MONTANA BANKERS ASSOCIATION 62nd Legislative Session (2011) MBA Legislative Watch List HOUSE Bill No. 19 Monitor Chapter Number Assigned 3/16/2011 Sponsor: Diane Sands Subject: Clarify that the Clean Indoor Air Act applies to smoking medical marijuana Summary: This bill adds to the definition “smoke” in the Clean Indoor Air Act to clarify that it includes marijuana for medical use. HOUSE Bill No. 29 Monitor (H) Conference Committee Appointed 3/18/2011 Sponsor: J. McNiven, by the Request of the State Auditor Subject: Expand criteria for extraordinary event exceptions to uses of credit information. Summary: This bill includes “divorce or military service” as new extraordinary events to be considered for underwriting or rating exceptions in regard to credit reports. This bill has broad support from credit industry. HOUSE Bill No. 43 Support (S) Committee Executive Action – Bill Concurred as Amended 3/22/2011 Sponsor: G. MacLaren, D. Sands, by the Request of the Children, Families, Health and Human Services Interim Committee Subject: Clarifying employer’s rights related to employee use of medical marijuana Summary: This bill was one of several that came out of the Interim Committee’s multi-meeting process of addressing medical marijuana. This bill clarifies employer rights related to workers’ compensation as it relates to drug testing and disciplinary action involving an employee’s medical use of marijuana and expands the types of employees covered by the workforce drug and alcohol testing act. It also creates employment-related exceptions to the protections of the Medical Marijuana Act. HOUSE Bill No. 44 Monitor Chapter Number Assigned 3/16/2011 Sponsor: B. Hoven Subject: Repeal Montana Capital Company Act Summary: An act repealing the Montana Capital Company Act including but not limited to Title 90 chapter 8 and sections 101 through 313. HOUSE Bill No. 68 Monitor Hearing - Human Services 1/21/2011 Sponsor: D. Sands, G. MacLaren, by the Request of the Children, Families, Health and Human Services Interim Committee Subject: Revise Medical Marijuana Act and create regulatory structure for industry Summary: This bill is the product of many hearings from the Interim Committee and focuses on the fact that Montana voters approved Initiative 148 in 2004 to give Montanans with debilitating medical conditions protection under the law if they use marijuana to alleviate their symptoms. The bill notes that 7,339 Montanans held cards on 12/31/09 and on 6/30/10, 19,635 Montanans held cards – which is a 167% increase in cardholders. This bill revises the Medical Marijuana Act and creates a licensing and regulatory system for people who grow, manufacture, distribute 1 or sell medical marijuana requiring Montana residency to obtain a registry identification card or license. The bill clarifies the requirements for physicians who provide written certification, including that the physicians be in a Montana-established office, must meet a newly-defined standard of care and requiring two physicians certify a patient with pain symptoms. The bill provides local government authority to regulate medical marijuana licensees and establishes a prohibition on the medical use of marijuana by certain people, including felons. The bill expands the limitations on the medical use of marijuana and provides definitions necessary to enforce the law. HOUSE Bill No. 80 Monitor (S) Sent to Enrolling 3/22/2011 Sponsor: E. Arntzen and by the request of the Department of Labor and Industry Subject: Revised unemployment insurance law. Summary: This bill is an omnibus bill for Department of Labor that revises laws related to unemployment insurance and clarifies that certain exclusions from wages do not apply for selfemployed workers and owners. The bill removes certain exemptions from the definition of “employment” and makes unemployment benefits uniform and corrects an issue for lottery winners of allowing an offset of payment of unemployment benefits. HOUSE Bill No. 81 Monitor (H) Signed by Speaker 3/17/2011 Sponsor: D. Roberts and by the Request of the State Auditor Subject: Create a securities restitution fund. Summary: This bill creates a Securities Restitution Assistance Fund Act of Montana to provide restitution assistance to victims who were awarded restitution in a final order issued by the commissioner or were awarded restitution in the final order in a legal action initiated by the commissioner and have not received the full amount of restitution ordered before the application for restitution assistance is due. The bill specifies a maximum award of $25,000 or 25% of the unpaid portion of a restitution award and eligibility requirements for claimants and provides penalties for false, incomplete or misleading applications. HOUSE Bill No. 82 Monitor (H) Returned from Enrolling 3/21/2011 Sponsor: Diane Sands Subject: Require reporting of complaints on physician practices related to medical marijuana Summary: This bill requires the board of medical examiners to report annually the number of complaints it has received on physician practices related to medical marijuana. HOUSE Bill No. 87 Monitor Tabled in Committee 2/03/2011 Sponsor: C. Hunter Subject: Revise Workers’ Compensation laws to implement recommendations of the Labor Management Advisory Council Summary: This bill is the product of the Economic Affairs Interim Committee’s work between 2009 and 2011. The bill encapsulates the recommendations of the Labor Management Advisory Council and estimated cost savings to businesses without the national rating agency (NCCI) determining a percentage or dollar decrease in costs. The bill also cut fees to the medical providers and was not supported by the medical provider committee. Representative Hunter 2 presented on this bill and then asked for the bill to be tabled as he knew it would not pass the Legislature. HOUSE Bill No. 90 Monitor (S) Scheduled for 2nd Reading 3/23/2011 Sponsor: W. McNutt, by the Request of the Department of Administration Subject: Amend Montana mortgage broker and mortgage lender licensing act. Summary: This bill is brought by the Division of Banking as described to make sure they are in compliance with federal law (SAFE Act) for the mortgage lenders licensing act which is referred to in this bill as the Nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry for mortgage brokers, mortgage lenders, mortgage servicers, and mortgage loan originators. The bill revises definitions and provides for the licensing and regulation of mortgage servicers. The bill revises application and licensing requirements, record keeping and reporting. It also revises bonding and disclosure requirements. The bill prohibits certain acts mortgage lenders and servicers. HOUSE Bill No. 105 Monitor Tabled in Committee 2/16/2011 Sponsor: R. Driscoll, by the Request of the State Auditor Subject: Provide Insurance Commissioner authority to review and approve health insurance premiums. Summary: This bill is in concert with the federal health care act that requires the health insurance rates, fees, dues and other charges for the product to be filed with the state auditor for review 60 days before use by members or insureds. The Auditor’s office may disapprove the filing or withdraw approval of the filing. Premium rates may be used if accompanied by a minimum loss ratio guarantee. HOUSE Bill No. 110 Monitor (S) Returned to House w/ Amendments 3/18/2011 Sponsor: J. Welborn, by the Request of the Department of Labor and Industry Subject: Generally revise workers’ compensation laws. Summary: This bill pertains to workers’ compensation statutes that require registered construction contractors to provide proof of workers’ compensation insurance. The bill requires insurers to act promptly on claims, to use the proper fee schedule and when using a third-party agent to calculate the payment rate based on Montana fee schedules. The bill clarifies the grounds on which an independent contractor exemption certificate may be revoked. HOUSE Bill No. 124 Monitor Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: C. Hunter, by Request of the State Auditor Subject: Create a state-level health insurance exchange. Summary: This is one of the State Auditor’s bills to comply with the federal health care act passed and allows for the creation of a state-level health insurance exchange authority. It is created as a quasi-governmental entity that is treated as a non-profit, subject to the supervision of the commissioner and to facilitate qualified health plans under a state exchange. If Montana does not enact a state-level health insurance exchange and no changes are made to the federal health care act then there will be a federal exchange created. The board of directors consists of seven directors and the commissioner has the authority to appoint three and the governor has the authority to appoint four members. There is also a 15 member advisory committee created by the commissioner to offer input on proposed rules, plan of operation for the exchange authority and other related topics. 3 HOUSE Bill No. 125 Monitor (S) Returned to House w/ Amendments 3/22/2011 Sponsor: H. Klock, by Request of the State Auditor Subject: Generally revise insurance and securities laws. Summary: This bill is the Auditor’s ‘housekeeping’ bill that makes changes to multiple areas of law, including the following: captive insurance companies, small business health insurance purchasing pool and tax credit program, revising judicial review of a securities commissioner’s order, removing regulation of excess deposits by insurers and applying risk-based capital reporting requirements to captive risk retention groups. HOUSE Bill No. 128 Monitor Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: P. Noonan, by Request of the State Auditor Subject: Revise health insurance laws Summary: This bill revises the health insurance laws to prohibit preexisting condition exclusions for children under 19 years of age and provides open enrollment periods for 30 days for children under 19 years of age, except it does not apply to grandfathered plan coverage for individual health insurance. The bill also created a prohibition on lifetime and annual limits and reinstates coverage if it was lost previously for imposed lifetime limit, with the same exemption as above for individual health insurance. The bill requires for coverage for preventive services, including immunizations and evidence based items. The bill defines “essential benefits” that must be offered and other terms used within the new law. The bill increases coverage for various specialty health illnesses, mammograms and well-child visits. Finally, the bill states a health insurance issuer may not deny or restrict coverage for a child who is under 26 years of age. HOUSE Bill No. 129 Monitor Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: G. MacLaren, by Request of the State Auditor Subject: Create state-level external review process for health insurance. Summary: This bill adopts standards and criteria for the operation of utilization review and benefit determination processes designed to facilitate ongoing assessment and management of health care services. The bill also limits liability for independent review organizations for decisions made in external reviews and requires health insurance issuers to pay the costs of an external review. HOUSE Bill No. 161 Monitor (S) Committee Vote Failed; Remains in Committee 3/14/2011 Sponsor: Mike Milburn Subject: Repeal Medical Marijuana Law Summary: This bill repeals the Medical Marijuana Act that is located at Title 50 Chapter 46 of the Montana Code Annotated and was passed by initiative and then put into law. This is Speaker Milburn’s bill and will be passed by the House and may become part of the package of bills that is passed by the Legislature on the subject of medical marijuana. HOUSE Bill No. 175 Monitor (H) Hearing – Human Services 3/21/2011 Sponsor: Keith Regier Subject: Submit Repeal of Medical Marijuana Act to the voters of Montana 4 Summary: This bill is identical to HB 161 – as it repeals the Medical Marijuana Act- then it also submits repealing the Medical Marijuana Act to the voters in November 2012. This bill has not had a hearing to date. HOUSE Bill No. 183 Support Committee Report – Bill Passed as Amended 3/21/2011 Sponsor: C. Smith Subject: Provide for high deductible health insurance through reimbursements and tax credits. Summary: This bill is entitled the Affordable High-Deductible Health Insurance Plan Act. The bill enacts various tax incentives and states that wellness programs by insurers should not be considered engaging in unfair trade practices. The commissioner of insurance shall develop flexible guidelines for this type of coverage. There are tax credits for employers of less than 50 qualifying employees of $250 per employee. HOUSE Bill No. 184 Monitor Committee Report – Bill Passed as Amended 3/21/2011 Sponsor: C. Smith Subject: Healthcare tax credits for individuals and out-of-pocket expenses. Summary: This bill creates a “Health Care Tax Relief and Equity Act” which creates a credit for qualified healthcare expenses paid by an individual for the care of the individual and qualifying family members during the tax year. The credit is equal to seven percent of the amount of expenses allowed the claimant and family members. HOUSE Bill No. 188 Support as Amended Scheduled for 2nd Reading 3/23/2011 Sponsor: C. Loney Subject: Provide licensure and regulation of real estate appraisal management companies. Summary: This bill generally revises the laws of real estate appraisers and defines terms used for professional appraisal services. The bill requires regulation of appraisal management companies and governs relationships between appraisal management companies and appraisers. This bill gives unlimited power to the appraisal board and is more onerous than other states have passed. HOUSE Bill No. 190 Oppose Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: B. Bennett Subject: Prohibit collection agency reporting medical debt to credit rating agency. Summary: This bill creates a prohibition on reporting medical debts by any collection agency that is attempting to collect from an individual. HOUSE Bill No. 222 Monitor Tabled in Committee 2/11/2011 Sponsor: D. Barrett Subject: Provide withholding of taxes on gain from sale of real estate by non-residents. Summary: This bill requires withholding of taxes on property equal to 2.5% of the sales price if over $250,000 on the sale of property after December 31, 2011. HOUSE Bill No. 239 Monitor Tabled in Committee 3/23/2011 5 Sponsor: C. Smith Subject: Mandated benefits by Insurance Commissioner for Legislation. Summary: This bill provides for a review of a proposed mandated health insurance benefit, a proposed change to a mandated benefit and existing ones by the Insurance Commissioner. This bill also requires the commissioner to regularly review existing mandated benefits and report to the legislature which of these have costs that exceed the benefit and recommend repeal. HOUSE Bill No. 249 Support (S) Hearing – Business, Labor, & Economic Affairs 3/17/2011 Sponsor: S. Fitzpatrick Subject: Limit shareholder liability for corporation’s acts and debts. Summary: This bill adds language “unless the corporate veil is pierced or the shareholder agrees in writing to assume personal liability.” HOUSE Bill No. 264 Monitor (S) Tabled in Committee 3/17/2011 Sponsor: G. Vance Subject: Allow any person to file complaint with insurance commissioner. Summary: This bill allows any person to file a complaint with the insurance commissioner regarding an actual or alleged violation of Title 33, Ch. 1, Part 3. These sections address the Commissioner/Department’s general powers and duties. HOUSE Bill No. 268 Support Transmitted to Governor 3/14/2011 Sponsor: H. Klock Subject: Reverse laws associated with bad check fees. Summary: This bill removes the “reasonableness” standard from the check fee collection language. All but three states, Montana, Oregon and Texas have this language in this bill. HOUSE Bill No. 271 Monitor (S) Committee Report – Bill Concurred as Amended 3/21/2011 Sponsor: K. Kerns Subject: Exception to concealed weapon offense if eligible to apply. Summary: This bill revises the offense of carrying a concealed weapon and states a person may carry one if he/she has a permit in Montana or in other states. HOUSE Bill No. 284 Monitor Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: Tom Burnett Subject: Discontinue state employee efforts related to federal health care reform Summary: This bill states that taxpayers have become subject to new expenses due to passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010; therefore, no state employee shall work to implement PPACA. HOUSE Bill No. 306 Support (S) Hearing – State Administration 3/16/2011 Sponsor: T. Berry Subject: Eliminate requirement for notary public to keep and maintain a journal Summary: This bill eliminates the requirement for a notary public to keep and maintain an official notary journal and subsequently transfer it to the office of clerk and recorder. 6 HOUSE Bill No. 325 Monitor Hearing – Taxation 2/02/2011 Sponsor: K. Regier Subject: Eliminate class 8 business equipment property tax Summary: This bill repeals the tax on certain business personal property classified as class eight property. It exempts from property taxes that property previously classified as class eight business personal property. The bill adjusts the appropriate taxable value determination for classification of counties. HOUSE Bill No. 333 Monitor (H) Sent to Enrolling 3/22/2011 Sponsor: S. Reichner Subject: Include bank possessions in property reappraisal Summary: This bill requires the Department of Revenue to include the sales of residential property that has been sold because of nonpayment of mortgage when using the comparable sales method of determining the market value of residential property. HOUSE Bill No. 334 Support (S) Hearing – Business, Labor, & Economic Affairs 3/23/2011 Sponsor: S. Reichner Subject: Generally Revise Workers Compensation Summary: This bill is supported by the Montana Republican House leadership. This bill has an estimated savings by NCCI (the national rate analysis) of 20 to 40% by July 1, 2011. The bill allows for closure of medical benefits 60 months from the date of injury or date of diagnosis of injury with a limited reopening provision after a medical panel review. The bill provides for greater settlements of nondisputed medical benefits. In all the bills, including this one there is reference to savings from rules applying the implementation of medical utilization and treatment guidelines. This bill requires class 2 (moderate) or more impairment rating before receiving PPD benefits, including payment of the impairment rating, the wage loss benefit, and other benefits. This bill provides that the insurer designates the treating physician, allows for physicians to opt into the treating physician role and receive 10% higher reimbursement rates, or allows them to opt out and receive 10% lower reimbursement rates. The bill increases the number of PPD weeks from 375 to 400 and retroactively pays back the four-day waiting period for TTD after 21 days of wage loss. Finally, the bill prohibits claims for work comp benefits in cases where employees are on breaks off the employer premises and at company recreational activities. HOUSE Bill No. 338 Support (S) Scheduled for 2nd Reading 3/23/2011 Sponsor: J. Esp Subject: Revise the document standards law Summary: This bill revises the standards and fees for documents submitted to clerks for recording purposes, including margins to be used and blue ink allowed. HOUSE Bill No. 341 Support (S) Committee Executive Action – Bill Concurred as Amended 3/22/2011 Sponsor: C. Smith Subject: Revise interest payments in civil cases 7 Summary: This bill revises the interest that may be awarded on civil judgments. It makes clear that the change in rate does not apply to situations other than civil judgments. HOUSE Bill No. 348 Monitor (H) Signed by Speaker 3/22/2011 Sponsor: S. Malek Subject: Revise outdated reference for interest rates and provide alternate prime rate Summary: This bill provides a change from the prime rate to be used of the major NY banks published in the Wall Street Journal to that of the Federal Reserve System’s H-15 selected interest rate for bank prime loans within 7 days prior to the date of sale. HOUSE Bill No. 357 Monitor Committee Report – Bill Passed 3/21/2011 Sponsor: G. MacLaren Subject: Provide tax credit for employer contribution to employee health savings account Summary: This bill provides a tax credit for the employer who contributes into an employee’s health savings account. The credit may not exceed $600 per employee in any given year. HOUSE Bill No. 358 Monitor Committee Report – Bill Passed 3/21/2011 Sponsor: G. MacLaren Subject: Revise Montana medical savings account contribution limits Summary: This bill would increase the maximum exclusion for deposits to a Montana medical savings account from $3,000 to $6,000. This would reduce income tax revenue by about $90,000 per year and the impact will begin in 2011’s tax year. HOUSE Bill No. 359 Monitor (H) Transmitted to Governor 3/14/2011 Sponsor: G. Vance Subject: Revise workers' compensation law on settlements & lump-sum payments Summary: The bill allows for the settlement of future medical benefits under the following conditions: The claimant has reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). The insurer and claimant mutually agree to a settlement. The claimant indicates by a signed acknowledgement an understanding of what medical benefits will terminate upon settlement. All three conditions must be met for a settlement of future medical benefits to occur and may result in some savings in the overall system costs in Montana. This amount is undeterminable currently. HOUSE Bill No. 368 Oppose Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: W. Warburton Subject: Allow keeping firearm in parked vehicle Summary: This bill would allow an employee to keep a firearm in a parked vehicle on the employer’s property. HOUSE Bill No. 374 Support (H) Signed by Speaker 3/22/2011 Sponsor: K. Hansen Subject: Implement the Uniform Power of Attorney model law Summary: This bill replaces the Montana statutory power of attorney act with the Uniform Power of Attorney Act (UPOAA). The UPOAA allows for penalties to be applied in a cause of action where there has been an intentional dissipation of an estate through a power of attorney action. Currently, Montana law does not allow for charges to be brought against an individual 8 who purposely dissipates an estate while the individual who is the subject of the POA is still alive and needing the assets of the estate. HOUSE Bill No. 384 Oppose (S) Tabled in Committee 3/21/2011 Sponsor: K. Kerns Subject: Revise carrying concealed weapon in prohibited places Summary: This bill creates a defense for a person to carry a concealed weapon into a bank or bar if the person has a valid permit or if the person is a peace officer on duty and has the power of arrest. HOUSE Bill No. 399 Monitor (H) Transmitted to Governor 3/17/2011 Sponsor: Elsie Arntzen Subject: Allow transfer for salvage title work without notary signature Summary: This bill allows for an electronic signature to be used to title transfers or on a limited power of attorney without a notary signature to an insurance company. HOUSE Bill No. 419 Support (H) Transmitted to Governor 3/17/2011 Sponsor: B. Beck Subject: Generally revise captive insurance law Summary: This bill generally revises captive insurance company law. It revises definitions and minimum capital surplus requirements. It also establishes requirements for the operation of captive insurance companies and the interaction between these companies and their protected cells. Finally, it revises the qualification for protected cell sponsors and participants. HOUSE Bill No. 428 Monitor (S) Scheduled for 2nd Reading 3/23/2011 Sponsor: T. Berry Subject: Revise business filing with Secretary of State Summary: This bill revises the business filing with the Secretary of State to allow a person doing business in Montana to contest the registration of an assumed business name and allows for the modification of the existing contest of registration of a name process. HOUSE Bill No. 432 Support (H) Returned from Enrolling 3/23/2011 Sponsor: T. Berry Subject: Allow banks to offer debt cancellation programs Summary: Currently federally chartered banks are allowed to offer debt cancellation or suspension programs and this bill simply allows for state chartered banks to offer the same service if authorized by the department of administration. This bill clarifies that debt cancellation and suspension programs offered by banks are not insurance products subject to Montana insurance. HOUSE Bill No. 436 Monitor Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: S. Fitzpatrick Subject: Revises homestead laws- attaches by operation of law Summary: This bill revises homestead laws and provides that a homestead attaches by operation of law. This bill provides that the homestead exemption attaches to identifiable cash proceeds from a sale of homestead property and requires a single designation when multiple properties 9 could be homestead property. The changes to MCA70-32-202 in this bill have a couple of unintended consequences. First, the complete elimination of the exception at 202(3) raises a question about all of the affected mortgages of record prior to adoption of the new action. Second, there does not seem to be any exception for mortgages existing at the time the homestead right could arise, which was the purpose of 202(3). MBA will recommend that 202(2) and (3) be amended to protect the status of mortgages that exist on the premises at the time the person takes title to the property and protect the status quo prior to adoption of the act. HOUSE Bill No. 445 Monitor Committee Report – Bill Passed 3/21/2011 Sponsor: C. Smith Subject: Allow health care choice thru out-of-state policies Summary: This bill allows for an option of purchasing out-of-state individual or group health insurance policies and removes certain regulatory requirements for policies sold in the state by out-of state insurers. The bill also gives in-state insurers a waiver to provide similarly limited policies under certain conditions. There is a fiscal note for this bill that is not available at this time. HOUSE Bill No. 472 Monitor Tabled in Committee 3/18/2011 Sponsor: G. Hendrick Subject: Conduct an interim study to generally revise tax laws Summary: This bill creates an interim tax reform study committee to study eliminating part or all of the existing tax structure and to consider alternative forms of taxation. This tax reform study committee is tasked to develop an inventory of state and local taxes including property taxes, individual and corporate income taxes, excise and use taxes, and natural resource taxes including energy production and transmission taxes. It will consider alternative methods of taxation from existing sources, as well as different sources of revenue, with the focus on replacing some or all of the existing state and local taxes with an excise tax on the final sale of goods and services entering the economy for the first time and with a tax on income from investments related to commerce. The committee will evaluate alternative methods and different sources as well. HOUSE Bill No. 476 Oppose Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: R. Hollandsworth Subject: Allow a landlord lien on ag crop production, clarify ag lien priorities Summary: This bill changes the priority of liens and allows for a landlord lien to have priority. The bill creates the new hierarchy of liens. Liens against crops have priority over all competing security interests and over all agricultural liens in the following order: (a) a landlord's lien has priority over all agricultural liens in the crop produced on the land that is the subject of the lease agreement and on all of the products or proceeds of the crop; (b) a thresher's lien, provided for in 71-3-804; (c) a lien for seed or grain, provided for in 71-3-702; (d) a lien for spraying or dusting, provided for in 71-3-904; (e) a lien for farm labor, provided for in 71-3-401; and (f) a lien for a purchase money mortgage, provided for in 71-3-114. HOUSE Bill No. 487 Monitor (S) Hearing – Business, Labor, & Economic Affairs 3/24/2011 Sponsor: C. Clark Subject: Provide life insurance for certain nonspecified discretionary groups 10 Summary: This bill allows for the insurance commissioner to approve life insurance coverage from insurers for nonspecified discretionary groups that meet certain requirements. HOUSE Bill No. 513 Monitor (H) Committee Report – Bill Passed as Amended 3/17/2011 Sponsor: B. Wagner Subject: Require state to back transactions of state business with gold & silver coin Summary: This bill allows the state of Montana to conduct financial transactions in gold and silver. The bill has a large fiscal note and its costs are due in part to its requiring that the state create an electronic gold currency exchange as an alternative means of receiving and making payments. HOUSE Bill No. 538 Monitor (S) Committee Report – Bill Concurred as Amended 3/19/2011 Sponsor: K. Peterson Subject: Providing for sale of bonds at public or private sale Summary: This bill allows local governments to sell bonds at private sales rather than by competitive sale, which will increase the salability of bonds for local governments, including school districts. The bonds must be sold at not less than 97% of the principal amount of the bonds if the governing body determines that a sale at that price is in the best interests of the political subdivision. HOUSE Bill No. 540 Oppose Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: J. O’Neill Subject: Revise law related to administration of control of alcoholic beverages Summary: This bill defines “financial interest” for state- issued alcoholic beverage licenses. HOUSE Bill No. 545 Monitor Tabled in Committee 3/23/2011 Sponsor: J. Read Subject: Create study committee to design manual of emergency preparedness Summary: This bill directs the Division of Disaster and Emergency Services to assign a committee to create a manual of emergency preparedness for nontraditional emergency responders. HOUSE Bill No. 555 Support (S) Hearing – Business, Labor & Economic Affairs 3/16/2011 Sponsor: S. Fitzpatrick Subject: Providing for nonduplication of health insurance benefits Summary: This bill provides for nonduplication of benefits under individual, group, or other health insurance coverage, including governmental employee health plans. It also provides for information gathering from insureds and health care providers. Finally, it makes available refunds or credits if health care providers receive duplicate payments. HOUSE Bill No. 573 Monitor (H) Returned from Enrolling Sponsor: C Hunter Subject: Generally revise health insurance laws for data and analysis generation 11 Summary: This bill requires the Insurance Commissioner to study the creation of a statewide allpayer, all-claims database for healthcare. It also requires the use of an advisory council. HOUSE Bill No. 596 Monitor Hearing – Taxation 3/23/2011 Sponsor: T. McGillvray Subject: Abolish income tax with replacement sales tax Summary: This bill repeals the Montana Individual Income Tax and eliminates certain credits. It eliminates, among other credits, the credit for an employer to use premiums paid from a medical care savings account as a deduction under section 83 of the bill. HOUSE Bill No. 598 Monitor Committee Report – Bill Passed as Amended 3/18/2011 Sponsor: A. Knudsen Subject: Revise tax laws by conforming to federal law for net operating losses Summary: This bill changes the tax law to allow for a net operating loss deduction to the acquiring or parent corporation for its net operating losses sustained prior to the merger or consolidation. HOUSE Bill No. 601 Monitor Hearing – Business & Labor 3/11/2011 Sponsor: C. Edmunds Subject: Revise business and labor law to limit use of credit history in employment Summary: This bill would allow for a consumer report to be used to deny employment. If the consumer report was used to deny employment the name and address of the consumer reporting agency shall be given to the consumer. HOUSE Joint Resolution No. 23 Support Hearing – Appropriations 3/18/2011 Sponsor: R. Hollandsworth Subject: Interim study of agriculture crop lien laws and policies Summary: This joint resolution asks for an interim study to address Montana’s lien laws on agricultural crops. The reason for the study is that these laws are outdated, unclear, and overlapping and are potentially in conflict with each other. This study requests a thorough review of the law and policies regarding and underpinning the establishment, prioritization, and execution of liens on agricultural crops is in order. HOUSE Joint Resolution No. 25 Oppose Hearing – Business & Labor 3/23/2011 Sponsor: S. Malek Subject: Interim study on establishment of state bank of Montana Summary: This joint resolution asks for an interim study to address the issue of forming a state bank in Montana similar to the state bank of North Dakota. The joint resolution states that the Bank of North Dakota has provided that state with a source of economic development funds, which has allowed partnering with most financial institutions and specific assistance to farms and ranches, as well as mortgage assistance and helped to provide that state with a solid financial base. The joint resolution relies upon the 1972 Constitution which directed a unified investment program for public funds, a program that is assigned to the Board of Investments and that has many of the functions of the Bank of North Dakota but approaches those functions in a different 12 manner and the study would highlight the efficiency of consolidating these bond-issuing functions in one agency. SENATE Bill No. 19 Monitor (S) Transmitted to Governor 3/16/2011 Sponsor: J. Shockley Subject: Provide for filing of affidavits of death in non-probate real property transfers. Summary: The bill provides that a surviving person with an interest in real property subject to a beneficiary deed as provided in this section may execute an acknowledged statement that another person with an interest in the property is deceased. This addresses the situation where a person dies without a will – in a non-probate transfer of real property. SENATE Bill No. 45 Oppose Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: D. Lewis, by Request of the Secretary of State Subject: Revise notary laws Summary: This bill generally revises the law relating to notaries public. The bill was a ‘clarifying’ bill according to the Secretary of State’s office but it had too many opponents and issues and the bill sponsor pulled it from hearing on 1/11/11. The bill will likely be changed from its current version which allows for changes to electronic filing of the notary public application, clarifying the signer is required to appear in person, clarifying which notaries may make or notice a protest, specifying the notary journal is a private document. The issue that MBA has been concerned with is the requirement that the notary journal be transferred to the Secretary of State upon termination from office. This would require a court order to obtain the journal if a bank needed it to verify information that was recorded by the notary at the bank. SENATE Bill No. 57 Monitor (H) Committee Vote Failed; Remains in Committee - Judiciary 3/08/2011 Sponsor: G. Vucovich, by Request of the Department of Justice. Subject: Enhance penalty for consumer protection violations. Summary: This bill provides for an additional civil penalty of $10,000 per violation if a court finds there was unfair or deceptive acts committed against an elderly person (over the age of 60) or a person with developmental disability. SENATE Bill No. 60 Monitor (S) Transmitted to Governor 3/14/2011 Sponsor: K. Gillan, by Request of the Department of Justice Subject: Amend security credit freeze law to protect minors and incapacitated persons. Summary: This bill amends the definition of “consumer” to allow a parent or guardian in the case of a minor or of an incapacitated person to request a security freeze for a minor or an incapacitated person with respect to credit reports. SENATE Bill No. 63 Monitor Chapter Number Assigned 3/18/2011 Sponsor: D. Steinbeisser, by Request of the Secretary of State Subject: Revise business entity statutes. Summary: This bill revises the business entity statutes by standardizing address references for certain business entities and modifies the registration requirement for limited liability partnerships. 13 SENATE Bill No. 64 Support/Amended (S) Transmitted to Governor 3/14/2011 Sponsor: D. Steinbeisser, by Request of the Department of Administration Subject: Revise the Montana Bank Act re: interstate banking and holding company records. Summary: This is a bill at the request of the Banking Division. The bill is necessary as it makes Montana law come into compliance with the Dodd-Frank Act allowing of de novo interstate bank branching. MBA supported the de novo branching language of this bill due to the requirements of Dodd-Frank. MBA opposed one section of the bill at the hearing on 1/11/11 related to the proposed broad grant of authority to upstream the bank’s exam process to the bank’s holding company. MBA’s position is that if the examiner has a compelling need to review the holding company information it should be based on statutory described reasons. The bill allows to go review parent company if the sub has issues. SENATE Bill No. 70 Oppose Tabled in Committee 2/01/2011 Sponsor: D. Wanzenreid, by Request of the Governor Subject: Eliminate net operating loss carry back provisions. Summary: This bill has been brought -- and failed to pass -- over the past few sessions. The bill eliminates the net operating loss for corporation license tax purposes. SENATE Bill No. 77 Monitor Tabled in Committee 2/01/2011 Sponsor: G. Branae, by Request of the Department of Revenue Subject: Equalize deduction for federal taxes between trusts and individual income taxpayers. Summary: This bill limits the amount of federal income tax paid or accrued that may be claimed as a deduction by estates and trusts in computing net income. The fiscal note shows that it will raise revenues of $1 million per year. SENATE Bill No. 94 Oppose Hearing – Taxation 1/19/2011 Sponsor: R. Erickson Subject: Revise waters edge provisions of corporation taxes. Summary: This bill has been brought forward and supported by the Department of Revenue over the last few sessions- and failed to pass. The bill would include income from water’s edge group with a reportable U. S. Source that would allegedly prevent income–shifting to foreign intangible holding companies. MBA has opposed the bill in the past as regressive tax policy. SENATE Bill No. 95 Monitor (S) Transmitted to Governor 3/14/2011 Sponsor: Jim Shockley Subject: Revise Notary Stamp Requirements Summary: This bill allows for the notary stamp seal to be exempt from the margin requirements of a document recorded with the clerk and recorder. SENATE Bill No. 125 Monitor (S) Returned from Enrolling 3/22/2011 Sponsor: A. Wittich Subject: Prohibit state government from administering federal health insurance purchase requirement. 14 Summary: This bill prohibits the Montana state government and its agencies from administering the health insurance purchase requirements as it finds that the enactment of the federal health care law causes unneeded expense and inconvenience to persons without health insurance and to certain employers. SENATE Bill No. 146 Support (H) Returned to Senate w/ Amendments 3/21/2011 Sponsor: B. Lake Subject: Regulate the use of private transfer fee covenants Summary: This creates a new section of law that declares private transfer fee covenants; impair marketability and transferability of real property as an unreasonable restraint. SENATE Bill No. 163 Oppose Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: B. Hawks Subject: Clarify municipal authority to regulate outdoor lighting Summary: This bill would give authority to municipalities to regulate lighting to reduce light pollution. This bill was introduced in 2007 and 2009 and both times failed to pass out of committee. SENATE Bill No. 190 Monitor Tabled in Committee 1/27/2011 Sponsor: J. Essman Subject: Revise income tax- capital gains for held business-estate federal tax deduction Summary: This bill limits the amount of federal income tax paid or accrued that may be claimed as a deduction by estates and trusts in computing net income. This bill also allow for a capital gains tax credit for sale of certain Montana business property or qualifying stock. This bill has a negative general fund impact of $13 to 18 million per year. SENATE Bill No. 191 Monitor (H) Hearing – Local Government 3/15/2011 Sponsor: R. Erickson Subject: Require septic system disclosure on property sale Summary: This bill requires a new septic system disclosure statement listed on property sales after the effective date of this bill passing. SENATE Bill No. 201 Monitor (H) 2nd Reading Concurred as Amended 3/22/2011 Sponsor: F. Walker Subject: Require small business impact analysis prior to adoption of administration rule. Summary: This bill requires a state agency, prior to the adoption of a proposed rule; determine that the administrative rule will not adversely impact small businesses. SENATE Bill No. 221 Monitor (H) Committee Report – Bill Concurred as Amended 3/17/2011 Sponsor: K. Gillan Subject: Provide waiver for accountable care organizations in HMO laws 15 Summary: This bill provides that the Commissioner of Insurance can waive HMO requirements for Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and expands the rulemaking authority of the Commissioner. SENATE Bill No. 224 Monitor Hearing – Human Services 3/09/2011 Sponsor: Jason Priest Subject: Require legislative action for grant application for patient protection act Summary: This bill states that an agency may not apply for grant applications from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act without express authorization of the legislature. SENATE Bill No. 228 Monitor Hearing – Business & Labor 3/10/2011 Sponsor: Jason Priest Subject: Prohibit creation of state-based health insurance exchange Summary: This bill states that a health benefit exchange, as described in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, may not be created to facilitate the purchase of qualified health plans by individuals or provide for the establishment of a small business health option program for small employers. SENATE Bill No. 262 Monitor Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: A.Blewett Subject: Generally revise elder abuse laws Summary: This bill was tabled in committee but would have allowed for double damages for an elder (over 60) or a person with a developmental disability who suffers from abuse, neglect or exploitation. SENATE Bill No. 269 Monitor Tabled in Committee 3/10/2011 Sponsor: E. Buttrey Subject: Exempt certain nonprofit housing developers from manufactured housing provisions Summary: This bill exempts community housing development organizations from display lot provisions under the manufactured home dealer licensing requirements. SENATE Bill No. 273 Oppose Tabled in Committee 3/12/2011 Sponsor: C. Williams Subject: Extend statute of limitations for corporate tax reform auditing Summary: This bill extends the statute of limitations for corporate tax reform auditing from 3 years to 5 years. This bill was supported by Montana Department of Revenue in theory to make it an equal playing field as tax reform auditing for individuals is 5 years. The opponents argued that all auditing should be reduced to 3 years- which is what the federal auditing look back is as well. SENATE Bill No. 298 Monitor (H) Hearing – Local Government 3/24/2011 Sponsor: C. Vincent Subject: Revise land use laws regarding wildland urban interface 16 Summary: This bill provides that a governing body cannot deny a proposed subdivision solely because the parcels within the subdivision have been labeled a wildland- urban interface designation. SENATE Bill No. 314 Monitor Tabled in Committee 3/03/2011 Sponsor: L. Jent Subject: Provide for realtor commission lien law Summary: This bill creates a lien against an owner’s net sales proceeds from real property sales or leases from which a realtor or appraiser is due monies. SENATE Bill No. 324 Monitor Committee Report – Bill Concurred 3/18/2011 Sponsor: J. Balyeat Subject: Revise consumer protection laws and settlement proceeds Summary: This bill revises the laws disposing of settlement proceeds and civil fines and directs how to distribute the proceeds from consumer protection actions. SENATE Bill No. 326 Monitor Hearing – State Administration 3/28/2011 Sponsor: C. Larsen Subject: Provide for a veterans home loan program Summary: This bill states creates a Montana Veterans Home Loan Program. This bill allows for the board of investments to administer $100 million of the permanent coal tax trust fund for the purpose of the program. SENATE Bill No. 333 Monitor (H) Referred – Taxation 3/17/2011 Sponsor: J. Shockley Subject: Adopt Revisions to the Uniform Principle and Income Act Summary: This bill conforms Montana law to the 2008 amendments to the Uniform Principal and Income Act. It changes the marital deduction requirements to allow a trust to qualify for the federal marital deduction requirements to allow for a trust to qualify for the federal marital deduction requirements. SENATE Bill No. 334 Monitor Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: J. Shockley Subject: Repeal legality of medical marijuana Summary: This bill repeals the Medical Marijuana Act and no longer allows for the use of Medical Marijuana. SENATE Bill No. 337 Monitor Taken from 3rd Reading; Placed on 2nd Reading 3/21/2011 Sponsor: A. Blewett Subject: Revise probate laws and laws relating to civil proceedings Summary: This bill revises probate law and provides new provisions related to unsworn statements and verification of pleadings. It also requires that an affidavit or verified petition be accepted as evidence in an uncontested probate or trust proceeding and that probate proceedings be signed by an attorney. 17 SENATE Bill No. 339 Support Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal Sponsor: F. Moore Subject: Revise agriculture lien laws Summary: A lien for seed, hail insurance, threshing, labor, and warehouse services furnished for the purpose of growing or handling the particular grain or crops is prior to all liens currently. This bill changes the law to allow for ceiling of $50,000 of liens for labor or services performed or material furnished with precedence over any mortgage, encumbrance, or other lien on the grain or crops and after that the liens go to priority of a perfected security interest. SENATE Bill No. 351 Monitor (H) Scheduled for 3rd Reading 3/23/2011 Sponsor: R. Ripley Subject: Revise laws governing managed care Summary: This bill is in response to the Governor’s plan to form Medicaid managed care plans for all medical services in a five county central Montana area. This bill will revise laws related to Medicaid Managed Care contracts and require an advisory council be set up to review these requests for managed care contracts and awarded contracts. It created oversight – outside of the State Government- of managed care programs that currently does not exist. SENATE Bill No. 358 Monitor (S) Committee Report – Bill Passed as Amended 3/18/2011 Sponsor: E. Buttrey Subject: Generally revise tax increment financing districts Summary: This bill would revise existing laws relating to urban renewal and tax increment financing by repealing technology, aerospace and industrial districts with targeted economic development districts. It would allow city or town, county, or city-county consolidated local governments to create targeted economic development districts. SENATE Bill No. 370 Monitor (H) Hearing – Human Services 3/18/2011 Sponsor: J. Priest Subject: Require cost-benefit analysis of mandated health insurance coverage of service Summary: This bill requires a cost- benefit analysis before enactment of health insurance mandates and limits the initial mandates to state employee health benefit plans. SENATE Bill No. 378 Oppose Tabled in Committee 3/12/2011 Sponsor: R. Zinke Subject: Notice required for recording instrument affecting title to real property Summary: This bill requires mail notice before filing and instrument affecting the title to or possession of real property. However, we are confused as to what problem this bill is trying to address. It only applies to parties to an instrument who are not signatories to the instrument. Does that mean the grantees of every deed, or the trustee and beneficiary of every trust indenture? If it is intended to reach other parties, such as suggested by Bill, then it frankly interferes with a party’s right to alienate or encumber their own property. Does the failure to give the notice provide the signatories to the document a defense to enforceability, or a claim by other creditors (or a trustee in bankruptcy) that the instrument is not properly recorded (and therefore ineffective as constructive notice)? This seems like a completely unnecessary burden on residential and commercial transactions in order to notify parties that didn’t sign the 18 document (and are not bound). It may also hamper the timely recording of mortgages and deeds of trust, which can create other problems. Fractional interests in real property are generally alienable/lienable. This “notice” requirement serves no legitimate purpose and is an imposition to Montana banks SENATE Bill No. 392 Monitor Tabled in Committee 3/14/2011 Sponsor: K Gillan Subject: Revise tax laws related to class eight property tax exemptions Summary: This bill increases the class eight business equipment aggregate tax exemption amount; specifically in 2012 an exemption of $200,000 and 2013 $500,000. After 2013 class eight property worth $1 million or less is exempted. The bill also provides a growth proxy for taxable value related to county classification and school district bonding debt limits at various levels starting in 2012 as described in Sections 1 and 2 of the bill. This bill requires that legislation be passed to appropriate $6.9 million from the general fund and $8.8 million in 2013 or the bill is void. SENATE Bill No. 393 Monitor Tabled in Committee 3/18/2011 Sponsor: K. Van Dyk Subject: Revise tax law by providing refundable tax credit for property taxes paid Summary: This bill revises provisions related to the refundable income tax credit for the amount of property taxes paid for a principal residence; starting with $50 for tax year 2011 and $100 for tax year 2012. This bill allows for one credit of a claim to be made. SENATE Bill No. 411 Monitor Hearing – Taxation 3/22/2011 Sponsor: R. Erickson Subject: Revise administration of tax interest, penalties, and delinquencies Summary: This bill revises the Uniform Penalty assessments on delinquent taxes and amends the waiver of interest. It also provides for penalties for substantial understatement of a tax or for filing a fraudulent or frivolous return – making these penalties similar to federal penalties. SENATE Bill No. 413 Monitor Hearing – Taxation 3/22/2011 Sponsor: J. Balyeat Subject: Revise tax laws Summary: This bill changes the law in that if the due date of a tax return falls on a Federal holiday not observed by Montana then the return is due the following business day. 19