STRUTS 1.3.10 1)chapter-I Framework: struts1.x features comparison between servlets and Struts --------------------------------------------------2)chapter-II MVC MVC-2 --------------------------------------------------Design Patterns --------------------------------------------------3)chapter-III Complete Struts Architecture (request flow) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SERVER-SIDE validation Framework --------------------------------------------------4)chapter-IV ActionForm DynaActionForm ValidatorForm DynaValidatorForm ValidatorActionForm DynaValidatorActionForm --------------------------------------------------- Controller classes(CommandPattern) -------------------------------------------------5)chapter-V Action DispatchAction LookupDispatchAction MappingDispatchAction EventDispatchAction -------------------------------------------------- 6)chapter-VI i18n,l10n LocaleACtion -------------------------------------------------- 7)chapter-VII LocalForwards(foreach),GlobalForwards(forall) LocalExceptions(foreach),GlobalExceptions(forall) -------------------------------------------------8)chapter-VIII Modularization(foreach module separate config.xml): SwitchAction(communicator-between modules) --------------------------------------------------9)chapter-IX TILES FRAMEWORK: --------------------------------------------------10)chapter-X PlugIn classes implementation Introduction: Struts is a open source framework for building JAVA based web applications. Struts introduced by apache foundation. It was originally created by Craig McClanahan and donated to the Apache Foundation in May, 2000. Formerly located under the Apache Jakarta Project and known as Jakarta Struts, it became a top-level Apache project in 2005. Struts Major Released Versions: Struts 1. x:june 2001 Struts 2.x: February 2007 Struts Features : 1. Struts is a open source Framework. If Developer wants to change struts flow of execution it will allow us to change . 2. Easy to Understand . For the struts development they are using Servlet's and jsp's 3. Struts will Reduces the development time& cost in developing j2ee web applications 4. Struts using XML dynamic configurations(struts-config.xml) .This feature allows developer to change configurations dynamically for the future modifications so developer no need to change java code and no need to compile again and again 5. Developer need not to concentrate on servlets coding insted of that they should focus on Model classes development .Model classes are (ejb session beans and entity beans.(or)Spring configured business classes and Hibernate Dao's) 6. Struts following complete MVC base architecture so the code division is easy 7. Struts providing server side form validation support by using ActionForm classes and validation.xml validation framework simply using java based regular expressions. Easy plug-in support . 8. Restore Form view Support 9. Struts following front controller pattern that's the reason why container will create only single instance of a Front Controller servlet for the complete application. For a Web Application only single servlet instance will create. 10. Built-in Internationalization support ,Localization support. 11. By using struts we can provide well designed UI by using struts tags like text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons dynamic drop down list ,page layouts can create by using tiles 12. Declarative Exception Handling( when exception rise in controller we can handle and redirect error pages instead of printing exception stack) 13. Easy Pluggable Features (integrating with ejb2.0,spring,hibernate) 14. Modularization Servlets and JSP's: Before going to struts world just have a look at servlets/jsp . Servlets follows MVC jsp model1 architecture. Servlets are the server side components to develop Dynamic web applications there we need to fallow directory structure to develop and deploy web application. servlets can read form parameters from the input html/jsp files after reading parameters we have to perform business validations, business operations and Database operations .After completion of development we have to deploy it into web application server and we should test it. Servlets can provide features like session management and user defined response page to the client. And developer can provide dynamic configuration parameters by using init and context parameters to servlets and by giving load on startup we can create instances at the time of deployment itself. And we can redirect request parameters to one servlet to another servlet .We can provide dynamic response page to the client. and we have Listeners and Filters Support. JSP's and Servlets follows MVC jsp model2,jsp model2,model3,model4 architecture Jsp are the Dynamic web page components we can provide dynamic pages by using this java servlet pages .Dynamic compilation will happens on server we we make any changes in our jsp pages. jsp's are providing custom tags to reduce coding. and we can populate dynamic parameters by using use bean tags. MVC architectures: MVC stands for Model View Controller View components are Html pages, jsp pages, .js ,. cs files Controller classes are Servlets and Jsp pic's Model classes are Dao's Data Access Objects MVC(Model-View-Controller) View HTML/JSP Controller Servlet/JSP/Filter/ Custom Tags Model DAO DataAccessObject Sub Models of MVC: i. ii. iii. iv. If You use Servlet as a controller Then it is MVC jspmodel1 architecture If You use JSP as a controller Then it is MVC jspmodel2 architecture If You use Filter as a controller Then it is MVC jspmodel3 architecture If You use Custom Tags as a controller Then it is MVC jspmodel4 architecture MVC2(Model-View-Business logic-Model) View HTML/JSP Controller Servlet/JSP/Filter/ Custom Tags Business Logic JAVA class DAO DataAccessObject Welcome to Struts We have already servlets for building a web application then why we need to go for Frameworks. The reasons are, look at Struts Features : above given Framework: Framework is A Semi Developed Application for building some kind of Architecture approached Applications. Struts Framework: Struts is A Semi Developed Application for MVC Kind of Applications Struts Fallowing Design pattern principles for Building Dynamic Web Application Design patterns: In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. which problems we find when we are building web applications by using servlets 1. For each and every input form we need write one one servlet . so if our application have 100 we have to write 100 servlets forms 2. Form redirections and Exception page redirections we should give inside the servlet coding .If you want to change them in future we have to recompile the code so it is hard to maintenance team and deployment team 3. If JavaScript disables in user browsers window we have to write server side field validation and we should send same kind of error message every time or multiple validation error pages we should redirect 4. To reduce no of pages developer must have knowledge on Ajax 5. Inside jsp pages it self we need to configure includes and forwards so if you want to change view in future we should make changes in our jsp pages So which design patterns will help us to solve these problems a) b) c) d) e) Front Controller Application Controller View Helper Command pattern Composite View a)Front Controller: Single Servlet receives Request coming from the multiple View Files jsp/html b)Application Controller: Front Controller Delegated Controller Class c)View Helper: Both I/p and O/p views are stored in a single Bean class d)Command Pattern: Classes which takes action for submit button e)Composite View: When multiple views combined into another view mechanism is called Composite View pattern Struts Architecture Struts1.3.10 web.xml struts-config.xml (1) INPUT Form INPUT Form INPUT Form OUTPUT Form S E R V E R ActionServlet (2) (3) (4) (4) doPost (5) process Request Processor OUTPUT Form OUTPUT Form (6) PRESENTATION (or) VIEW Init doGet doPost process(5) Init preProcess process (7) ActionForm Action validate() execute() reset() (8) Service CONTROLLER Dao (9) MODEL (10) Struts Request Flow: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. At deployment time or at First User request Container will create ActionServlet New Instance and it will call init (in web.xml file have to configure it with *.do url pattern) Init method will read struts xml and it will store that information into ModuleConfig config reference and When user request initModuleFormBeans(ModuleConfig config) will create form bean instance and it will keep it in scope(request or session) When user request container will send that request to doGet or doPost methods Form doGet (or) doPost it will deligate to process method of ActionServlet Process method of ActionServlet will create one Singleton Instance of A RequestPorcessor and call init method of Request processor Here we should note one thing for Each and Every module ActionServlet will create one RequestProcessor object that means (for Entair application one ActionServlet and no..of RequestProcessors its depends one no..of modules EX: 3 modules =3 Request processors) ActionServlet process method will delegate request to RequestProcessor process method RequestProcessor Process method will call preProcess method Of same class, here preProcess method return type is Boolean if preProcess method returns true then only process method will do remaining process other wise it will not process the request to next level(note: Default RequestProcessor preProcess default implementation return value is true) RequestProcessor process method will populate read user input form data and populates that form data into ActionForm instance by calling setter methods Then next it will call validate method for validations it will return ActionErrors object this ActionErrors is the subclass of ActionMessages In ActionMessages class isEmpty method is there it will check error messages what we added in our conditions (if(name.equals("")){ae.add("name",new ActionMessage("mgs"));}) If count is zero then process method will redirect input page to the User For populating error messages If error count is not equals to zero the process method will create ActionClass object In singleton factor (for first user request) the it will call execute method Of our Controller class For that execute method It pass( ActionMapping,ActionForm,HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) as execute method parameters By using request or actionform parameter we can read form data to process next Model layer classes xvii. From execute method RequestProcessor process method expect one ActionFoward return type in that actionForward we can configure required page redirection configuration xviii. Based on that configuration Process method will forward required configured page what we have configured under struts-config.xml file <forward > tag Struts-config.xml file tags and info Configuring ActionServlet in web.xml This is struts front controller Servlet that receives every <!-- Standard Action Servlet Configuration --> form request coming to struts and process the request. <servlet> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>config</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml</param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> Passing struts-config.xml file into ActionServlet as init-param </servlet> AtionServlet instantiates at the time of server startup <!-- Standard Action Servlet Mapping --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> url-pattern is configured to *.do, hence every action path coming to struts must end .do extension Connection pools can be configured in struts in this tag. For each DB we need to configure one data-source tag here. But struts recommends not to configure connection pool here because we need to write model layer separately and there we need to configure CPM. For instance do CPM in hibernate. IN struts 1.3 this tag is removed. Struts-config.xml file <struts-config> <data-sources> <data-source> ActionForm classes are configured here. For every JSP we need </data-source> to write one ActionForm class. </data-sources> <form-beans> <form-bean name=”laf” type=”beans.LoginActionForm”> </form-bean> <form-bean name=”daf” type=”org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm”> <form-property property=”user” type=”java.lang.String”/> <form-property property=”pass” type=”java.lang.String”/> </form-bean> Exceptions which are raised commonly in more than one Action </form-beans> class are configured here. <global-exceptions> <exception type=”java.sql.SQLException” key=”error.sql” scope=”request” path=”/SQLError.jsp”> </exception> <exception type=”java.lang.NullPointerException” key=”error.null” scope=”request” path=”/NullError.jsp”> </exception> Forwards which are returned commonly from more than one </global-exceptions> Action class are configured here. <global-forwards> <forward name=”HOME” path=”/index.jsp” redirect=”true”>response.sendRedirect() is used </forward> <forward name=”LOGIN” path=”/login.jsp” redirect=”false”>RequestDispatcher.forward() is used </forward> For every form we will configure one Action class that </global- forwards> action class and entire struts flow is configured here. <action-mappings> <action path=”/login” name=”laf” scope=”session|request” validate=”true|false” input=”/Login.jsp” type=”beans.LoginAction” parameter=”used in Dispatch Actions”> <forward name=”SUCCESS” path=”/MainMenu.jsp”></forward> <exception></exception> </action> </ action-mappings> <controller> <set-property property=”processorClass” value=”org.apache.struts.action.requestProcessor”> </set-property> ActionServlet by default uses this RequestProcessor hence we need not </controller> have to configure this class. Configure if <message-resources parameter=”beans.ApplicationResources”> our own RequestProcessor is written. </message-resources> <plug-in className=”org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugin”> <set-property property=”pathnames” value=”/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml, /WEBINF/validation.xml”></set-property> This plug-in is configured for validation framework </plug-in> <plug-in className=”org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin”> <set-property property=”definitions-config” value=”/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml”></set-property> </plug-in> This plug-in is configured for Tiles framework </struts-config> About struts tag libraries <%@ taglib uri=”” prefix=”bean”%> This tag library contains tags useful in accessing beans and their properties, as well as defining new beans (based on these accesses) that are accessible to the remainder of the page via scripting variables and page scope attributes. Tag name Include Message Page Resource Size Struts Tag description Load the response from a dynamic application request and make it available as a bean Render an internationalized message string to the response Expose a specified item from the page context as a bean Load a web application resource and make it available as a bean Define a bean containing the number of elements in a Collection or Map Expose a named Struts internal configuration object as a bean <%@ taglib uri=”” prefix=”html”%> This taglib contains tags used to create struts input forms, as well as other tags generally useful in the creation of HTML-based user interfaces. Tag Name Base Button Cancel checkbox Errors File Form Frame Hidden Html Image Img javascript Link messages Multibox Tag Description This tag contains href attribute that contains path of the base directory of the current page..Suppose in current document if images or js file or css file or any other anchor tags exist we can directly give file namepath will be automatically from base tag href attribute. A Button Input Field Renders an HTML <input> element of type button Render a Cancel Button Renders an HTML <input> element of type cancel Render A Checkbox Input Field Renders an HTML <input> element of type checkbox, populated from the specified value or the specified property of the bean associated with our current form Conditionally display a set of accumulated error messages Render A File Select Input Field Renders an HTML <input> element of type file, defaulting to the specified value or the specified property of the bean associated with our current form Define An Input Form Renders an HTML <form> element whose contents are described by the body content of this tag Render an HTML frame element Renders an HTML <frame> element with processing for the src attribute that is identical to that performed by the <html:link> tag for the href attribute Render A Hidden Field Renders an HTML <input> element of type hidden, populated from the specified value or the specified property of the bean associated with our current form Element Renders an HTML <html> element with language attributes extracted from the user's current Locale object, if there is one Render an input tag of type "image" Renders an HTML <input> tag of type "image" Render JavaScript validation based on the validation rules loaded by the ValidatorPlugIn Renders an HTML <a> element as an anchor definition (if "linkName" is specified) or as a hyperlink to the specified URL Conditionally display a set of accumulated messages Renders an HTML <input> element of type checkbox, whose "checked" status is initialized based on whether the specified value matches one of the elements of the underlying property's array of current values Option Render an HTML <option> element, representing one of the choices for an enclosing <select> element Options Render a Collection of Select Options Renders a set of HTML <option> elements, representing possible choices for a <select> element optionsCollection Render a Collection of Select Options Renders a set of HTML <option> elements, representing possible choices for a <select> element Param Adds a parameter to the following tags: <html:frame> <html:link> <html:rewrite> Since: Struts 1 password Render A Password Input Field Renders an HTML <input> element of type password, populated from the specified value or the specified property of the bean associated with our current form Radio Render A Radio Button Input Field Renders an HTML <input> element of type radio, populated from the specified property of the bean associated with our current form Reset Render A Reset Button Input Field Renders an HTML <input> element of type reset Rewrite Render an URI Renders a request URI based on exactly the same rules as the link tag does, but without creating the <a> hyperlink Select Render A Select Element Renders an HTML <select> element, associated with a bean property specified by our attributes Submit Render A Submit Button Renders an HTML <input> element of type submit If a graphical button is needed (a button with an image), then the image tag is more appropriate Text Render An Input Field of Type text Render an input button of type text Textarea Render A Textarea Render a textarea element Xhtml Render HTML tags as XHTML Using this tag in a page tells all other html taglib tags to render themselves as XHTML 1 <%@ taglib uri=”” prefix=”logic”%> <p>This tag library contains tags that are useful in managing conditional generation of output text, looping over object collections for repetitive generation of output text, and application flow management.</p> <p>For tags that do value comparisons (equal, greaterEqual, greaterThan, lessEqual, lessThan, notEqual), the following rules apply:</p> <ul> <li>The specified value is examined. Tag Name Forward Iterate Match Tag Description Forward controls to the page specified by the specific ActionForward Entry Repeat the nested body content of this tag over a specified collection Evaluate the nested body content of this tag if the specified value is an appropriate substring of the requested variable messageNotPresent Generate the nested body content of this tag if the specified message is not present in this request messagePresent Generate the nested body content of this tag if the specified message is present in this request notMatch Evaluate the nested body content of this tag if the specified value is not an appropriate substring of the requested variable notPresent Generate the nested body content of this tag if the specified value is not present in this request Present Redirect Generate the nested body content of this tag if the specified value is present in this request Render an HTTP Redirect Performs an HttpServletResponse <%@ taglib uri=”” prefix=”tiles”%> Tag Name Tag Description Add Add an element to the surrounding list Definition Create a tile /component / template definition bean Get Gets the content from request scope that was put there by a put tag getAsString Render the value of the specified tile/component/template attribute to the current JspWriter Retrieve the value of the specified tile/component/template attribute property, and render it to the current JspWriter as a String importAttribute Import Tile's attribute in specified context initComponentDefinitions Initialize Tile/Component definitions factory Insert Insert a tiles/component/template Put Put an attribute into tile/component/template context putList Declare a list that will be pass as attribute to tile useAttribute Use attribute value inside page Explanation of core components of Struts Architecture ActionServlet ActionServlet is a front controller Servlet in Struts and the only Servlet exist in Struts framework. Every request coming to Struts must first come to ActionServlet class instance. When ActionServlet class init() method executes, ActionServlet reads struts-config.xml file data and stores it into one ModuleConfig class object. ModuleConfig class object contains all 8 struts-config.xml file elements. Once after moduleConfig object is created that object is passed into one new instance of RequestProcessor class constructor. RequestProcessor rp=new RequestProcessor(this, mc) This is current ActionServlet class instance and mc is ModuleConfig class object. ActionServlet Init(){ //form bean,exception handlers,plugin initialization } doGet(req,res){ process(req,res); } doPost(req,res){ process(req,res); } Process(req,res){ RequestProcess rp=RequestProcessUtil.getInstance(ModuleConfig mc); Rp.process(req,res); } } struts-config.xml <form-beans> <global-exceptions> <global-forwards> <action-mappings> <controller> <mapping-resources> <plug-in> public class RequestProcessor extends Object { public void init(ActionServlet as, ModuleConfig mc) {} public void process(HSR req, HSR response) throws E { processMultipart(); processPath(); processLocale(); processContent(); processNoCache(); processPreprocess(); processCachedMessages(); processMapping (); processRoles(); processActionForm(); processPopulate(); processValidate(); processForward(); / processInclude(); processActionCreate(); processForwardConfig(); }} In the process() method ActionServlet invokes process() method RequestProcessor class instance. RequestProcessor class further process form request. ModuleConfig ModuleConfig contains struts-config.xml file content. It contain all ActionForm, Action, ActonForward, ActionMapping class names. Whenever client request comes ActionServlet sends request to RequestProcessor, RequestProcessor uses ModuleConfig object to findout the ActionForm and Action class names of the requested action path uri. Some important methods are: getActionFormBeanClass() getActionMappingClass() addActionConfig() addDataSourceConfig() addExceptionConfig() addFormBeanConfig() getActionForwardClass() addForwardConfig() addMessageResourcesConfig() addPlugInConfig() findActionConfig() findActionConfigs() findExceptionConfig() findFormBeanConfig() findForwardConfig() findMessageResourcesConfig() findPlugInConfigs() RequestProcessor RequestProcessor class is called as ApplicationController and ActionServlet is called as FrontController. Whenever client request comes ActionServlet delegates request processing to RequestProcessor only. The methods of RequestProcessor class are given above. If developer want to change the struts flow of execution then processPreprocess() method must be overridden. ActionForm ActionForm class is a Java Bean in struts framework. For every JSP request developer write one ActionForm class that must extend from ActionForm. In this class developer must declare all form properties as private and for each private property one pair of public set and get method must be implemented and also override validate() method. In validate() method developer can write create object of ActionMessage for each field and all such ActionMessage objects must be added to ActionErrors using property name. Developer can also override reset() method. In the reset() method if all class instance variables are initialized to null or default values, then when form is forwarded back to browser the previous form data may not be restored on that form. If reset() method is not overridden then form restoration takesplace. ActionMapping ActionMapping class contains <action> tag data. Whenever ActionServlet reads struts-config.xml file it stores each action tag attributes into one ActionMapping class object. <action> tag contains path, name, scope, validate, input, type and parameter attributes. All these attributes are stored in ActionMapping class object hence ActionMapping class contains one pair of set and get method to access and modify each attribute. Some important method are: setPath(String path) getPath() setName(String name) getName() setScope(String scope) getScope() setValidate(boolean flag) getValidate() setInput(String input) getInput() setType(String actionClassName) getType() setParameter(String parameter) getParameter() findForward(String name) findForwards() ActionErrors ActionErrors class is a sub class of ActionMessages. This class is having only one method. validate() method of ActionForm returns this class object only to RequestProcessor and RP forward input JSP to browser. By default struts stores this class object into request scope with the attribute name Globals.ERROR_KEY. In JSP <html:errors> tag reads all ActionError/Message objects from this object only using properties and displays error messages on browser. add(String propertyName, ActionError am) ActionError/ActionMessage ActionMessage class is a sub class of Serializable interface. This class is having following methods ActionMessage(String key) ActionMessage(String key, Object value0) ActionMessage(String key, Object value0, Object value1) ActionMessage(String key, Object value0, Object value1, Object value2) ActionMessage(String key, Object value0, Object value1, Object value2, Object value3) ActionMessage(String key, Object[] values) ActionError is a sub class of ActionMessage, hence this class also contains the same number of constrctors. Action Developer must implement for processing in this class only. This class contains execute() method. This method takes 4 arguments. ActionForward execute(ActionMapping am, ActionForm af, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) generateToken(HttpServletRequest) saveToken(HttpServletRequest) isTokenValid (HttpServletRequest) resetToken(HttpServletRequest req) saveErrors(HttpServletRequest req, ActionMessages errors) saveMessages(HttpServletRequest req, ActionMessages errors) ActionForward The return type of execute() method of Action class is ActionForward object only. Whenever we write <forward name=”SUCCESS” path=”/LoginSuccess.jsp” redirect=”false”/>, the tag is stored in this class object only. In the execute() method we will perform some form processing and write am.findForward(“SUCCESS”) that method returns this ActionForward object only. Directory Structure Of struts web project Struts1.3.x Application examples: For doing Struts1.3 examples you need add struts library given in struts1.3 jar have to configure in class path download struts lib files from JRE: 1.3 and above compatibility Hello World example: Note: If we create input form by using struts tags then have to write 2 classes Else one class is enough +Open Eclipse: i. ii. iii. Create New Dynamic web project: Project Name :Hello_APP Create struts-config.xml file under WEB-INF folder iv. Add jar files (servlet-api.jar,struts1.3.10 api jar files) v. Open web.xml file vi. Open index.jsp create a simple hello form vii. Write one action class under src viii. Open struts-config.xml configure it ix. Open success.jsp x. Deploy into tomcat Right click on project select run on server Screen1 Pass name click on button Screen2 chapter-IV Validations S ecurity and data integrity are absolute priorities that any serious Computer Program must ensure at some level. In our Web Applications we constantly deal with information in high levels of importance and we simply can’t let corrupted data get into our database. In general there are 3 types of validations those are i. Client side validations(1st level) ii. Server side validations(2nd level) iii. Business validations(3rd level) i.1st Level(Client-side): We can apply these type validations to web applications input fields . In html, jsp pages by using JavaScript ii.2nd Level(Application-level): We can apply these type validations to web applications input fields In Filters by using simple conditions Regular Expressions iii. 3rd Level(Database level): We can apply these type validations to web applications Input fields in Dao classes By using Struts we can provide 2nd Level validations In 2 ways i. Programmatic ii. Declarative( using XML files) Programmatic Validations For doing Programmatic Validations we have 2 classes i. ActionForm ii. DynaActionForm ActionForm Example: i. Create a form By using struts tags ii. Write a validation class iii. Configure error messages in a properties file iv. Write a Controller class v. Configure validation configurations and Controller Configurations Under struts-conig.xml file +Open Eclipse i. Create Dynamicwebproject ProjectName: RegForm ii. Create index.jsp: iii. Create success.jsp: iv. Create validation class under a package com.durgasoft.regform.web v. Create a Properties File for configuring Error Messages Create a package MyResources Create one file vi. Create a Controller class under a package com.durgasoft.regform.web vii. Create a web.xml file under WEB-INF viii. Create a struts-config.xml under WEB-INF(copy dtd on top this code) ix. Run this project Click on Register button Note: If you use plain html tags for form creation no need to write private variables and public getters and setters in your validation form bean class DynaActionForm Example: i. Create a form By using struts tags ii. Write a validation class (only validate method with out private properties and public getters and setters) iii. Configure error messages in a properties file iv. Write a Controller class v. Configure validation configurations and Controller Configurations Under struts-conig.xml file +Open Eclipse vi. Create Dynamicwebproject ProjectName: RegForm_DAF vii. Create index.jsp: viii. Create success.jsp: ix. Create validation class under a package com.durgasoft.regform.web x. Create a Properties File for configuring Error Messages Create a package MyResources Create one file xi. Create a Controller class under a package com.durgasoft.regform.web xii. Create a web.xml file under WEB-INF Copy above example web.xml file xiii. Create a struts-config.xml under WEB-INF(copy dtd on top this code) xiv. Run this project Click on Register button Fill & submit you will get success page Declarative Validations to avoid programmatic validations here they given declarative validations by using xml files we can apply these kind of validations Struts given 26 predefined set of validations under validator-rules.xml file which is there in org.apache.struts.validator package . by using these predefined validation rules we can apply validation for our input form fields So here we should create one validation.xml file for applying validation for our input form Like: There are predefined validation like required,email,intRange.If it is programmatic a validate method have to override and in that method we can apply required validation condition by using if control statement But through XML file how to add the same kind of conditions <filed property=”name” depends=”required”><!—condition applying here--> <arg key=”name”/> <!—argument passing to predefined error msg--> </field> <filed property=”email” depends=”required,email”> <!—multiple condition applying here for only email field--> <arg key=”email”/> </field> In this way we can able to apply ApplicationLevel validations by using validation.xml file There are 4 classes for apply validations for input form fields i. ii. iii. iv. ValidatorForm DynaValidatorForm ValidatorActionForm DynaValidatorActionForm i. ValidatorForm example: Here for convenient I am using MyEclips IDE +OpenMyEclipse go to file create new webproject name:RegForm_VF click on Finish ->right click on project ->go to myclipse option ->add struts capabilitys select struts specification struts1.3 default application resource write Messages click on finish (by default It will add web.xml along with front controller configuration & it will generate one default struts-config.xml and required jar file also it will add) +right click on WEB-INF create new Files validation.xml,validation-rules.xml go to struts-core.jar file find validator-rules.xml file in org.apache.struts.validator package copy complete content and paste it in your validator-rules.xml copy 14 error message and paste in your file copy plugin tag change location form validator package WEB-INF <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn"> <set-property property="pathnames" value="/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml, /WEB-INF/validation.xml" /> </plug-in> paste this content under struts-config.xml file after <message-resource> tag ii. Open index.jsp write this sample iii. Open success.jsp write sample iv. Open RegForm write sample v. Open RegController write sample vi. Open validation.xml file write sample vii. Open struts-config.xml file write sample viii. Open ix. Click Register ii.DynaValidatorForm: DynaValidatorForm is a Built in FormBean class in struts lib we can use this DynaValidatorForm to store our form properties and for applying validations with out writing any subclass directly we can consume it The major dis-advantage of validator form is we have to Create A form along with private properties and public getters and setters where as DynaValidatorForm is providing dynamic variable declaration feature In struts-config.xml and dynamic validations under validation.xml Ex: Create dynamic web project Name : RegForm_DVF add capabilities’ like above example. And copy paste input,output pages in web root and validation.xml,validation-rules.xml,struts-config.xml,web.xml into WEB-INF and files,Controller class into src Here no more formbean classes so no need to write any validation class Make changes in struts-config.xml file iii.ValidatorActionForm: Here it is extention to validatorForm. The major difference is for multiple forms multiple Formbeans have to write in case of ValidatorForm .The major advantage in validaotorActionForm and DynaValidatorActionForm is we can consume single formbean form multiple input forms. For example If we have one employeereg page(name,email,sal) and studentreg(name,email,marks) page ,For these two input forms only one single formbean implementation is enough Ex: Create Dynamicweb project Name: RegForm_VAF Open index.jsp Write code Open index1.jsp Write code Open success.jsp write code Open validation.xml file fill these properties Open struts-config.xml file Open RegForm write sample Open RegController write sample Deployee and Execute Open Browser change language to US English Test it Open Browser change language to IN English Test it iv.DynaValidatorActionForm: DynaValidatorActionForm will provide Features like ValidatorActionForm The defference here is DynamicForm bean Configurations with out FormBean class EX: CreateDynamicweb project Name: RegForm_DVAF Add struts1.3 capabilities’ Copy RegController into src,validation.xml,validator-rules.xml,struts-config.xml,web.xml into WEB-INF Copy Messages properties into scr ,copy input,output pages into webroot No more FormBean class here Dynamic Formbean class we can consume Open struts-config.xml file write configurations TEST this application also in US English and India English both index.jsp and index1.jsp ****THANK YOU******* INTERNATIONALIZATION I18N is the short hand name for Internationalization in between I---N This word having 18 character thats way we can call with short hand name. In simple word i18n is a marketing technique to deliver their products into multiple regions We can make our software products also by applying i18n. Then any region people can consume by selecting their required language. By using struts we can apply i18n in easy manner For i18n support we have one tag library bean tags by using these bean tags we can read data from particular language properties file And To provide customized hyperlinks here we have one built in action class LocaleAction Ex:Create web project Add struts1.3 capabilities Open index.jsp page Create multiple languages properties file in src Messages.propties(for English) Open struts-config.xml file Validation.xml : <!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 1.3.0//EN" ""> <form-validation> <formset> <form name="rf"> <field property="name" depends="required"> <arg key="name"/> </field> <field property="email" depends="required,email"> <arg key="email"/> </field> <field property="address" depends="required"> <arg key="address"/> </field> <field property="age" depends="intRange"> <arg key="age"/> <var> <var-name>min</var-name> <var-value>1</var-value> </var> <var> <var-name>max</var-name> <var-value>100</var-value> </var> </field> </form> </formset> <!-- hindi --> <formset language="hi"> <form name="rf"> <field property="name" depends="required"> <arg key="name"/> </field> <field property="email" depends="required,email"> <arg key="email"/> </field> <field property="address" depends="required"> <arg key="address"/> </field> <field property="age" depends="intRange"> <arg key="age"/> <var> <var-name>min</var-name> <var-value>1</var-value> </var> <var> <var-name>max</var-name> <var-value>200</var-value> </var> </field> </form> </formset> <!-- Telugu --> <formset language="te"> <form name="rf"> <field property="name" depends="required"> <arg key="name"/> </field> <field property="email" depends="required,email"> <arg key="email"/> </field> <field property="address" depends="required"> <arg key="address"/> </field> <field property="age" depends="intRange"> <arg key="age"/> <var> <var-name>min</var-name> <var-value>1</var-value> </var> <var> <var-name>max</var-name> <var-value>300</var-value> </var> </field> </form> </formset> </form-validation> Deployee and Test it English: Hindi: Telugu Here we have one more approach For applying i18n Through Header Parameters OF hyperlinks <%@taglib uri="" prefix="html"%> <%@taglib uri="" prefix="bean"%> <div style="background-color: green;"> <bean:message key="cname" /> </div> <html:form action="reg"> <pre> <bean:message key="name" />: <html:text property="name" /> <html:errors property="name" /> <bean:message key="email" />: <html:text property="email" /> <html:errors property="email" /> <bean:message key="address" />: <html:textarea property="address" /> <html:errors property="address" /> <bean:message key="age" />: <html:text property="age" /> <html:errors property="age" /> <html:submit> <bean:message key="submit" /> </html:submit> </pre> </html:form> <pre> <html:link action="" style="background-color: green;color:red;">To Telugu </html:link> <html:link action="" style="background-color: green;color:red;">To Hindi </html:link> <html:link action="" style="background-color: green;color:red;">To English </html:link> </pre> <struts-config> <form-beans> <form-bean name="i18nbean" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm"> <form-property name="language" type="java.lang.String"/> <form-property name="country" type="java.lang.String"/> <form-property name="page" type="java.lang.String"/> </form-bean> </form-beans> <action-mappings> <action path="/locale" name="i18nbean" type="org.apache.struts.actions.LocaleAction"> <forward name="sucess" path="/index.jsp"/> </action> <message-resources parameter="Messages"/> </action-mappings> </struts-config> i. ii. we have to send 3 form parameters language,country,page to the org.apache.struts.actions.LocaleAction class(built in action class) LocaleAction It will return forward success .form the return value of execute method <forward path=”success” page=”/index.jsp”/> So in that success configuration if we configure our input page in that page it will populate the selected language properties file data ***********THANK YOU************** Built-IN Controllers Controller responsibility to receive request from the user and pass the request to the Model and have to send response page based on model success or fails In struts Architecture Request Processor will do validations by using validation classes in one hand if validations success it will try to send that same parameters to the controller class . Action class and Its subclasses will provide us help to write controller operations and these controller classes strictly follows mvc principles ot will not violate MVC There are many built in classes to handle controller operations i. ii. iii. iv. v. Action DispatchAction Lookup DispatchAction MappingDispatchAction Event DispatchAction By using any one of this class we can handle controller operations. If it is Action class and have to override execute method in execute method we should call Model layer classes for further operations and after receiving return value form that business methods we should return forward success or forward fail pages to the user. Ex: i. Action: If you have single button In your form you can Extend your controller class for Action and over ride execute method (it will support i18n incase of single button) Find The First Hello_APP Example ii. DispachAction: When we should go for dispatch action ? If we have multiple buttons in same form or multiple forms if you want to handle them from single Controller class (it will not support i18n features) i. ii. iii. iv. If you extend Controller class from DA(Dispatch Action) class compulsory we should maintain method names like button values And method signature should be like execute method And we should not over ride the execute method And inside that method button related operations we have to perform EX: Create web project add struts1.3 capabilities Open index.jsp Open success.jsp page write this sample Open error.jsp page write this sample Open CalForm write this sample Open CalController class write this sample Open CalHandle class write sample Open Messages.Properties Open Open struts-config.xml In above Example we have configured some exceptions configuration also If you thought your method throws any exception and if you want to avoid that exception stack in jsp page we can use this exception page configurations and if you want to handle some kind of exception by your self you can go through handler iii. LookupDispatchAction: To achieve i18n in your application in case of multiple buttons and multiple forms we can go through this LookupDispatchAction. But here the problem is programmatically we should configure mapping parameters under controller class by implementing Public Map getkeyMethodMap(){ //prepare Map object by conf button keys with method names } Note: We should not over ride execute method Ex: Create web project add struts1.3 capabilities Open index.jsp Write the above example sample Open success.jsp Write the above example sample Open error.jsp Write the above example sample Open CalController Copy from the previous example Struts-config.xml file Copy form the previous example iv. EX: MappingDispatchAction: To configure multiple forms to A single Controller with out any static configurations in Controller here the restriction is only one button is allowed from one form Note: We should not over ride execute method Create web project add struts1.3 capabilities Open index.jsp write sample Open index1.jsp write sample Open index2.jsp Open index3.jsp Open success.jsp Open error.jsp Copy CalForm,CalController,CalHandle & properties files from Dispatch Action example Open struts-config.xml file Deployed and Test iv.Event DispatchAction : If you want to configure multiple forms along with multiple buttons in a single Controller class we can use EventDispatchAction(it will support i18n) Note: We should not over ride execute method Ex: Create web project: Open index.jsp write sample Open index1.jsp write sample Open success.jsp write sample Open error.jsp write sample Open struts-config.xml file Deployee And Test it Global Forwards and Global Exceptions Open MappingDispatchAction example and Make changes in struts-config.xml file Based upon the Composite pattern it is built to simplify the development of user interfaces. For complex web sites it remains the easiest and most elegant way to work alongside any MVC technology. EX: MyApp Open index.jsp write sample Open 3r2c.jsp write sample Open body.jsp in pages folder of webroot Open header.html Open footer.html Open menu.jsp Open Page1 folder Change colors in header.html,footer.html,menu.html colors in <div> <div style=”width:20%;height:200px;color:red;background-color:white;font-size:30”> Open tiles-defs.xml Struts-config.xml file Deployee and Test Make changes in tiles-defs.xml file form page1 to pages config and test it it again Custom Request Processor Request processor is the Application Controller class for Struts Application it will do the actual internal operations for validation and Controller mapping and forward page and Exception page configurations The recommended thing is don’t override process method And you can over ride init() and processPreProcess(), methods Init() we can use it for 1 module initializations processPreProcess() we can use It for any pre operations before our execute method of controller class Like Authentication ,Logging kind of things we can apply inside this method (note: RP instance will create for module basis) Ex: Create Project add struts1.3 capabilities Open index.jsp Open success.jsp write code HAI ADMIN Open LogginActionForm write sample Open LogginController Open MyAuthRequestProcessor Struts-config.xml file PlugIn Struts will help us to configure plugin with other frameworks by Using PlugIn interface implementations and by configuring under struts-config.xml file EX: Create web project add struts1.3 ,hibernate ,spring capabilities Open index.jsp Open success.jsp Open fail.jsp FAIl Open student bean write sample Open StudentDAo interface write sample Open StudentDaoImp write sample Open StudentService interface write implementation Open studentServiceImpl write sample Open MySpringPluIn write sample Open RegForm write sample Open RegController write sample Open spring applicationContext.xml file write sample <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:p="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <bean id="ds" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" /> <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe" /> <property name="username" value="system" /> <property name="password" value="manager" /> <property name="maxActive" value="20"></property> </bean> <bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource"> <ref bean="ds" /> </property> <property name="hibernateProperties"> <props> <prop key="hibernate.dialect"> org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect </prop> <prop key="">create</prop> </props> </property> <property name="mappingLocations"> <list> <value>/Student.hbm.xml</value> </list> </property> </bean> <!-- Spring Dao --> <bean id="sdao" class=""> <property name="sf" ref="sessionFactory"></property> </bean> <!-- Service --> <bean id="sservice" class=""> <property name="sdao" ref="sdao"></property> </bean></beans> Open student.hbm.xml file write sample Open struts-config.xml file write sample Deploye and Test this application ****** THANK YOU******** Great Practice Hours