Study tour in the Province of Treviso (output 3.3.4) Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 1 The present document was elaborated in the frame of the ‘MANERGY - Paving the way for self-sufficient regional energy supply based on sustainable energy concepts and renewable energy sources’ project, financed by the CENTRAL EUROPE programme of the European Union. Duration of the project: 1 May 2011 – 30 Apr 2014. Output number: 3.3.4 The project The Kyoto protocol, the EU 2020 Strategy and several further commitments force the states of CE to rationalize their energy consumption and reduce the fossil energy sources in their energy mix in favour of renewables. MANERGY assists the CE area in achieving these goals by setting its general objective: supporting the responsible use of the environmental potentials of CE by promoting sustainable approaches to environment friendly energy source management, including an increase in renewable energy use and significant reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions. As urban areas represent more than two thirds of the energy consumption of the EU, the role of local authorities in energy saving is significant. This tendency is fostered by the central governments in all countries, urging the public authorities to cut their expenses by rationalizing their overhead costs. MANERGY partners aid local authorities to answer this challenge and pave the way for the self-sufficient regional energy supply. Therefore the project has set the specific objectives of elaborating innovative transnational method for local authorities to raise their energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable sources; setting up transnational network to assist the implementation of this process; transferring the elaborated tools for enhanced renewable energy use to regional/local levels and support preparations of practical energy applications; providing a clear picture for decision makers and transferring the energy concepts to regional/national policies; raising awareness on the benefits of renewable energy supply and energy efficiency. Based on the similarities in the energy supply of the partners, transnational cooperation offers the opportunity for direct exchange on the needs and future aspirations related to these topics. In the CE area currently there is no such official transnational level forum which would deal with these issues. The regions and local authorities are mostly the ones who implement the different approaches of energy use, on the other hand they in themselves separately are not strong stakeholders to have their voice heard in order to shape the system. By its transnational approach the project will transfer its results to other CE cities and also support the forming EU’s energy policy. Besides, transnational cooperation gives that chance for local authorities - which would not have otherwise the possibility to access to a wide range of know-how - to improve their energy management by benefiting from best practices of other CE countries. MANERGY involves institutions with the competence and capacity to the specific objectives. The development agencies and the province have the capacity to develop and implement local/regional policies to support the efficient public energy consumption and increased use of renewables. The scientific and expert institutions have expertise’s in the research and evaluation of the use of the regenerative energy sources, in these cases the implementation of the elaborated tools will be ensured also by associated institutions. WP1 ensures the smooth cooperation and manage all project activities; WP2 spreads the results at 3 interregional conferences, 2 EU events, 1 website, 2 brochures, 6 newsletters and several media appearances. In WP3 energy consumption of local authorities and the renewable energy sources is mapped and supported by a digital map. Regional energy concepts will match the demand and supply optimally, a comparative study and a transnational tool of defining energy concepts will be worked out and ‘illustrated’ by a case study booklet. To amend the organisational structure of implementing the concepts, WP4 analyses the requirements of setting up energy agencies that will be compared in a transnational study. Partners also deliver business plans for the EAs. WP5 will test the transnational tool and implement regional concepts in practice by local concepts and action plans. [WP: work package, that is a set of coherent activities] Further information: Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 2 Treviso – Ponte San Martino Power Station Location Province Region Year of construction Type Power N. of generators Height Flow rate Yearly energy production Turbines Treviso Treviso Veneto 1917 Hydroelectric 0,4 MW 2 2,15 m 26,5 m³/sec 1,7 GWh Kaplan (horizontal axis) Small hydro power station in the city center of Treviso, on the Sile river. Originally built in 1917, restructured in 1960. Sile (river) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Sile (Venetian: Sil) is a 95 km river in northern Italy. Its resurgent springs are near Vedelago (Province of Treviso) and it flows into the Venetian lagoon at the port of Piave Vecchia. It meets its tributary the Botteniga, or Cagnan, at Treviso. Dante’s Cunizza da Romano prophesies the fate of Rizzardo da Camino—he was apparently murdered at a game of chess—, locating it at this confluence:[1] e dove Sile e Cagnan s'accompagna, tal signoreggia e va con la testa alta, che già per lui carpir si fa la ragna. —Dante Alighieri, Paradiso, IX.49-51 (And where the Cagnan and the Sile meet, there’s one in power who goes with head held high: the net to catch him is already made.) Notes 1. ^ See Henry Francis Cary’s footnotes to his translation, 3rd edn. c.1844. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 3 Retrieved from "" Categories: Rivers of Veneto Province of Venice Province of Treviso Veneto geography stubs This page was last modified on 12 October 2012 at 13:04. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 4 Overview of the Piave river and all the Hydroelectric plants connected Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 5 Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 6 Quero Hydroelectric Power Station Location Province Region Year of construction Type Power Height Flow rate Yearly energy production N. of generators Turbines Quero Belluno Veneto 1960 Hydroelectric 30 MW 58,9 m 60 m3/sec 173,1 GWh 2 Francis (vertical axis) Arch. Ohannés Gurekian The plant was built between 1957 and 1960 on the Piave River, whose total catchment area is approximately 1474 km² wide, and feeds an important system of hydroelectric plants (see separate detailed scheme) with a total installed power of approx. 650 MW and a total yearly production of approx. 2300 GWh. Inside there are two production units (Francis turbines) of the total power of 30 MW, that can produce energy for the average annual needs to approximately 50.000 households. At the end of the production cycle a spillway over 1 km long returns the waters used by entering them directly into the stilling basin of the canal Brentella Pederobba, from which begins a complex system derivations to a multiple use. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 7 Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 8 Part of the system – in pictures with explanation Load tank – the grid (serves to avoid that materials of a certain size arrive in the turbines) and the bar screen to clean the grid. Loading tank – mechanisms for raising the gates at the entrance of the penstocks (pressure pipeline) Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 9 Penstock/pressure pipeline Pipe union human entrance Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 10 Venturi meter Rotary valve (open allows you to inject the water into the chamber in a spiral, enclosed design prevent the passage of water) Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 11 Vacuum tube – diffuser (connects the room with the spiral drains) Rotor type Francis Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 12 Inside the room spiral (on the right you can see the vanes of the distributor) Alternators (electric machines that convert mechanical energy into electrical energy) Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 13 Map of the system Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 14 The electricity produced by the alternator is sent to a static machine, transformer, which raises the voltage from 10.000 volts to 130.000 volts for transmission lines. The transformation allows the transport of the electricity and minimize losses and costs. The energy produced is placed on the network to 130kV power station adjacent to the station, which is connected to the national grid through a number of two power lines. In this station is also a stall of transformation from 130 to 20 kV which feeds the primary cabin distribution. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 15 I.S.I.S.S “GIUSEPPE VERDI” – GREEN SCHOOLS Introduction The study carried out in Treviso in the framework of Manergy - WP3 activities for drafting of the Regional Energy Concept, has shown that small investments, with a relatively short payback time, are probably the most effective way to promote a widespread use of energy saving and renewable sources technology in public owned buildings. A short payback time enables to perform a relevant number of small investments in the framework of an “energy performance” contract, or EPC, with no need of initial investments, as initial investments are paid by the contractor, and paid back through the savings achieved in the contract duration time. In this way a large number of buildings and consequently of users can take advantage of the technological innovation. In the case of school buildings there are two more advantages. The first is the possibility of involving frequent users (students, teachers, headmasters) in activating the correct use of buildings and facilities, with a potential additional savings. The second is the educational function carried out in this way, and the consequent multiplication effect through virtuous behaviors that students themselves will take in the future. In this context, the Province of Treviso has developed an interesting experience in management of its property portfolio, mainly consisting in buildings for the Higher Secondary Education. This experience aims to achieve significant savings in two different but concurrent ways: Through a set of technological actions, based on high efficiency heat production and on renewable energy sources; Through a communication plan for the active involvement of users in the correct and responsible utilization of buildings and systems. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 16 Context description The Province of Treviso is an administrative entity of intermediate level between Regions and Municipalities. It covers a territory of 2.476 sqKm with a population of 889.000 inhabitants, and is in charge of specific tasks related to the management of the inter-municipalities territory and of the whole province territory. In cooperation with municipalities, the Province promotes, coordinates and implements specific actions in different sectors such as economic, productive, commercial and tourism, as well as social, cultural and sports. For management of its property portfolio, consisting predominantly of buildings for the Higher Secondary Education, the Province of Treviso has adopted for years as main tool the “Global Service” outsourcing formula. The recent award of a new contract for the five years 2011 - 2016, fits in this context. The actual consistence of the real estate portfolio is shown in the table below: Real-estate portfolio of the Province of Treviso Number of Tipologia buildings Total surface (m2) Thermal Energy N. of users consumption (GWh/year) School buildings 132 454.000 34,5 41.000 Office buildings 18 24.600 2,5 600 The buildings are located in 13 different municipalities belonging to the territory of the province of Treviso. The new experience suggests strong innovation elements, such as an emphasis on the role that the user can actively play in the management process of public buildings, and a performance contractual formula for energy management (EPC – Energy Performance Contract) which will improve energy efficiency through a number of major technological investments already fixed in the contract awarding after public competitive tendering. The project that led to the new service has been initially identified as "third generation Global Service" or "GS 3.0" to emphasize the continuity with a Facility Management outsourcing experience started over twelve years ago, has been recently renamed as “Green Facility Management”. The word “Green” in this context includes not only the aims of energy efficiency, which are still present in a very large number of facility management contracts, but includes particularly the ways through which these aims are pursued. The objectives in this case are certainly wider than those of a simple maintenance or energy performance contract, and are certainly higher than those emerging from the mere energy balances. We can summarize the objectives of this project of Green Facility Management for a School Buildings portfolio in the following five points: 1. Reduce energy consumption and environmental impact; 2. Stimulate energy production through renewable sources; 3. Operate only through small investments; 4. Create a more livable and friendly school environment; 5. Increase teaching and educational effectiveness. The first two objectives are essential to achieve economical sustainability, exploiting all the opportunities arising from a rationalization in the management of energy sources. The containment of investments is another essential requirement, especially in the context of a short period contract, which does not allow enough time to cover larger scale investments. The next two goals allow, through the involvement of people and increasing awareness, an important contribution in limiting energy consumption, and improve specific elements such as absenteeism, Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 17 productivity, school performance, just to name a few. Besides, they play an important educational role in terms of inducing awareness on energy and environmental sustainability in young people. Technological innovation and social innovation in GFM In GFM traditional technological tools for energy saving are combined with elements of technological and social innovation1. Elements of innovation can be an added value in a GFM project, helping to meet the earlier mentioned objectives with a smaller or at least a different effort than in a traditional approach. The goal is to rethink the role of maintenance in facility management, considering the active management of the building by people who live there and not giving up, then, the contribution that this very important part of people can give, both in a positive and negative sense (the latter when users do not cooperate or worse they are a source of waste and losses) for the optimal use of available resources. ICT and Smart Metering play a basic role in this context, as they are the means through which people involved at various levels in the building management process are made aware of the results produced by their efforts. Users (students and teachers in the case of school buildings)are obviously considered among them, as in the context of GFM they are actively involved in the building management process, together with Owners and Space Managers (Local Authorities and Headmasters in the case of school buildings). Carrying out the GFM project Figure 1: GFM project - phases and results of technological innovation and social innovation in figure 1the 5 steps of a typical GFM project are shown. Along each step the expected results from the two different elements of innovation are put into evidence. The following steps are represented: 1. Define, in which the project objectives are developed , defined a set and pursued a process of development of your needs. In this phase should be made an effort to identify the elements that will be measured during the service in order to structure the paths of improvement and optimization. 2. Design, in which the private partner is identified through public procurement procedure, the technical and commercial contract is signed, the project team of client and supplier(joint committee) is appointed, and its operational modalities to manage the subsequent stages are set down. 3. Implementation. In this step all the transformations assumed by the customer in the phase of define and by the supplier during the design phase are carried out. At present the GFM Treviso project is at the beginning of the implementation phase. 1Social innovation is about new ideas that work to address pressing unmet needs. We simply describe it as innovations that are both social in their ends and in their means. Social innovations are new ideas (products, services and models) that simultaneously meet social needs (more effectively that alternatives) and create new social relationships or collaborations (Open Book of Social Innovation, Murray, Calulier-Grice and Mulgan, March 2010) Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 18 The transformations include: a. Technological improvements of existing heating systems; b. Installation of new systems; c. Implementation of computer systems; d. Remote control systems and automation (smart metering); e. Creation of a service agreement between owners and users; f. Implementing a communication plan; g. Training Installation of smart metering systems at this stage is the basis for the whole process improvement and optimization. The smart metering systems will be applied both to thermal and electrical energy consumption measurement. The next steps are: 4. Consolidation, necessary step in any change management process, as is indeed the GFM, arrives after the great turbulence flow from the preceding stage where they have been triggered all the changes, with the purpose of consolidating the processes and results. Savings achieved in previous periods and habits have now become part of daily lifestyles, and you can measure the benefits. 5. Going, when the innovation process has been completed, and new goals can be set. In the same fig. 1 savings achievable through the application GFM are shown, and a distinction between different contributions of technological and social innovation is made. The two effects Qt (technological) and Qs (social) are easily measurable, provided they are known, as defined in the Define phase. The parameters to be measured are typically power consumption, heat, water, waste products. How can the ongoing project and Manergy positively affect each other? The GFM Treviso project looks to fit properly in the framework of Manergy, and both projects could positively affect each other. Specifically, GFM can help to demonstrate that the achievement of energy efficiency in a local community does not necessarily require significant investment. On the other hand, Manergy can contribute, within the communication plan of GFM to schools, to create consumer awareness that any action taken by the single individual or by a single community of users (school) can provide an important result towards energy self-sufficiency of a local community. Bortolomiol THE BORTOLOMIOL PROJECT FOR ORGANIC PRODUCTION Altre foto From their sense of responsibility as a leading producer of Prosecco Superiore and also fruit of a project for the creation of sustainable agriculture, Bortolomiol is experimenting with a new approach to growing – organic agriculture – in their own vineyards in the heart of Valdobbiadene. This is because they understand that the land must be protected so as to be passed on to future generations in the best possible health. Carlo Petrini (founder of Slow Food) explains that “Our food should be good, clean and right. Full of flavor, not damaging to the environment and not produced by over exploitation of either the farmers or the land”. The concept of Clean is what guides the Bortolomiol winery in their organic production project situated in the two hectares of vineyard they tend inside the Parco della Filandetta. The history of the silk mills (filande) and wine production was closely intertwined throughout the last century. Today the smallest silk mill in town, inside the Parco della Filandetta, has been lovingly restored and made into a tasting room which honors the women who lived and worked so hard there. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 19 Bortolomiol is dedicated to uniting their commitment to honoring this important part of local history with a project for sustainable agriculture which will safeguard the rural heritage of the area for the future. Wendell Berry, an American literary figure, cultural commentator and recipient of the National Humanities Medal, wrote that by sensitizing consumers you make them responsible and empower them to question the food industry and think about the future of nature itself, two concepts that are closely linked. In his words “We are all, by proxy, farmers and so we must carefully consider the kind of agriculture that we give our proxy to”. An understanding of this common responsibility for the land is what drives Bortolomiol in their project for organic, sustainable and low-impact cultivation. A project which is being piloted at home but is soon to be shared with all the growers who work with this pioneering winery. OUR HISTORY AND PASSION By Giuliana Bortolomiol The family-owned agricultural company is run entirely by Guiliana Bortolomiol who looks after the vineyards with passion and dedication. The oldest vines date back to 1950 while the most recent were planted in 1997 and 2005. Before 1997 her father Giuliano had full responsibility for looking after the vineyards. “I started working for the company in 1997. That was the year we expanded the vineyard with the first new planting. At that time my father and I agreed to look for new treatment products that would have a lower impact on the environment, and this was the beginning of our work towards sustainable cultivation. Since 2001 I’ve continued this work alone, always striving to find cultivation methods that respect the vines, the earth and the surrounding environment. This is because I’m convinced the earth provides better fruits if we have respect for it and respect means looking after it using low-impact, fully natural products and plants. The result is not only do we get better fruit but we also produce benefits for our own wellbeing. In 2008 I began a program of organic cultivation based on the expertise of Giovanni Pascarella and with the full support of Elvira and Gianfranco Zanon. After these first three years I’m really very satisfied with the quality and more than ever convinced I made the right choice both for the vines and for our own health. THE PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC VINEYARD CULTIVATION ITALIANO ENGLISH By Giovanni Pascarella Organic cultivation means adopting a series of ecologically sound agricultural practices which avoid harmful side effects and reduce the use of synthetic chemical products so as to improve the health of the environment and human wellbeing. This is a method of cultivation which not only impacts vine health by using Bordeaux mixture as a pesticide but governs the choice of training system, pruning, soil and inter-vine management, weed control, foliage management and everything else right up to harvest. The objective of organic cultivation is to arrive at a global production process that optimizes production quality while protecting the environment and improving human wellbeing. This strict production process requires constant attention in the vineyard to monitor the natural cycle of the vines and the development of any diseases or other problems. All of these factors are then carefully considered before any decision to intervene is taken as this is the only way to guarantee truly organic cultivation, or ius naturae, of the vineyard. THE NATURAL IUS NATURAE By Gianfranco Zanon IUS NATURAE, our new Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Brut made from organically grown grapes, is the natural consequence of the production philosophy of the Bortolomiol family who have always been keen to practice both sustainable and environmentally respectful winegrowing. Here their passion for the values of nature reaches new heights. During harvest two days are set aside purely for harvesting these grapes so as to guarantee absolute control over their quality and ripeness. The mousse is fine and persistent and the pale straw yellow color indicates the wine has great energy. An energy that we find both on the nose with its deep austere bouquet of fragrant fruity, flowery and mineral notes of acacia honey and almond flower as well as in the mouth. Here the sweetness is controlled and its zest, combined with a lovely freshness, brings a solid, vigorous and lasting flavor. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 20 Vald’Oca Wine center, arch. Devis Busato, arch. Rodrigo Masiero, arch. Matteo Pellizzari e arch. Caterina Santinello. Valdobbiadene is characterized by an irregular landscape of hills, with lands entirely covered by vines. In harmony with this context The “Cantina produttori Vald’Oca” wished to insert a new building next to the existing factory. The idea was to construct a building with focus on the environment, creating a space to promote the production for sale and tasting of wines products of the Vald’Oca wine production. The project began in September 2006 and the new building was taken into use in July 2011. The building has a surface of 3390 square meters, of which a footprint of 490 square meters of retail space and exhibition space on two levels above ground and underground storage. On the ground floor the building has spaces for the sale and display of products, while the first floor has a tasting room designed to accommodate indoor and outdoor events, wine and culture, and an administrative area. The building is provided with energy saving technologies and renewable energy sources which enable the building to be almost energy self-sufficient: The photovoltaic membrane in amorphous silicon placed on the roof is producing 17 kW, the geothermal system with reversible heat pump, the external insulation and the selective glazing windows. The project is also distinguished by the participation of local workers who used mostly recycled and certified materials. The main façade is covered by a surface of 620 sq.m. perforated aluminum panels supported by a metallic frame. The holes on the panels design a composition that looks like the bubbles in a prosecco glass. An RGB illumination system is placed behind the cover: during the night the façade becomes a luminous sign that changes color to announce special event organized by the vald’Oca company. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 21 Novalis, Steiner The Cooperative San Michele was founded in 1987 by a group of scholars of anthroposophy, the agricultural company San Michele in Manzana of Conegliano (TV) is made up of about 65 hectares, cultivated with the biodynamic method. There, vegetables, milk and eggs are produced. Besides the employees, there are numerous seasonal workers and interns that collaborate to learn and perfect the techniques of biodynamic farming. The elevated interest demonstrated by the pupils during frequent visits, has convinced the managers to expand its vocation in “farming didactic”, as well as the meeting place for alumni, students and families. The school The Steiner school in San Vendemiano has been designed and built, accompanied with great attention to its architectural shapes, colors and substances of building materials, as to all the technical solutions that contribute to the health of the building as well as the health of the users of the buildings. Some important technical aspects. The structural parts, except the roof, are concrete specially produced for this construction and consists purely of marl without the addition of other inert substances and chemical compounds normally present in commercial products. The bricks used are also certified and microporous with wood flour. The plasters are natural hydraulic lime and finish silicate based purely natural origin. The roof is made of wood and the coating of zinc-titanium cover. Beams and planks have achieved a fire resistance of 120 minutes with the impregnation of a solution to the boron salts certified, produced in England. The insulation package is constituted by a mattress in the rock wool of basalt origin (thickness 20 cm), and a double chamber ventilation. The insulation of the walls is constituted by an outer coat of cork (thickness 15 cm) and an inner lining of rock wool of basalt origin (thickness 2 cm) enclosed between the septum of concrete (thickness 25 cm) and an internal counter microporous brick (12 cm thick). The electrical system is shielded with a paint carbon earthed for the dispersion of the electric fields. The heating / cooling system is powered by an exchange of geothermal heat and consists of radiating bodies placed in the walls of classrooms and other areas in the floor of the school. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 22 Overall, the building will have a passive behavior that is configured in class A according to the criteria of the ClimaHouseAgency in the province of Bolzano. Manergy_Study tour fact sheets 23