The Faculty Athletics Committee Update Friday, February 8, 2013 Admissions • Information/Education Phase – Discussions – UGA & Layna Mosley and Beverly Foster, FAC topic experts – Reviewed documents – • • • • Charge to the Special Talent Admission Subcommittee Statement on Evaluation of Candidates Summary of Admission Practices Data handouts with additional statistics provided at second session Admissions • Athletics is permitted to recommend up to 160 first-year students for admission • Covered under the “special talent” clause which provides for students “who give evidence of possessing special talents for University programs requiring such special talents.” (same clause covers Departments of Music and Dramatic Art) Admissions – Reviewed by Subcommittee • The # of students is relatively small and has generally been trending downwards over time. • 2013 - expected # is 16 - down from 23 in each of the last two years, using the current criteria; • Down from 30, using the previous lower thresholds, in 2001 • Down from the middle 30s in the 1990s • Of the 16 this year, all have predicted first-year grade-point averages above 2.0. Admissions • Complex review of applicants for potential for success • Seven most recent cohorts enrolling at UNC six or more years ago, the six-year graduation rate was 56% with another 25% either still enrolled or left the University with cumulative grade-point averages of 2.0 or higher. • Reviewing past practices to learn about the success or failure of previous students to inform the current decisions Admissions • Subcommittee working with the Athletics Department and the Academic Support Program for Student Athletes (ASPSA) • Improving academic profile of the 160 admitted athletes Admissions • Three groups: 1) predicted first-year GPAs below 2.3, along with any others who require review by the subcommittee; 2) predicted GPAs between 2.3 and 2.6; 3) predicted GPAs of 2.6 or higher. • Over the last six years - Half of the students were in the first two groups combined and the other half in the third group. • Working with athletics to reduce the share in the first two groups and increase the share in the third. (this plan is consistent with the athletics dept’s new strategic plan) Admissions • Literacy skills question • Fall 2012 First-year class included 26 students who scored below 450 in Critical Reading or below 17 in English. • Of these 26 students, 18 were recruited athletes; the others were not. • The # of students with verbal test scores at these levels has generally trended downward over time, both among all students and among recruited athletes. Admissions • In 2005, the # of first-year athletes with such scores was 25; 2012 the # was 18; 2013 projected to be 12. Admissions • The 26 students with scores at this level who enrolled at Carolina last fall have now completed their first full semester. • Sixty-two percent of them, including 56 percent of the recruited athletes, have GPA averages at or above 2.3. The range in the averages is wide: from 0.97 to 3.68 for the non-athletes, and from 1.07 to 3.46 for the athletes. Admissions – Current Summary • Process in place for improving the academic profile of our entering student athletes • Admissions profile trends moving in the right direction • Plans for more data reporting • At FAC year end - more data to analyze and review in context of other information – student athlete exit data, advising resources, and academic support programs February - Advising • Topic Experts – Beverly Foster and Eileen Parsons • Information/Education Phase • Lee May, Associate Dean and Director of Academic Advising • Brent Blanton, Associate Director of Student Success and Academic Counseling Expertise & Collaboration: Serving StudentAthletes Academic Advising Program Academic Support Program In-depth knowledge of curriculum Coaching/mentoring/ tutorial assistance Student guidance Academic planning Course planning Connection w/campus resources Transactional authority For University policies Reporting NCAA Eligibility Scholarships/awards Degree progress Recruiting Athletics department policies Open meetings Join us! Thank you for all your input and support!