Quiz - Suffolk Maths

Roman Quiz
a. What is the longest number between 1 and 2000 when depicted in
Roman numerals?
b. How much higher than 2000 must you look to find a longer one?
What English words are also correctly formed Roman numbers?
There are seven letters used as Roman numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, and M.
a. How many valid Roman numbers can be made using these seven
letters just once each?
b. What is the smallest?
c. What is the biggest?
How many English words can you make using only letters from the Roman
numeral alphabet - C D I L M V X? (each letter can be used more than
once or not at all)
1 to 2000
a. what is the lowest value Roman number with 6 characters between 1
and 2000?
b. What is the highest?
Five letter words.
a. Find seven five-letter English words using only letters from the
Roman numeral alphabet.
b. How many of these seven can be rearranged into valid Roman
c. What is the biggest and the smallest of these numbers?
I married Lisa in Acton church. What year was our wedding?
What is the longest number between 1 and 2000
when depicted in Roman numerals?
How much higher than 2000 must you look to
find a longer one?
1888. MDCCCLXXXVIII has 13 characters and is the only 13
character Roman number between 1 and 2000.
888. The next longest Roman number is 2888. MMDCCCLXXXVIII
has 14 characters. Also between 2001 and 3000 there are
another six 13 character numbers.
What English words are also correctly
formed Roman numbers?
There are only two common, everyday words which are valid
Roman numbers - I (1) and mix (1009).
But there are seven words altogether - div (504), dix (509), I (1), li
(51), mi (1001), mix (1009), and xi (11).
The Scrabble Dictionary (third edition) also allows di (501), which
is really just a prefix.
There are seven letters used as Roman numerals I,
V, X, L, C, D, and M.
How many valid Roman numbers can be made
using these seven letters just once each?
What is the smallest?
What is the biggest?
There are 8. They are:- MDCLXVI (1666), MDCLXIV (1664), MDCXLVI
(1646), MDCXLIV (1644), MCDLXVI (1466), MCDLXIV (1464),
MCDXLVI (1446), and MCDXLIV (1444).
MDCLXVI (1666) and MCDXLIV (1444)
How many English words can you make
using only letters from the Roman
numeral alphabet - C D I L M V X? (each
letter can be used more than once or not
at all)
There is no simple answer to this question. The bigger the
dictionary the more you find. Allowing only complete
words which are not proper nouns, I have found 35
using both the Oxford English Dictionary, second
edition 1989 (OEDII) and the Scrabble Dictionary,
based on Chamber's Dictionary, and now in its third
edition. If you count common abbreviations, allow
proper nouns, and include prefixes then I get up to 52.
The longest contains 6 letters.
1 to 2000
what is the lowest value Roman number with 6 characters
between 1 and 2000?
What is the highest?
MCMXCV (1995)
Five letter words.
Find seven five-letter English words using only letters
from the Roman numeral alphabet.
How many of these seven can be rearranged into valid
Roman numbers?
What is the biggest and the smallest of these numbers?
Five. Civic - CCVII, civil - CLVII, immix - MMXII,
livid - DLVII, and mimic - MMCII. Villi and
vivid (and dilli) cannot be rearranged as
valid Roman numbers.
mimic (2102) and civil (157)
I married Lisa in Acton church. What year
was our wedding?
Show all the Roman numerals
I MarrIeD LIsa In aCton ChurCh
Take them out
and rearrange
which is