Diocese of Portsmouth Department for Schools Park Place Pastoral Centre Winchester Road Wickham PO17 5HA Tel: 01329 835363 22nd May 2015 To all headteachers, governors and clerks School Governance Bulletin No: 11.15 This Bulletin is sent electronically to all headteachers, governors, directors and clerks for whom an email address is held in the Department for Schools’ office. No hard copies will be issued. Bulletins will be circulated as and when appropriate and will be numbered for ease of reference. The bulletin will also be available on the diocesan web-site. ___________________________________________________________________________ In this bulletin: 1. Information from DfE 2. Information from Ofsted 3. Information from the CES 4. Reviews of governance 5. Congratulations 6. 6. For your diary 7. Catholic education _____________________________________________________________________________________ Diocese of Portsmouth – Department for Schools Page 1 of 8 1. Information from the DfE i) Ministers Nicky Morgan remains Secretary of State. The other ministers are: Nick Gibb (School Reform), Nick Boles (Skills), Sam Gyimah (Childcare and Education) and Lord Nash (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools, responsible for school governance). Most of these ministers were at the Department in the previous administration. Edward Timpson MP has been promoted to Minister of State for Children and Families – he was formerly the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State. Caroline Dinenage MP has been appointed as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Women and Equalities and Family Justice; a post which runs across the DfE and the Ministry of Justice. ii) Effective buying for your school This updated departmental advice is for school leaders, school staff, governing bodies. It relates to local-authority-maintained schools, academy trusts and free schools. The advice outlines basic rules of procurement, which aim to ensure that public funds are spent openly and fairly. It also aims to protect schools against legal challenges, financial penalties and reputation damage. It can be accessed at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/advice-for-effective-buying-for-your-school iii) Comparison of overseas qualifications The overseas degree equivalency table supports initial teacher training (ITT) providers and applicants in making a judgement about the equivalent UK degree classification of an overseas qualification. This makes it possible to identify the bursary the applicant may be eligible for. It considers all overseas awards that are comparable to British Bachelor (Honours) degree standard. It is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/grade-comparison-of-overseas-qualifications ____________________________________________________ 2. Information from Ofsted i) Report into A Level uptake and retention rates Ofsted has published a short report about the uptake of A Level subjects in 2013/14. It shows which subjects were the most popular and gives a breakdown of the boy to girl ratio for each AS and A Level. It also outlines the retention rate of students who moved from AS to A Level in each subject., English (22.2%), psychology (18.8%) and biological sciences (13.8) were most popular _____________________________________________________________________________________ Diocese of Portsmouth – Department for Schools Page 2 of 8 for girls and mathematics (17.3%), physics (10.4%) and chemistry (9.3%) were the most popular for boys. Computing was lowest for girls at 0.3% and modern foreign languages other than French, German or Spanish was lowest for boys, also at 0.3%. The report can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/a-level-subject-take-up ii) Examples of good practice in early years and in schools Ofsted published on 21st May two collections of examples of good practice: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/ofsted-examples-of-good-practice-in-initial-teachereducation https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/ofsted-examples-of-good-practice-in-early-years iii) Reminder: Ofsted Inspection Framework - changes w.e.f. September 2015 Ofsted launched a consultation in October 2014, which proposed changes to the framework for inspecting schools. Short inspections are currently being piloted, and will continue to take place, prior to the full publication of the Common Inspection Framework during the summer term of 2015. The response was published in February 2015 and can be accessed on https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/400625/Better_insp ection_for_all_consultation_response_FINAL_2_.pdf This document summarises the changes following the consultation. Changes to Inspection which will be in effect in September 2015 Overall: Inspections will be frequent but shorter, and aim to promote opportunities for greater professional dialogues between inspectors and leaders. (para 9) Schools judged ‘good’ in the previous section 5 inspection will now receive a short inspection every 3 years, instead of the former full inspection every 3-5 years. (para 10) These will not be ‘mini-inspections’ (para 79) and may be extended into full inspections should a concern arise. This also applies to schools which have significantly improved and may be judged ‘outstanding’. Individual subjects such as Music will not be ‘disproportionately’ focussed upon, but inspectors will consider the breadth and balance of each provider’s curriculum (para 27) Additional information which will contribute to the inspection: Views of learners, parents, and staff, both in groups and anonymously will be the core component for short and full inspections. ParentView will be updated to include a free text box that will give parents the space to raise any specific issues. (para 94) Graded judgements: Ofsted will grade the following areas: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Diocese of Portsmouth – Department for Schools Page 3 of 8 Overall effectiveness Effectiveness of leadership and management Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Personal development behaviour and welfare Outcomes for children and learners Effectiveness of Early Years and sixth form provision. Effectiveness of leadership and management: (note change of wording to emphasise impact) The broad curriculum will be reported on under the effectiveness of leadership and management judgement (para 19) Ofsted originally proposed that inspectors should look at the extent to which leaders and managers influence improvement beyond the setting. However, they recognise that this is not within the capacity of all schools, and this will not therefore be included in the final Common Inspection Framework (para 38) Quality of teaching, learning and assessment: (note addition of assessment in heading) Inspectors are currently being trained to ensure consistency, and handbooks will be published in the summer term 2015 which will set out the evaluation criteria. (para 44) Personal development, behaviour and welfare (note broadening of area from behaviour and safety) This will apply differently in specific remit areas (all the education services inspected by Ofsted) (para 49) and will be published in the summer term. Outcomes for children and learners (note new broader heading) This judgement will be reached by considering the information and context of the provider. Published data will be the starting point, but the provider will have the opportunity to present its own data and background information and the context will also be considered. (para 54 and 91) Areas which will stay the same: Ofsted’s policy for unannounced inspections will continue in specific circumstances (para 26) SMSC and British Values, incorporated in effectiveness of leadership and management. (para 35 and 37) The setting’s internal data will be considered during the inspection. This includes starting points, and pupils with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (para 52) Separate judgements on Early Years and Sixth Form as part of a school (introduced in September 2014 document) will remain (para 58) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Diocese of Portsmouth – Department for Schools Page 4 of 8 New handbooks should be published later this term and the diocese will organise a series of briefings for governors once more details are available. 3. Information from the CES i) Disqualification Guidance Following Statutory Guidance Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006, the CES has provided the following 2 documents for use by Catholic Schools and Academies in England: a)The CES Disqualification Guidance for Schools and Academies sets out the obligations of Schools and Academies surrounding Disqualification and recommends that an undertaking is obtained from all staff in the form set out in the Disqualification Policy. b)The Disqualification Policy for Staff sets out an explanation of what staff members should know about Disqualification and what they are obligated to do. The CES Disqualification Guidance for Schools and Academies and the Disqualification Policy for Staff are both now available for direct use by Schools and Academies on the CES website: http://www.catholiceducation.org.uk/guidance-for-schools/disqualification ii) Spine Points The DfE published the following Advice in September 2014: Implementing your school’s approach to pay (Departmental advice for maintained schools and local authorities) which can be accessed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/356378/Implementi ng_your_schools_approach_to_pay_departmental_advice.pdf Paragraph 34: While you will have the flexibility to devise your own arrangements, one option could be to convert the previous leadership group spine points into reference points. ……………….although schools are free to depart from these reference points if they wish As a result, the CES has now updated the document available online entitled: CES Model Application Forms and Supplementary Forms Notes to Applicants on page 3 as follows: 2.3.3 –Spine Points are purely reference points for the applicant’s present salary and not an indication of any mandated pay scale. Please ensure that applicants are referred to the latest documents available at http://www.catholiceducation.org.uk/employment-documents/application-forms _____________________________________________________________________________________ Diocese of Portsmouth – Department for Schools Page 5 of 8 4. Reviews of Governance Updated guidance has been published by the NCTL at https://www.gov.uk/reviews-of-schoolgovernance “You can choose whoever you want to conduct an external review of governance. You should ensure that the reviewer has: •experience of what outstanding governance is •a good understanding of governance, including different contexts and governance structures •a clear understanding of Ofsted expectations •successful experience of leading governors and school improvement •excellent inter-personal skills Trained national leaders of governance (NLGs) and national leaders of education (NLEs) ran the early reviews of governance. NLEs had to be able to demonstrate their experience and impact as a governor in a school other than their own. You do not have to use NLGs and NLEs. But, we recommend you choose someone with recent successful experience of leading governance and school improvement”. Schools are encouraged to check with the Department for schools first about any LA proposal for a review. ____________________________________________________ 5. Congratulations Many congratulations to Bishop Challoner Catholic Secondary School which received an award for attainment and St Anne's and All Hallows who got awards for both attainment and progress at the SSAT Awards ceremony for "exceptional student attainment and/or progress”. Looking at the progress measures which got schools into the "top 10% of schools nationally for value added progress", Christ the King College and St Edmund’s, Portsmouth would also have qualified. St Paul’s, Portsmouth which has been awarded a Reading Recovery School of the Year Award to be received at the Institute of Education in June. ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Diocese of Portsmouth – Department for Schools Page 6 of 8 6. For your diary i) • • • • Reminder of consultation meeting dates Meetings for governors will be held: Tuesday 2nd June 2015 Thursday 4th June 2015 Thursday 11th June 2015 Tuesday 30th June 2015 5.00pm – 6.30pm: 5.00pm – 6.30pm: 5.00pm – 6.30pm: 5.00pm – 6.30pm: Cathedral Discovery Centre, Portsmouth St Cassian’s Centre, Kintbury St Bede’s Church, Basingstoke Christ the King College, Isle of Wight Meetings for headteachers, deputy/assistant headteachers, school business managers • • • • Tuesday 2nd June 2015 Thursday 4th June 2015 Thursday 11th June 2015 Tuesday 30th June 2015 2.00pm – 3.30pm: 2.00pm – 3.30pm: 2.00pm – 3.30pm: 5.00pm – 6.30pm: Cathedral Discovery Centre, Portsmouth St Cassian’s Centre, Kintbury St Bede’s Church, Basingstoke Christ the King College, Isle of Wight The purpose of the consultation is to: • ensure that all those involved in our Catholic family of schools understand the reasons for the Bishop’s and trustees’ preferred model; • establish how schools, governors, clergy and all involved, can help the preferred model work best; • honour the legacy that has been passed down to us and to ensure strong foundations for Catholic education in the Diocese of Portsmouth for generations to come. The consultation document has been sent to all chairs and headteachers. A consultation response form is available online at www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/schools/ or alternatively on request, by emailing schoolspa@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk The consultation will run from 12 May – 14 July 2015 ii) Looking ahead to 2016 The date for next year’s Good Shepherd Mass has been confirmed as Tuesday 21st June 2016, at St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth. Please put the date in the school diary now. ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Diocese of Portsmouth – Department for Schools Page 7 of 8 7. Catholic education “To educate is an act of love, it is to give life. And love is demanding, it calls for the best resources, for a reawakening of the passion to begin this path patiently with young people. The educator in Catholic schools must be, first and foremost, competent and qualified but, at the same time, someone who is rich in humanity and capable of being with young people in a style of pedagogy that helps promote their human and spiritual growth. Youth are in need of quality teaching along with values that are not only articulated but witnessed to. Consistency is an indispensable factor in the education of young people! Consistency! We cannot grow and we cannot educate without consistency: consistency and witness!” Pope Francis 13th Feb 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Diocese of Portsmouth – Department for Schools Page 8 of 8