Classification Power Point

Today’s Plan: 10/20/09
Bellwork: Update folders (10 mins)
Quiz corrections (15 mins)
Classification evidence activity (30 mins)
Begin Notes (if time)
Pack/Wrap up (last 5 mins)
Today’s Plan: 10/21/09
• Bellwork: Classification Notes (25 mins)
• Salamander Key (30 mins)
• Pack/Wrap-up (last few mins of class)
Today’s Plan: 10/22/09
Bellwork: Classification pop quiz (15 mins)
Go over pop quiz (15 mins)
Menu (50 mins)
Finish Notes (15 mins)
Pack/Wrap-up (last few mins of class)
Today’s Plan: 10/23/09
• Bellwork: Vocab Quiz 9 and Blue Diamond
#5&6 (35 mins)
• Finish Menu (the rest of class)
• Pack/Wrap-up (last few mins of class)
Today’s Plan: 10/26/09
• Bellwork: Test Q&A (15 mins)
• Unit 4 Test (as needed)
• If you finish early, work on missing tasks,
finish the menu, or the next HW (The rest
of class)
• Pack/Wrap-up (last few mins)
Questions Pre-assessment
• Read each question carefully and do the
– Identify the concept being tested by the
– Put the question in your own words
– Ask the question a different way
– Answer the question
Classification Quiz
• The steps of the classification scheme, in
order, are:
• Who has more in common, organisms in the
same Family or in the same order?
• Members in the same Class must also
belong to the same (Phylum, Genus, or
• A group of related classes is:
• Write your name as if it were a scientific
Notes on Classification
• Taxonomy=The science of Classification
• Taxonomy has always been of interest to
people trying to understand the natural
• Aristotle-1st classification scheme which
had 2 groups-plants and animals. Each
group also had a subgroup based on where
they lived.
• What are the problems with this scheme?
Carl von Linnae
• Swedish aristocrat-very interested in plants and
had A LOT of time on his hands.
• Became not only interested in classifying, but
also in a common naming system that anyone
could understand.
• Came up with Binomial Nomenclature (Bi=2,
Nom=Name, clature=system-you can do the
rest) using Latin Names
• Became a celebrity-his house is still a tourist
• Because of his fame and love for latin,
changed his name to Carolus Linnaeus
How does Binomial
Nomenclature work?
• Modern classification uses KPCOFGS (you
know what these are;-)
• The Scientific, Binomial name, is simply
the last two names from the classification
scheme written as follows:
• Genus species or sometimes: G. species
• Notice, the first name is ALWAYS
capitalized, and the last is ALWAYS lower
case. Also, the whole thing is italicized OR
The 6-Kingdoms
You should identify the main characteristics
of each.
Modern Classification Example
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo (notice the italics and
• Species: sapiens
• Guess the mystery animal!!!!!!!
Modern Classification
• The overall goal of classification is to
determine evolutionary relationships and
group closely-related individuals
• This used to be accomplished using
characteristics, however, since times have
changed, we now examine DNA to find
Cladograms and Phylogenetic
• Cladogram-.graphic representation of the
evolutionary relationships between species.
Different from a phylogenetic tree in that each
split only branches into two (bifurcation), and
based on a derived character.
• Phylogenetic Tree-graphic representation of a
classification system based on evolutionary
relationships and when things evolved.
• See overhead for examples
Test Topics (DK, K, R)
Early classification Schemes
Aristotle and Linnaeus
Modern classification scheme
Methods of classification
Dichotomous keys
Cladograms and Phylogenetic Trees
Constructing Cladograms based on amino
acid sequence
• Figure out your score without extra credit and
compare it to your score with. Are you
surprised at the difference? Why or why not?
• Did you actually use your study plan to
prepare for this test? If so, do you think that
you need to change it? How?
• Thinking about your quiz scores for this past
unit, would you say that you improved on
this test?
• What will you do next time to improve your
grade or keep a good grade?