Feedback Linearization (ECES-817) Presented by : Shubham Bhat Feedback Linearization- Single Input case Consider a system described by x f ( x) ug ( x) ... 1 where f and g are smooth vector fields on some open set X R" containing 0, and f (0) 0. There exists smooth functions q, s S ( X ) with s ( x) 0 for all x in some neighborhood of the origin, and a local diffeomorphism T on R n with T (0) 0. W e define v q( x) s( x)u ... 2 z T ( x) ... 3 Feedback Linearization- Single Input case The resulting var iables z and v satisfy a linear differential equation of the form z Az bv ... 4 where the pair( A, b) is controllable.. In this case, the system is called feedback linearizable. q ( x) 1 u v, ... 5 s ( x) s ( x) q( x) 1 where and are also smooth functions. s ( x) s ( x) Hence if we think of v as the external input applied to the system, then 5 represents the nonlinear feedback, and a nonlinearstate depenedent pre filter, applied to the system. Feedback Linearization- Contd. By applying a state transformation z M 1z such that the resulting system is in controllable canonical form z M 1 AMz M 1bv, where 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 . 0 0 1 1 M AM ,M b , .. .. . . : a0 a1 a2 .. an1 1 and the ai ' s are the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial n 1 | sI A | s a j s j n i 0 Feedback Linearization- Contd. A further state feedback form v v [ a0 a1... an 1 ] z results in the closed loop system z A z b v , where 0 0 A . 0 1 0 0 .. 0 1.. .. 0 0 0 0 0 ,b : .. 0 1 z M 1T ( x), v v az q ( x) a ' M 1T ( x ) s ( x )u where a ' [ a0 a1 ... an 1 ]. Problem Statement Given the system as in 1, does there exists ?? (i) a smooth function q S ( X ) (ii) a smooth function s S ( X ) such that s( x) 0 for all x in the neighborhood of 0. (iii) a local diffeomorphism T : R n R n such that T (0) 0, satisfyingthe following conditions: if new var iables v and z are defined , then z1 z2 , z2 z3 ,.... zn1 zn , zn v Example- Controlling a fluid level in a tank Consider the control of the level h of fluid in a tan k to a specified level hd . The control input is the flow u int o the tan k , and the initial level is h0 . The dynamic mod el of the tan k is d h [ A(h)dh] u (t ) a 2 gh dt 0 where A(h) is the cross sec tion of the tan k and a is the cross sec tion of the outlet pipe. If the initial level h0 is quite different from the desired level hd , the control of h involves a nonlinear regulation problem. Example – Contd. The dynamics can be written as A(h)h u a 2 gh If u (t ) is chosen as u (t ) a 2 gh A(h)v with v being an " equivalent input" to be specified, the resulting dynamics is linear h v ~ Choo sin g v as v h ~ with h h(t ) hd being the level error, and being a positive cons tan t , the resulting closed loop dynamics is h h~ 0 ~ This implies that h (t ) 0 as t . Example – Contd. The actual input flow is det er min ed by the nonlinear control law ~ u (t ) a 2 gh A(h)h The first part on the RHS is used to provide the output flow a 2 gh while the sec ond part is used to raise the fluid level. If the desired level is a known time var ying function hd (t ), the equivalent input v can be chosen as ~ v hd (t ) h ~ so as to still yield h (t ) 0 as t . The idea of feedback linearizat ion can be applied to a classs of nonlinear systems described by the controllab le companion form. Example – Contd. A system is said to be in companion form if its dynamics are x ( n ) f ( x) b( x)u where u is the scalar control input , x is the scalar output and f ( x) and b( x) are nonlinear function of the states. x1 x2 ... ... d xn dt xn1 xn f ( x) b( x)u U sin g the control input(assumin g b to be nonzero) 1 u [v f ] b multiple int egrator form xn v Example – Contd. Thus, the control law v ko x k1x .... kn1x(n 1) with the ki chosen so that the polynomial p n kn1 p n1 .... k0 has all its roots strictly in the left half complex plane, leading to x( n) kn1x( n1) ... k0 x 0 which implies that x(t ) 0 Input State Linearization x1 2 x1 ax2 sin x1 x2 x2 cos x1 u cos(2 x1 ) However , if we consider the new set of var iables z1 x1 z2 ax2 sin x1 then, the new state equations are z1 2 z1 z2 z2 2 z1 cos z1 cos z1 sin z1 au cos(2 z1 ) Input State Linearization-Contd. The nonlinearities can be canceled by the control law : 1 u (v cos z1 sin z1 2 z1 cos z1 ) a cos(2 z1 ) where v is an equivalent input to be designed, leading to a linear input state relation z1 2 z1 z2 z2 v Thus, through the state transformation and input transformation, the problem of stabilizing the original dynamics u sin g the original control input u has been transformed int o the problem of stabilizing the new dynamics u sin g the new input v. Input State Linearization-Contd. The linear state feedback control law v k1z1 k2 z2 can place the poles anywhere with proper choices of feedback gains. For example, we may choose v 2 z2 resulting in the stable closed loop dynamics z1 2 z1 z2 z2 2 z2 whose poles are placed at 2. In terms of the original state x1 and x2 , 1 u (2ax2 2 sin x1 cos x1 sin x1 2 x1 cos x1 cos(2 x1 ) Input State Linearization-Contd. The original state x is given from z by x1 z1 ( z2 sin z1) x2 a 0 v K z T u u( x, v) x f ( x, u) Linearization Loop pole-placement loop z z z(x) x Input Output Linearization Consider the system x f ( x, u ) y h( x ) Our objective is to make the output y(t) track a desired trajectory yd(t) while keeping the whole state bounded, where yd(t) and its time derivatives up to a sufficiently high order are assumed to be known and bounded. e.g Consider the third order system x1 sin x2 ( x2 1) x3 x2 x15 x3 x3 x12 u y x1 Input Output Linearization-Contd. To generate a direct relationship between the output y and the input u, differentiate the output y y x1 sin x2 ( x2 1) x3 Since y is not directly related to the input u, we differentiate again. y ( x2 1)u f1 ( x) where f1 ( x) is a function of the state defined by f1 ( x) ( x15 x3 )( x3 cos x2 ) ( x2 1) x12 This represents an exp licit relationship between y and . If we choose a control input in the form 1 u (v f1 ) x2 1 where v is a new input to be det er min ed . Input Output Linearization-Contd. W e obtain a simple linear double int egrator relationship between the output and the new input v, y v The design of a tracking controller for this double int egrator is simple. v yd k1e k2e where e y (t ) yd (t ) where k1 and k2 being positive cons tan ts. The tracking error of the closed loop system is given by e k2e k1e 0 which represents an exp onentially stable error dynamics. Note : The control law is defined everywhere, except at the singularity points such that x2= -1. Internal Dynamics •If we need to differentiate the output r times to generate an explicit relationship between output y and input u, the system is said to have a relative degree r. •The system order is n. If r<= n, there is an part of the system dynamics which has been rendered “unobservable”. This part is called the internal dynamics, because it cannot be seen from the external input-output relationship. •If the internal dynamics is stable, our tracking control design has been solved. Otherwise the tracking controller is meaningless. •Therefore, the effectiveness of this control design, based on reduced-order model, hinges upon the stability of the internal dynamics. Internal Dynamics Consider the nonlinear system x1 x23 u x 2 u y x1 Assume that the control objective is to make y track yd(t). Differentiating y leads to the first state equation. Choosing control law u x2 e(t ) y d (t ) 3 which yields exp onential convergence of e to zero e e 0 The same control input is also applied to the sec ond dynamic equation, leading to the int ernal dynamics Internal Dynamics- Contd x2 x23 y d e which is characterstically, non autonomousand nonlinear. If e is bounded and y d is assumed to be bounded, we get y d (t ) e D where D is a positive cons tan t . Thus, we conclude that x2 D1 / 3 sin ce x2 0 when x2 D1 / 3 , and x2 0 when x2 D1 / 3. Therefore the above controller does provide satisfactory control given any trajectory yd (t ) whose derivative y d (t ) is bounded. Internal Dynamics in Linear Systems Consider the simple controllable and observablelinear system x1 x2 u x2 u y x1 where y (t ) is required to track a desired output yd (t ). W ith one differentiation of the output, we get y x2 u which exp licitly contains u. Thus, the control law u x2 y d e yields the tracking equation e e 0 where (e y yd ) and the int ernal dynamics x2 x2 y d e(t ) W e see that while y (t ) tends to yd (t ) ( y (t ) tends to y d (t ), x2 remains bounded, so does u. Internal Dynamics in Linear Systems Consider a slightly different system : x1 x2 u x2 u y x1 The same control law as above yields the same tracking error dynamics, but the int ernal dynamics is x2 x2 e(t ) y d This implies that x2 , and accordingly u, both go to inf inity as t . Therefore this is not a suitable controller for the system. Internal Dynamics in Linear Systems To unders tan d this fundamental difference between the two systems we consider the transfer functions, p 1 W1 ( p ) 2 p p 1 W2 ( p ) 2 p Both the systems have the same poles but different zeros. Specficall y, for the first case, there is a left half plane zero at 1. while for the sec ond case, there is a right half plane zero at 1. Thus, int ernal dynamics of first system is stable because it is a min imum phase system. For non min imum phase systems, perfect tracking requires inf inite effort. Extension of Internal Dynamics to Zero Dynamics •Extending the notion of zeros to nonlinear systems is not a trivial proposition. •For nonlinear systems, the stability of the internal dynamics may depend on the specific control input. •The zero-dynamics is defined to be the internal dynamics of the system when the system output is kept at zero by the input. •A nonlinear system whose zero dynamics is asymptotically stable is an asymptotically minimum phase system. •Zero-Dynamics is an intrinsic feature of a nonlinear system, which does not depend on the choice of control law or the desired trajectories. Mathematical Tools •Lie derivative and Lie bracket •Diffeomorphism •Frobenius Theorem •Input-State Linearization •Examples •The zero dynamics with examples •Input-Output Linearization with examples •Opto-Mechanical System Example Lie Derivatives Given a scalar function h( x) and a vector field, L f h, called the Lie derivative of h with respect to f . Definition: Let h : R n R be a smooth scalar function, and f : R n R be a smooth vector field on R n , then the Lie derivative of h with respect to f is a scalar function defined by L f h h f Example: x f ( x) y h( x ) The derivatives of the output are [ L f h] h y x L f h ; y x L f 2h x x Lie Brackets Let f and g be two vector fields on R n .The Lie Bracket of f and g is a third vector defined by f , g g f f g The Lie Bracket [ f , g ] is commonly written as ad f g ( where ad s tan ds for adjo int) Re peated Lie Brackets can be defined recursively by ad f g g o ad f g [ f , ad f i i 1 g] for i 1,2,.... Example - Lie Brackets Example Let x f ( x) g ( x)u with the two vector fields f and g defined by 2 x1 ax2 sin x1 0 f g ( x) cos( 2 x ) x cos x 1 1 2 The Lie bracket can be computed as 0 0 2 x1 ax2 sin(x1 ) 2 cos x1 a 0 [ f , g] 2 sin( x ) 0 x cos x x sin x cos x cos( 2 x ) 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 a cos(2 x1 ) cos x cos( 2 x ) 2 sin( 2 x )( 2 x ax sin x ) 1 1 1 1 2 1 Properties of Lie Brackets Lie Brackets have following properties (i ) bilinearity : [1 f1 2 f 2 , g ] 1[ f1, g ] 2 [ f 2 , g ] [ f ,1g1 2 g 2 ] 1[ f , g1 ] 2 [ f , g 2 ] where f , f1, f 2 , g , g1, g 2 are smooth vector fields, and 1 and 2 are cons tan t scalars. (ii) skew commutativity : [ f , g ] [ g , f ] (iii) Jacobi identity: La d f g h L f Lg h Lg L f h where h( x) is a smooth function of x. Diffeomorphisms and State transformations Definition: A function : R n R n , defined in a region , is called a diffeomorphism if it is smooth, and if its inverse 1 exists and is smooth. Lemma : Let ( x) be a smooth function defined in a region in R n . If the Jacobian matrix is nonsin gular at a po int x x0 of , then ( x) defines a local diffeomorphism in a subregionof . Example Consider the dynamic system described by x f ( x) g ( x)u y h( x ) and let the new states be defined by z ( x) Differentiation of z yields z x ( f ( x) g ( x)u ) x x New state representation : z f * ( z ) g * ( z )u y h* ( z ) where x 1 z Frobenius Theorem- Completely Integrable Definitionof completely int egrable: A linearly independent set of vector fields[ f1, f 2 ,... f m ] on R n is said to be completely int egrable if , and only if , there exists n m scalar functions h1 ( x), h2 ( x),... hnm ( x) satisfyingthe system of partial differential equations hi f j 0 where 1 i n m, 1 j m, and the gradientshi are linearly independent. Frobenius Theorem- Involutivity Definitionof involutivity condition: A linearly independent set of vector fields [ f1, f 2 ,... f n ] is said to be involutiveif , and only if , there are scalar functions ijk : R n R such that m [ fi , f j ]( x) ijk ( x) f k ( x) k 1 i, j Frobenius theorem Theorem : Let f1, f 2 ,... f m be a set of linearly independent vector fields. The set is completely int egrable if , and only if , it is involutive. Consider the set of partial differential equations h h 4 x3 0 x1 x2 x1 h h h ( x32 3x2 ) 2 x3 0 x1 x2 x3 Frobenius theorem- example The associated fields are [ f1, f 2 ] with f1 [4 x3 1 0]T f 2 [ x1 ( x32 3x2 ) 2 x3 ]T In order to det er min e whether this set is solvable, let us check the involutivity of the set of vector fields[ f1, f 2 ]. [ f1, f 2 ] [12x3 3 0]T Since [ f1, f 2 ] 3 f1 0 f 2 , this set of vector fields is involutive. Th erefo re, th e two p a rtiald ifferen tia l eq u a tio n sa re so lvab le. Input-State Linearization Definition: A sin gle input nonlinear system in the form x f ( x) g ( x)u with f ( x) and g ( x) being smooth vector fields on R n , is said to be input state linearizable if there exists a region in R n , a diffeomorhpism : R n , a nonlinear feedback control law u ( x ) ( x )v such that the new state var iables z ( x) and the new input v satisfy a linear time in var iant relation z Az bv where 0 1 0.. 0 0 1.. A .. . . 0 0 0 The new state z 0 0 . . b . . 0 1 is called the linearizing state and the control law is called the linearizing law. Conditions for Input-State Linearization Theorem : The nonlinearsystem with f ( x) and g ( x) being smooth vector fields, is input state linearized if , and only if , there exists a region such that the following conditionshold : (i ) the vector fields {g , ad f g ,... ad f n1g} are linearly independent in (ii) the set {g , ad f g ,... ad f n1g} is involutivein Few Re marks : The first conditioncan be int erpreted as controllability condition for the nonlinear system. The involutivity conditionis less int uitive. It is trivially satisfied for linear systems, but not generally satisfied in the nonlinear case. How to perform input-state Linearization The input state linearization of a nonlinear system can be performed throughthe following steps : (i ) Construct the vector fields g , ad f g ,... ad f n1g for the given system. (ii) Check whether the controllability and involutivity conditionsare satisfied. (iii) If both are satisfied, find the first stage z1 (the output function leading to input output linearization of the relative deg ree n) z1ad f n1g 0 i 0,... n 2 z1ad f n1g 0 (iv) Compute the state transformation z ( x) [ z1 L f z1 .... L f n1z1 ]T and the input transformation, with ( x) ( x) L f n z1 Lg L f n1z1 1 Lg L f n1z1 Example system Consider a mechanism given by the dynamics which represents a single link flexible joint robot. Its equations of motion is derived as Iq MgLsin q1 k (q1 q2 ) 0 Jq2 k (q1 q2 ) u Because nonlinearities ( due to gravitational torques) appear in the first equation, While the control input u enters only in the second equation, there is no easy way to design a large range controller. x [q1 q1 q2 q2 ] and corresponding vector fields f and g can be written as MgL k k sin x1 ( x1 x3 ) x4 ( x1 x3 )T l l j 1 T g [0 0 0 ] J f [ x2 Example system- Contd. Checking controllability and involuvity conditions. 0 0 [ g ad f g ad 2 f g ad 3 f g ] 0 1 J 0 0 0 k IJ 1 J 0 0 k J2 k IJ 0 k 2 J 0 It has rank 4 for k>0 and IJ> infinity. Furthermore, since the above vector fields are constant, they form an involutive set. Therefore the system is input-state linearizable. Example system - Contd. Let us find out the state-transformation z = z(x) and the input transformation u ( x) ( x)v so that input-state linearization is achieved. z1 0 x2 z1 0 x3 z1 0 x4 z1 0 x1 Thus, z1 must be a function of x1 only. The simplest solution to the above equation is z1 x1 The other states can be obtained from z1 z2 z1 f x2 MgL k sin x1 ( x1 x3 ) I I MgL k z4 z3 f x2 cos x1 ( x2 x4 ) I I z3 z2 f Example system- Contd. Accordingly, the input transformation is u (v z4 f ) /(z4 g ) which can be written exp licitly as IJ u (v a( x)) k where MgL MgL k k k k MgL a ( x) sin x1 ( x2 2 cos x1 ) ( x1 x3 )( cos x1 ) I I I I I J I W e end up with the following set of linear equations z1 z2 z2 z3 z3 z4 z4 v thus completing the input state linearization. Example system- Contd. Finally, note that The above input-state linearization is actually global, because the diffeomorphism z(x) and the input transformation are well defined everywhere. Specifically, the inverse of the state transformation is x1 z1 x2 z2 I MgL x3 z1 ( z3 sin z1 ) k I I MgL x4 z2 ( z4 z2 cos z1 ) k I which is well defined and differentiable everywhere. Input-Output Linearization of SISO systems Given a nonlinear sin gle input system described by the state space representation x f ( x) g ( x)u y h( x ) where y is the system output. Issues : (i) How to generate a linear input output relation for a nonlinear system? (ii) W hat are the int ernal dynamics and zero dynamics associated with the input output linearization? (iii) How to design stable controllers based on input output linearizations? Generating a linear input-output relation The basic approach of input output linearization is simply to differentiate the output function y repeatedly until the input u appears, and then design u to cancel the nonlinearity. However , in some cases, the systems relative deg ree is undefined. Definition: The SISO system is said to have relative deg ree r in a region if , x Lg L f i h( x) 0 Lg L f r 1h( x) 0 0 i r 1 Normal Forms Let [ 1 2 .... r ]T [ y y ... y ( r 1) ]T In a neighborhood of a po int x0 , the normal form of the system can be written as 1 .. r a ( , ) b( , )u w( , ) with the output defined as y 1 The i and i are referred to as normal coordinates or normal states in (or at x0 ) Zero Dynamics The int ernal dynamics associated with the input output linearization simply corresponds to the last (n r ) equations w( , ) of the normal form. Generally, this dynamics depends on the output states . However , we can define an int rinsic property of the nonlinear system by considering the system' s int ernal dynamics when the control input is such that the output y is ma int ained at zero. Studying zero dynamics will allow us to make some conclusions about the stabilityof the int ernal dynamics. Zero Dynamics The constraint that the output y is identically zero implies that all of its time derivatives are zero. Thus, the zero dynamics of a system is its dynamics when its motion is restricted to the (n r ) dimensional smooth surface in R n Further, input must be such that y stays at zero. In order for the system to operate in zero dynamics, The original input u must be given by the state feedback u* (t ) L f r h( x) Lg L f r 1h( x) Therefore, corresponding to the zero dynamics, the system states x evolves according to x f ( x) g ( x)u* ( x) Zero Dynamics- Contd. Assu min g that the system' s initial state is on the surface, i.e. (0) 0, the system dynamics can be written in normal form as 0 w(0, ) By definition, the above equation is the zero dynamics of the nonlinear system The control input u0 can be written as a function only of the int ernal states a(0, ) u0 b(0, ) Local Asymptotic Stabilization Theorem : Assume that the system has relative deg ree r , and its zero dynamics is locally asymptotically stable. Let us assume that v kr 1 y ( r 1) .... k1 y k0 y where ki Choose cons tan ts ki such that the polynomial K ( p) p r kr 1 p r 1 ... k1 p k0 has all its roots strictly in the left half plane. Then, the control law 1 r ( r 1) k0 y ] u ( x) [ L y k y ... k y f r 1 1 Lg L f r 1 y leads to a locally asymptotically stable closed loop system Example System x1 x12 x2 x2 3x2 u The system' s linearization at x 0 ( where x x1 x1 0 x2 T is x2 3x2 u and thus has an uncontrollable mod e corresponding to a pure int egrator. Let us define the output function y 2 x1 x2 Corresponding to this output, the relative deg ree of the system is 1, because dy 2 x1 x2 2 x12 x2 3x2 u dt The associated zero dynamics(obtained by setting y 0 ) is simply x1 2 x13 and thus is asymptotically stable. Therefore, the control law u 2 x12 x2 4 x2 2 x1 locally stablizesthe nonlinear system. Global Asymptotic Stability Zero Dynamics only guarantees local stability of a control system based on input-output linearization. Most practically important problems are of global stabilization problems. An approach to global asymptotic stabilization based on partial feedback linearization is to simply consider the control problem as a standard lyapunov controller problem, but simplified by the fact that putting the systems in normal form makes part of the dynamics linear. The basic idea, after putting the system in normal form, is to view as the “input” to the internal dynamics, and as the “output”. Steps for Global Asymptotic Stability •The first step is to find a “ control law” 0 0 ( ) which stabilizes the internal dynamics. •An associated Lyapunov function V0 demonstrating the stabilizing property. •To get back to the original global control problem. •Define a Lyapunov function candidate V appropriately as a modified version of V0 •Choose control input v so that V be a Lyapunov function for the whole closed-loop dynamics. Local Tracking Control The simple pole placement controller can be extended to asymptotic tracking control tasks. Let ( r 1) T d [ yd yd ... yd ] and define the tracking error vector by ~ (t ) (t ) (t ) d Tracking Control Theorem : Assume the system has relative deg ree r (defined and cons tan t over the region of int erest), that d is smooth and bounded, and that the solution d of the equation d ( d , d ) d (0) 0 exists, is bounded, and is uniformlyasymptotically stable. Then by u sin g the control law 1 r (r ) ~] u [ L y k .... k f 1 d r 1 r 0 1 Lg L f r 11 the whole state remains bounded and the tracking error ~ converges to zero exp onentially. Inverse Dynamics For systems described by previous sec tion, let us find out what the initial conditions x(0) and control input u should be in order for the plant output to track a reference output yr (t ) perfectly. Let us assume that the system output y (t ) is identical to the reference output yr (t ) i.e y (t ) yr (t ), t 0. y k (t ) yr k (t ) k 0,1,....,. r 1 t 0 In terms of normal coordinates, (t ) r (t ) [ yr (t ) y r (t ) .... yr ( r 1) (t )]T Thus, the control input u (t ) must satisfy yr r (t ) a( r , ) b( r , )u (t ) t 0 Inverse Dynamics- Contd. where (t ) is solutionof the differential equation (t ) w[ r (t ), (t )] Given a reference trajectory yr (t ) , we can obtain the required control input for output y (t ) identically equal to yr (t ). Pr evious equations allow us to compute the input u (t ) corresponding to reference output history yr (t ). Therefore, they are called inverse dynamics of the system. Application of Feedback Linearization to Opto-Mechanics For the double slit aperture, the irradiance at any point in space is given as: I ( x) A sin c 2( kb x ka x sin (tan 1 ( ) ) ) cos2 ( sin(tan 1 ( ))) 2 z 2 z = wavelength = 630 nm k = wave number associated with the wavelength a = center-to-center separation = 32 um b = width of the slit = 18 um z = distance of propagation =1000 um Plant Model U + - 1 ( s 1) X2 Motor Dynamics Plant Model Y= X1 Plant Model X2 1 U X1 s 1 Y X1 Asinc( X 2 ) X 2 X 2 X1 U t Y sinc( X 2 ) A 1 (assume) X 2 sinc( X 2 ) X 2 U t Y sinc( X 2 ) A 1 (assume) Input-State Linearization X 2 sinc( X 2 ) X 2 U t U sin g a transformation z1 x2 W e get z1 sin c( z1 ) z1 u Therefore u z1 sin c( z1 ) z1 u v sin c( z1 ) z1 v z1 Select v k1z1 u k1z1 f ( z ) where f ( z ) sin c( z1 ) z1 By proper choice of feedback gains , we can get a stable closed loop dynamics. Input-State Linearization- Block diagram 0 v K1z1 U(x,v) Pole-Placement loop + - - z 1 ( s 1) X2 Motor Dynamics z1 x2 Plant Model Plant Model Y Input-Output Linearization sin(x2 ) y sin c( x2 ) x2 [cos(x2 ) x2 ]x2 sin(x2 ) x2 y x2 2 x2 (cos(x2 )) x2 sin(x2 ) x2 x2 2 y x2 cos(x2 )[ sin c( x2 ) x2 u ] sin(x2 )[ sin c( x2 ) x2 u ] x2 2 x2 cos(x2 ) sin c( x2 ) x2 2 cos(x2 ) x2 cos(x2 )u sin(x2 ) sin c( x2 ) sin(x2 ) x2 u sin(x2 ) x2 2 Input-Output Linearization x2 cos(x2 ) sin c( x2 ) x2 2 cos(x2 ) x2 cos(x2 )u sin(x2 ) sin c( x2 ) sin(x2 ) x2 u sin(x2 ) y [ x2 2 x2 cos(x2 )u sin(x2 )u x2 2 ] [ x2 cos(x2 ) sin c( x2 ) x2 2 cos(x2 ) sin(x2 ) sin c( x2 ) x2 sin(x2 )] x2 2 u[ x2 cos(x 2 ) sin(x2 ) x2 2 ] [sin c( x2 ){sin(x2 x2 cos(x2 )} x2 2 cos(x2 ) x2 sin(x2 )] x2 2 Input-Output Linearization y u[ cos(x2 ) sin(x2 ) ] f ( x) 2 x2 x2 where v f ( x) u cos(x2 ) sin(x2 ) [ ] 2 x2 x2 y v Comparing with x Ax Bu, we get A 1, B 0 Select v y d k1e [e y y d ] Control law is defined everywhere except at sin gularity cos(x2 ) sin(x2 ) po int s where [ ]0 2 x2 x2 Zero Dynamics Zero Dynamics is given by : x2 x2 u This zero dynamics is asymptotically stable, hence the feedback controllerlocally stabilizesthe nonlinear system. There are no int ernal dynamics associated with this system because relative deg ree r n ( system order). Conclusion Control design based on input-output linearization can be made in 3 steps: •Differentiate the output y until the input u appears •Choose u to cancel the nonlinearities and guarantee tracking convergence •Study the stability of the internal dynamics If the relative degree associated with the input-output linearization is the same as the order of the system, the nonlinear system is fully linearized. If the relative degree is smaller than the system order, then the nonlinear system is partially linearized and stability of internal dynamics has to be checked. Homework Problems Design a linear input output controller for x1 x2 x2 x1 ax12 x2 ( x2 1)u y x1 Check global stabilityof the zero dynamics for x1 kx1 2 x2u x2 x2 x1u y x2