V Cool Tools 2 Carol McQuiggan & Kristin Bittner Faculty Center for Teaching & Instructional Technology Penn State Harrisburg Faculty/Staff Workshop, November 12, 2009 Objectives Increase awareness of new technology tools Locate resources to learn/do more Open a dialogue with colleagues about emerging technologies and their implications Agenda What is it? How does it work? How is it being used? Show me! Learn more Go to www.slideshare.net In the Search field type Cool Tools 2 and then click the Search button Select Cool Tools 2 Click the Download button located at the top of the Cool Tools 2 presentation Open it and start the slideshow to follow along Slideshare – What is it? A presentation sharing website where users can upload, view, and share presentation files PowerPoint Word Adobe PDF OpenOffice Share publicly or privately Create slidecasts by syncing audio with your slides Slideshare – How does it work? Slideshare – How is it being used? To share presentations To store presentations online To aggregate presentations (tagged by conference, etc.) Search sloancaln Search educause09 To embed slideshows into your blog/website To eliminate the need for paper handouts Slideshare – Show me! www.slideshare.net Slideshare – Learn more Take a Slideshare tour http://www.slideshare.net/tour Go to creativecommons.org Creative Commons – What is it? An alternative to traditional copyright Allows copyright owners to determine which rights they want to retain and which they want to release – not all-or-nothing All licenses require attribution Goal is to increase access to and share intellectual property Creative Commons – How does it work? Website explains license choices and provides tool HTML code provided to add to web page, includes CC logo License options: Attribution No Derivatives NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Share Alike Creative Commons – How is it being used? To promote climate of openness and sharing To increase opportunities for collaborative work Learning material repositories MIT’s OpenCourseWare Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 license May copy and distribute work and make derivative works as long as it includes attribution, is not for commercial purposes, and assigns same license Connexions – only requires proper attribution Other content directories for photos, music, art, videos, etc. Creative Commons – Show me! To choose a license Go to creativecommons.org Select “License” Walk through selection tool To find licensed works you can share, remix, or reuse Go to search.creativecommons.org/ Using Mozilla Firefox, use dropdown to search for CC Using Google’s Advanced Search -> Usage rights Creative Commons – Learn more Creative Commons Wiki - wiki.creativecommons.org/ Educause’s 7 Things You Should Know About Creative Commons http://www.educause.edu/ELI/7ThingsYouShouldKn owAboutCreat/156826 Additional Educause resources on Creative Commons (publications, podcasts, blogs) http://www.educause.edu/Resources/Browse/Creati veCommons/30636 Go to docs.google.com Google Docs – What is it? A free, Web-based word processor, presentation, spreadsheet, and form application Document changes are saved automatically Access from anywhere you have an Internet connection Collaborate with multiple people on the same document – no need to email revisions back and forth Google Docs – How does it work? - Google Docs Dashboard Google Docs – How is it being used? Work collaboratively online on team projects, papers, presentations (manage revisions) Peer review Create surveys or polls Import PowerPoint presentations or create new ones Publish to an online audience or directly to your blog Google Docs – Show me! docs.google.com Google Docs – Learn more Educause’s 7 Things You Should Know About Google Apps http://www.educause.edu/ELI/7ThingsYouShouldKn owAboutGoogl/162758 Google Docs in Plain English http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRqUE6IHTEA Google Docs for Educators http://www.google.com/educators/p_docs.html Review Slideshare Creative Commons Google Docs Go to www.flickr.com Flickr – What is it? Photo-sharing website where you can upload and tag photos Browse/find photos Add comments and annotations to photos Create photo sets and collections Create groups Flickr – How does it work? Free accounts – can upload 2 videos and 100MB of photos each calendar month; displays 200 most recents photos Pro accounts – Unlimited photo and video uploads Registered accounts - Upload photos, assign tags, make photos public or private, select copyright, and more Create groups Constantly changing collection of photos Flickr – How is it being used? In Penn State Harrisburg’s AM ST 105 online course, students share photos of a commercial version of a formerly hand-made object and add a commentary They also post a photo and/or recipe of traditional food they would contribute to a virtual “pot luck” supper, with explanations of its significance in their traditional experience Flickr Group Annotation & Comments Flickr – Show me! www.flickr.com Flickr – Learn more Educause’s 7 Things You Should Know About Flickr http://www.educause.edu/ELI/7ThingsYouShouldKn owAboutFlick/162592 FAQ on Free account vs. Pro account http://www.flickr.com/help/limits/#65 Go to voicethread.com VoiceThread – What is it? A collaborative multimedia slideshow that holds images, documents, and videos Allows people to leave comments using voice, text, audio, or video VoiceThread – How does it work? Create account Create: 1. Upload 2. Comment 3. Share VoiceThread – How is it being used? 6th grade Language Arts Digital Storytelling http://voicethread.com/share/46225/ and http://voicethread.com/share/124281/ Hear and practice foreign language pronunciation Provide critiques in creative arts classes PSU Roman Archaeology Course VoiceThread – Show me! voicethread.com VoiceThread – Learn more Educause’s 7 Things You Should Know About VoiceThread http://www.educause.edu/ELI/7ThingsYouShouldKn owAboutVoice/173329 Voicethread 4 Education wiki http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/ VoiceThread Tutorials http://voicethread.com/#c28 Ideas for using VoiceThread http://voicethread.com/library/ That’s all 5 Cool Tools! Slideshare Creative Commons Google Docs Flickr Voicethread V Questions? Thanks for your time!! Upcoming Faculty Center event : Talking about Teaching, Friday, December 4th, 2:00-3:00, W205 Olmsted Remember lynda.com technology training available at its.psu.edu/training/lynda