L AW OF ARREST L AW E N F O R C E M E N T I 1 LESSON OBJECTIVES • Define the term arrest • List and explain the elements of an arrest • Discuss the types of arrest • Differentiate an arrest from a stop • Demonstrate a proper arrest and frisk • https://youtu.be/IpjinRTSGNQ 2 WHAT IS AN ARREST? • Taking a person into custody by the actual restraint of the person. • Federal government definition: arrest is a seizure of a person who is – Required to go elsewhere with the police – Deprived of freedom of movement – Subjected to more force than reasonably part of an investigative detention 3 ELEMENTS OF ARREST • Intent by the officer to make an arrest – Can be verbal “You are under arrest” – Nonverbal actions such as placing suspect in handcuffs and the back of the squad car – Reasonable person test used • Authority to arrest – Law gives police the authority to make arrests – TX peace officers can arrest on and off duty 4 ELEMENTS OF ARREST • Subjection or the actual submission to the arrest (physical arrest) – Can be forced into submission by the officer – Includes the use of hands, taser, firearms by the officer during detainment. • Understanding means the arrestee must understand (know) they are being arrested – Verbal statements or actions by the officer can suffice – Arrestees that are under the influence need not understand the arrest to be valid. 5 STOP VERSUS ARREST Stop Arrest Justification Reasonable suspicion Probable cause Intent of Officer To resolve an ambiguous situation To make a formal charge Search Pat down or frisk Complete body search Record Minimal Fingerprints, photographs during booking 6 TYPES OF ARRESTS • Warrantless arrest – Made without a warrant but PC is still present • Arrest warrant – Warrant is obtained from a judge • De facto arrest – Custody issue 7 WARRANTLESS ARREST • Police can arrest for felony or misdemeanors committed in their presence – Public offenses, PC exists because crime was committed in front of police • Arrests can also be made for crimes committed outside police presence with PC – Cannot enter a dwelling (home) to arrest without a warrant • Includes homes, motel rooms, tents, and migrant housing – Exigent circumstances – emergency situations warranting the invasion of privacy by police • For example, police can pursue a fleeing suspect into a private residence without a warrant due to the hot pursuit rule 8 ARREST WARRANTS • Warrants help protect police from allegations of false arrest. • An affidavit (written statement) of PC is required, sworn to by officer – Judge reads the affidavit and will issue a warrant if he deems PC is present • A warrant must contain: – Name of the person to be arrested – Offense charged – Officer or department making the arrest – Signature of a judge 9 DE FACTO ARREST • Occurs when an officer takes a suspect to police department for questioning – Officer may not have the intent to arrest – PC is not present for an official arrest – Suspect is not free to leave or feels they are not free to leave. – Kaupp v. Texas 10