Cell Test Review

7.3D relate the impact of research on scientific thought and society, including the history of science and contributions of scientists as related to the content
7.4A use appropriate tools to collect, record and analyze information
7.6A identify that organic compounds contain carbon and other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen or sulfur
7.12F recognize that according to the cell theory all organisms are composed of cells and cells carry on similar functions such as extracting energy from food to sustain life
7.12D differentiate between structure and function in plant and animal cell organelles including cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, chloroplasts and vacuole
7.12C recognize levels of organization in plants and animals, including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organism
Cell Test
B 1. Which of the following does not belong in the group?
D 2. Which of the following shows the parts identified correctly?
B 3. The function or job of the cell part labeled X includes—
B 4. Controlling what enters and leaves the cell is a function—
D 5. Part Z is pointing to a substance that should be described as a—
A 6. The genetic material of a cell is found in which structure?
D 7. Which Venn diagram most accurately compares plant and animal cells?
C 8. Which statement below best describes the relationship between the two cells shown?
C 9. Which of the following is not an element found in all organic compounds?
D 10. Which element is found in all organic compounds?
B 11. Which of the following is made up of cells?
B 12. Invented the first microscope.
G 13. Discovered the cell nucleus.
D 14. Showed cells divide to make new cells.
A 15. First to describe and name cells.
C / F 16. & C / F 17. Came up with the original cell theory.
B 18. Which of the following would most clearly confirm that the material has a biological
D 19. Which of the following is not a part of the cell theory?
C 20. Which of the following is not a function of cells?
B 21. What type of instrument is used to look at cells?
C 22. If compound microscope has an objective lens with a power of 20X, what is the total
magnification of the image you are viewing?
A 23. Structures found in cells that are specialized for different functions are calledD 24. Where are chromosomes located in the cell?
Plants are able to make their own food because of the green chlorophyll in their 25.
Chemical changes that release energy for the cell’s use occurs in the cell parts called the
26. mitochondria
Two cell parts found in plant cells but not in animal cells are
27. chloroplasts / cell wall and 28. chloroplasts / cell wall.
Two cell parts that help support and hold up a plant are the
29. vacuole / cell wall and 30. vacuole / cell wall.
A 31. Which of these has a function most similar to a nucleus?
E 32. Which of these has a function most similar to a chloroplast?
C 33. Which of these has a function most similar to a cell membrane?
D 34. Which of these has a function most similar to a vacuole?
B 35. Which of these has a function most similar to a mitochondrion?
7.3D relate the impact of research on scientific thought and society, including the history of science and contributions of scientists as related to the content
7.4A use appropriate tools to collect, record and analyze information
7.6A identify that organic compounds contain carbon and other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen or sulfur
7.12F recognize that according to the cell theory all organisms are composed of cells and cells carry on similar functions such as extracting energy from food to sustain life
7.12D differentiate between structure and function in plant and animal cell organelles including cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, chloroplasts and vacuole
7.12C recognize levels of organization in plants and animals, including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organism
Cell Test
Multiple choice—Place the letter of your answer choice in the blank provided.
______ 1. Which of the following does not belong in the group?
A. grass
C. human
B. microscope
D. mushroom
Use the cell diagram to answer questions 2-6.
______ 2. Which of the following shows the parts
identified correctly?
______ 3. The function or job of the cell part labeled X includes—
A. providing oxygen to the cell
C. storing waste products
B. controlling the cell’s activities
D. allowing water in the cell
______ 4. Controlling what enters and leaves the cell is a function—
A. of part X
C. of part Z
B. of part Y
D. shared by X, Y and Z
______ 5. Part Z is pointing to a substance that should be described as a—
A. solid, dense core
C. container filled with air
B. flowing liquid
D. jelly-like substance
______ 6. The genetic material of a cell is found in which structure?
A. part X
C. part Z
B. part Y
D. structure not shown
______ 7. Which Venn diagram most accurately compares plant and animal cells?
______ 8. Which statement below best describes the relationship between the two
cells shown?
A. The cells have same structures because
they have the same functions.
B. The cells have the same structure and but
different functions.
C. The cells have different structures because
they have different functions.
D. The cells have different structures but the
same function.
______ 9. Which of the following is not an element found in all organic
A. hydrogen
C. nitrogen
B. oxygen
D. carbon
______ 10. Which element is found in all organic compounds?
A. hydrogen
C. nitrogen
B. oxygen
D. carbon
______ 11. Which of the following is made up of cells?
A. hair
C. finger nails
B. skin
D. teeth
Matching—Place the letter of your answer choice in the blank provided.
A. Robert Hooke
D. Rudolf Virchow
B. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
F. Matthias Schleiden
C. Theodor Schwann
G. Robert Brown
______ 12. Invented the first microscope.
______ 13. Discovered the cell nucleus.
______ 14. Showed cells divide to make new cells.
______ 15. First to describe and name cells.
______ 16. & ______ 17. Came up with the original cell theory.
Multiple choice—Place the letter of your answer choice in the blank provided.
______ 18. A scientist collects a sample of material from a previously unexplored
habitat. The scientist wants to test the material to see if it is living or
composed of recently living material. Which of the following would most
clearly confirm that the material has a biological origin?
A. movement within the sample
B. the presence of cells in the sample
C. diffusion of material out of the sample
D. the presence of hydrogen in the sample
______ 19. Which of the following is not a part of the cell theory?
A. all living things are made of cells
B. cells come from other living cells through division
C. cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all living things
D. cells continue to increase in size throughout the life of the organism
______ 20. Which of the following is not a function of cells?
A. excrete wastes
C. cause disease & infection
B. respond & adapt to environment
D. extract energy from food
______ 21. What type of instrument is used to look at cells?
A. hand lens
C. telescope
B. microscope
D. binoculars
______ 22. If compound microscope has an objective lens with a power of 20X,
what is the total magnification of the image you are viewing?
A. 2 times larger
C. 200 times larger
B. 20 times larger
D. 2,000 times larger
______ 23. Structures found in cells that are specialized for different functions
are calledA. organelles.
C. mitochondria.
B. cytoplasm .
D. chloroplasts.
______ 24. Where are chromosomes located in the cell?
A. chloroplasts
C. cell membrane
B. vacuole
D. nucleus
Fill in the blank—Write your answer choice in the blank provided. Answer
choices can be used more than once or may not be used at all.
cell wall
cell membrane
Plants are able to make their own food because of the green chlorophyll in their
25. ______________________.
Chemical changes that release energy for the cell’s use occurs in the cell parts
called the 26. ______________________.
Two cell parts found in plant cells but not in animal cells are
27. ______________________ and 28. ______________________.
Two cell parts that help support and hold up a plant are the
29. ______________________ and 30. ______________________.
Matching—Place the letter of your answer choice in the blank provided.
A. a school principal
D. a closet
B. a car engine
E. a solar panel
C. a front door
______ 31. Which of these has a function most similar to a nucleus?
______ 32. Which of these has a function most similar to a chloroplast?
______ 33. Which of these has a function most similar to a cell membrane?
______ 34. Which of these has a function most similar to a vacuole?
______ 35. Which of these has a function most similar to a mitochondrion?