conduct prevention education
workshops and HIV screenings,
with a focus on AA residents.
Example #1
The goal of these partnerships are to
educate high-risk communities about
the adverse affects of HIV/AIDS in an
effort to reduce the number of new
infections in the area.
Example #1
Program Activities
The prevention education sessions
were conducted at local churches and
community centers.
Example #1
Program Activities
In addition, individuals received a free
HIV screening. HIV-positive individuals
were referred to the ADPH and to the
local AIDS service organization for
confirmatory testing and treatment.
Example #1
Participants learned their HIV status in
20-30 minutes, which eliminates a second
visit to a clinic for results (most do not
return to know their status), and it reduces
the time HIV-positive individuals receive
treatment. Research proves that when
persons know their HIV status, the
majority stop engaging in risky behavior.
Example #1
Participants were given a pre- and
post-assessment to test their
knowledge of HIV facts. Assessment
results showed that participants
increased their knowledge of
HIV/AIDS after attending the sessions.
Example #1
As a result of this training, 650
participants received basic HIV
education and 300 HIV screenings
were provided at a cost of $27.00
each. The free screenings saved
participants a total of $8,775 in
medical costs.
Example #1
Additionally, a 3-month survey showed
that individuals shared the information
they learned with a loved one or
80% stopped engaging in risky behavior
such as having unprotected sex, while
60% stopped encouraged their loved
ones/colleagues to get tested for HIV.
Example #1
Evaluation and Impact
At the end of the year, the ADPH
reported (through a tracking system)
a 5% reduction in the number of new
HIV infections in this area. More
individuals know their HIV status and
were able to enter into early treatment
that helped to prolong their life.
Success Story
Example #2: Ties That Bind
Example #2
Ninety percent of urban families in
Lauderdale and Colbert counties do
not spend quality time together –
involves family activities, educational
preparation, church time, or shopping.
Example #2
Many of the children move beyond the
boundaries of the family to travel the
neighborhood, forge their own
relationships with close friends,
neighbors, and have experiences that
are independent of their parents. There
is a big need for families to bond and
get to know each other better.
Example #2
Extension’s Urban Center in Lauderdale and
Colbert counties, the Area Agency on Aging,
the city school system, the law enforcement
agencies, the Family Court, Boys and Girls
Club, Handy Head Start, and DHR
partnered together to hold a Family Festival
in the Shoals on April 21, 2007.
Example #2
Program Activities
Two-hundred forty-seven families
participated in this event at the Muscle
Shoals Recreation Center. Parents
were asked to bring their children to
the festival and to stay with them.
Example #2
Program Activities
A representative of Family Court
spoke on the importance of spending
quality time with your family, while an
officer from the Drug Abuse
Resistance Education (DARE) spoke
to families about child abuse.
Example #2
Program Activities
There were also workshops on safety
and prevention, abstinence, and
parenting that involved learning how to
protect children and youth from
strangers, delaying sexual activity, and
administering effective parenting skills.
Example #2
Eighty percent of participants
completed a written evaluation and
turned it in. Of the 80% percent, 100%
implied they would not talk to strangers;
100% vowed they would exercise; and
100% percent stated they are now
more aware of child abuse.
Example #2
Mrs. Mary Smith of Florence said it was
the best Family Festival she ever attended
because of the participants (parents and
children). She enjoyed the variety of the
events – found them educational and fun.
Example #2
Jason brown, a youth from Tuscumbia,
said he liked the Family Festival
because he could send a personal
message to other boys and girls about
child abuse through the balloon release.
Example #2
Little Amy Wilson of Muscle Shoals
said that she would never talk to a
stranger because “a stranger might
take off somewhere or touch her
somewhere on her body.”
Other Helpful Tips
Helpful Tips
Use pictures
Use active vs. passive voice
Be clear
Read it aloud
Will review until you get the
hang of it…
Alabama Cooperative Extension System. (2005). A success story for ETP11g. Retrieved
October 10, 2007, from
Alabama Cooperative Extension System. (2005). A success story for PPA 14. Retrieved
October 10, 2007, from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (June 2007). HIV surveillance report: Cases
of HIV infection and AIDS in the United States and dependent areas, 2005 (Vol. 17).
Retrieved February 15, 2008, from
Iowa State University Extension. (September 8, 2006). Success story guidelines for field
specialists and ceeds. Retrieved October 12, 2007, from
University of Florida Extension. (May 2001). The fast and easy way to write effective
success stories.
Purdue Extension. (2007). Success story guidelines. Publication 11-2003. Retrieved
October 12, 2007, from