DUE OCTOBER 22 nd , submitted through e

Developing Competent and Democratic Professionals
CNSL 5170-50 – Counseling and Career Across the Lifespan
Fall Semester, 2010
Instructor: Lay-nah Blue Morris
Phone: 760-6341
E-mail: laynah@uwyo.edu – The best way to reach me is via e-mail
Times and Locations: September 17-18, 2010 & October 15-16. Fridays 5-10pm; Saturdays
8am-6pm. Location TBA.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in the Counselor Education program, or permission of the
Education Librarian: Cheryl Goldstein at Coe Library. cgold@uwyo.edu phone: 766-6734
Course Description: 1) Study of human lifespan development theory and application in client
work. 2) Study of career theory, methods, assessment instruments, career counseling skill
development. 3). Study career theory applied across the life-span.
Instructor’s Responsibility: My promise to you.
As the instructor, I promise to:
 Treat you with respect and openness; honor everyone in their individual and cultural
Create a safe and supportive classroom environment. We need to feel safe to be
vulnerable and open to learning from each other. We need to feel supported to selfreflect with honesty.
Be available to you. Please feel free to e-mail or phone me.
Be responsible to returning assignments, emails, and phone calls in a timely manner
Prompt and encourage you. Provide opportunities for you to explore thoughts, reactions,
beliefs, skills, and bring self-reflection into the classroom.
Evaluate your performance in our class. Have you come to class prepared? Read the
assignments? Do you thoughtfully contribute to each class? Do you participate well and
honestly with others, especially in collaborative assignments? Are your assignments in
on time and your best effort and quality?
Student’s Responsibilities: What you promise to yourself and each other.
Promise to Yourself and the Cohort - I will be prepared for each class (Read assigned
text and journal articles prior to class) and contribute to my colleague’s educational
Professional Responsibility – I will engage with my colleagues and challenge and
support them. I will honor everyone in this class with openness and respect for our
individual and cultural perspectives. I will practice:
Unconditional Positive Regard
Accurate Empathic Understanding
Professional Criticism
Attendance/Participation Policy: I will attend and participate in all
classes as it is required and expected (30 % of my grade). I will inform
the instructor BEFORE the expected deadline or class meeting, if I am
going to be late or miss any portion of class or an assignment deadline.
Due to only meeting in person for two weekends during the semester,
it is vital that you attend for the full time that we meet. You will only
be excused from any portion of this meeting with an approved excuse
from your institution. Also, participation in e-companion
discussions/activities is required in order to meet the CACREP
standard s for class meeting length. Taking into account all the above
information, I will be responsible for getting materials I have missed from
other classmates.
Confidentiality: In addition to the University of Wyoming policies, this course, similar to other
courses in the Counselor Education Program, requires that class members maintain
confidentiality regarding all personal information related by classmates and clients as advocated
in the ethical codes of the ACA. Any breach of confidentiality will be considered a serious
ethical and academic violation. The revised code of ethics can be found on the ACA website:
www.counseling.org click on “resources” at the top of the page, then “ethics” in the left hand
column, and “2005 ACA Code of Ethics.”
Disability Statement: If you have a physical, sensory, cognitive, or psychological disability
and require accommodations, please let the instructor know as soon as possible. You must
register with, and provide documentation of your disability to University Disability Support
Services (UDSS) in SEO, room 330 Knight Hall. You may also reach them at 766-6189, TTY:
A. General Goals: You will understand human development theories and their application in
counseling. You will also get a clear understanding of career development theories and their
application across the lifespan. You will get exposure to NBCC study guide materials and
questions that relate directly to career and lifespan development.
B. Outcomes: When you have successfully completed this course you will take with you the
1. An understanding of the theories related to human development across the lifespan
2. Ability to identify theory-based strategies for enhancing human development in the
counseling environment
3. An understanding of career theory across the lifespan
4. Ability to identify and develop theory-based strategies to enhance career development
in the counseling environment
Plagiarism and Academic Honesty:
Academic dishonesty involves taking credit yourself for work that was done by another. The
University of Wyoming is built upon a strong foundation of integrity, respect and trust. All
members of the university community have a responsibility to be honest and the right to expect
honesty from others. Any form of academic dishonesty is unacceptable to our community and
will not be tolerated (from the UW General Bulletin). Teachers and students should report
suspected violations of standards of academic honesty to the instructor, department head, or
dean. Other University regulations can be found at:
Syllabus Adaptation / Flexibility: The information in this syllabus is not set in stone. The
instructor reserves the right to make adjustments based on the progress and perceived needs of
the class. This may include adding or eliminating assignments, readings, and activities, or
adjustments to the course schedule. I also invite you to make suggestions for improving the
class. This is your professional training. Make sure that you are getting your needs met. Please
let me know if you have ideas or suggestions.
Text(s) and Readings:
Developmental Counseling and Therapy: Promoting Wellness Over the Lifespan by Allen
Ivey, Mary Ivey, Jane Myers & Thomas Sweeney
Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century, 3rd Edition by Spencer G. Niles &
JoAnn Harris-Bowlesby
*Additional reading materials will be assigned and available on e-companion or provided by the
Course Requirements/Assignments:
Each student will be evaluated on the following assignments to determine a final grade:
1. Class participation and discussion. You are required to attend class prepared to
participate in class exercises and discussions. You are responsible to one another to come
to class prepared and to engage with each other. E-companion will serve as “class” for us
throughout the semester; you are required to meet the same criterion in this forum.
2. Collaboration Activities and Peer Evaluation. Collaboration is a fun way to learn new
information, quickly and thoroughly. For the magic of collaboration to work you must
commit to each other and trust that your colleagues will work with the same level of
integrity you will. To ensure fair evaluation of your level of commitment you will be
evaluated by your peers, as well as the instructor, on your preparedness and participation
in class discussions and activities. Collaborative Classroom Learning Experiences –
There is a tremendous amount of information and reading to cover for both the Lifespan
and Career subject area. In order to reduce the intensity of the amount of individual
reading you will work in groups as subject specialists. Each week a pre-selected group of
3-4 students will be responsible for highlighting and reflecting as a group on the readings
for that week. In class you will be presenting the materials in any format you wish, e.g.
PowerPoint, role- play, special graphics or hand-out designs, performance art…as you
like, etc. Your group will provide a 1-2 page handout for all class members to collect and
keep for future reference. You will also have 2-3 questions for the class and answer
questions from your colleagues. EVALUATIONS: 1) Within Each Group - You will
be anonymously evaluating the individual participation of each other on a scale from 0 to
10; (0) =Added little to no value to group project to (10) = Fully participated and high
level of contribution to group. 2) Class Evaluation – Your colleagues will be evaluating
your contribution to their overall learning on a scale from 0 to 10; (0) =Learned very little
to (10) Learned A Lot. 3) Instructor Evaluation – You will be asked to provide
feedback on the instructor’s methods…with specific suggestions for improvements.
(Class Participation and Collaboration Effort = 30% of final grade)
3. Your Thoughts about Readings (= 10% of final grade). Every week you will
prepare a ½ page document (no APA)…with simply your reactions to the readings
for the week. What struck you as interesting? How were you able to generate
enthusiasm for the readings? What portion of the readings reminded you of some
part of your past or another’s story? These will be submitted through e-companion
at the end of each week, and I will respond to you individually, or as a class, to
address your thoughts and concerns.
4. Career counseling assessments
Complete 3(three) career assessment tools. This must be done before October 4th,
2010. (Strong Interest Inventory, Myers-Briggs Type Instrument, and Keirsey
Temperament Sorter ii). Directions - See below:
Directions: You will be taking the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II inventory
which can be found on-line. Google it by typing in Keirsey Temperament Sorter
ii inventory and the assessment is free.
You will be given directions to complete the other two assessments at a later date.
Bring Keirsey assessment results to class on October 15-16, 2010.
On October 15, 2010 Janet de Vries, director of career services at Casper College,
will further discuss career counseling from a theory-to-practice perspective. She has
invited us to spend some time with her at the career center. We will also discuss your
findings from the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II Inventory.
5. Reflect on the experience. In a 2-page Reflection Paper answer the following
questions: How did this experience affect you? How might this experience affect
how you work with your clients? How does career theory and practice converge in
this experience for you? This does not have to be APA style, in fact it can be
“bulleted”…just thoughtfully produced. DUE OCTOBER 22nd, submitted
through e-companion.
6. Quizzes – There will be 2 multiple choice quizzes to test your understanding of career
and lifespan development theoretical concepts. The questions on these quizzes will come
directly from past NCE exams in the content areas of Lifespan Development and Career
Theory. (20% of final grade)
7. Final Paper (Due December 3, 2010) = 30% of final grade) – Detailed instructions will
be provided in class.
Lifespan Development in Context: In this paper you are to discuss the impact of
lifespan development on holistic wellness (self, colleagues, clients) and how this
awareness is critical to effectively helping clients. Because every person develops in the
context of multiple systems, you should also include your understanding and awareness
of contextual influences on developmental processes.
a. Personal Influences: What were the key systemic and developmental influences on
who you are today? In what ways has your development been both typical, and
unique? How can this self-awareness improve your work with clients and colleagues?
b. A Developmental Approach: What are the principles of lifespan development that
are important to counseling? Identify and briefly review one or two key
developmental models that you believe will be most helpful in your particular work
c. Practicing Developmentally: How will you incorporate your understanding of
lifespan development into your professional work? Think in terms of how you will
integrate developmental knowledge and principles into your assessment,
conceptualization, and intervention. What are the implications of diversity issues on
developmental understanding and work?
d. Lifespan Development and Ethics: What ethical responsibilities do you have related
to lifespan development, and how will you address them in your work?
e. Self Reflection: Discuss specific ways that your course-work and experiences in the
program (clinical, with colleagues, in supervision, etc.) have impacted your
understanding and ability to work with developmental factors in your own and in
clients’ lives.
FOR THIS PAPER: All written work must be carefully edited and completed according
to the APA style Manual, 6th Edition, unless otherwise stated. It is expected that your work
will reflect graduate-level standards of writing and thought. Collaborate and work with
each other about APA style specifics. I will provide an example of an APA style cover and
references section for you during the semester.
Grading Standards:
Participation, Preparation for Class, and
Collaborative Teaching & Presentation …………………
Your Thoughts, Questions, & Reactions to Readings…..
Career Counseling-SI, MBTI, and
Keirsey Temperament Sorter II Assessments………….
Final Paper ………………………………………………
10 %
20 %
30 %
Grading Scale for CNSL 5170-01
A= 90-100
B= 80-89
C= 70-79
D = anything below the above
F = ditto
Students will be graded according to their demonstration of the above evaluation elements. I do
not anticipate any grade lower than a C because I know that you will meet the expectations of
this class!
The instructors may make changes to the syllabus as the course proceeds.
When necessary, these changes will be announced in class.