Chap 3

Chap 10 Union Crisis
Coming of War
I. Growing Slavery issue (Fights in Congress)
a. Compromise of 1820 (Keep balance)
b. Wilmot Proviso of 1846
1. Would ban slavery in new lands gained from
Mexico (Does not pass)
c. Compromise of 1850 ( 5 parts)
1. California admitted as free state
2. New Mexico and Utah could decide.
3. no sale of slaves in Washington D.C.
4. Texas would give up claim to New Henry Clay of
Mexico territory.
Stephen Douglas
from Illinois
5. Fugitive Slave Act- required citizens to apprehend
runaway slaves (victory for South)
d. People lead the fight
1. “Black Moses” Harriet Tubman (escaped slavery 1849)
leads over 300 slaves to freedom.
II. Tensions rising
a. “Bleeding Kansas”- Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Senator Stephen
Douglas of Illinois
1. Popular sovereignty. Voters to decide
2. 1855 two capitals established
B. Violence in the Senate
1. May 1856, Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner
insults South Carolina Senator Andrew Butler.
2. Senator Preston Brooks attacks Sumner in the Senate
c. Election of 1856
1. In 1854, the Republicans forms, protesting slavery
2. James Buchanan (democrat) defeats John C.
Fremont (newly formed republican party).
3. Dred Scott decision of 1857. Chief Justice Roger
Taney’s response , “Slaves were private property
and thus no decision(rights) needs to be made”
This Day in History
Oct 10th, 1845 The Naval Academy
opens in Annapolis, Maryland
III. Lincoln- Douglas Debates (Senate seat in Illinois)
a. 1858
1. Issues “Majority rule and Minority rights.”
2. Spread of slavery.
3. Douglas wins election.
This day In history
Oct. 28th, 1886 Statue of Liberty dedication.
IV. Nation divides
a. Harpers Ferry raid. (Feb. 1859 in Virginia)
1. John Brown leads failed raid.
b. Election of 1860
1. Democratic party splits over issue of slavery
2. Republican nominate Lincoln.
3. Lincoln wins without winning any electoral votes
from the South. (gets 39% popular vote)
c. South outraged
1. South Carolina leaves the union, Dec. 1860.
2. Six other states leave the Union. Forming
the Confederate States of America, in Feb,
1861. (elect Jefferson Davis from
Mississippi as President)
d. War starts
1. April 6, 1861 Lincoln sends food and
medical supplies to fort.
2. Davis sends orders to take Fort Sumter.
3. P.G.T. Beauregard
orders fort to surrender.
4. April 12, 1861 CSA
troops open fire on fort.