Pharos university Faculty of Allied Medical SCIENCE Medical

Dr. Tarek El Sewedy
Department of Medical Laboratory Technology
Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences
Lecture 4
Combining forms
Intended Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lecture, students will learn:
 Basic common combining forms
Lecture content
• 1- Combining forms.
• Word parts that make up medical terminology are
prefixes, suffixes and roots.
• The most typical sequence is prefix, root, suffix, with
the word root being central but this is not always the
 Some medical terms contain a combining vowel (O)
after the root and this is called combining form.
 Some terms contain two or more roots and therefore
called compound word (ex. osteoarthritis )
Combining form
• It is a root with an added “combining vowel” which connects
the root with the suffix or with another root .
o Root + ( o , i , e ) + suffix = Combining form
o Root + ( o , i , e ) + root = Combining form
• The most common combining vowel is “ o “
Each element is essential to understand the
meaning of the medical term
Root REVIEW Vowel
Rules for using the combining vowels
• 1 . To join a root to another root.
• Example :
• Oste + arthr + itis = osteoarthritis
(root)+(root) +( suffix )
Bone + joint + inflammation
Rules for using the combining vowels
• 2 . to connect a root with a suffix that begins with a consonant.
Ex :
Cardi + megaly = cardiomegaly
(root)+ (suffix)
Heart + enlargement
• 3 . combining vowel is not used when suffix begins with a vowel.
Ex :
Hyster + ectomy = hysterectomy
( root )+ ( suffix )
Uterus + excision
Rules for the combining vowels
• 4 . if a root ends in a vowel and the suffix starts with the
same vowel , the second vowel is dropped .
Ex :
Cardi + itis = carditis
(root)+ (suffix)
Heart + inflammation
• 5 . when a prefix ends in a vowel and the root starts with
another vowel the vowel from the prefix is dropped .
Ex :
Para + enter + al = parenteral
(prefix)+ ( root )+ ( suffix )
Beyond + intestine + connected with
How to read medical terms
Start with the suffix…
• When you analyze a medical term, begin at the
end of the word. The ending is called a suffix.
• The suffix in HEMATOLOGY is –LOGY, which means
“study of ”.
Cont …………….
Next, read the beginning of the word..
• Now look at the beginning of the term. HEMAT is the
word root.
• The root gives the essential meaning of the term.
• The root HEMAT-means “blood.”
Combining vowel (s)…
• The third part of this term, which is the letter O, has
no meaning of its own but is an important
connector between the root (HEMAT) and the suffix
• The O is the ??.
Start at the end of the word and work to the left
Examples of combining vowels
• 1 . cardi = heart
Pathy = disease
Cardiopathy = disease of the heart
• 2 . psych = mind
Logy = study of
Psychology = study of the mind
• Root: gives the essential meaning of the term
• Suffix: is the word ending
• Prefix: is a small part added to the beginning of a term
• Combining vowel: connects roots to suffixes and roots to
other roots
• Combining form: is the combination of the root and
combining vowel
Students selected for assignments
‫عال حازم بدر‬
• Students on next slide are requested to prepare a presentation
(minimum of 7 slides) on any the following topics:
Respiratory system terminology (including disease)
Circulatory system terminology (including disease)
Cancer terminology
Digestive system Terminology
Combining forms and vowels
Assignments should be delivered by next week
Study questions
• Give 2 examples of words with:
• One root and one suffix
• Two roots and one suffix
• One prefix and one root
Reference books
1 – Medical Terminology an illustrated Guide by Barbara Jonson
Cohen 2003
2 – “Medical Terminology Simplified” F. A David 2009
3 – “Medical Terminology system : Approach Fifth Edition” Barbara A
Gylys 2004