Some Thoughts about the Engaged University and the Scholarship

University of Wisconsin,
Extension, Outreach,
Engagement: Observations
from my Experience
Gerry Campbell, Professor and Extension
UW-Madison/Extension, College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences, Department
of Agricultural and Applied Economics
March 5, 2008
“A system lives in its own world, a world whose
meaning it has made. It becomes who it is by what
it has chosen to be. Every system takes form from
the self it has created. …..Identity, then is another
essential condition for organization. It is the self of
the system that compels it toward particular
actions and behaviors. It is the self that defines
meaning. It is the self that invites people to change
or compels them to resist.
Margaret Wheatly and Myron Kellner-Rogers, p. 851,
A Simpler Way, Berret-Koehler, San Francisco, 1996,
135 pp.
March 5,2008 Professor and Extension Specialist, UWMadison/Extension (55% Extension)
July 1995 Prof and Ext Spec. AAE/ CCED (55%, EXT, 30%
Teaching, 15% Research
Dec. 1991, Vice Chancellor, UWEX
Sept 1991, Act. Vice Chancellor UWEX
Sept. 1990, Assoc. Dean, UWEX, Coop. Extension
Sept. 1984-85, Visiting Prof., Applied Econ., Univ. of Minnesota
July 1989 Professor, Agricultural Economics
July 1979 Assoc. Professor, Agricultural Economics
April 1973, Asst. Profesor, Agricultural Economics, UW- Madison
and UW-Extension
Ph. D. Michigan State Univ., Agr. Economics, 1973 MA
Economics, 1972
M.S. Agr. Econ. New Mexico State Univ. 1969
B.S. Agronomy, The Ohio State University, 1967
Nov. 30, 1945, Born at home on small family farm
1838 The state territorial legislature passes a bill to establish a
University of Wisconsin “at or near Madison, the seat of government.”
July 26, 1848 Wisconsin’s first governor, Nelson Dewey, signs an
incorporation act creating the University of Wisconsin and investing
its government in a board of regents.
1863 First women students admitted.
1866 Legislature designates the UW as the Wisconsin land-grant institution.
Land Grant Act 1862… the endowment, support, and maintenance of at least
one college where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific
and classical studies and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning
as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures
of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of
the industrial classes on the several pursuits and professions in life.
1892 Charles R. Van Hise receives first UW Ph.D.
1894 Regents defend a UW professor by adopting the sifting and
winnowing statement: “Whatever may be the limitations which
trammel inquiry elsewhere, we believe that the great State University of
Wisconsin shall ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and
winnowing by which alone the truth may be found.”
AAUP 1915 statement of principles of academic freedom. It includes this summarizing
It is clear, then, that the university cannot perform its threefold funtion (sic) without
accepting and enforcing to the fullest extent the principle of academic freedom.
The responsibility of the university as a whole is to the community at large, and any
restriction upon the freedom of the instructor is bound to react injuriously upon the
efficiency and the morale of the institution, and therefore ultimately upon the interests
of the community.
1885 first Legislative Appropriation. The first legislative appropriation
of $5,000 to the University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture for the
establishment of Farmers’ Institutes came in 1885
Hatch Act. In 1887, the federal Hatch Act provided funds to
establish a system of experiment stations in cooperation with
land-grant colleges to promote solid research base for a scientific
agriculture and home economics program.
Teachers’ Institutes. In 1888, the Legislature authorized statewide
Teachers’ Institutes to be conducted by Extension
Mechanics Institutes. In 1890, the first series of mechanics institutes
were held in Racine. In 1901 they were revived as an engineering summer
school. The "new" institutes’ success came with the addition of practical and
relevant teaching, which replaced the scientific theory approach of the 1890’s.
Babcock Butterfat Test. 1890, Professor S. M. Babcock announced the
invention of a simple, quick and accurate device to test the butterfat content
of milk. Babcock’s refusal to patent the device for personal gain and his
decision to freely share the test with the state’s dairy industry set the
tone for the extension of University resources to the people of Wisconsin.
Lectures and Correspondence Courses. In 1891, the University created
three new extension programs: lecture courses in general subjects, courses
on industrial subjects for working people, and correspondence courses–
the beginning of Extension’s Independent Study program. Extension
teaching and correspondence work were added to the residence teaching
loads of UW-Madison faculty.
1904 Charles Van Hise, president of the university, declares that
“the beneficent influence of the university [be] available to every home in
the state,” later articulated as the “Wisconsin Idea.”
Extension division is created campus has agricultural college extension and
General Extension
1914 - Smith Lever Act That in order to aid in diffusing among the people of the
United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture and
home economics, and to encourage the application of the same, there may be
inaugurated in connection with the college or colleges in each State now receiving,
or which may here-after receive, the benefits of the Act of Congress approved
July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled
"An Act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide
colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts"
1925 Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation is chartered to control
patenting and patent income on UW inventions.
1946 Soldiers returning from World War II help to nearly triple the UW’s
enrollment from its 1944–45 level, sparking decades-long expansion of the
faculty and the physical space on campus.
1965 University Extension Merger. In 1965-66, the merger of the severa
Extension units of the UW-Madison created one integrated unit: University
Extension, headed by a chancellor. The outreach units merged included
the Cooperative Extension Service of the College of Agriculture,
the University Extension Division, WHA Radio/TV, and the
Geological and Natural History Survey, all formerly from the
1971 Legislature establishes the University of Wisconsin System, merging
the University of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State University system.
UW-Extension Becomes a separate institution.
1973, the Board of Regents policy on outreach assigned UW-Extension
with responsibility to lead, coordinate, plan and administer a
Systemwide extension function with all institutions of the UW System.
1982 Regent Policy. Following a two-year study of Extension, the 1982
Board of Regents Policy on Extension reaffirmed the importance of the
Wisconsin Idea and mandated continuation of UW-Extension as an
institution, along with integration of the extension function with the
programs and faculties of the other UW institutions. UW-Extension was
internally reorganized so that program and support units with similar
funding, functions, and clientele were separated by three divisions:
Cooperative Extension, General Extension, and Telecommunications.
Integration with all UW institutions was implemented by July 1985.
Defining Scholarly
Beyond Outreach to Scholarly Engagement
UMassAmherst, October 22, 2007
Lorilee R. Sandmann, Associate Professor
Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and
Policy, University of Georgia
Ph.D. in Adult and Continuing Education/Business Management
The University of Wisconsin at Madison
Pathways to Scholarly Engagement
The Civic Mission of Higher Education
Mission Pathway
Improved Teaching and Learning
Pedagogical Pathway
Scholarly Engagement
The New Production of Knowledge
Epistemological Pathway
Connecting to the Community
Partnership Pathway
Community Engagement describes the
collaboration between higher education
institutions and their larger communities (local,
regional/state, national, global) for the mutually
beneficial exchange of knowledge and
resources in a context of partnership and
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2006
Degree of academic/intellectual influence
and influence of partners
Engagement and Service
University engagement is direct, two-way interaction with
external constituencies through the development, exchange,
and application of knowledge, information, and expertise for
mutual benefit. Engagement activities may be initiated by
community partners or by University faculty, staff, or students
Service is an initiative generated by the institution or institutional
representatives in which knowledge, information, and expertise
is provided for the benefit of external constituencies. Service
initiatives may be generated in response to requests from an
external constituent, but do not imply a mutually beneficial
University of Southern Indiana, 2005
Application and provision of institutional resources for
community use with benefits to both campus and community
Extension program
Training programs
Professional Development Centers
Cultural officers
Library Services
Faculty Consultations
Carnegie Foundation, 2008
Engagement As a Scholarly
Two tracks-institutional civic engagement & SOE
Evolving a distinctive scholarly expression
Two grounding principles
– Mutual benefits
– Reciprocal partnerships and integration of teaching,
research, and service
Scholarly engagement, community engaged
scholarship, public scholarship
– Principles of engagement & standards of scholarship
Principles of Engagement
Standards of Scholarship =
Five Practices of Scholarly Engagment
Problems Addressed
Public scholarship
Complex “public”
problems requiring
Face to face,
open forums
Inclusion of specific
Face to face
collaboration with
specific publics
Social change, structural
Collaboration with
Public information
Problems of networking,
Databases of
public resources
Civic literacy
Enhancing public
with general
Barker, D. (2004). The Scholarship of Engagement: A Taxonomy of Five Emerging Practices. JHEO
Scholarly Engagement
Scholarly Engagement is the creation, integration,
application and transmission of knowledge for the
benefits of external audiences and the University and
occurs in all areas of the University Mission: research,
teaching and service. The quality and value of
Scholarly Engagement is determined by academic
peers and community partners.
UMass Faculty Senate Outreach Council, 2006
What is Scholarly
Scholarship – What
Engaged Scholarship – How
For the Common, Public Good – Toward
What End
Scholarly Engagement
Scholarship—practices that cut across the
categories of academic scholarship (discovery,
teaching, application & integration) +
Engagement—reciprocal, collaborative relationships
with partners external to the university. (Boyer)
Scholarly engagement consists of
– Research, teaching, integration and application
scholarship that
– Incorporates reciprocal practices of civic engagement
into the production of knowledge. (Baker, 2004)
New Approaches to Knowledge
Production and Research
Mode I– traditional– pure, disciplinary,
homogeneous, expert-led, hierarchical, peer
reviewed, university-based
Mode ll –applied, problem-centered,
transdisciplinary social and economic
contexts, heterogeneous, hybrid, demanddriven, entrepreneurial, network-embedded,
not necessarily let by universities
Gibbons, et al. (1994)
Quadrant Model of
Scientific Research
Research is inspired by:
Quest for
Stokes, D. (1997). Pasteur’s
Consideration of use?
Pure basic
Pure applied
Context of theory, literature, best practices
Reflective critique
National Review Board Scholarship of Engagement, (2000)
Engaging with
Community-Engaged Scholar…
is one who does community-engaged scholarship which
is teaching, discovery, integration, application and
engagement that involves the faculty member in a
mutually beneficial partnership with the community and
has the following characteristics: clear goals, adequate
preparation, appropriate methods, significant results,
effective presentation, reflective critique, rigor and peerreview.
CCPH Kellogg Commission, 2005
Scott Peters on Educational
When the question of what Extension educators
do is asked, the answer typically includes a list
of such things as planning and developing
programs, nonformal teaching, facilitating
meetings and community forums, providing
technical expertise, and applying researchbased knowledge to the problems of individuals,
families, businesses, and communities. But
something important is usually missing from
such lists.
Scott Peters on Educational
But what if there were a way of understanding and practicing organizing
that is deeply educational, that fits squarely within the historical tradition of
Extension education, and that involves a practice of politics that is not
negative and inappropriate for Extension educators to engage in?
Our ability to answer this question has a special urgency in connection with
recent calls for "engagement" that have land-grant colleges and universities
searching for ways to develop partnerships between universities and
communities for broad civic purposes. The Kellogg Commission on the
Future of State and Land-Grant Universities recently defined engagement
as "two-way partnerships, reciprocal relationships between university and
community, defined by mutual respect for the strengths of each," where the
"purpose of engagement is not to provide the university's superior expertise
to the community, but to encourage joint academic-community definitions of
problems, solutions, and success" (Kellogg Commission, 1998, pp. 30, 29).
Scott Peters on Educational
What kind of work is it to "encourage" two-way
academic-community partnerships, and who will do it? I
suggest that this work is best understood as organizing,
and that Extension educators are uniquely situated to do
it. Interestingly, however, the Kellogg Commission
appears doubtful that Extension will be able to effectively
do this work. They wrote that our "inherited" ideas of
Extension "emphasize a one-way process of transferring
knowledge and technology from the university (as the
source of expertise) to its key constituents. The
engagement ideal is profoundly different" (Kellogg
Commission, 1998, p. 11).