Lecture 10 Nonuniqueness and Localized Averages Syllabus Lecture 01 Lecture 02 Lecture 03 Lecture 04 Lecture 05 Lecture 06 Lecture 07 Lecture 08 Lecture 09 Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Lecture 13 Lecture 14 Lecture 15 Lecture 16 Lecture 17 Lecture 18 Lecture 19 Lecture 20 Lecture 21 Lecture 22 Lecture 23 Lecture 24 Describing Inverse Problems Probability and Measurement Error, Part 1 Probability and Measurement Error, Part 2 The L2 Norm and Simple Least Squares A Priori Information and Weighted Least Squared Resolution and Generalized Inverses Backus-Gilbert Inverse and the Trade Off of Resolution and Variance The Principle of Maximum Likelihood Inexact Theories Nonuniqueness and Localized Averages Vector Spaces and Singular Value Decomposition Equality and Inequality Constraints L1 , L∞ Norm Problems and Linear Programming Nonlinear Problems: Grid and Monte Carlo Searches Nonlinear Problems: Newton’s Method Nonlinear Problems: Simulated Annealing and Bootstrap Confidence Intervals Factor Analysis Varimax Factors, Empirical Orthogonal Functions Backus-Gilbert Theory for Continuous Problems; Radon’s Problem Linear Operators and Their Adjoints Fréchet Derivatives Exemplary Inverse Problems, incl. Filter Design Exemplary Inverse Problems, incl. Earthquake Location Exemplary Inverse Problems, incl. Vibrational Problems Purpose of the Lecture Show that null vectors are the source of nonuniqueness Show why some localized averages of model parameters are unique while others aren’t Show how nonunique averages can be bounded using prior information on the bounds of the underlying model parameters Introduce the Linear Programming Problem Part 1 null vectors as the source of nonuniqueness in linear inverse problems suppose two different solutions exactly satisfy the same data since there are two the solution is nonunique then the difference between the solutions satisfies the quantity mnull = m(1) – m(2) is called a null vector it satisfies G mnull = 0 an inverse problem can have more than one null vector mnull(1) mnull(2) mnull(3)... any linear combination of null vectors is a null vector αmnull(1) + βmnull(2) +γmnull(3) is a null vector for any α, β, γ suppose that a particular choice of model parameters mpar satisfies G mpar=dobs with error E then has the same error E for any choice of αi since e = dobs-Gmgen = dobs-Gmpar + Σi αi 0 since since αi is arbitrary the solution is nonunique hence an inverse problem is nonunique if it has null vectors example consider the inverse problem Gm a solution with zero error is mpar=[d1, d1, d1, d1]T the null vectors are easy to work out note that of these vectors is zero times any the general solution to the inverse problem is Part 2 Why some localized averages are unique while others aren’t let’s denote a weighted average of the model parameters as <m> = aT m where a is the vector of weights let’s denote a weighted average of the model parameters as <m> = aT m where a is the vector of weights a may or may not be “localized” examples a = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]T not localized a = [0. 90, 0.07, 0.02, 0.01]T localized near m1 now compute the average of the general solution now compute the average of the general solution if this term is zero for all i, then <m> does not depend on αi, so average is unique an average T <m>=a m is unique if the average of all the null vectors is zero if we just pick an average out of the hat because we like it ... its nicely localized chances are that it will not zero all the null vectors so the average will not be unique relationship to model resolution R relationship to model resolution R aT is a linear combination of the rows of the data kernel G if we just pick an average out of the hat because we like it ... its nicely localized its not likely that it can be built out of the rows of G so it will not be unique suppose we pick a average that is not unique is it of any use? Part 3 bounding localized averages even though they are nonunique we will now show if we can put weak bounds on m they may translate into stronger bounds on <m> example with so example with so nonunique but suppose mi is bounded 0 > mi > 2d1 smallest α3= -d1 largest α3= +d1 smallest α3= -d1 largest α3= +d1 (2/3) d1 > <m> > (4/3)d1 smallest α3= -d1 largest α3= +d1 (2/3) d1 > <m> > (4/3)d1 bounds on <m> tighter than bounds on mi the question is how to do this in more complicated cases Part 4 The Linear Programming Problem the Linear Programming problem the Linear Programming problem flipping sign switches minimization to maximization flipping signs of A and b switches to ≥ in Business quantity of each product profit unit profit maximizes physical limitations of factory government regulations etc no negative production care about both profit z and product quantities x in our case first minimize then maximize m not needed <m> Gm=d a bounds on m care only about <m>, not m In MatLab Example 1 simple data kernel one datum sum of mi is zero bounds |mi| ≤ 1 average unweighted average of K model parameters bounds on absolute value of weighted bound onaverage |<m>| 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 width K 14 16 18 20 bounds on absolute value of weighted bound onaverage |<m>| 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 width K if you know that the sum of 20 things is zero and if you know that the things are bounded by ±1 then you know the sum of 19 of the things is bounded by about ±0.1 bounds on absolute value of weighted bound onaverage |<m>| 1.5 1 0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 width K for K>10 <m> has tigher bounds than mi Example 2 more complicated data kernel dk weighted average of first 5k/2 m’s bounds 0 ≤ mi ≤ 1 average localized average of 5 neighboring model parameters 1.5 1 0 2 width, w 4 depth, z zi 6 8 10 j 0.5 G j mtrue dobs = i i -0.5 0 = ≈= mi (zm i) (B) (A) (A) 2 width, w 4 i depth, z zi i = 6 8 10 complicated G but reminiscent of Laplace Transform kernel j 1.5 0 = ≈= 1 0 j 0.5 G mi (zm i) (B) mtrue -0.5 dobs (A) 2 width, w 4 i depth, z zi i = 6 8 10 j true mi increased with depth zi 1.5 0 = ≈= 1 0 j 0.5 G mi (zm i) (B) mtrue -0.5 dobs (A) 1.5 1 0 j 0.5 G mi (zm i) (B) mtrue -0.5 dobs 0 2 width, w = ≈= 4 i depth, z zi i = 6 8 10 j minimum length solution (A) 1.5 1 0 j 0.5 G mi (zm i) (B) mtrue -0.5 dobs 0 2 width, w = ≈= 4 i depth, z zi i = 6 8 10 lower bound j on solution upper bound on solution (A) 1.5 1 0 j 0.5 G mi (zm i) (B) mtrue -0.5 dobs 0 2 width, w = ≈= 4 i depth, z zi i = 6 8 10 lower bound j on average upper bound on average