Faculty Profile Form - Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Faculty Profile Form
Maintaining current faculty profiles on the web is very beneficial to WPI, your department, and you as a faculty
member. Among other things, it keeps your peers, prospective students, and the media up to date on the
groundbreaking research in which you are engaged.
Informal Photo (please note that a photo is required). We would like an informal photo (not a head shot) to
display on the WPI website. The photo should show you working in the field, enjoying a favorite hobby, spending
time with family; anything that gives good insight into who you are. See photo examples here:
When you have completed the form: please email it to cmshelp@wpi.edu and attach your informal photograph.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the CMS Helpdesk at cmshelp@wpi.edu / (+1-508-831-6147). Your
participation is greatly appreciated.
Fields marked with * are required.
Personal Information
1) Name
First*: ____________________________________________
Middle: __________________________________________
Last*: ____________________________________________
2) Faculty Code*
3) Office Location*
Room: __________________________________________
[ ] 20 Trowbridge Road
[ ] Higgins Laboratories
[ ] 37 Institute Road
[ ] Kaven Hall
[ ] Alden Memorial
[ ] Life Science and Bioengineering Center
[ ] Alumni Gym
[ ] Olin Hall
[ ] Atwater Kent Laboratories
[ ] Project Center
[ ] Boynton Hall
[ ] Salisbury Laboratories
[ ] Fuller Laboratories
[ ] Stratton Hall
[ ] Goddard Hall
[ ] Washburn Shops
[ ] Harrington Auditorium
4) Contact Info
Phone: ____________________________________________
Fax: _______________________________________________
E-Mail*: ___________________________________________
5) Personal Website (WPI affiliated)
6) Biography - The point of this biography is for potential students and colleagues at peer organizations to get to
know you. It should include the following; why you enjoy teaching; why you enjoy teaching at WPI; why you enjoy
interacting with students; what particular things about your research or field of study excite you. Please feel free to
cite specific examples.
Professional Information
7) Department and Program Info
Main Department: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Affiliated Programs (please check all that apply):
[ ] Actuarial Mathematics
[ ] Learning Sciences and Technologies
[ ] Aerospace Engineering
[ ] Liberal Arts & Engineering
[ ] American Studies
[ ] Literature
[ ] Art & Art History
[ ] Management
[ ] Biochemistry
[ ] Management Engineering
[ ] Biology & Biotechnology
[ ] Management Information Systems
[ ] Biomedical Engineering
[ ] Mathematical Sciences
[ ] Chemical Engineering
[ ] Mechanical Engineering
[ ] Chemistry
[ ] Modern Languages
[ ] Civil & Environmental Engineering
[ ] Music
[ ] Computer Science
[ ] Philosophy & Religion
[ ] Drama & Theatre
[ ] Political Science & Law
[ ] Economics
[ ] Pre-Dental
[ ] Electrical & Computer Engineering
[ ] Pre-Law
[ ] English
[ ] Pre-Medical
[ ] Entrepreneurship
[ ] Pre-Veterinary
[ ] Environmental Engineering
[ ] Professional Writing
[ ] Environmental Studies
[ ] Psychological Science
[ ] Fire Protection Engineering
[ ] Psychology
[ ] Robotics Engineering
[ ] History
[ ] Science & Technology
[ ] Humanities & Arts
[ ] Society, Technology & Policy
[ ] Industrial Engineering
[ ] Sociology
[ ] Interactive Media & Game Development
[ ] System Dynamics
[ ] Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division
[ ] Writing & Rhetoric
[ ] International Studies
8) Titles
Administrative Title (Dean, Provost, etc.): ____________________________________________
[ ] Adjunct Instructor/Lecturer
[ ] Adjunct Teaching Professor
[ ] Assistant Professor
[ ] Assistant Research Professor
[ ] Assistant Teaching Professor
[ ] Associate Professor
[ ] Associate Research Professor
[ ] Associate Teaching Professor
[ ] Instructor/Lecturer
[ ] Post-Doc Scholar
[ ] Professor
[ ] Professor of Practice
[ ] Research Professor
[ ] Senior Instructor/Lecturer
[ ] Teaching Professor
[ ] Visiting Assistant Professor
[ ] Visiting Associate Professor
[ ] Visiting Professor
Endowed Professorship: ____________________________________________
Additional Titles (Directory, Project Centers, etc.)
1.: _________________________
2.: _________________________
3.: _________________________
9) Labs and Centers (URLs are optional)
10) Research Interests*
1.: _________________________
2.: _________________________
3.: _________________________
4.: _________________________
5.: _________________________
11) Professional Highlights - Awards, honors, etc.
1.: _________________________
2.: _________________________
3.: _________________________
4.: _________________________
5.: _________________________
12) Education (in order received) - example: BS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1865*
1.: _________________________
2.: _________________________
3.: _________________________
4.: _________________________
Professional Highlights
13) Selected Publications
1.: _________________________
2.: _________________________
3.: _________________________
4.: _________________________
5.: _________________________
14) URL to a full list of publications
Social Media
15) Social Media - Only provide those you wish to share
AIM Username
Del.icio.us Username
Facebook Username
Flickr Username
Google Profile Username
Google Reader Username
Linkedin Username
MSN Chat Email Address
MySpace Username
Picasa Username
Stumbleupon Username
Twitter Username
WPI Blog Address
Yahoo Profile Username
Yahoo! Messenger Username
YouTube Username
Service Information
Please send this form and your informal photo to cmshelp@wpi.edu. Thank You!