Lower Urinary Tract Infection

Lower Urinary Tract Infection
Dr. Belal Hijji, RN, PhD
April 25 & 30, 2012
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lecture, students will be able to:
• Identify the risk factors for the development of urinary tract
infection (UTI).
• Describe the clinical manifestations of UTI.
• Describe assessment and tests to diagnose UTI.
• Describe the medical management of a patient with UTI
• Discuss the nursing process as a framework for care of patient
with UTI.
• Several mechanisms maintain the sterility of the bladder: the
physical barrier of the urethra, urine flow, and ureterovesical
junction competence.
• Risk factors for UTI include:
– Inability or failure to empty the bladder completely.
– Obstructed urinary flow, from congenital anomalies, urethral
strictures, bladder tumors, and calculi (stones) in the ureters or
– Decreased natural host defenses or immunosuppression.
– Instrumentation of the urinary tract (eg, catheterization).
– Inflammation of the urethral mucosa.
– Contributing conditions such as diabetes mellitus (increased
urinary glucose levels create an infection-prone environment in
the urinary tract), pregnancy, and other altered states
characterized by incomplete emptying of the bladder and urinary
FIGURE 1 Mechanisms of urethrovesical and ureterovesical reflux may cause
urinary tract infection. Urethrovesical reflux: With coughing and straining,
bladder pressure rises, which may force urine from the bladder into the urethra
(A). When bladder pressure returns to normal, the urine flows back to the
bladder (B), which introduces bacteria from the urethra to the bladder.
Ureterovesical reflux: With failure of the ureterovesical valve, urine moves up
the ureters during voiding (C) and flows into the bladder when voiding stops
(D). This prevents complete emptying of the bladder. It also leads to urinary
stasis and contamination of the ureters with bacteria-laden urine.
Clinical Manifestations
• About half of all patients with bacteriuria have no symptoms.
• Signs and symptoms of uncomplicated lower UTI (cystitis)
include frequent pain and burning on urination, frequency,
urgency, nocturia, incontinence, and suprapubic pain.
Hematuria and back pain may also be present.
Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
• UTI is diagnosed by bacteria in the urine. A colony count of at
least 105 colony-forming units (CFU) per milliliter of urine on
a clean-catch midstream or catheterized specimen is a major
criterion for infection. However, UTI and subsequent sepsis
have occurred with lower bacterial colony counts.
• Hematuria (greater than 4 red blood cells [RBCs] per highpower field) is present in 50% of patients. Pyuria (greater than
4 white blood cells [WBCs] per high-power field) occurs in all
patients with UTI; however, it can also be seen with kidney
stones, interstitial nephritis, and renal tuberculosis.
• Urine cultures remain the gold standard in documenting a UTI
and can identify the specific organism present.
Medical Management
• Management of UTIs typically involves pharmacologic
therapy and patient education. The nurse is a key figure in
teaching the patient about medication regimens and infection
prevention measures.
• Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and nitrofurantoin.
Occasionally, ampicillin or amoxicillin are used, but E. coli
organisms have developed resistance to these agents.
• Ciprofloxacin.
• Levofloxacin.
Nursing Management
• Assessment: Assess, document and report the presence of
pain, frequency, and urgency and changes in urine including
color, concentration, and cloudiness, all of which are altered
by bacteria in the urinary tract. The patient’s knowledge about
prescribed antimicrobial medications and preventive health
care measures is also assessed.
• Nursing Diagnoses: Based on the assessment data, the
nursing diagnoses may include the following:
– Acute pain related to inflammation and infection of the urethra,
bladder, and other urinary tract structures.
– Deficient knowledge related to factors predisposing the patient
to infection, detection and prevention of recurrence, and
pharmacologic therapy.
• Planning and goals: Major goals for the patient may include
relief of pain and discomfort; increased knowledge of
preventive measures and treatment regimen; and absence of
• Nursing interventions:
– Pain Relief: The pain associated with UTI is quickly relieved
once effective antimicrobial therapy is initiated. Aspirin and
applying heat to the perineum help relieve pain and spasm. The
patient should drink liberal amounts of water to promote renal
blood flow and to flush the bacteria from the urinary tract.
Urinary tract irritants (eg, coffee, tea, citrus, spices, colas,
alcohol) are avoided. Voiding every 2 to 3 hours is encouraged
to empty the bladder completely because to significantly lower
urine bacterial counts, reduce urinary stasis, and prevent
– Monitoring and Managing Potential Complications: Early
recognition of UTI and prompt treatment are essential to prevent
recurrent infection and the possibility of complications (renal
failure and sepsis). Thus, the patient must be taught to recognize
early signs and symptoms, to test for bacteriuria, and to initiate
treatment as prescribed. Appropriate antimicrobial therapy,
liberal fluid intake, frequent voiding, and hygienic measures are
commonly prescribed for managing UTI. Patients with catheterassociated UTI are at increased risk for septic shock. Indwelling
catheters should be avoided if possible and removed at the
earliest opportunity. If an indwelling catheter (Slide 11) is
necessary, the following nursing interventions are initiated to
prevent infection:
• Using strict aseptic technique during insertion of the catheter (Slide
• Securing the catheter with tape to prevent movement.
• Frequently inspecting urine color, odor, and consistency.
• Performing meticulous daily perineal care with soap and water.
• Maintaining a closed system.
• Using the catheter’s port to obtain urine specimens.
Urine bag
Diagram of a foley catheter
Urinary catheterization with a dummy
– Patient Education: An objective of teaching about recurrent UTIs
is their prevention, through implementing careful personal
hygiene, increasing fluid intake to promote voiding and dilution
of urine, urinating regularly and more frequently, and adhering
to the therapeutic regimen.
• Hygiene: Shower rather than bathe in tub because bacteria in the
bath water may enter the urethra. After each bowel movement,
clean the perineum and urethral meatus from front to back. This
will help reduce concentrations of pathogens at the urethral opening
and, in women, the vaginal opening.
• Fluid Intake: Drink liberal amounts of fluids daily to flush out
bacteria. Avoid coffee, tea, colas, alcohol, and other fluids that are
urinary tract irritants.
• Voiding Habits: Void every 2 to 3 hours during the day and
completely empty the bladder. This prevents overdistention of the
bladder and compromised blood supply to its wall. Both predispose
the patient to UTI.
• Therapy: Instruct the patient to take medication exactly as
prescribed. For recurrent infection, instruct the patient to take
ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 1,000 mg daily, or cranberry [‫]التوت البري‬
juice to acidify urine. Instruct the patient to test urine for bacteria as
recommended. Finally, teach the patient to consult the health care
provider regularly for follow-up, recurrence of symptoms, or
infections not responsive to treatment.
• Evaluation: Expected patient outcomes may include:
– Experiences relief of pain
• Reports absence of pain, urgency, dysuria, or hesitancy on voiding
• Takes analgesic and antibiotic agents as prescribed
– Explains UTIs and their treatment
• Demonstrates knowledge of preventive measures and prescribed
• Drinks 8 to 10 glasses of fluids daily
• Voids every 2 to 3 hours
• Voids urine that is clear and odorless
– Experiences no complications
• Reports no symptoms of infection (fever, dysuria, frequency) or
renal failure (nausea, vomiting, fatigue, pruritus)
• Has normal BUN and serum creatinine levels, negative urine and
blood cultures
• Exhibits normal vital signs and temperature; no signs or symptoms
of sepsis
• Maintains adequate urine output more than 30 mL per hour