Clinical Aspects of Dementia: Emphasis on Alzheimer Disease Summer School of Neuroscience and Aging Venice, Italy 10-14 June, 2013 Richard W. Besdine, MD,FACP Professor of Medicine Professor of Health Services Policy and Practice Greer Professor of Geriatric Medicine Director, Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine Director, Center for Gerontology and Healthcare Research ALPERT MEDICAL SCHOOL Population Aging Average life expectancy (ALE) at birth in ancient Rome for a citizen was ~25 years; 35 years in Padova when Morgagni was dissecting In 1900 America, 48: 50 for, 47 for; in 2013, 81 and 76, respectively – 1900 years for 1st 25year gain in ALE, <100 years for the next For Italians reaching adulthood in 2013, ALE is nearly 90 for women and >80 for men Maximum life span increase, though slower than increase in ALE, has not slowed since 1950s Nine Themes of Aging1 These themes are the conceptual basis for understanding the interactions of aging changes with diseases and risk factors Themes explain relationships of symptoms, signs and diagnostic tests to disease and changes in organ function in older persons special knowledge base of geriatric medicine The themes facilitate analysis and understanding of the most complex and challenging clinical problems of older patients Nine Themes of Aging2 1. Pure Aging – Changes in organ function due only to aging – presbyopia 2. Reduced capacity to maintain homeostasis if stressed – delirium, falls in hospitalized elders 3. Geriatrics Syndromes – Disease-age interactions produce specific common function losses – falls, delirium, syncope, dizziness, UI, weight loss 4. Interaction of disease with pure aging produces changes in disease behavior beyond syndromes – SDH more frequent Nine Themes of Aging3 5. Pure aging misinterpreted as disease – slow information retrieval called dementia 6. Disease misinterpreted as pure aging effect – obvious dementia symptoms called “old age” 7. Medication Hazards – pure aging & disease ↑↑ risks of adverse drug effects – CNS, CV toxicity 8. Multimorbidity – Interactions of multiple diseases accelerate potential for harm 9. Diseases Special in Aging – Common only in elders; geriatricians must know – DCHF, AD What is Human Aging? ● Not nearly as important as we thought? ● A set of predictable, gradual and inevitable changes in biological and psychological function, usually decremental, that occur in healthy persons with the passage of time Age-related Structural Brain Changes Enlarged Subdural space predisposes to SDH Narrower gyri Wider sulci Enlarged ventricles Neurologic Exam Changes of Aging arm swing, tone - Dopamine neurons DTRs in feet Gag reflex Ability to prevent postural sway Ability to prevent orthostatic hypotension Baroreflex sensitivity Reemergence of primitive reflexes Hand- and foot-tapping speed Restricted upward gaze Pure Aging Changes in Memory1 ● ● ● Most memory functions change little with pure aging – mild in attention; elders more easily distracted, so avoid competing tasks Processing speed (reaction, retrieval, timed tasks, perceptual), free recall, multi-tasking all decline with age Retrieval of names, persons especially, and objects often transiently lost Pure Aging Changes in Memory2 ● ● ● Sensory memory - earliest stage (visual, auditory, tactile) - unstable, rapid decay; no age-related change Primary, or working (short-term) memory rehearsal transfers sensory to short term memory no loss with age Long term (secondary) - hours, days, years + Declarative (explicit) memory: either semantic (facts, meanings; no Δ), or episodic (events, time, place; autobiography), aging decline + Procedural (implicit) – biking, music, knots - no Δ Quality of Scientific Evidence Concerning Risk Factors for AD Declines in Special Senses ● Vision - accommodation (presbyopia), low-contrast acuity, glare tolerance, adaptation, color discrimination, attentional visual field all decline, due to changes in the eye peripherally and in central processing ● Hearing - Neural, conductive and sensory losses (presbycusis); primarily high tones (consonants) – 50% clinically significant Strength and Balance ● ● ● ● ● ● Major confounders are disuse and disease Muscle mass, strength ; modifiable by training – at best ~15% by 80; fast twitch type 2 Sarcopenia (>50% ) common, NOT pure aging Strength, cerebellar integrity, hearing and vision all play a role in balance Vestibular portion of 8th CN – degeneration of otoconia (otolith granules) – multiple diseases, 8th N sensitivity to drugs are confounders Single stance, eyes closed a powerful discriminator Alois Alzheimer - 1906 “…only a tangle of fibrils indicates the place where a neuron was previously located.” “Soon she developed a rapid loss of memory...” -amyloid Plaques Immunocytochemical staining (anti-amyloid antibody) of neuritic plaques in the hippocampus of an AD patient Neurofibrillary Tangles Immunocyto-chemical staining (anti-tau antibody) of neurofibrillary tangles in hippocampus of an AD patient Epidemiology of AD1 10% > age 65, ~40% > age 85 No clear ethnic or racial patterns – China data: 2.6% 65-67, 60% 95-99 (Chan KY et al. Lancet 2013; 381: 2016–23) Is it getting more common? – probably not AD is a women’s problem + Majority of AD patients women; lifetime risk 32%, 18% men; prevalence > in 11 studies, up to 2:1 + + Women live longer once they have the disease Women are caregivers for AD victims Epidemiology of AD2 60-80% of dementia >65 is AD (US studies) >5 million now, 3-fold increase as baby boomers turn 70 and 80 beyond 2025 Costs of care in US $157-215 billion/yr (Hurd MD et al. NEJM. 2013;368:1326-34). 5th leading cause of death Survival after diagnosis <4 years (length bias), like aggressive cancer or severe CHF; should be on everyone’s hospice list Wolfson C, et al. NEJM 2001;344:1111-6 Prevalence of Dementia by Age 45 All types of dementia 40 Alzheimer's disease 35 Vascular dementia 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84 Age (years) 85–89 > 90 Worldwide dementia: the numbers will double every twenty years!! Million 81.1 80 60 42.3 40 24.3 20 0 2001 2020 2040 Ferri et al., 2005, Lancet 366:2112-17 If We Live Long Enough, Will We All be Demented? Dementia prevalence doubles ~ every 5 years between age 65-85 Prevalence levels off in later years, as censoring by death from other causes outstrips rising incidence; does risk diminish? ~ 47% at 85 years (Evans,1989) ~ 58% at >95 years (Ebly,1994) Universal cognitive aging - WAIS-R IQ “normal” at age 85 is 50% of correct answers at age 21 Median survival of women in the longest-lived countries has increased 3 months/year since 1840 Oeppen J et al. Science. 2002;296:1029-1031 Life Expectancy in Years We And Many Of Our Patients Will Live Long Enough To Develop AD Year What is Dementia? An acquired disorder producing decline in memory and other cognitive functions sufficient to affect daily life in an alert patient Progressive and disabling NOT a part of pure aging Very different from normal cognitive lapses AD by far the most common cause When to be Concerned Sometimes it is the psychomotor slowing of aging + Recall of words or names temporarily lost + Misplacing the car keys + Worrying about memory + Why are you in front of the refrigerator? Never retrieving names or words Losing the car, major financial mistakes Forgetting entire conversations or events Not recognizing that there is a memory problem Repetition not just for emphasis AD Is Often Underdiagnosed Early AD is subtle - the initial signs and symptoms are easily missed Fewer than half of AD patients (autopsy) are accurately diagnosed Undiagnosed AD patients face unnecessary added social, financial and medical problems Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention may lessen disease burden Sano M et al. N Engl J Med. 1997:336:1216-1222 AD Often Misdiagnosed Patient initially diagnosed with AD Patient’s first diagnosis other than AD 35% 14% No 72% Yes 28% 14% 9% 7% 21% Dementia (not AD) Stroke Depression No diagnosis Normal aging Other Clinical Picture Insidious, progressive, global decline in cognitive abilities – peak onset ~75, but as young as 30s Prominent specific cortical deficits, personality changes, executive troubles, catastrophic reactions Behavioral disturbances very common Depression occurs in > 50% More than 1/3 of incident cases do not fit classic picture; thus less likely diagnosed The Impact of Dementia 75% of AD victims go to NH, stay >3 years Economic ~$200 billion annually for care and lost productivity – most expensive of all In the US, Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance provide only partial coverage Families bear greatest burden of expense Emotional Direct toll on patients Nearly half of caregivers suffer depression Mortality of Dementia Noale M et al. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2003 Evaluation of Dementia1 Screening At annual physical >70 or earlier if red flags Ask patient about any new problems with memory, mood, behavior and driving Baseline MMSE and clock drawing or 3-word recall and clock (mini-cog) Evaluation for positive screen Add reliable informant to interview Structured criteria – DSM or NINCDS-AD Search for causes Identify and manage co-morbidities Genetic testing not recommended in 2012 Evaluation of Dementia2 Chemistries (BUN/Creatinine, electrolytes, BS, calcium), CBC, Liver function tests Thyroid, pituitary-adrenal axis Vitamin levels – B12, folic acid (?) Serology for Lyme, HIV, Syphillis Brain image (CT without contrast) if <65, symptoms recent (<2yrs), focal neurologic signs, suspicion of NPH, or recent trauma Neuropsychological testing if diagnosis unclear Small GW, et al. JAMA. 1997;278:1363-1371 Criteria for Diagnosis of Dementia Global cognitive impairment with clear sensorium Development of multiple cognitive deficits, with memory impairment, and one or more of: + Aphasia Apraxia + Agnosia + Disturbance in executive functioning + Cognitive deficits are a significant decline from baseline and cause significant functional impairment Deficits are not caused by delirium (R/O by work up) Accuracy of NINCDS Criteria for AD In academic referral centers, accuracy of probable AD diagnosis is 81-100% (Galasko et al, 1994; Morris et al, 1988; Tierney, 1988) In one post-mortem series, 77% of cases of “possible” AD had AD (Galasko et al, 1994) In a community-based post-mortem series, accuracy of probable AD diagnosis was 75% (Lim et al, 1999) Risk Factors for AD Definite Possible/Probable Age Head Injury Atherosclerosis (stroke) Hypertension (stroke) Apolipoprotein E4 Down’s Syndrome Female Gender Multiple mutations Smoking Family History Diabetes History of depression HSV Education (-) Mediterranean diet (-) Exercise (-) Intellectual work (-) Apolipoprotein E2 (-) Proteolytic Cleavages of Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) That Produce A42 Peptide -amyloid precursor protein Extracellular space TM Cytoplasm A peptide COOH NH2 -secretase alpha-secretase -secretase Selkoe DJ et al. JAMA. 2000;283:1615-1617. Figure 4. Appearance of plaques and DAT 70.00 Amyloid Plaques (Braak & Braak) Proportion (%) 60.00 50.00 DAT - Average of Three Studies 40.00 30.00 20.00 ~10 years 10.00 0.00 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 Age (years) Courtesy of Dr. Mark Mintun 86-90 Cascade Model of Neurodegeneration in AD Jack et al. Lancet Neurology, 2010 6-Year Change of Mild Cognitive Impairment Over time, persons with amnestic MCI are at risk of developing AD dementia Petersen RC et al. Current concepts in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Arch Neurol 2001;58:1985-1992. “The Prevention Paradigm” Cognitive function Preclinical An intervention here might “prevent” people from developing MCI or dementia MCI Dementia Years The Genetics of AD Mutations on chromosomes 1, 14, 21 (APP regions) are associated with: Rare early-onset (<60) familial forms of AD Down syndrome Apolipoprotein E alleles on chromosome 19 APOE4 allele a powerful risk for AD (1 allele 3X, 2 alleles 10X), and earlier by ~10 years APOE2 allele probably has protective effect APOE in -amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles; affect protein–protein interactions? Presenilins and Their Role in AD Presenilin 1 (PS1) and presenilin 2 (PS2) on chromosome 14 – mutations in the proteins coded by these genes are most common genetic cause of familial Alzheimer’s Disease PS1 and PS2 cause increased secretion of the more amyloidogenic form of amyloid (A42) Diagnosis of AD - CSF Aβ42,Tau >100 subjects each of clinically characterized (research criteria) elders as AD, MCI or normal Low amyloid 1-42 (Aβ42) level, high total tau protein (T-tau), and elevated phosphorylated tau protein 181 (P-tau 181) in >90% of AD patients, 73% MCI, 39% controls (↑↑ AD pattern, Apo E4) Sensitivity 90% for AD, specificity 64% in 3 distinct data sets, by post-mortem AD CSF pattern (low Aβ42, high P-tau 181) identified all MCI cases progressing to AD in 5 yrs Meyer GD et al. Arch Neurol. 2010;67(8):949-956 Vascular Dementia 2nd or 3rd (DLB) most common dementia Affects ~5-10% of the population >90 Associated with stroke, cerebrovascular disease (white matter hyperintensities) Often coexists with AD neuropathology; undetected stroke makes dementia symptoms much worse (Snowdon DA. JAMA. 1997;277:813-817) Decline in cognition, function, and behavior Dementia With Lewy Bodies 15%–25% of all dementia in the elderly Onset ~75–80 years Survival ~3.5 years (<1–20) Slight male predominance Characterized by Fluctuating cognitive impairment (~80%) Visual hallucinations, nightmares (>60%) Parkinsonism (65%–70%) Frequent severe neuroleptic side effects DLB Biology Alpha-synuclein (α-syn), normally a soluble CNS protein of unknown function, encoded by SNCA gene, can aggregate abnormally to form insoluble fibrils (primary Lewy body structure) in synucleinopathies (DLB, PD, multiple system atrophy) An α-syn fragment, known as the non-Aβ component (NAC) of AD amyloid, originally found in an amyloid-enriched fraction, is fragment of its precursor, NACP (human α-syn) Occasionally, Lewy bodies contain tau; α-syn and tau are two distinct filament subsets in same inclusion bodies α-syn pathology is also found occasionally in both sporadic and familial cases of AD disease Behavioral Symptoms in DLB Ranked by Frequency of Occurrence (% of Patients) Symptoms >50% of Patients (%) Apathy/indifference Anxiety Depression/dysphoria Delusions Agitation/aggression Irritability/lability Aberrant motor 72.5 70.0 65.8 58.3 55.0 55.0 53.3 Symptoms <50% of Patients (%) Appetite; eating disorder Elation/euphoria Disinhibition 34.2 18.3 16.7 McKeith IG et al. Neurology. 2000;54:1050-58 Percentage of Patients with Symptoms Symptoms in DLB versus AD *P<.05 80 DLB AD 70 60 50 40 * 30 20 10 * * * 0 Ballard C et al. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 1999;1:49-60 –7 –6 –5 AChEI –4 Placebo –3 –2 –1 0 Baseline 70 * Patients Improving (%) –8 NPI 10-Item Score—Percentage of Patients Improving by 30% from Baseline Neuro-psychiatric Inventory (NPI) 10-Item Score Improvement Mean Change from Baseline Cholinesterase Inhibitor (AChEI) Effects on Behavioral Symptoms in DLB 60 ** 50 40 30 20 10 0 12 Weeks *P<.01 vs placebo; **P<.001 vs placebo Adapted from McKeith, et al, 2000. 20 Week 20 AChEI 3–12 mg/d (n=59) Placebo (n=61) Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia At least one-third of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) patients develop dementia Patients with PD show degeneration of the nucleus basalis of Meynert and low brain choline acetyl transferase levels The dementia of PD is not improved by dopaminergic drugs (e.g., L-DOPA, pergolide, bromocriptine, bupropion, dopamine) Cholinesterase inhibitor therapy in PD appears to be beneficial Perry, et al, 1985; Korczyn, 2001 Fronto-temporal Dementia FTD is most common fronto-temporal neurodegeneration; rarer than AD, Vascular and DLB Characterized more by pattern of behavioral deficits than by neuropsychological impairment Clinical features: 1) distractibility, impersistence, 2) ↓in personal hygiene, grooming; 2) inflexibility, mental rigidity; 3) hyper-orality, diet change; 4) utilization behavior; and 5) perseverative, stereotyped behavior Current treatment only for symptoms; no evidence of benefit from any drug class, including AChEIs Serotonin deficit may play a role in behavior Perry RJ. Neurology. 2001;56:46-51. Neurology. 2000;54:2277-84. Morris JC. Neurology. 2001;57:173-174. Physician Role in Dementia Care Thorough evaluation to make the diagnosis Honest information - truth, but not bludgeon Continuing care - "patient" includes family unit, as well as the victim with plaques and tangles Reality testing - timing and appropriateness of support services and institutionalization Ethical and appropriate choices for EOL care - not at first encounter, but not to wait for a crisis either + Restricted Rx, advance directives beyond DNR + Code status, tube feeding, hospitalization, Abx Maximize General Medical Health Decrease excess morbidity; i.e., evaluation and optimal care for co-morbidities - all worsen cognition Periodic examinations Routine lab screening, based on problem list Preventive interventions that make sense + Vaccines, mammograms, FOB/endoscopy, OP? + Only if action consistent with advance directives Comprehensive evaluation for sudden decline; delirium common, AD doesn’t worsen overnight Non-pharmacologic Interventions Care management and psychosocial interventions Educate caregivers – understand the disease, caregiver stress, avoid antipsychotics Performance and behavior + Scheduled toileting + behavior modification, avoid triggers; distract, redirect + Exercise + Music, massage, pet therapy Environmental modification + Safe space to wander + Remove toxins, weapons Does AD Caregiver Support Effect Nursing Home Admission? RCT of >200 early or middle-stage AD caregivers/spouses, follow up nearly 4 years 6 sessions of individual, family counseling within 4 months of enrollment and join support group What happened to the Alzheimer patients after their caregivers attended the 6 sessions? What about nursing home admission? Mittelman MS et al. JAMA. 1996;276:1725-1731 Proportion of AD Patients Remaining at Home Probability of NH Admission After Caregiver Intervention 2/3 RR, 329 days more at home Caregivers in intervention 1/3 less likely to place spouses in NH; greatest benefit if mild or moderate dementia Time in Years Mittelman MS et al. JAMA. 1996;276:1725-1731 Dementia Caregiver Interventions Alzheimer’s Association – a remarkable organization providing education and support network FOR caregivers Education and support for caregivers Contact person identified, phone # for emergencies Advance directives, LTC + financial planning Caregivers’ physical, mental health; consider primary care visits coincident with those for AD patient Use of respite and adult day care Simplify and structure home environment Driving and home safety Treatment of AD Symptoms Consider possibility of excess disability Depression - >50% during disease course Agitation, aggression, delusions Wandering – behavioral, caregiver interventions Incontinence – evaluate, treat Malnutrition – treat, but weight loss common Altered sleep – behavioral, modern hypnotics Treatment of AD Pathology Proven effective therapies + Reduce stroke risk + Cholinesterase inhibitors (“minimally effective”) + Memantine – approved for severe dementia Proven ineffective therapies + Antioxidants + Ginko biloba + Estrogen + Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) + Drugs to improve cerebral blood flow Statins? Probably not Cholinesterase Inhibitor Side Effects Common, sometimes transient, but may be longlasting and disabling - dose-related; titrate slowly, take with food + GI – NVD, anorexia, weight loss + Vivid dreams/nightmares + Headache Less common + Agitation + Hypotension Delay in NH Placement with Donepezil Probability of Remaining at Home 1 0.8 Placebo High Dose Higher Dose 0.6 0.4 0 100 200 300 400 500 Days 600 700 800 Drugs for Dementia Behavior Disorders Antipsychotics have demonstrated superior results in most randomized trials, but off label use Be sure symptoms justify these dangerous drugs: agitation, aggression or delusions that disrupt care and impair life quality for caregiver and patient Data conflicting whether atypical agents are better, but easier to use – fewer daily side effects of sedation or movement disorders, but FDA black box for all antipsychotic agents (stroke, CV death) Use should be short-term, low dose Risks of Atypical Antipsychotics FDA review of 15/17 placebo-controlled trials showed numerical increase in risk of death with atypical anti-psychotic drugs in dementia patients (olanzapine, aripiprazole, risperidone, quetiapine) 5,106 subjects, 1.6-1.7x increase in mortality heart failure, sudden death, pneumonia May also be true for other atypicals (clozapine and ziprasidone) and typical neuroleptic drugs, but data insufficiently persuasive for FDA Conflicting reports of increased stroke risk with risperidone; no FDA warning Resources for Managing Dementia Attorney for will, conservatorship, estate planning; can be helpful with advance directives Community: neighbors & friends, aging & mental health networks, adult day care, respite care, homehealth agency Organizations: Alzheimer’s Association (caregiver support groups), Area Agencies on Aging, Councils on Aging Services: Meals-on-Wheels, senior citizen centers Principles of Dementia Care Complicating diseases often missed Hospitals are dangerous - avoid if at all possible Dementia brain exquisitely sensitive to drugs - avoid Useful Rx should not be withheld for age or dementia Painful Rx should be very carefully considered Symptomatic Stop Rx without evaluation is dangerous Rx whose side effects are worse than symptoms Assess response to Rx often and stop ineffective Rx Summary Dementia is common, but never normal aging AD is most common, followed by vascular dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies Thorough evaluation is mandatory, both for diagnosis and identification of coexisting conditions whose treatment can influence course of dementia Treatment directed at function and quality of life, using drugs and behavioral interventions Social and instrumental resources supplement care for patient, caregivers and family members