TRANSITION OF CARE (TOC) PILOTS GUIDE 1. INTRODUCTION The Transition of Care is one of the key initiatives to healthcare reform because its implementation will contribute to the overall cost savings within the US health system through enhanced care coordination, improved clinical outcomes and care efficiency, and decreased adverse events. The Transition of Care (ToC) Initiative addresses improvements in care coordination and patient engagement in their own healthcare. The strong foundation of Meaningful Use Stage 1 can be further strengthened with requirements for Meaningful Use Stage 2 that drive these improvements in care coordination and patient engagement. Meaningful Use Stage 1 and anticipated Stage 2 criteria require information to be exchanged in transitions of care. Implementers are often confused about how to adopt the specifications for exchange of the required data. This exchange is dependent on a secure, interoperable environment. The standardized patient clinical summary will provide timely, accurate, and structured information at the point of care to the receiving provider. The accuracy of clinical information will help ensure that clinicians provide high quality care. Defining the minimum data elements to be exchanged and mapping them to MU-specified formats will better enable providers to use the specifications in a timely manner to exchange the required clinical data between care settings. 2. PURPOSE OF THE GUIDE The purpose of this ToC Pilots Guide is to provide ToC Pilot participants with the information required to successfully plan and conduct a ToC pilot. 3. PURPOSE OF THE TOC PILOTS The purpose of ToC Pilots is to verify the following, optionally using the ToC Reference Implementation (RI) API, ToC Implementation Guide (IG) validation. Clinical information mapping and transformation for o ToC Information Packets. Last Updated 09/26/2011 Page 1 of 8 Discharge Summary provides a synopsis of a patient’s admission to a hospital and pertinent information for the continuation of care following discharge. Consultation Request Clinical Summary provides a request for consultation, and a core set of clinical and administrative information between clinicians, as well as additional context specific information which may be provided to and/or requested by the consulting clinician. Requesting clinicians can transmit a core set of patient information and more. Consultation Summary provides information from provider organization surrounding a consultation and consultation context-relevant data. Discharge Instructions provides procedures for going home from the hospital and include follow-up/plan of care. o Data Dictionary providing standardization of data elements. o Vocabulary Mapping containing harmonized data elements. 4. PILOT CONFIGURATIONS 4.1. MINIMUM CONFIGURATION The Transition of Care Use Cases focuses primarily on the information which needs to be transmitted between organizations. However, in order to implement a System which supports the S&I Transition of Care Initiative, a fully operational system must be created. Pilot participants will propose system configurations that, meet the following minimum requirements. ToC Clinical Information sender, an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. ToC Clinical Information receiver, an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system or a Personal Health Record (PHR) system. A transport system or mechanism that is being used in Production environments. A security system or mechanism that is being used in Production environments. A means to capture and log o Generated/Received messages o Generated/Received acknowledgments Each pilot participant can include system configurations in addition to the requirements listed above. 4.2. ACTORS INVOLVED A pilot may involve the following participants from the healthcare ecosystem: EHR or PHR vendor [Optional] Healthcare Information Services Provider (HISP) or System Integrator Last Updated 09/26/2011 Page 2 of 8 Provider and/or Patient The following diagram provides a sample pilot with configuration requirements divided by participant’s likely responsibilities. Provider or Patient or Caregiver etc. Provider HISP or System Integrator EHR Vendor EHR ToC Reference Library API Vendor specific adapter Transport, Security & Other EHR or PHR Vendor Vendor specific adapter ToC Reference Library API Figure 1. Pilot Flow and Functionality Table 1 lists the Pilot User Functions for EHR vendor (as sender), HISP or System Integrator (to serve as gateway connecting individual EHRs), and EHR or PHR vendor (as receiver). Table 1. Pilot User Functions EHR Vendor (as sender) Configure EHR Integrate with ToC RI API Integrate appropriate adapter Create Messages Publish Message Last Updated 09/26/2011 HISP or System Integrator Create approach to capturing transmitted and received messages Facilitate Communication/ Collaboration between sender and receiver vendors Integration Create Transport Mechanism Create Security Mechanism EHR or PHR Vendor (as receiver) Configure EHR or PHR Integrate with ToC RI API Integrate appropriate adapter Receive Messages Parse, store message contents Page 3 of 8 EHR or PHR 4.3. USE CASE [From ToC Use Case document at – ToC Use Case & Requirements (UCR) WG] The following diagram depicts the exchange to support the Elements in Transition of Care Use Case. 1. The ability of the Electronic Health Record System to send and/or receive Clinical Information through a HISP. 2. The ability of the Personal Health Record to send and/or receive Clinical Information through a HISP. Figure 2: Use Case Diagram Last Updated 09/26/2011 Page 4 of 8 Send Clinical Summary, Consultation Request Summary Discharge Summary and/or Discharge Instruction est qu Re arge n io isch tat su l / o r D n o , C and ary ary m m m m ns o l Su Su ica arge tructi n i l h s C c n I Patient ves Dis cei ry, ) Re ma pe Sco Sum f o ut s (O R H rE ide v o Pr tes da p U Transition Of Care Provider_1 Receive Clinical Summary and Consultation Summary Re Rece qu ive est C Sum linic a or mar l Sum Dis y D m cha isc ary rge har , Co Ins ge S nsu tru um lta ctio ma tion ns ry a Sen nd dC / lini cal Sum Sum mar ma y an dC ry on su l t Provider_2 Figure 3: Context Diagram Scenario 1: The Exchange of Clinical Summaries from Provider to Provider Scenario 2: The Exchange of Clinical Summaries between Provider to Patient in support of ToC User Stories of Scenario 1 User Story 1: The Exchange of Information to Support the Transfer of Patient Information from One Provider to Another Setting 1: Hospital or Emergency Department from where patient is discharged (sends discharge summary to PCP or Care Team). Setting 2: Patient's PCP or Care Team (receives discharge summary from Hospital or ED clinical system). Last Updated 09/26/2011 Page 5 of 8 User Story 2: Closed Loop Referral Setting 1: PCP's office (sends consultation request clinical summary to specialist). Setting 2: Specialist's office (receives referral request clinical summary from PCP; send consultation summary to PCP). Return to Setting 1: PCP’s office User Story 3: Complex Series of Care Transactions Setting: Emergency Department Setting: Hospital Setting: Rehabilitation Facility User Stories of Scenario 2 User Story 1: The Exchange of Discharge Instructions and Discharge Summary between a Provider and Patient to Support the Transfer of a Patient from One Care Setting to Another. Setting 1: Hospital or ED from where patient is discharged (sends discharge instructions to patient). Setting 2: Patient User Story 2: The Exchange of Clinical Summaries between Provider and Patients to Support the Closedloop Transfer of a Patient from One Care Setting to Another Consultation Referral. Setting 1: PCP’s office Setting 2: Specialist’s office Setting 3: Patient 5. SUCCESS CRITERIA Successfully create and transmit messages that comply with ToC artifacts. Optionally utilize and integrate an EHR system with ToC RI API. Conformance to ToC Implementation Guide (IG) Use ToC Artifacts CIM/Vocabulary ToC Implementation Guide (IG) Toc RI API Last Updated 09/26/2011 Page 6 of 8 Utilize and integrate an EHR or PHR system with ToC RI API to successfully receive the message contents that were sent from the sender. Provide feedback for improving the ToC artifacts. 6. SCHEDULE Pilots may participate in IHE Connectathon and/or HIMSS Showcase. Participation in the HIMSS Showcase is encouraged. Table 2 lists the scheduled milestones affecting ToC Pilots through February 2012. Table 2. Scheduled Milestones Date October 18-19, 2011 January 9-13, 2012 February 21-23, 2012 Event F2F meeting (Washington D.C.) Connectathon (Chicago, IL) HIMSS Showcase (Las Vegas, NV)* * participants provide their own schedule 7. RESPONSIBILITIES 7.1. ONC Promote pilots’ success Receive and assess feedback Define overall success metrics Gather lessons learned Facilitating and coordination 7.2. TOC PILOTS WORKGROUP Outreach Provide ongoing education, support, and training to pilot participants Provide specifications (Artifacts) 1. CIM/Vocabulary 2. ToC Implementation Guide (IG) 3. Toc RI API 4. ToC RI integration support Last Updated 09/26/2011 Page 7 of 8 Provide Project Management for the ToC Pilots 1. Pilot project guidance (this document) 2. Review, evaluate and approve proposed pilots 3. Monitor pilot progress and receive/report status 4. Evaluate test results 7.3. PILOT PARTICIPANTS Complete the pilot application and deployment Conduct successful test according to provided test plan (or equivalent) Provide results to S&I Framework Pilots Workgroup for evaluation Provide in-process progress information 8. IHE CONNECTATHON AND HIMSS It is not mandatory to participate in the IHE Connectathon. The ONC pilot support team will be coordinating readiness review sessions with pilots to ensure they are prepared to showcase at HIMSS. Date September 30, 2011 January 9-13, 2012 • Date October 8, 2011 February 21-23, 2012 Last Updated 09/26/2011 IHE Connectathon 2012 Event Registration deadline Connectathon (Chicago, IL) HIMSS12 Interoperability Showcase Event Registration deadline (extension for ONC pilots only) HIMSS Showcase (Las Vegas, NV)* * participants provide their own schedule Page 8 of 8