
Sustainable Land Use Management in the Semiarid Region of Northeast Brazil (Sergipe)
Relatório de Progresso 2015
Outcome 1
Output 1.1: Sergipe
state-level policy and
planning framework
supports integrated
SLM in its ASD
Reuniões, vistas técnicas com
instituições do Governo
Estadual e com os sete
municípios do sertão sergipano
para elaboração dos planos
municipais de combate à
desertificação e apoio à
implementação do CAR
Institutional coordination process with the relevant cosponsors and partners of the State of Sergipe, in order
to define the activities and planning of presentation
strategies, launch and start of activities of the Project
BRA / 14 / G32. Meetings were held in Aracaju / SE
IBAMA, SEMARH, SEAGRI, Project Coordination
D. Távora (GEF / UNDP), CFAC, Sergipe
Government Staff, lawmakers at the federal and state
levels and in the cities of the Upper Hinterland
Sergipe, with the Secretaries of Environment and
As a result defined the realization of the Mission
MMA / UNDP with the following structure:
11/12/2015: two activities were carried out: the first a
Project Presentation Workshop BRA / 14 / G32 and
the team that had the participation of representatives
from the partner institutions; Mayors of
municipalities, representing the rural communities
where the project will act; representatives of the
National Committee to Combat Desertification
(CNCD) and the Interagency Group of the Permanent
Group to Combat Desertification of Sergipe (GPCD).
The Official Project Launch was held in the palace of
government in the presence of the Governor of the
State of Sergipe, the Secretaries of Agriculture and
Rural Development, the Environment, the Office of
IBAMA and INCRA, the Director of EMBRAPA, the
Resident Coordinator the United Nations system in
Brazil and UNDP Representative in Brazil, the
Coordinator of the UNDP, the representative of the
Ministry of Environment and National Project
Director, the Mayors of the municipalities benefited
by the Project, the federal agency leaders and
representatives of civil society .
On 12.12.2015 was conducted a technical visit to the
settlements Curituba Alligator and Valmir Mota in
Poço Redondo and Canindé of San Francisco, chance
meetings were held and debate the opportunities and
initiatives with Settlers and Extensionists the
Community Training Centre for Agricultural D . José
Brandão de Castro - CFAC where were presented the
practical use and current soil management, a cultural
show with the presence of Association of the
Cowboys. At the time some policy scenarios were
analyzed informally. A visit to Angico Monument,
where you will run a support to the Project field office
was made. Technical visit was made to the Xingó
Living Center with semiarid conditions, located in
Piranhas / AL, to knowledge of the physical structure
of capacity building / training, demonstration projects
and social technologies developed by the Brazilian
Output 1.2: State landuse licensing processes
stimulate appropriate
measures to reduce LD
Mapeamento dos processos de
licenciamento ambiental do uso
da terra, definindo pontos de
sinergia para o apoio à
implementação do CAR.
Output 1.3: Monitoring
land use optimized for
SLM implementation
in ASD
Reuniões, encontros técnicos
com equipe técnica para a
definição de estratégias de
validação dos indicadores de
campo de qualidade do solo nas
áreas de intervenção, com
refinamento das estratégias de
mapeamento/gestão das áreas
de manejo integradas e
formalização de instrumentos
de cooperação com instituições
de pesquisa.
Promoção de oficinas de
Educação Ambiental voltadas a
gestão ambiental florestal e à
adoção de práticas de sistema
de manejo sustentável de terras
nas áreas de intervenção direta
do projeto, instituindo grupo de
estudos no âmbito da CNCD
para implementação da Lei
13.153 que institui a Política
Nacional de Combate à
Desertificação; e Elaboração de
um Manual Técnico: Caminhos
para a Agricultura Sustentável:
Princípios Conservacionistas
para o Pequeno Produtor Rural.
Output 1.4:
management and
governance framework
strengthened to
Institute for Development and SustentabilidadeIABS.
It was defined partnership between the Department to
Combat Desertification and the Brazilian Forest
Service, with financial support of the CEF, to launch
an Notice (Edital) with the object to provide a support
to the CAR in the Northeast Semiarid. The CAR –
Rural Environmental Registration will provide
financially support to 10,000 of families with small
farms located in the semiarid region upon their
registration at CAR. Because of this action, the project
was able to initiate the interagency coordination
process with social movements in CNCD especially
with ASA Brazil – SemiArid Network in and
CONTAG. The Contracts (R$ 10 million) were signed
among five institutions of ASD. One of the contracts
is designated to the Quilombolas of the Semiarid.
An additional initiative aimed to promote the
environmental licensing is being held with the
Department of Environment of Sergipe and
ENDAGRO with the objective to reflect the rural
database at CAR. This action will allow regularize
around 70,000 farms, equivalent to 80% of SE
property in CAR.
An action with INPE has been set, so that the
indicators and the project intervention areas be
reflected in the SAP and the methodology is built for
the monitoring of land in ASD.
Participation at the Special Meeting of the National
Committee to Combat Desertification-CNCD held on
December 8, 2015, in Brasilia / DF, for presentation
and discussion of the following topics: (i) the role of
CNCD in Governance of the Project at national level;
(ii) the Regulatory Process of Law No. - 13153/2015
establishing the National Policy to Combat
Desertification and Mitigating the Effects of Drought
and its instruments, recently sanctioned by the
President of Brazil; and (iii) presentation of the Early
Warning Systemm for Drought and Management
Holding of three workshops for the environmental
education, in partnership with the MMA, IBAMA-SE,
and the municipalities of the Alto Sertão Sergipe, to
promote the communities awareness for the adoption
of sustainable management practices of land in the
project intervention areas. Two of them with emphasis
on contributions the new Forest Code to implement
the Rural Environmental Registry - CAR, and the
other highlighting the role of the legal reserve and
permanent preservation areas for environmental
services, combating desertification and mitigating the
effects of drought. The workshops were held in the
cities of Caninde de Sao Francisco, SE, with the
participation of the technicians from OEMA,
SEMARH, through the Environment Departments of
Municipalities of Alto Sertão Sergipe and
extensionists of the agrarian reform.
Support for the holding of the II International Seminar
on Living with the Semiarid promoted in Xingó
Center, Piranhas - Alagoas, on 29 and 30 October
2015, in order to develop and disseminate educational
processes to improve knowledge for better living with
semiarid, productive inclusion and discussion of new
forms of interaction with the local community and
new looks, enhancing food security, water, energy and
the conservation of landscapes, in a participatory
manner, ensuring the protagonists of local
The project supported the 2nd International Course on
Living with the Semiarid, held at Xingó Centre from
November, 2nd to December,18th (100 hours / class).
The course presented an approach of social
technologies and innovative practices, productive
inclusion, environment and climate change for the
training of multipliers. The topics covered in modules
are: Environmental History and Climate Change in the
Context of semiarid Social and Technological
Innovation; Building Paths and Tools for Living with
the Semiarid; Inclusion and productive insertion in
Semiarid Regions; and Work of Course Completion.
The project also supported the the FAIR OF FAMILY
FARM - SEMIARID SHOW 2015 with the following
theme: "Territories, water and agroecology: bases for
life in the semiarid region" held at Embrapa Semiarid,
Petrolina / PE, from 20th to October 23rd, 2015. The
purpose of this initiative was to strengthen the
productive activities and contribute to the discussion
and dissemination of technologies and practices
adapted to dry for sustainable living in the semiarid.
The debate about the sustainable public policies for
the region were also in this Event agenda involving an
audience of 20,000 participants ranging from farmers,
researchers, teaching and research institutions, as well
as the Governments of the three spheres. For the stand
of the Event, it was produced material for display
regarding the good practice dissemination stand for
sustainable coexistence with semiaridez and the
Showcases Technological which presented social
technologies disseminated by the Project such as
Green Stove, Zero Base System, Sustainable Forest
Management for Multiple Use Community Settlement
and Rural Communities row of stones and Girau. In
addition to that, four short courses were also
conducted with the following themes: Management of
Multiple Caatinga use; Best Practices of Use and Soil
Conservation; Beekeeping in the Caatinga and
Implementation of Rural Environmental Registry.
The Project collaborated in the preparation of the
Technical Manual Pathways to Sustainable
Agriculture: Conservationists Principles for Small
Rural Producers, educational material aimed at
spreading knowledge about land management in
Semiarid areas that will be the basis for a technical
training program for 2016.
Outcome 2
Output 2.1: SLM best
practices implemented
in SAS provide
guidance for licensing
so as to revert LD
Planneds Activities for
coming year
Alinhamento das estratégias de
adequação e implantação de
boas praticas, envolvendo
equipe do projeto, técnicos do
Estado, ONGs e beneficiários
do projeto;
The project, in partnership with the Ministry of
Environment, through the Department to Combat
Desertification, the National Institute for the Semiarid
(INSA) with the involvement of FAO and IICA
promoted a number of initiatives for the
Commemoration of the Solo International Year ,
following the guidelines of the UN General Assembly.
In this context the support Project: (i) the completion
of a course Use and Conservation of soils for
University Teachers of the ASD; (ii) conducted a
Forest Management Course in Caatinga and Rural
Environmental Registry Deployment for state
government experts from environmental agencies and
NGOs working in rural extension in the ASD; (iii)
directed the .Dryland Champions Program of the
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
- UNCCD for the recognition of good management
practices of land. 30 were certified experiences in
Brazil and sent to the Secretariat of the UNCCD; (iv)
the holding of an international conference on Soil
Governance in partnership with the TCU; (v) the
realization of Soil International Day where they were
presented the "" World Soil Atlas prepared by FAO ",
the Early Warning System for Drought and
Desertification (SAP) developed by INPE in
partnership with the MMA, and was told . creation of
the Technical Training Program for the Management
and Conservation of Soil and Water in the semiarid
Northeast being implemented with the Project support
in partnership with IICA also launched the Technical
Manual: Pathways to Sustainable Agriculture:
Conservationists Principles for Small Rural Producers
and was made a Photo shows the successful
experience of Dryland Champions Program 2015 in
ASD, and (vi) the project supported the preparation
and publication of the book Living Land of UNCCD
which presents the Brazilian strategies for combating
desertification through environmental and social
public policies that promote water security, food,
energy and landscape conservation ensuring a
sustainable coexistence with semiaridez and
overcoming poverty.
The project has been articulating with the leaders of
the Sustainable RN Project (RN Loan Agreement with
the World Bank worth US $ 500 million) and the
Secretary of Environment and the environmental
agency TN the IDEMA in partnership with INSA
investment RS 4 million for the pilot project to
combat Desertficação Seridó to be held in 9
Communities in the three municipalities of Seridó RN. The challenge of this pilot will unite to combat
desertification actions having as a priority area both
served the Rio Grande do Norte (RN) and the Paraíba
(PB), as both have the same kind of biodiversity and
suffer from the process desertification. With this
action we intend to disseminate and replicate
sustainable management practices of land.
The Project is coordinating with the Department of the
Paraíba environment, the state environmental agency
(SUDEMA) and the Technology Park of Paraíba
(CEPIS / PaqTecPB) the implementation of the Forest
Development Program of Paraiba, which seeks an
environmental management strategy that ensures the
conservation of 600 hectares of caatinga landscape by
promoting sustainable energy matrix of the ceramic
industry, adjusting the forest production processes
(forest management), industrial (technological
improvement) and management and environmental
licensing (institutional and regulatory protocols).
Output 2.2: State
extension services
incorporate SLM
guidelines for ASDs
and provide targeted
support to SAS
Output 2.3: State-level
and national access to
diverse funds improved
for uptake of SLM in
Mapeamento das áreas de
intervenção para
implementação das boas
práticas, com indicação das
ações em andamento da
extensão rural, seleção de
agências implementadoras e
formalização de cartas de
acordos com instituições de
desenvolvimento agrário e
extensão rural.
Visita de intercâmbio para
captação de recursos para SLM
nas ASD.
Cursos de formação em práticas
de manejo da Terra.
The project is supporting the drafting of
SetorGesseiro Sustainability Pact in bioregion Araripe
(PE / CE and PI). This action has the support of CEF,
the Public Ministry and the State of Pernambuco. Visa
proper environmental management to landscape
conservation of 1.5 million hectares of forest cover
promoting the sustainability of the energy matrix of
the plaster sector which accounts for 98% of national
production. The Pact is facing the adequacy of forest
production processes (forest management), industrial
(technological improvement) and management and
environmental licensing (institutional and regulatory
protocols), as well as a technical training program for
the sector.
The Project has supported through the National
Committee to Combat Desertification conducting an
institutional articulation process with the states, the
MDA and social movements a hardening action of the
National Agroecology and Organic Production Plan
(PlanApo) in ASD.
The Project supported the Brazil's participation in the
twelfth session of the Conference of Parties to the
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
(COP 12) in Ankara, Turkey, during the period 12-23
October 2015. Brazil advocated more effective action
UNCCD to mobilize resources for the implementation
of good practices adapted to drought, to ensure a
sustainable coexistence with semiaridez and promote
food security, water, energy and the conservation of
landscapes in an inclusive way. The Brazilian
delegation, in coordination between the Focal Point
Technical (DCD / MMA), the Political Focal Point
(Itamaraty), the correspondent Scientific (National
Semiarid - INSA) and the Representation of the
Company (Network ASA Brazil), presented the
actions for coexistence with semiaridez being
implemented, such as structuring and inclusive
initiatives for an agenda of climate change adaptation
and the effective combating desertification, promoting
the elimination of poverty. In this context, including
the contributions of cooperation with international
organizations highlighting UNDP, FAO and IICA.
The project supported the implementation of
SUDENE Forum of Energy: challenges and
opportunities for the diversification of the regional
energy matrix, held on 28 and 09.29.2015 in Recife /
in which there was a debate about the importance of
the use of forest biomass in the energy mix of the NE
region and timeliness of environmental actions
contribute to the process of social inclusion and
development "." Forum addressed the opportunity of
the Northeast be added to Brazil's challenge in
implementing the ODS and its potential for
collaboration in INDC through actions for the
expansion of renewable energy sources, through the
supply of forest biomass Caatinga and Cerrado. The
proposal is to develop forest management plans that
allow sustainable use of biodiversity and enable the
conservation of inclusively landscape, offering low
cost renewable energy and sustainable. It was also
discussed the use of instruments such as
environmental services payment (PSA) and carbon
credit. Forest management was approached as an
agroforestry practice of coexistence with semiaridez
and that can be seen as an action adapted to climate
change. This practice enables the company is a partner
of the Government in meeting targets (INDECI) under
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that deal
with the sustainable use of biodiversity. This initiative
has defined a strategy for carrying out a study of the
SUDENE supported by the Project and the
Polytechnic University of Madrid - UPM on economic
inclusion of forest biomass in the Socio-economics of
The project has supported the coordination with the
development of instruments for resource capture
aiming to support local projects. This direction is
under way to draw up a project worth 2 million euros
to support the Mercosur initiative, the implementation
of actions combating desertification in Brazil,
strengthening actions with Portuguese-speaking
countries for forest management dry, use and
conservation of soil and supporting the
implementation of UNCCD in the Portuguesespeaking countries.
RS 550,000 investment by the Climate Fund for the
promotion of actions to good practices of forest
management and energy efficiency for the plaster and
ceramic sector also was approved.
The project supported the negotiation and drafting of
an initiative of R $ 10 million in partnership with the
National Fund for the Environment, the
Environmental Fund CAIXA and the Brazilian Forest
Service, aimed at the implementation of the Rural
Environmental Registry on 10,000 farms family
farming in ASD.