Name: Kodesh Einat

Name: Kodesh Einat
Dr. Kodesh Einat
Department of Physical Therapy, University of Haifa
Tel: 972-4-8283065
Fax: 972-4-8288140
Room 914
Research Areas:
Exercise physiology
Exercise and cognition
Sport injuries assessment prevention and prediction
Balance and strength performance
B.ed . 1984-1988: Specialization in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Zinman College for Physical
Education & Sport Wingate Institute,
B.PT. 1994-1998: Tel Aviv University, Department of Physiotherapy.
M.Sc. 2000-2003: Tel-Aviv University, Department of Physiology.
Master Thesis: "Cellular and humeral function response to aerobic and anaerobic
exercise in female judoka, and gymnasts girls and untrained subjects".
Ph.D. - 2003-2007. The Hebrew University, Department of Physiology, Faculty of
Medicine, Jerusalem. Supervised by Prof. M. Horowitz.
Ph.D. Dissertation: “Combined heat acclimation and exercise training: Molecular and
physiological adaptation in cardiac and soleus muscles”.
Post doctoral training at University of California, Irvine; Laboratory of Prof's Copper DM
and Adam G). Establishing an animal model for exercise induced asthma.
Clinical Positions
Physiotherapy Tel-Hashomer
(Multiple Sclerosis Department)
Hydro therapist
Physiotherapy Tel-Hashomer
"Clalit Health Services", Ramat-Gun
independent physiotherapist
Academic Ranks
Name of Institution and Department
2003 - 2004
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Physiology department
Assistant A
2005 - 2006
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Physiology department
Assistant B
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Physiology department.
2009 - present
University of Haifa , Physical-Therapy
Grants and Awards
Grant/Award topic
Founding Source
BEd, with excellence Specialization in Cardiac
Zinman College for
Physical Education &
Sport Wingate
BPT in Physiotherapy, Magna Cum Laude
University of TelAviv, Sackler School
of Medicine
Rector's scholarship for excellence
The Hebrew
Young researcher award, in memory of Dr. Renna
Yarom. International society for heart research,
European Section, Israeli subsection.
The association for
Cardiac Research.
Grant/Award topic
Founding Source
International Symposium on Sport Medicine Prize for
excellent research
The international
conference of Sport
Prize for excellent PhD dissertation
The Hebrew
Funding to establish a laboratory
Marc Rich foundation
for Education, Culture
and Welfare
Exercise induced analgesia: the gain is less pain
University of Haifa
Research Authority
The mechanism of endogenous analgesia and delayed
onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in health
University of Haifa
Research Authority
Functional screening. With Dr Eyal Shargal , Norit
Sharvit, Rotem Cohen .
Medical research,
Israeli Defense Forces
Return to function following cardiac surgery –
implementing the ICF model in cardiac rehabilitation.
With Dr. Yaron Barac, Dr. Batya Engel-Yeger
University of HaifaFaculty grant
Effect of noise exposure on balance reactions
With: Prof. Yossi Attias (PI), Prof Yochy Lafuer (PI)
Dr. Rafi Shemes
Elbit Company
Classification of the physical efforts during military
Try-Out: a physiological perspective
With; Dr. Ran Yanovich, Dr. Eyal Shargal, Dr. Yoav
Mekel, Dr. Yoval Heled and Nurit sharvit.
Medical research,
Israeli defense forces
Load carrying systems- a preliminary comparative
study on their effect on cardiopulmonary, kinetic,
spatiotemporal, and cognitive performance
Source Company
Eliakim A, Wolach B, Kodesh E, Gavrieli R, Radnay J, Ben-Tovim T, Yarom
Y, Falk B. Cellular and humoral immune response to exercise among gymnasts
and untrained girls. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 1997 Apr;
Wolach B, Eliakim A, Gavrieli R, Kodesh E, Yarom Y, Schlesinger M, Falk B
Aspects of leukocyte function and the complement system following aerobic
exercise in young female gymnasts. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and
Science in Sports. 1998 Apr; 8(2):91-7.
Wolach B , Falk Bt , Kodesh E , Radnay J , Shapiro H , Yarom Y , Eliakim A .
Cellular Immune response to anaerobic exercise among gymnasts and untrained
Girls. Pediatric exercise Science 1998. Aug Volume 10, Issue 3, 227 – 235.
Wolach B, Falk B, Gavrieli R, Kodesh E, Eliakim A. Neutrophil function
response to aerobic and anaerobic exercise in female judoka and untrained
subjects. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2000 Feb; 34(1):23-8.
Horowitz M, Eli-Berchoer L, Wapinski I, Friedman N, Kodesh E. Stress-related
genomic responses during the course of heat acclimation and its association with
ischemic-reperfusion cross-tolerance. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2004 Oct;
Carmeli E, Barak S, Morad M, Kodesh, E . Physical exercises can reduce
anxiety and improve quality of life among adults with intellectual disability.
International Sportmed Journal. 2009. 10(2), 77–85.
Bodell PW, Kodesh E, Haddad F, Zaldivar FP, Cooper DM, Adams GR.
Skeletal muscle growth in young rats is inhibited by chronic exposure to IL-6
but preserved by concurrent voluntary endurance exercise. Journal of Applied
Physiology. 2009 Feb;106(2):443-53.
Carmeli E, Kodesh E, Nemcovsky C. Tetracycline therapy for muscle atrophy
due to immobilization. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions.
2009 Apr- Jun;9(2):81-8.
Carmeli E, Maor M, Kodesh E. Expression of superoxide dismutase and matrix
metalloproteinase type 2 in diaphragm muscles of young rats. Journal of
Physiology and Pharmacology. 2009 Nov;60 Suppl 5:31-6.
Kodesh E, Horowitz M Soleus adaptation to combined exercise and heat
acclimation: physiogenomic aspects. . Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
2010 May;42(5):943-52.
Horowitz M, Kodesh E. Molecular Signals That Shape the Integrative
Responses of the Heat Acclimated Phenotype. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise. 2010 Dec; 42(12):2164-72.
Carmeli E, Beiker R, Maor M, Kodesh E. Increased iNOS, MMP-2, and HSP-72
in skeletal muscle following high-intensity exercise training. Journal of Basic
and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology. 2010; 21(2):127-46.
Kodesh E, Zaldivar, Schwindt C, Tran P, Yu A, Camilon M, Nance DM, Leu
SY, Cooper D, Adams GR. A rat model of exercise-induced asthma: a
nonspecific response to a specific immunogen. American Journal of Physiology
- Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2011 Apr; 300(4):R91724.
Adams GR, Zaldivar FP, Nance DM, Kodesh E, Radom-Aizik S, Cooper DM
Exercise and leukocyte interchange among central circulation, lung, spleen, and
muscle. Brain Behavior and Immunity. 2011 May;25(4):658-66.
Kodesh E, Nesher N, Simaan A, Hochner B, Beeri R, Gilon D, Stern MD,
Gerstenblith G, Horowitz M. Heat acclimation and exercise training interact
when combined in an overriding and tradeoff manner: Physiologic-genomic
linkage. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and
Comparative Physiology. 2011 Dec;301(6):R1786-97.
Kodesh E, Kafri M, Dar G, Dickstein R. Walking speed unilateral leg loading,
and step symmetry in young adults. Gait & Posture 2012 Jan; 35(1):66-9.
Merrick J, Bachar A, Carmeli E, Kodesh E. Effects of Aerobic Exercise on
Body Composition and Muscle Strength in Over-Weight to Obese Old Women
with Intellectual Disability: A Pilot Study. The Open Rehabilitation Journal,
2013, 6, 43-48.
Kodesh E, Kizony R. Measuring cardiopulmonary parameters during dual-task
while walking. Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology. 2013
Oct 11:1-6.
Dar G, Marx Y, Loffe A, Kodesh E. The effectiveness of a multimedia
messaging service reminder system in the management of knee osteoarthritis: A
Pilot Study. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2014, 5, 483-489
Kodesh E, Weissman-Fogel I. Exercise induced hypoalgesia - Interval vs.
Continuous Mode. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2014, Epub
ahead of print
Carmeli E, Katz-Leurer M, Kodesh E, Scena S, Steindler R. Functional reach
test performance in distance and velocity – A pilot study. European Journal of
Physiotherapy. 2014, Epub ahead of print ~7 pages
Kodesh E, Laufer Y. The reliability of a hand-held dynamometer for strength
assessment during electrically induced muscle contractions. Accepted for
publication to Physiotherapy practice and the theory. ~7 pages
Laufer Y, Dar G, Kodesh E. Does a Wii-based exercise program enhance
balance control of independently functioning older adults: A systematic review.
Accepted for publication to Clinical Interventions in Aging.
Carmeli E,, Imam B. Kodesh E. Effects of Moderate Exercise Training on
Spatial Behavior Among Old Mice - Preliminary Results. The Open
Rehabilitation Journal, 2014, 7, 6-10
Sarig Bahat H, Chen X, Reznik D, Kodesh E, Treleaven J. Interactive cervical
motion kinematics: Sensitivity, specificity and clinically significant values for
identifying kinematic impairments in patients with chronic neck pain. Manual
Therapy. 2014 Oct 14. pii: S1356-689X(14)
Kodesh E, Falash F, Sprecher E, Dickstein R. Light touch and medio-lateral
postural stability during short distance gait. Neuroscience Letters. 2015 Jan
Agmon M, Kodesh E, Kizony R. The effect of different types of walking on
dual-task performance and task prioritization among community-dwelling older
adults. ScientificWorldJournal. 2014;2014:259547